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The greatest threat against America are the tens of millions of Americans who won’t turn out to vote this November effectively giving power to 87,000 angry assholes

[reprinted from Margaret and Helen]

100 Grand Bore

Margaret please tell Howard that 100,000 people will show up to a tractor pull if the entry fee is cheap enough. Big deal. I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to ignore them and have some pie.

As I see it dear, if more than a hundred thousand dead civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan can be dismissed, so can slightly less than a hundred thousand peckerwoods at a Beck rally.

If the civil rights of millions of gay and lesbian Americans are not important, then neither are the pathetic rants of almost a hundred thousand Palin addicts.

If millions of children without healthcare are inconsequential then why should I give a rat’s ass about a hundred thousand shitheads who actually think Beck and Palin have something worthwhile to say?

As long as millions of American Muslims don’t have religious freedom, a hundred thousand Tea Party yahoos shouldn’t be allowed to have cable television. It only seems fair…

I just can’t believe 87,000 people are dumb enough to buy that crap. If Beck and Palin want a government so focused on one God and one religion, they should visit the Middle East and see how that concept is working out. It’s gotten to the point where you can’t distinguish Fox News from the Christian Broadcasting Network. It’s nauseating.

Palin and Beck don’t care about you, me or anyone except themselves. They are getting filthy rich pandering to angry white mobs so transparent in their racist feelings toward the President that a sheet of Saran Wrap would cast a darker shadow.

The greatest threat against America is not terrorism. It’s not a mosque in Manhattan. It’s not gay marriage. It’s not healthcare reform. And, believe it or not, it’s not even Beck or Palin. The greatest threat against America are the tens of millions of Americans who won’t turn out to vote this November effectively giving power to 87,000 angry assholes.

Sarah Palin is an idiot. Glenn Beck is a moron. And I am sick of Fox News. I mean it. Really.


You Are What You Eat

This site reported last week on yet another example of RAI — Republican Attendance Inflation — where a commissioned count of the attendees at Glenn Beck’s White Civil Rights Rally pegged the number at 87,000, but Glenn Beck himself declared the number to be 300,000 to 500,000 people (naturally, Michele Bachmann wins the “most inflated count” award, declaring “We’re not going to let anyone get away with saying there were less than a million here today – because we were witnesses.”)

But there’s a simple explanation. As the satirical site LOLGOP points out, there may have been only 87,000 people there, but they ate for 1,000,000.

The entire site is worth a read for a good giggle at the GOP’s expense. Also, here’s a link to more photos taken at Tea Party protests, showing off their “creative” spelling and grammar.



Are we really this stupid?


Will We Ever Learn?

© Don Wright

I guess not as long as it is so easy to buy elections in the US.

© John Sherffius


Dan Rather on how corporate media is destroying democracy

Dan Rather hits the nail on the head. I have worked in and with corporate-owned media, and have seen the same things. You don’t need to believe in any kind of conspiracy — either right or left wing — to understand how the slavish obsession with profits of our corporate controlled media is destroying the free exchange of ideas that our founding fathers knew and declared to be so vital to our democracy. Instead, you are told, repeatedly and with little regard to the truth, that which will make them the most money. Even if it kills you.


The Impracticality of Alternative Fuels

© Mike Thompson

Between wars in the middle east, pollution, and taxpayer subsidies to oil companies, I don’t think most people realize how much our addiction to petroleum actually costs us.


Taking this Lying Down?

© Jimmy Margulies

The same people who opposed every effort to fix the economy are now profiting from the bad economy.


Best of Daily Show v. Fox News

Jon Stewart seems to be the only media personality willing to take on Fox News, so it’s a good thing he does it so well. Here are some of the best clips from the Daily Show showing the hypocrisy and outright lying coming from Fox News, often in their own words:

1. Fair and Balanced?

2. Glen Beck, terrorist sympathizer?

3. Are they stupid, or just really bad liars?

4. Follow the money

5. Last but not least

I posted this one less than two weeks ago, so I’ll just link to it. Personally, I think this one could be used as the definition of hypocrisy. Fox News goes after Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal as the shady, terrorist-loving funder of the ground zero mosque, but fails to mention that the very same person is a major owner of Fox News. It boggles the mind.


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night in only his second Oval Office address, President Obama announced the end of Operational Iraqi Freedom. He said we have given the Iraqis a Western-style government. Well, we certainly have, haven’t we? Their economy is in shambles, their Congress is corrupt, the country is broke, welcome aboard!” – Jay Leno

“Before President Obama’s address, he called former President George W. Bush. I’m not saying the economy is bad, but he called collect.” – Jay Leno

“I guess they had a pretty cordial conversation. President Bush said for the last 19 months, he’s been relaxing and playing golf. President Obama said, ‘You too?'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama said that too many Americans are struggling to find jobs. You know what these Americans are going to be called? Democrats.” – Jay Leno


#1 Story Censored by Mainstream Media

© Lee Judge


Talk to the Hand

© Ed Stein

I love reading Ed Stein’s comics on his website, because he usually includes extra information. Here’s what he included for this one:

It’s not even a question that the national economic policies of the last few decades have favored the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. We’ve seen an astonishing increase in income inequality as taxes have become more regressive and the marketplace has been increasingly deregulated. The percentage of the nation’s wealth controlled by a tiny minority has grown exponentially while the income of lower- and middle -class Americans has stagnated.

I’ve wondered for years how so many people have been persuaded to vote again and again against their own economic self-interest. A revealing article by Jane Mayer in the August 30 issue of The New Yorker magazine helps explain it. Over the years billionaires like Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers have steadily funded operations designed to stoke populist anger against the government and progressive ideas. The Tea Party, far from being a spontaneous populist movement, has been underwritten with tens of millions of dollars and coordinated through a network of organizations with names like Americans for Prosperity, with the singular goal of creating an angry block of disaffected voters who will unwittingly vote for policies that benefit the very wealthy.

Lurking behind the trumped-up fear of a government takeover of our lives is a desire on the part of these rich funders to force government out of the job of regulating how they do business, protecting workplace safety, defending the environment, overseeing the safety of the food supply, and raising their taxes–in other words, doing anything that might reduce their profits. That would also include, by the way, paying for the safety net. How this will be good for the army of middle class Americans they’ve enlisted to fight their battles for them is something I can’t answer, and I suspect the zealous Tea Party devotees can’t either. But letting out the anger, I guess, feels really good, even if the eventual consequences most certainly won’t. But, by then, we might have another Democrat in the White House we can blame for our troubles.


Late Night Political Humor

“I just got back from vacation. I went on vacation the same time as President Obama. We both had to get away from it all and not do anything of significance. And now we are back and still not doing anything of significance.” – Craig Ferguson

“President Obama was in New Orleans for the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Halfway through his speech, FEMA finally showed up.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama said he can’t walk around with his birth certificate plastered on his forehead. Apparently he was reacting to new polls that show 1 in 5 Kenyans now believe he was born in Hawaii.” – Jay Leno

“Congress is very upset with Roger Clemens because they feel like they were lied to. Good! Now they know how we feel.” – Jay Leno


Slip Quit

Now you don’t have to be an airline attendant in order to escape down an emergency slide with two beers!

Too bad Sarah Palin didn’t have one of these on when she quit her job.


Funny Gay Protest Signs

I hope I could keep this much of a sense of humor when my rights are being trampled upon.


King Clown

© John Sherffius

I once marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and trust me, Glenn Beck is no MLK.
