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No Deficit of Hypocrisy!

© Lee Judge

Republicans are using the deficit to attack Obama and the Democrats, but they don’t actually care about the deficit. When asked how they would cut the deficit, their only ideas are to go back to the economic policies of the Bush administration. In fact, every Republican voted against Obama’s balanced budget law. And Republicans have been using this cynical tactic for a very long time. Will we ever learn?


Late Night Political Humor

“Leaked documents show that Pakistan has been taking American money and using it to fund the Taliban. The Pakistanis are denying it, and they’re like, ‘The Taliban bought those iPods with their own money.'” – Craig Ferguson

“The founder of WikiLeaks just released 91,000 classified documents about the war in Afghanistan, and he said he plans to post thousands more. I just wish he’d hurry, because I breezed through those first 91,000. It’s like waiting for the next Harry Potter.” – Jimmy Fallon

“WikiLeaks has 91,000 secret documents, but who has the time to read that? I can barely get through the instructions on a shampoo bottle.” – Craig Ferguson

“It turns out that our biggest ally in the region is Russia. With all due respect to Russia, it’s not the best place to get advice on how to win in Afghanistan.” –Craig Ferguson

“WikiLeaks has posted over 90,000 classified documents about the war in Afghanistan. The Pentagon is outraged, the White House is furious, but British Petroleum is relieved: ‘Finally, a leak we had nothing to do with.'” – Jay Leno

“The White House is very upset about a bunch of secret documents about the Afghanistan war that were leaked online. Out of habit, BP apologized.” – David Letterman

“Tony Hayward is stepping down as CEO of BP. They weren’t supposed to make the announcement yet, but of course, the news leaked.” – Craig Ferguson

“There were reports over the weekend that BP’s CEO Tony Hayward could resign within the next two days. Two days. Of course, in BP time, that’s like six months.” – Jimmy Fallon

“BP is firing its CEO, Tony Hayward. They’re negotiating a settlement for $18 million. Boy, that’ll teach him.” – David Letterman

“BP will replace Tony Hayward as CEO. He plans to spend more time at home spilling every liquid in his kitchen cabinet.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Shirley Sherrod was fired from her job at the Agriculture Department, then they said they made a mistake and offered to hire her back. Today, Gen. McChrystal asked if he could have his job back.” – Jay Leno

“Facebook now has more than 500 million users, which may help explain why unemployment is around 10 percent.” –Jimmy Kimmel

“Ford has moved ahead of Toyota in sales and they say they’re not stopping until they see even better results. Not stopping? That’s what screwed up Toyota.” – Jay Leno

“A woman from Washington is suing American Airlines for 5 million dollars after they lost her luggage. When the airline said that’s a ridiculous amount of money for luggage, she was like, ‘Now you know how we feel.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vice President Joe Biden has declared that the heavy lifting is over for the year, and it’s time to begin campaigning and talking about the White House’s accomplishments. The heavy lifting might be over, but it sounds like the heavy shoveling is just beginning.” – Jay Leno

“Violence struck at Comic-Con when an argument between two men resulted in one being arrested for stabbing the other with a pen. Which proved that the pen is mightier than the light saber.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There were 80,000 guys dressed as superheroes and no one stepped in to save him.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Axis of Stupidity

Newt Gingrich doesn’t think the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are bad enough. On Thursday, Gingrich twice said that the US should attack North Korea and Iran. But the best part is his reasoning — we need to finish what Dubya started when he created the phrase “Axis of Evil”:

I believe he was right but in fact could not operationalize what he said. That is, there was an Axis of Evil, Iran, Iraq, North Korea. Well we’re one out of three. And people ought to think about that. If Bush was right in January of 2002 — and by the way virtually the entire Congress gave him a standing ovation when he said it — then why is it that the other two parts of the Axis of Evil are still visibly, cheerfully making nuclear weapons? And it’s because we’ve stood at brink, looked over and thought, “Too big a problem.” If Franklin Roosevelt had done that in ‘41, either the Japanese or the Germans would have won.

When will people get tired of this “it’s us vs. them” attitude that has gotten us into so much trouble?


The Grand Obstructionist Party

© Keith Tucker

The next time a Republican politician claims to be pro-business, ask them why they killed a bill that would help small businesses get loans? I guess it is more important to keep the economy in the shambles so you can blame it on Obama.


The Blame Game

American politics has become a cynical blame game. The left-wing blames Obama for not doing enough, the right-wing blames Obama for everything (which is their coward’s strategy for getting votes, since it is easy to blame the party in power, and doesn’t require to to have any, um, ideas).

My favorite conservative, Andrew Sullivan has an excellent post today on this:

the sheer difficulties and resistance that Obama has met with – from the FNC propaganda channel to the balls-free liberal press to the utopian activist left and deranged radical right – is remarkable. … If you backed Obama and want to see real change continue, now is not the time to give up because it’s not as easy as you thought it would be. Now is the time to oppose the passionate intensity of his opponents with the reasoned conviction that elected him.

From The Grey Path:

Coming out of 2008 people were angry with the economic state of the country. Although Obama has made most of the right moves, keeping us out of an outright depression, he’s still being blamed the economy as it stands. Regardless of the Gulf oil spill being due to lax oversight by the Mineral and Mining Service under Bush and arrogance on the part of BP, Obama is being blamed for not swimming down and capping the well himself.

Between 1992 and 1994, Republicans and right-wing pundits stoked the growing anger from Bush-41’s violating his pledge not to raise taxes and redirected it toward Clinton and the Democratic Congress. Now, they’re stoking random anger just so people will be furious with the government and in a throw-the-bums-out mood in November.

From ‘Niceguy’ Eddie:

… blaming WHOMEVER IS IN OFFICE for all the world’s problems. These are the people who blamed Bush’41 for the ’92 recession that got Clinton elected, and who blame Obama for the current economic mess… which started under Bush’43… who ALSO wasn’t really responsible for it… (bet you didn’t expect me to say THAT!)… because the biggest single cause was the repeal of the Glass-Steagal act, which happened under Clinton… who also is not to blame, because it was legislation written by Republicans and based on the failed Libertarian Philosophy that the Right is still pushing to this day!

But we’ll give the last word to Jon Stewart, who observes that nothing Obama does will ever make conservative pundits happy:


War Secrets: on a need-to-owe basis

© Joel Pett


Late Night Political Humor

“A new poll shows that Congress’ approval rating is at a record low of 11 percent. The other 89 percent are going to withhold judgment until Congress actually does something.” – Jay Leno

“There’s a report that Kate Gosselin and Sarah Palin are taking their families camping together in Alaska. And it must be true, because Sarah Palin hasn’t refudiated it yet.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel was charged with multiple ethics violations. Members of Congress were stunned. They had no idea there was more than one ethic.” – Jay Leno

“Budget problems are so bad in Newark, New Jersey, that the mayor has ordered the government to stop buying toilet paper for public restrooms. They’re calling this the worst thing to happen to the state since ‘Jersey Shore.'” – Jay Leno


How to avoid racial profiling

© Clay Bennett

Here’s a good review of the latest legal wrangling.


Missing comments

There seems to be a bug that makes any comments sometimes appear, and sometimes not appear. I’m not having much luck tracking down the bug. Might be some kind of caching bug. My apologies.

It does seem that if you are logged on to the site, you will see the comments, and if you are not logged on, you might see them, you might see only some of them, or you might not see any comments at all. So if you really want to see comments, please log on (you can set up an account and don’t even have to supply an email address).


UPDATE: I might have fixed the problem (at least it appears to be fixed to me). So if you don’t see the comments, please let me know at

UPDATE 2: I haven’t heard any complaints, so I’m assuming everything is ok again.


Follow the money, if you can

© Tom Toles

The Republicans are filibustering a bill that would require political ads to disclose who funded them. Democrats need only a single vote to break the filibuster, but not a single Republican will support the bill. This bill is a small thing that would reverse some of the Supreme Court decision (“Citizen’s United“) that opened up the floodgates for corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on political ads, with no accountability.

I don’t think there could be a clearer signal of who owns the Republican Party, and whose interests they represent.


The Greedies vs. The Fairies

A post from ‘Niceguy’ Eddie got me thinking:

Since I don’t let an ideology do my thinking for me, I don’t really care what positions fall under which label. I really, just DON’T CARE. I’m not trying to Liberal here, I’m just trying to be RIGHT. (As in “correct,” not “wing.”) And the way I see our modern discourse going, there are really only two groups that matter:

One is very strictly and narrowly defined, … And to be in this crowd, you must accept EVERY bit of Dogma, even the ones that contradict other ones; you must swallow every lie, accepting every bit of obviously questionable evidence, and utterly reject ANY evidence or argument to the contrary of ANY point. What’s more you must accuse your opponents of committing all of the sins that you do, and you must HATE them, because they are “out to destroy this country.” You must believe in your own perfection and the perfection of your positions and that you have a mandate from God that justifies this belief. At worst, the weakest in this camp merely keep quiet, fail to criticise the big-talkers, and silently tell themselves that it will all, somehow be OK, since at least the OTHER GUY’S not winning.

Then there are the people who simply can’t abide this kind of insanity. And almost regardless of what positions they actually hold, the people in the first camp call them “Liberals” and demonize them.

So, from my POV, there are really only two schools of thought: Radical, Right-Wing Reactionary Authoritarianism…

…and those who reject it.

It seems obvious that the labels liberal and conservative have lost their meaning, if they ever had any meaning. If I support both abortion rights and gun rights, am I a liberal or a conservative? If I am pro-business but also in favor of single-payer health care, am I a liberal or a conservative?

“Niceguy” Eddie wants to divide us instead into authoritarian and those who are anti-authoritarian. There is some truth to this, since it helps explain things like how the right wing claims to love the constitution while repeatedly tearing it to shreads (and hating the ACLU, whose only purpose is to defend the constitution).

I like to think of these two categories as the “thinkers” and the “believers”. The believers accept dogma (even when it contradicts itself). They like people like Sarah Palin, and believe what she says even when she contradicts herself. They tend to be people of faith, so they believe other people of faith, even when those people are shown to be charlatans. The believers take things on faith, or base their opinions on how things make them feel.

The thinkers, obviously, are more intellectual. They like evidence. They are willing to change their minds based on new evidence. Their positions tend to be more nuanced, which makes them appear wishy-washy, or at least, not “strong”. Dubya was not a thinker, he was “the decider” and wasn’t particularly interested in evidence. He certainly didn’t like to read.

But there is another categorical division that might be even more important, based on greed. There are people who automatically have respect for those people with money or power, no matter how they got it. They are people like Joe the Plumber, who argued against taxing the rich, even though he was not rich. After all, the rich must be good, because they are rich! Interestingly, not all rich are greedy (i.e., George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet), and many greedies are not rich. The greedies hate all taxes — except of course that they love the military and are willing to spend lots of taxes on war, because they believe that war will give them more money and power.

The opposite of the greedies don’t have a name, but I’ll call them the “fairies”. They are more concerned with fairness and making the world a better place, than with making money. The fairies are in favor of social security because it provides a safety net for everyone (the greedies are in favor of social security because they want the money — they are the ones who tell the government to keep their hands off their social security). The fairies are in favor of single-payer health care (thinkers are in favor of single-payer health care, but because it provides better outcomes for less money). It bothers the fairies that the rich can buy justice. The fairies want the government to spend more money on public education, while the greedies want private schools, and they want the government to pay for them.

Greedies tend to associate with believers, although greedies often take advantage of believers (e.g., Fox News and the Tea Party). Fairies tend to associate with thinkers.


Jon Stewart on the Afghan Leaks

On the other side, there are reports that the leaked documents reveal the names, and sometimes the location, of Afghanis who worked as informants for the US military. If this is true, then lives will have been put in danger by these leaks.


Are leaks no longer surprising?

© Kevin Siers

The release of US military records on Afghanistan is being compared to the 1971 leak of the Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsburg, with one important difference. The media no longer cares, and even if they did, hardly anyone is surprised to learn that Afghanistan is a mess, or even that we may have committed and covered up war crimes.


Late Night Political Humor

“The brother of former President George Bush, Jeb Bush, is running for president. Yep, and the campaign slogan is, ‘I’m going to finish what my brother started.'” – David Letterman

“So Jeb Bush is running for president. I don’t know about the rest of the country, but thank God, ladies and gentlemen, the comedy recession is over!” – David Letterman

“Political experts and pundits and people who know the Bushes are saying that Jeb Bush is smarter than his brother. That’s damning with faint praise, isn’t it? Who the hell isn’t smarter than his brother, for God’s sake?” – David Letterman

“Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich did not testify at his trial. He wanted to testify, but he sold his seat at the court for $100,000.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama and his family are going on vacation in the Gulf Coast next month. Of course, the Gulf Coast is a lovely place to sit back and relax — just ask BP.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Have you guys seen this show ‘White House Apprentice?’ It’s a lot like the other ‘Apprentice,’ but on this one, when the boss fires you, he offers you your job back a day later.” – Jay Leno

“Happy birthday to former Sen. Bob Dole. He’s 175 years old today.” – Jay Leno

“Starbucks’ profits went up 37 percent in the third quarter of this year. They say they owe the increase to their new strategy of opening a Starbucks inside an existing Starbucks.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Britney Spears has been giving her support to Mel Gibson throughout the scandal, which is ironic because Mel’s latest tape is called, ‘Oops, I did it again.'” – Jay Leno

“Facebook now has 500 million users. The previous record holder was heroin.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Thank Goodness this is not how it works in our world

© Tom Tomorrow
