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Late Night Political Humor

“You know this Tea Party candidate, Christine O’Donnell, is causing a lot of controversy with her kind of unorthodox views. She’s come out against masturbation. You know what that means? She’s out of touch with those voters who are in touch with themselves.” – Jay Leno

“Nation, I’ve have been a diehard supporter of Delaware Republican Senate Christine O’Donnell ever since I learned of her existence last week. She is a dynamic, conservative Christian who believes masturbation is adultery. And fellas she’s single and will condemn you for masturbating. The total package.” – Stephen Colbert

“O’Donnell said that Hollywood needs to re-evaluate what they’re doing because movies these days are all filled with gay sex and extramarital affairs. I thought, ‘Have fun in Congress then.'” – Craig Ferguson

“If you’ve got a Google news alert tuned to Republican party, witchcraft and anti-masturbation, you are probably sick of hearing about how Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell clinched the nomination for Senator from Delaware.” – Jon Stewart

“I like Christine O’Donnell. She’s good-looking and she’s hilarious. I haven’t had this much fun since Cheney was in office.” – Craig Ferguson

“Let me tell you something, Sarah Palin better be careful. Because this Christine O’Donnell is younger, hotter, and crazier. That’s the things guys are looking for in a trophy candidate. So, be very careful.” – Jay Leno

“She’s like an east coast Sarah Palin or a less slutty Rachael Ray or like a non-masturbating version of former Delaware Senator Joe Biden. That’s right, Biden. I just said you ride the Amtrak, if you know what I mean.” – Jon Stewart

“Christine O’Donnell looks a lot like Sarah Palin, and you know what that means, more work for Tina Fey.” – David Letterman

“More problems for candidate O’Donnell. It seems she canceled all her Sunday talk show appearances after a video surfaced her on Bill Maher’s TV show where she admitted she once dabbled in witchcraft. So, apparently, she is pro-dabbling, but anti-diddling.” – Jay Leno

“Christine O’Donnell says that she once had a date on a satanic altar? Well, who hasn’t?” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin tweeted a warning to Christine O’Donnell that the national media is seeking her destruction. That is ridiculous. If the media wanted to destroy her, they would just douse her with water.” – Craig Ferguson

“O’Donnell’s past could come back to haunt her. Now luckily I have a way to stop this witch hunt. Miss O’Donnell just come on my show and do a simple test. Bind your arms and legs and throw you in the river. If you sink to the bottom and drown, your bloated corpse can march to victory with a clean record. But if you float …” – Stephen Colbert

“The Republican candidate from Delaware, Christine O’Donnell, it turns out she’s a practicing witch. And if she wins, and goes to the Senate, she’ll be the first practicing witch in Washington since Barbara Bush.” – David Letterman

“I shouldn’t say that. Barbara Bush, of course, was a lovely woman, and also the Quaker Oats guy.” – David Letterman

“Justin Bieber was spotted at a Hooters restaurant in Canada. I don’t think 16-year-olds should be hanging out at Hooters. They should be dabbling in witchcraft, like Christine O’Donnell.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Traffic here in New York was backed up today because of the U.N. General Assembly’s annual meeting. You could hardly get anywhere or do anything. It was almost like being in the U.N.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Iranian President Ahmadinejad is in New York. You know he hates Jews and gay people. Boy, is he in the wrong place.” – David Letterman

“Folks, it seems that Al Qaeda’s number two man has released yet another tape where he criticizes the entire Pakistan government, calls them incompetent and corrupt, and demands they be thrown out of office. So, it sounds like we have a Tea Party over there, too.” – Jay Leno

“When the Pope met the Queen of England, they both said the same thing to each other: ‘Nice hat.'” – Jay Leno


Truth in Politics?

© Zach Weiner

I would definitely support a law that requires anyone running for public office to supply sources for “facts” that they sprout.


Bachmann Turns to Overdrive – goes all the way to 11

PolitiFact, a non-partisan fact checking service, is one of my favorite sites for finding out the truth about politicians. Not only do they do the hard research and fact checking that the media doesn’t bother with anymore, but they do it with style and often a good sense of humor.

A good example is their report card on Michele Bachmann. Yesterday, Bachmann earned the rare distinction of having had her statements checked eleven times by PolitiFact, with every one of them rated False (or worse). In fact, she has received five ratings of “Pants on Fire”, their worst rating reserved for especially crazy False statements.

Is Bachmann unable or unwilling to tell the truth? And why do voters in her district in Minnesota keep voting for her?


Towed Away

© Rex Babin

I guess we will find out in November the shortness of Americans’ attention span.


Cartooning in Afghanistan

Matt Bors has been traveling in Afghanistan, along with fellow cartoonists Ted Rall and Steven Cloud, unembedded and unprotected, drawing what he sees and hears. Here’s the first cartoon in the series but there are six more (all from Afghanistan) now; click here (or on the comic) to follow along:

© Matt Bors


Late Night Political Humor

“In Delaware, Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell won in a big upset in the primaries. She has an interesting background. Back in the 1990s, she mounted a campaign to stop masturbation. It didn’t work.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I don’t know a lot about Christine O’Donnell, but she has some interesting views. She has come out against masturbation. And you thought the war on drugs was unwinnable.” – Jay Leno

“She hates masturbation, which is ironic, because she owes her nominations to a bunch of jackoffs.” – Bill Maher

“Tea Party candidate Christine O’Donnell says she admires the female warriors from ‘Lord of the Rings’ but she’s against women being in the military. So women can’t fight the Taliban, but they can fight the cave trolls of Mordor.” – Craig Ferguson

“She said that during the primary, ‘I heard the audible voice of God, and he said one word: ‘credibility.’ Which is interesting, because she has no job, there’s a lien placed on her home, and she’s using campaign funds for her living expenses. Her platform is about bringing fiscal responsibility to Washington, but God said ‘credibility.’ I think what God should have said was, ‘Shut up and get a vibrator.'” – Bill Maher

“In Delaware, Christine O’Donnell won a huge upset in the primaries, but she has some problems. Karl Rove has accused her of lying. When the guy that told 300 million Americans there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq says you’re lying, he knows what he’s talking about.” – Jay Leno

“Her detractors say she’s homeless, jobless, and can’t pay her taxes. And her supporters say, ‘Finally, someone who represents the average American.'” – Bill Maher

“Christine O’Donnell, I created her. Are you kidding, we had her on ‘Politically Incorrect’ 22 times. You owe me, Christine O’Donnell. I still love her. She does not have a mean bone in her body, or any other bone in her body.” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin made a high profile appearance at a Republican fundraising dinner in Iowa. She didn’t actually say she’s running for president. She just winked it in Morse code.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I do miss George Bush. Compared to these teabaggers and the people who are pandering to them, he looks like a professor.” – Bill Maher

“An openly gay Saudi Arabian diplomat is seeking asylum here in the U.S. His reason: he’s an openly gay diplomat from Saudi Arabia.” – Jay Leno

“Carl Paladino, New York’s Republican candidate for governor, said that Manhattan is home to smug, self-important, pampered, liberal elitists. He sounds just like my butler.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In her fight against childhood obesity, first lady Michelle Obama is urging communities to make fresh produce more available to young people, even in liquor stores. If your kid is hanging out at the liquor store, obesity is the least of your problems.” – Jay Leno

“In a new book, French first lady Carla Bruni reveals that Michelle Obama told her that she can’t stand being the first lady. You know what else I bet she can’t stand? Telling someone something in private and then seeing it in their new book.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The French Senate has outlawed the burka, giving hope to U.S. lawmakers that one day soon, we will outlaw the Snuggie.” – Jay Leno

“We will gather on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., a million-moderate march where we take to the streets to send a message to our leaders and our national media that says, ‘We are here, We are only here until six though, because we have a sitter.'” – Jon Stewart

“You may be asking yourself, but am I the right person to go to this rally? The fact that you would even stop to ask yourself that question, as opposed to just jumping up, grabbing the nearest stack of burnable holy books, strapping on a diaper, and pointing your car towards DC — that means I think you just might be right for it.” – Jon Stewart

“Shame on you Jon Stewart. America cannot afford a rally to restore sanity in the middle of a recession. Did you even consider how many panic-related jobs that might cost us in the fear-industrial complex?” – Stephen Colbert


Sacrifice is for the little people

You may or may not like Paul Krugman, but he has a must-read rant in the NY Times called “The Angry Rich“. Here are a few quotes, but the whole (fairly short) thing is worth a read:

Anger is sweeping America. … No, I’m not talking about the Tea Partiers. I’m talking about the rich.

The rage of the rich has been building ever since Mr. Obama took office. At first, however, it was largely confined to Wall Street. Thus when New York magazine published an article titled “The Wail Of the 1%,” it was talking about financial wheeler-dealers whose firms had been bailed out with taxpayer funds, but were furious at suggestions that the price of these bailouts should include temporary limits on bonuses. When the billionaire Stephen Schwarzman compared an Obama proposal to the Nazi invasion of Poland, the proposal in question would have closed a tax loophole that specifically benefits fund managers like him.

At the same time, self-pity among the privileged has become acceptable, even fashionable. Tax-cut advocates used to pretend that they were mainly concerned about helping typical American families. Even tax breaks for the rich were justified in terms of trickle-down economics, the claim that lower taxes at the top would make the economy stronger for everyone. These days, however, tax-cutters are hardly even trying to make the trickle-down case. And among the undeniably rich, a belligerent sense of entitlement has taken hold: it’s their money, and they have the right to keep it.

And when the tax fight is over, one way or another, you can be sure that the people currently defending the incomes of the elite will go back to demanding cuts in Social Security and aid to the unemployed. America must make hard choices, they’ll say; we all have to be willing to make sacrifices. But when they say “we,” they mean “you.” Sacrifice is for the little people.


Ironic Analogies

© Rob Rogers

People in glass houses…


Late Night Political Humor

“Well-known, veteran politicians were upended by candidates from the Tea Party. It was especially shocking because I’ve been to a lot of tea parties with my daughter and most of the people there are stuffed animals.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s a great day for the members of the tea party. You know, the new political party that believes in … I don’t know.” – Craig Ferguson

“Former New York Congressman Rick Lazio was beaten by an unknown businessman named Carl Paladino, whose achievements include comparing a Jewish assembly speaker to Hitler unfavorably, endorsing a plan to turn prisons into dorms to teach welfare recipients about hygiene, and he’s also known for forwarding racist joke emails and videos of a woman having sex with a horse to his friends. Like Lincoln never emailed his friends a video of a woman having sex with a horse!” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In Delaware, former Republican governor Mike Castle was defeated by Sarah Palin favorite Christine O’Donnell. Nobody knows what this woman does for a living, if anything. All we do know is that she’s gone on the record to oppose masturbation, for real. I have a feeling Christine O’Donnell opposes masturbation the same way Bristol Palin opposes pre-marital sex.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In the Delaware Republican U.S. Senate primary, Tea Party candidate Christine O’Donnell won a huge upset. Interesting woman, very conservative. She has come out against masturbation. So not only is she against politicians putting their hands in our pockets, she’s against you putting your hands in your own pockets as well.” – Jay Leno

“She’s also against masturbation. I’m afraid you lost me now, lady. If she wants to win this November, she may have to change that position.” – Craig Ferguson

“I’m not a political person. I keep to myself. I’m not one to get involved in these things. I’m not proud to say I’ll stand by as our leaders drag us into wars based on false pretenses. I’ll stand by while our oceans are polluted by greedy corporations who only care about money. I’ll stand by while our military blatantly discriminates against our own armed forced based on their sexual preferences. But I’ll tell you something. When our right to masturbate is threatened, that’s where I draw the line. What goes on between me in my own bedroom, and car sometimes, is my business, not the government’s. So listen up, Christine O’Donnell — and Rosie O’Donnell too while we’re at it — we need to send a message to Washington, people. This November, I want everyone who believes in basic human rights to touch themselves in the voting booth. I want to say this to Christine O’Donnell. I want you and your followers to know one thing: you’ll take away this penis when you pry it out of my cold, dead hands.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Democrats are calling Christine O’Donnell ‘the Sarah Palin of the East.’ Really? She’s a loud, emotionally unstable woman from Delaware. That’s not Sarah Palin, that’s Joe Biden.” – Craig Ferguson

“President Obama spoke to students this week and told them to stay focused and stay in school. You know why? Because there are no jobs out there.” – Jay Leno

“Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel easily won his primary. He hasn’t been this happy since he saved all that money by not paying taxes. ” – Jay Leno

“Nancy Pelosi’s Republican opponent, John Dennis, has an ad where he depicts Pelosi as the Wicked Witch of the West. Pelosi is very angry and the Wicked Witch is even angrier.” – Jay Leno


Who really needs to be voted out

© Tom Toles

More and more I’m feeling like this. I mean, when I lived overseas and our government did stupid things like the Viet Nam war, people would console me by saying that the American people were good, it was just our government. But now it seems like we finally elected a president who is actually fairly good, reasonable, and intelligent, and now it is the American people who are being absolutely stupid. If we hand control of Congress back to the Republicans, or even worse, to tea party candidates like Christine O’Donnell, then heaven help us.

UPDATE: Never let it be said that I exclusively pick on Republicans — voting for Charlie Rangel was pretty stupid too. Some may say that Rangel is not in the same league of crazy as O’Donnell, or even Palin, Bachmann, or Angle. But read this interesting article by Glenn Greenwald that makes the point that it isn’t the positions of the Tea Party candidates that are crazy — they have similar positions to most politicians, both Republican and Democratic — but that they are less couth and devious in talking about their positions.

UPDATE 2: According to this article, it is very likely that Jon Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” will have more attendees than Glenn Beck’s recent “Restoring Honor” rally, and that’s not even counting Stephen Colbert’s “March to Keep Fear Alive” that is happening at the same place and time. Maybe there is hope for us after all.


Let me know if you have any problems with the website

I’m testing out a fancy new anti-spam, caching mechanism that is supposed to speed things up for regular visitors, while making things much more difficult for spammers and other “evil doers”. Unfortunately, things can always go wrong, so if you have any problems with the site, please let me know — either leave a comment here, or if that doesn’t work, you can find my email address in the About page.

Thanks, and hopefully all you will notice is faster loads, less downtime, and no spam.

–iron knee


How to buy an election

What I want to know is why is Meg Whitman so desperate to be governor of California? She has already spent $119 million of her own money on the campaign, more than any other self-funded candidate in history.

But now, Whitman has been caught staging a fake town hall meeting. And it isn’t like she needed to. The meeting was set in Orange County, which is one of the most conservative places in the US. But I guess she just couldn’t take any chances.

Watch the video:


Booze vs. Pot

California proposition 19 — to decriminalize and tax marijuana — is being opposed by an organization called “Public Safety First”. But it seems ironic that an organization whose very name implies that they want to promote public safety, has received a rather large donation from the California Beer and Beverage Distributors.

Why would the alcohol industry want to keep marijuana illegal? I can only guess. After all, the group making the contribution includes Heineken, who would know from first hand experience in Amsterdam how legalization of marijuana might influence alcohol consumption.

The only reason we know this is because in California, such donations must be public. In fact, you can see the donation at this website. Isn’t it a shame that Republicans managed to block a bill (by threatening a filibuster) that would have required public disclosure of political spending by corporations?

This example highlights the problems of treating corporate money as protected speech. I’m absolutely sure that Beer and Beverage Distributors don’t care whether marijuana should be legal or about any public safety issues at all. They only care about protecting their business. Not only does this result in the best laws money can buy, but it destroys the free market. In effect, the alcohol industry is using the government to prevent free enterprise.

And any conservative who claims to hate government regulation, but supports laws that make marijuana illegal — certainly the ultimate regulation — is a complete hypocrite.


Bum Ride

© Joel Pett

I’m all for reform, but it seems like we are going backward rather than forward.


The Hypocritical World of Fox News

It was bad enough when, back in 2003, Fox News won a lawsuit against two whistleblowing reporters who accused the network of deliberately and knowingly lying.

Two Fox reporters were working on a story about the significant health risks of milk coming from cows treated with bovine growth hormone (BGH). The station was initially excited about the story, but then Monsanto found out about it. When the reporters refused to insert statements from Monsanto into the story that they knew were lies, they were fired. They sued, and were initially successful.

But Fox appealed the case, and won using a bizarre defense. They claimed that the two reporters were not entitled to protection under the whitleblower law, because it is not against any law, rule, or regulation to knowingly lie in a news broadcast. So even though Fox acknowledged that they were lying, they claimed that it was their right to lie as much as they want. Fox won. I guess corporate free speech now trumps public interest.

Perhaps emboldened by their ability to twist the law to suit their agenda, Fox News itself is now suing a Senate candidate. Fox and anchor Chris Wallace are suing Democratic candidate Robin Carnahan, because Carnahan used “proprietary” Fox News footage in one of her campaign ads. The suit claims copyright infringement, invasion of privacy (!) and misappropriation of likeness.

But the best part is that Fox is claiming that by using the Fox footage in her campaign ad, Carnahan is compromising their “objectivity”. Seriously.

The footage used by Carnahan is a part of an interview that Wallace did on Fox News in 2006 with Roy Blunt, who is Carnahan’s opponent for the Senate. In the clip, Wallace addresses Blunt:

You just said a moment ago that you have to show that you’re the party of reform but there is some question whether you are the man to do that. In 2002, you tried to insert language into the Homeland Security Act to help Phillip Morris tobacco [company] while you were dating that company’s lobbyist. And your campaign committee’s paid $485,000 to a firm linked to lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Are you the one to clean up the house?

What’s completely hypocritical about this case is that it is very common for political ads to include video clips taken from news channels. It is generally considered “fair use”. And in fact, political shows on Fox do that all the time.

For now, Carnahan cannot show the ad, and Fox News sent a takedown notice to YouTube, who removed the video. But you can see it here.

Since Fox is suing a Democratic politician for doing something that they do all the time, it doesn’t seem like they have much of a chance of winning the suit, so perhaps this is just a SLAPP. Not only that, but News Corp (the parent organization of Fox News) has donated more than $10,000 to Blunt’s campaign.

Objectivity compromised, indeed.
