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Glenn Greenwald makes the point that the “mosque” debate is not a distraction

A few days ago, I said I wasn’t going to talk about the Park51 Islamic cultural center (aka the “Ground Zero Mosque”), because it was being used as a distraction by the Republican party. But Glenn Greenwald makes the point that this has grown far beyond a simple distraction, and is showcasing growing American religious intolerance, hatred of “the other”, and Islamophobia.

The main evidence? A anti-mosque rally held yesterday in Manhattan, that turned ugly. A black man who merely looked slightly Muslim is threatened and attacked. The crowd yells “Mohammed’s a pig”. A student carrying a sign that says “Religious tolerance is what makes America great” is also threatened. And if this is really just about “ground zero” then why are communities trying to stop the building of mosques in other cities?

Are Americans really that stupid that they blame the actions of a few terrorists on all Muslims? Should all Christians be blamed for the actions of the Ku Klux Klan?


No Birth Certificate? What about no Mouth?

[Satire from Andy Borowitz]

In what might be the most serious challenge to Barack Obama’s legitimacy as President, a new poll shows that one out of five Americans are not convinced that Mr. Obama exists.

The poll, conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, reveals that 23 percent of those surveyed “strongly agreed” with the statement, “I believe that Barack Obama’s birth was faked, just like the moon landing.”

The poll results coincide with the recent rise of the so-called “Exister” movement, a group who believes that Mr. Obama is an optical illusion created by the Democratic Party to raise taxes and bail out banks.

“The Birthers say that Obama’s lack of a birth certificate means he was born in Kenya,” says Jerrilene Rance, a leading Exister. “We believe it’s proof that he was never born.”

Ms. Rance says that while President George W. Bush was criticized for disappearing every August, “Obama is never there to begin with.”

Appearing Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) made comments about Mr. Obama’s existence that only stoked the controversy.

“I’ve spoken to him face-to-face, and I take him at his word that he exists,” he said. “Unless of course I was talking to a hologram.”

At the White House, spokesman Robert Gibbs brushed aside a question about the President’s existence, saying that Mr. Obama had “no comment.”

Exister leader Jerrilene Rance offered this response: “The reason he has no comment is that he has no mouth.”


Sure, I Take Afghanistan Seriously!

© Tom Tomorrow


Colbert Celebrates Victory in Iraq

UPDATE: Dennis Kucinich compares the Iraq “exit” to Bush’s “mission accomplished”.


Is the cold war over yet? (if we won, why are we dying?)

[reprinted from Yahoo tech|ticker]

America Won the Cold War But Now Is Turning Into the USSR, Gerald Celente Says

There’s a lot of talk these days about America being an empire in decline. Gerald Celente, director of the Trends Research Institute, goes a step further, arguing America is following a similar path as the former Soviet Union.

“While the many glaring differences between the two political systems have been exhaustively publicized – especially in the U.S. – the glaring similarities [go] unnoticed,” Celente writes in The Trends Journal, which he publishes.

In the accompanying video, Celente describes some of these similarities, including:

A rotten political system: He compares politicians (Democrats and Republicans alike) to “Mafioso” and says campaign contributions are really thinly disguised “bribes and payoffs.”

Crony capitalism: Like in the USSR of old, Celente laments that so much of America’s wealth (93%) is controlled by such a small portion of its population (10%). Owing to that concentration of wealth, the government makes policies designed to reward “the bigs” at the expense of average citizens (see: Bailouts, banks).

Military-industrial complex: The USSR went bankrupt fighting the cold war and Celente fears the U.S. is “squandering its greater but still finite resources on a gargantuan defense budget, fighting unwinnable hot wars and feeding an insatiable military stationed on hundreds of bases worldwide.”

As with many observers, Celente thinks America will suffer the same fate in Afghanistan as the USSR, the British Empire, Alexander the Great and all others who’ve ventured into the “graveyard of empires.”

The irony, of course, is that while America defeated Soviet Communism and won the Cold War, perhaps our greatest threat today comes from China and its booming state-controlled economy.


The History of Illegal Immigration

© Lee Judge

PolitiFact on “anchor babies” and whether illegal immigrants “drop and leave”.


New Proof that 20% of Americans are Below Average

The recent poll results that nearly one in five Americans believe (incorrectly) that Obama is a Muslim is just more evidence that a small but significant percent of Americans will believe just about any cockamamie story.

Of course, it doesn’t help when you have people like Rev. Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham) spouting nonsense like this on ABC:

I think the president’s problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name.

Nevermind the truth — that Obama’s father was an atheist, not a Muslim. Not to mention that if being given an Islamic name makes you Islamic, then everyone named Jesus (or David or Ruth) must be a Jew. And if the seed of Islam is passed through the father and the seed of Judiasm is passed through the mother, then what is the child of a Muslim man and a Jewish woman? Or as PZ Myers speculates, are the offspring of Muslim women with Jewish men automatically atheists?

The Washington Post points out some other crazy ideas that polls show are believed by 20% of the population, including that socialism is superior to capitalism, that torture is a good idea, that states have the right to secede from the US (what civil war?), and that aliens from outer space have made contact with humans. In fact, 20% admit to peeing in swimming pools, which shows you just the kind of people we are dealing with here.

I won’t say what kind of people, but it is interesting that if you only consider conservative Republicans, 34% of them believe Obama is Muslim. That’s one third who believe a lie. Not reported was what percentage of Fox News viewers believe this nonsense.

UPDATE: I take it all back. The Guardian has proof that Obama is a closet Muslim.


The Politics of Distraction (part 2)

© Matt Wuerker


Well, that solves the problem of who to blame

© Barry Deutsch

Blaming those people who don’t look like you — a winning strategy since WWII.


Is the cold war over yet?

I believe that we should end the embargo against Cuba, not because I like the Castro brothers and their government, but because the embargo is counter-productive. In fact, the US embargo is ironically the main reason Fidel and Raul have been able to remain in power, long past the expiration date of communism in the rest of the world. They use it like Republicans have used the fear of Muslim terrorism to whip up the peasants.

As the Boston Globe points out, there are no Soviet missiles in Cuba, there are no longer Cuban troops fighting in Angola, and the cold war is now stone cold. America kissed and made up with Viet-nam — our other major communist domino — but we don’t seem to be able to make up with Cuba. Can’t we learn from our mistakes?

I hope the Obama administration goes ahead with easing travel restrictions to Cuba, but even that just takes us back to the way things were before Dubya (the sabre-rattler-in-chief) ramped up the rhetoric against our tiny neighbor. Bush’s added restrictions did absolutely no good, and probably lengthened the life of the Castros’ regime.

If we are really interested in seeing freedom and democracy in Cuba, we should end the embargo as soon as possible.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama was in Hollywood for a star-studded fundraiser. They raised a million dollars and converted him to Scientology.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The president’s security left traffic in Los Angeles paralyzed. It took some people two hours to get home from work, when it usually only takes 96 minutes.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I don’t understand why the president has to drive. He could just flap his ears and fly anywhere.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“After three weeks of jury deliberations, Rod Blagojevich was convicted yesterday on only one of the 24 counts against him. The one count he was convicted for? Transporting illegally silky hair across state lines.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“He could get up to five years, though that’s very unlikely. He’ll probably do somewhere between Lindsay Lohan and Lil Wayne.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Can you imagine Rod Blagojevich in a prison jumpsuit? He’d look like a traffic cone with a Koosh ball on top.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to the Wall Street Journal, there is a growing movement among Democrats to replace Joe Biden as VP with Hillary Clinton in 2012. Do you realize that if that happens, for the first time Hillary will be directly under a president.” – Jay Leno


The Politics of Distraction

I have started wondering why Republicans decided to make a big deal out of some Islamic cultural center being built in an old Burlington Coat Factory store site. After all, it is pretty much a non-issue, since it would be clearly unconstitutional to legally block them from building it.

And then it hit me. The Republicans don’t care about the “Mosque at Ground Zero”. What they care about is distracting everyone. This stupid story is dominating the news. Heck, even I have done a bunch of posts about it. Meanwhile, nobody is paying attention to how the Republicans are blocking efforts to fix the economy, or efforts to help 9/11 responders. They’ve gotten pretty much every Democratic politician to weigh in on the issue, from Obama on down. And that’s exactly what the Republicans want — people focused on stupid issues, rather than the real issues and problems that we face.

It is the perfect wedge issue. It is the Terry Schiavo or Elian Gonzalez issue of the week. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. And told by an idiot.

It is time to stop acting like sheep. I’m going to stop posting stories about the mosque. I really don’t care if they build it or not, and there are far more important issues to talk about.

© Milt Priggee

UPDATE: Ok, ok, I know I wasn’t going to post anything more about this, but I just have to let Jon Stewart have the last word. After all, his brilliant piece seems to have more to do with how the media (cough — Fox News) is using this issue to drum up fear:



© Clay Bennett

In (un)related news, new outrage over plans to build a library next to Sarah Palin.


That’s Why I’m Voting Tea Party

Some really ironic t-shirt designs:

© Jeremy Kalgreen

p.s. Obama is left-handed.


How Dare You!

© Matt Wuerker

And the actual building is one block further away than this cartoon indicates.
