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Quote the Internet, Nevermore

© August J. Pollak

On the internet, everyone is an expert.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama had a 24-hour vacation on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Some Republicans are attacking him for not staying longer. They have a point. President Bush used to vacation for weeks at a time.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The president was there to promote tourism in the Gulf. He even jumped into the Gulf to prove it was safe. Unfortunately, he did a cannonball right onto a pelican.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The White House is defending President Obama’s sports activities over the past week, saying that everyone needs leisure time. Thanks to these economic policies, 9.5 percent of Americans have all the leisure time they need.” – Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, the Obamas are thinking about taking their next vacation in the United States.” – Jay Leno

“Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have reaching a custody agreement. Neither of them is allowed to say anything bad about the other parent or the other parent’s family in front of Tripp. So basically nobody is allowed to speak in front of Tripp.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Fertility clinics in England say they are facing a nationwide donor shortage and are looking for international sperm donors. Finally a job Levi Johnston is actually qualified for.” – Jay Leno

“According to U.S. and Iraqi commanders, if the U.S. pulls out of Iraq, their borders will be vulnerable and they won’t be able to stop anyone from entering their country. Well, join the club.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama may be willing to meet with Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. How does that make the governor of Arizona feel? The president won’t meet with her, but a four-foot tall Holocaust-denier in a Members Only jacket? No problem.” – Jay Leno

“Al-Jazeera’s English-speaking channel was nominated for an International Emmy. On the red carpet, Joan Rivers will be like, ‘Who are you wearing? And why is it ticking?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In ‘The Expendables,’ Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger beat up Sylvester Stallone for convincing them to invest in Planet Hollywood.” – Craig Ferguson

“Schwarzenegger was only in the movie for five minutes, but during that five minutes, he achieved more than in all his years as governor.” – Craig Ferguson

“When Schwarzenegger heard the title ‘The Expendables,’ he thought it was in reference to California’s teachers.” – Craig Ferguson


How Marriage Will Actually Be Destroyed

© Jen Sorensen

Personally, I’m not sure there is much left to be destroyed.


In fairness to Muslims

[from Jason Mustian]

In fairness, we’ve been building ‘ground zeros’ near Iraqi mosques since March 2003.

UPDATE: Really great rant on this issue over at The Daily Beast, titled “America has Disgraced Itself”. I would try to excerpt it, but you really need to read the whole thing. It is fairly short and to the point. If you ever asked the question “what could be worse than a neo-con” you need to read it.


Are you a sucker?

Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

This is a short anti-fascism film from 1947. How soon we forget the lessons we paid such a high price to learn.

So, the next time some politician, pundit, media personality, or spokesperson for the rich or powerful tries to divide us by blaming our problems on some minority, will you be a sucker? Ask yourself, what’s in it for them?

For example, when the governor of Arizona pushes a law that requires the police to detain anyone they suspect of being an illegal alien, should it surprise you to find out that her staff has close ties to the private prison industry, who will make money from the extra detainees?

The only thing that has changed is the groups that are being blamed for our problems. In addition to traditional scapegoats, like jews and blacks, the people who want to divide us are now going after other, easier targets that are harder to defend, like “muslim terrorists”, “recreational drug users”, and “illegal aliens”. It doesn’t matter that these new groups are actual problems, since by blowing up the problem they can use it to divide us and gain power. Why else would the Arizona governor tell lies about decapitated bodies, drug mules, and rising crime? Not because these things are actual problems, but because it increases her political power and puts money into the pockets of her supporters. And while she claims to be protecting you from these illegal aliens, the real result is that the law is found unconstitutional and the economy of her state is worsened by scaring away tourists.


Corporate Personhood, for better or worse?

[reprinted from Deciminyan]

Back in December, 2008, Massey Energy, which was responsible for the recent mine disaster in West Virginia, pleaded guilty to criminal charges in the deaths of two miners two years prior.

Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that corporations are the same as people, shouldn’t Massey get the same penalty as a person who commits the same crime? Of course, you can’t incarcerate a corporation, nor can you give it a lethal injection. So what penalty would be appropriate to punish the “personhood” of Massey Energy? Should the CEO get jail time? Should the Board of Directors? Or, is a corporation not really the same as a person?

Massey was fined $4.2 million for the 2008 crime. Their income was almost $3 billion in 2008. This would be the same as a $98 fine for a person who was found guilty of causing two deaths and whose income was $70,000 per year. Hardly seems just.

Will Massey ever be punished as severely as a flesh-and-blood person? File this under “When pigs can fly.”


The people conservatives love to hate

The conservative Right Wing News asked conservative bloggers to select the 25 worst figures in American history. As they put it:

Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history — have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst was? Well, we here at RWN wondered about that, too, and that’s why we decided to email more than a hundred bloggers to get their opinions.

And here are their results, in reverse rank, followed by the number of votes that person received as the worst of the worst:
23) Saul Alinsky (7)
23) Bill Clinton (7)
23) Hillary Clinton (7)
19) Michael Moore (7)
19) George Soros (8)
19) Alger Hiss (8)
19) Al Sharpton (8)
13) Al Gore (9)
13) Noam Chomsky (9)
13) Richard Nixon (9)
13) Jane Fonda (9)
13) Harry Reid (9)
13) Nancy Pelosi (9)
11) John Wilkes Booth (10)
11) Margaret Sanger (10)
9) Aldrich Ames (11)
9) Timothy McVeigh (11)
7) Ted Kennedy (14)
7) Lyndon Johnson (14)
5) Benedict Arnold (17)
5) Woodrow Wilson (17)
4) The Rosenbergs (19)
3) Franklin Delano Roosevelt (21)
2) Barack Obama (23)
1) Jimmy Carter (25)

What I find interesting about this list is that over half the people on it are still alive and kicking, which to me shows the partisan focus of these conservatives. I mean, Carter and Obama are the number one and two worst people in all of American history? Every single one of the current Democratic leadership makes the list? Seriously? But John Hinckley, Jr., who shot conservative patron saint Ronald Reagan, didn’t even make the cut?


News Addiction

© Lee Judge


Who would have thought that Bush read more books as president than Obama

If you can believe Karl Rove, he and Bush had a friendly competition to see who could read more books each year. According to Rove, Bush read 95 books in 2006, 51 in 2007, and 40 in 2008. That’s an average of more than one book a week over 3 years.

Apparently, Obama is not nearly so well read. According to New York Times reporter Michael Powell, Obama is finding that he has little time to read:

I got talking to him about what he reads and was telling me about these different policy tomes. And I said, “Well, yeah, but come on. I’m out here on the campaign trail with you, you’re up even earlier than I am, and I’ve been carrying around this Philip Roth book with me for two months and I’m yet to even crack it.” He actually laughed at that point, and said, “Yeah, you have very little chance to really read. I basically floss my teeth and watch Sports Center.”

UPDATE: Rove probably anticipated people assuming that Bush was counting such books as “My Pet Goat” so he listed many of the books Bush read, and they do appear to be legit. That is of course, assuming that you can believe anything Rove says.


Desert Island Democracy

© Ruben Bolling

Question: what’s the difference between democracy and mob rule?


Individual liberties have become corporate liberties

If there was ever any doubt who the Tea Party is fighting for, it isn’t you. Yes, I know, they pretend that they are fighting for regular American people, but I guess they were confused by the recent Supreme Court ruling, because is seems like the “people” they are fighting for aren’t actual people, they are corporations.

A coalition that includes thirty-five tea party groups sent a letter to the FCC that is strongly against net neutrality. Their reasoning? Because net neutrality would limit the free speech rights of corporations (namely, the big telecoms that control the backbone of the internet).

But what got me really going was a quote from Jamie Radtke, the chairman of the Virginia Tea party Patriot Federation (one of the groups that signed the letter to the FCC). Radtke says:

There are so many assaults on individual liberties — the EPA, net neutrality, cap-and-trade, card-check; the list goes on — that sometimes the Tea Party doesn’t know where to start its battles.

In case you didn’t notice, none of those things she mentions are really “individual liberties”, they are all big issues that multinational corporations oppose. The tea party may not realize it, but they have been co-opted by large powerful corporations.

In other words, they are either frauds or they are corporate tools.


Late Night Political Humor

“Everyone is talking about Steven Slater, the flight attendant who cursed at a passenger, grabbed two beers, and slid down the escape slide, in what may be the best resignation ever. In fact he’s so good at quitting, they’re thinking about making him the next governor of Alaska.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It could be the first time in history that someone has been arrested for going down an inflatable slide.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If anyone is looking for a job, there’s an opening for a flight attendant at JetBlue. … Steven Slater, the famous JetBlue flight attendant, dropped so many F-bombs on that plane that he got a thumbs up from Joe Biden.” – Jay Leno

“Health officials in Oregon have shut down a 7-year-old girl’s lemonade stand because she didn’t have a license. Officials haven’t issued a statement yet. They’re busy popping balloon animals and stomping on sand castles.” – Craig Ferguson

“Levi Johnston is running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. The current mayor said Levi Johnston should get his high school diploma and keep his clothes on if he wants to win. And then Levi was like, ‘Dude, he just told me how to win. What an idiot.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The New Orleans Saints visited the White House. They presented President Obama with a Saints jersey with the number 44, in honor of his approval rating.” – Jay Leno

“The Mexican Supreme Court ruled that all Mexican states must recognize same-sex marriages registered in Mexico City. So men can now marry in Mexico, but they still can’t honeymoon in Arizona.” – Jimmy Kimmel


The Road to Recovery

© Matt Bors

Just how stupid are we?


Late Night Political Humor

“A JetBlue flight attendant cursed out passengers, grabbed two beers, slid down the chute and took off. The pilots were furious. Those were their last two beers.” – Jay Leno

“This flight attendant really went crazy. The good news: terrorists are now afraid to fly.” – Jay Leno

“Levi Johnston is planning to run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. He really is trying as hard as he can to get shot by Sarah Palin, isn’t he?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Levi Johnston is running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Ironically, many of the babies he’ll kiss on the campaign trail will be his own.” – Jay Leno

“Mel Gibson’s father is speaking out, claiming that the Pope is a homosexual. It might be a good time for the whole Gibson family to go to a monastery and take a vow of silence.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The New Orleans Saints visited the White House yesterday. That’s an interesting switch, people from New Orleans visiting a disaster area.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama announced this month that he created 70,000 new jobs. The bad news is, they are all vacation planners for him and his family.” – Jay Leno

“The U.S. Postal Service reported a $3.5 billion loss in the last quarter, which established it as the federal government’s most successful enterprise.” – Jay Leno

“Plans are being finalized for Mexico’s bicentennial. On Sept. 15, over 70 million Mexicans will celebrate, and that’s just in Los Angeles.” – Jay Leno



© August J. Pollak

Well, aren’t we exceptional?
