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America Speaking Out: the GOP Not Listening

The Pledge to America was supposed to be based on the GOP’s much ballyhooed “GOP Listening Tour”, including their (taxpayer funded) “America Speaking Out” website where visitors submitted ideas that were voted up or down by others. But as Tiny Dupuy points out in “The Moderates’ Lament“, the most popular (by vote) ideas on the America Speaking Out website are decidedly centrist. For example: abolishing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; denouncing Palin, Beck, and Limbaugh; not kowtowing to the NRA; and even getting some distance from the Religious Right. Even on hot button issues like abortion, the idea with the most votes was to make abortion “safe, legal, and rare”. There were even plenty calls to legalize marijuana! And, as she points out, these are all ideas from self-identified Republicans.

So, did any of these ideas make it into the Republican’s new “Pledge to America”? You must be joking. As Jon Stewart demonstrates so well, the ideas in the pledge are word-for-word the same ideas from the Contract from America from the Clinton era.

So, why are we hearing the same old ideas over and over? Didn’t they get to keep any of these promises during the Bush years, when they had complete control of the government? I think you know the answer to that.

The problem is that the Republican party is incapable of even acknowleding new ideas. As Dupuy puts it “The current Republican Party is counting on the Tea Party’s morphing into the attack wing of the GOP – isolating moderates and anyone with genuine new ideas.”

© Adam Zyglis


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republicans released their ‘Pledge to America.’ It’s 21 pages of phony charts and bad ideas. Sarah Palin got a copy, and she said, ‘How am I supposed to fit all this crap on my hand?'” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin was considering running for president, until she heard it was a four-year deal.” – David Letterman

“Bristol Palin has denied rumors that she’s dating The Situation from ‘Jersey Shore.’ If The Situation becomes Sarah Palin’s son-in-law, he’d still have the most normal name of any boy in the family.” – Jimmy Fallon

“House Minority Leader John Boehner says he has never been in a tanning bed and that he gets his dark complexion from his mother. Either he’s lying or Snooki’s a lot older than she’s telling us. ” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Democrats, these pussies, are unbelievable. They are giving up on their tax cut for the middle class until after the election. They have the worst salesmen in the world. They could not talk Lindsay Lohan into a rum and coke.” – Bill Maher

“It was a very good week for getting absolutely nothing done in Congress. They blocked, the Republicans did, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. We thought this was going to be a done deal. I don’t know what their problem is with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Even if it is repealed, there will still be a major American institution where gays are still forced to hide in shame and secrecy: The Republican party.” – Bill Maher

“They’re giving up on their tax cuts for the middle class until after the election. … Have they seen the polls? Planning to do this after the election. This is like a condemned man asking for a doggie bag at the last meal.” – Bill Maher

“President Obama’s approval rating dropped again. Things are so bad, Muslims are accusing him of being Christian. ” – Jay Leno

“There’s a new opera about Bill Clinton. I don’t know how it ends, but I bet it isn’t with the fat lady singing.” – Craig Ferguson


Creating a Monster

© Mike Keefe

Back when Republicans had control of the presidency, both houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court, they ran up record deficits. They lied us into unnecessary wars, they rammed unfunded Medicare Part D through Congress, they passed out tax breaks to rich people. Why why why would anyone believe that they are serious about reducing the deficit now? Are we really stupid enough to believe them?


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republicans announced their Pledge to America, and here’s what it is: Less taxes, smaller government and act now and they’ll throw in the Dean Martin roast of Frank Sinatra.” – David Letterman

“So two years ago America broke up with you, because you had badly mistreated her. … And you come back rapping on our door, hat in hand, and you say, ‘Baby, I know you love me. But if we get back together, I pledge to you, I promise you, I will still try to f*ck your sister every chance I get.'” – Jon Stewart

“Boy, you got to like the Republicans. First they claim that Obama is not an American. ‘Where is the birth certificate?’ They claim he’s not an American, that’s the Republicans. Then they run a witch.” – David Letterman

“You know Delaware is running a witch, her name is Christine O’Donnell, and she wants to be the Senator from Delaware and today she promised if she’s elected she’ll cast a spell on health care.” – David Letterman

“Earlier today, President Obama was speaking at the UN and no one could tell if it was a calm measured address or an angry tirade.” – David Letterman

“President Obama discussed international relations, global economy, and also admitted that he dabbled in witchcraft. ” – David Letterman

“Last night on Fox News, Sarah Palin said she would run for President, if nobody else steps up. Which explains why today, nearly every person in the country announced they were running for President.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Larry Summers, President Obama’s top economic adviser, is stepping down. So finally some good economic news, I’ll tell ya, Summers didn’t want to leave, but apparently he was out of bad ideas.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, Summers is actually the third Obama economic adviser to leave the White House since July. In face, the only jobs opening up these days are for White House economic advisers.” – Jay Leno

“Vice President Biden held a conference call with senior citizens to talk about health care. Seniors started the conference call confused about how health care works, and ended up more confused about how conference calls work. They’re like, ‘Wait, can you hear me? Saul you’re talking to the VCR.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Don’t Think, Don’t Tell

© Jen Sorensen


Sometimes, you actually are what you hate

CNN has a documentary that has a double helping of irony. The documentary is about Polish Jews who are coming out of the closet about their religion. Not only did communist governments try to suppress all religion, but in the years after WWII antisemitism was rampant in Poland, to the point where many Jews hid their Jewish heritage, even from their own children.

The documentary features a couple, Ola and Pawel, who spent the last several decades being white supremacist neo-Nazis. According to Pawel

I was a nationalist 100 percent. Back then when we were skinheads it was all about white power and I believed Poland was only for Poles. That Jews were the biggest plague and the worst evil of this world. At least in Poland it was thought this way as at the time anything that was bad was the fault of the Jews.

But this all changed a few years ago when Ola started researching their family trees, and discovered that not only was she Jewish, but so was her husband.

It was unbelievable — it turned out that we had Jewish roots. It was a shock. I didn’t expect to find out that I had a Jewish husband.

But the most interesting part is that they are philosophical about their past:

I’m not saying that I don’t have regrets but it’s not something that I walk around and lash myself over… I feel sorry for those that I beat up… but I don’t hold a grudge against myself. The people who I hurt can hold a grudge against me.

Both have now joined the Jewish religion. Pawel is studying to work in a slaughterhouse killing animals according to the Jewish Kosher requirement and Ola is working in the synagogue’s kitchen as a kosher supervisor. They have even become friends with the Chief Rabbi of Poland, who is philosophical as well:

It says on a personal level, never write somebody off. Where they may be 10 years ago doesn’t have to be where they are today. And the human being has this unlimited capability of changing and sometimes even for the better.


GOP Health Fail

The GOP is campaigning to repeal Obama’s health care overhaul bill, calling it socialist and a job killer. To support this, they quote polls that show that Americans oppose the reform bill by numbers like 40% against to 30% in favor (with 30% neutral). So it sounds like Americans want the GOP to kill Obamacare. Right?

Wrong. The same poll that shows Americans against the bill also shows that by a huge two-to-one margin, Americans think the bill should have done more. So two-thirds of those people were against it because they wanted stronger health care reform, not less.

Other polls have shown that a more than three-quarters of Americans want a single-payer system (like Medicare), as least as a choice.


Jimmy Carter on Fox News

I don’t care what the pundits say about Jimmy Carter. I think he is the nicest, most genuine, and the most underrated president we ever had.


The Modern Court Jesters

John Avlon has a wonderful article over on The Daily Beast about how comedians are taking over the job of what used to be considered “real” journalists.

Stephen Colbert testifying in front of Congress. Bill Maher serving as a one-man opposition research division against Wingnut Queen Christine O’Donnell. Jon Stewart hosting a pre-election “Rally to Restore Sanity” on the Washington Mall.

Naturally, my only complaint is that he somehow overlooked Political Irony.

After all, if a one-fifth of Americans believe that President Obama is secretly a Muslim, one-quarter believe that he wasn’t born in the United States, and over half think he’s a socialist, we’re acting crazy anyway. Might as well add some intentional humor to the funhouse-mirror distortions that pass for political debate. Because the best explanation for belief in the above statistics came from Colbert: “I love the truth; it’s facts I’m not a fan of.”

There’s a reason to take comedians seriously as commentators today. Sometimes it feels like they’re the only ones telling the truth.

I couldn’t agree more.


The Best Government Money Can Buy

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on political races, we are indeed seeing a huge upsurge in the amount of money being spent by third parties for the upcoming election.

The NY Times has a couple of maps that show where the money is being spent. And also something that surprises nobody – the majority of the money is going to support Republican candidates:


Late Night Political Humor

“In Delaware, they have a professional witch running for Senate, and she said at one time that she actually had a date on a satanic altar. Whoa! I mean, seriously, who hasn’t? … The date actually took place at Motel 666.” – David Letterman

“As you know, Tea Party candidate Christine O’Donnell has come out against masturbation. Well, she is already paying a heavy price for taking this stance. In fact, today, the powerful hand lotion lobby has endorsed her opponent.” – Jay Leno

“Here’s how you can tell it’s autumn, Christine O’Donnell, the witch from Delaware, today she used her caldron to make chowder.” – David Letterman

“Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is supported by 82% of Democrats, 64% of Republicans and 100% of Ladies Gaga.” – Jon Stewart

“The premiere of ‘Hawaii Five-0’ was a great episode. The cops were looking around and they accidentally stumbled upon Obama’s birth certificate.” – David Letterman

“According to experts, the recession is over. Is it really over or is it just pulling a Leno?” – David Letterman

“Vice President Joe Biden says in fact the stimulus is working, and he also says his hair plugs are working.” – David Letterman

“Everybody is talking about Bob Woodward’s new book, ‘Obama’s War.’ In the book, he says Joe Biden called Middle East advisor Richard Holbrooke, ‘the most egotistical bastard I’ve ever met.’ Then Rahm Emanuel’s like, ‘What am I, invisible?'” – Jimmy Fallon


The Tea and Crumpets Party

© Tom Tomorrow

Wait a minute, I can’t seem to tell the difference between the Parallel Earth’s Tea-and-Crumpets Party and our very own Tea Party. Is Tom Tomorrow being ironic?

Oh, and the article he mentions in the first panel is here.


Tax Breaks for Koch Industries?

In the Republican’s new “Pledge To America” they say:

We will allow small business owners to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their business income.

However, there are two common forms of “small business” that doesn’t pay any taxes already. Instead, in Subchapter S corporations and Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships (LLCs), the profits from the companies are “passed through” to the owners, who pay personal taxes on the profits.

So here’s the interesting catch. You’re read about Koch Industries and their billionaire owners the Koch brothers, who are spending hundreds of millions of dollars waging a war against Obama. Well, wouldn’t you know it, Koch Industries is organized as an LLC. So are other large companies, like Bechtel, the huge construction company. So the Republicans are giving a 20% tax break to the Koch Brothers, a tax break almost certainly worth even more than the money they are spending on Republican causes. Who would have thought that throwing money at Republicans would be such a good business investment!


Late Night Political Humor

“There are 37 Republican candidates for the Senate. Not one believes global warming is real and man made. Except the one, Mike Castle, the guy [O’Donnell] defeated in Delaware.” – Bill Maher

“I saw that new movie ‘Devil’ or as Delaware Tea Party candidate Christine O’Donnell calls it, ‘Roots'” – Jay Leno

“There’s a clip going around of this Christine O’Donnell discussing how she once dabbled in witchcraft. Have you heard about this? Although she says she never joined a coven. Never joined a coven? Hey, what do you think Congress is?” – Jay Leno

“This is going to be exciting. We haven’t had a witch in Washington since, oh, Condoleezza Rice, I think.” – David Letterman

“Well, you know what’s interesting, O’Donnell said she dabbled in witchcraft, and her opponent, Democratic candidate Chris Coons, he had no comment. He wanted to comment, but he lost his voice, went blind and came down with boils. It was horrible.” – Jay Leno

“Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is taking criticism because she once said she dabbled in witchcraft. Yeah, everyone is talking about this. O’Donnell was like, ‘If one more person claims I’m a witch, I will take legal action against them and their little dog, too!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This Christine O’Donnell is a very conservative woman. Not only is she against premarital sex, she is against masturbation. She even wants to outlaw beef jerky.” – Jay Leno

“The state of Delaware has nominated and they’re going to probably elect a witch as Senator from Delaware. Listen to this. One day Delaware elects a witch. The next day the recession is over. I don’t know. Is that a coincidence?” – David Letterman

“The National Bureau of Economic Research announced the recession actually ended in 2009. What idiots we were! So that recession you think you’re in, that’s as imaginary as the job you used to have.” – Jay Leno

“Economic experts say the recession is over. Earlier today, they were popping champagne at the unemployment office.” – David Letterman

“What they don’t tell you, the next recession started in July of last year.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol Palin is on ‘Dancing With The Stars.’ And I’m telling you something, you can’t get any bigger star than the daughter of a vice presidential loser. That’s as good as it gets there.” – David Letterman

“Bristol Palin made her debut on the show and after a lot of speculation, Sarah Palin was not there to see it in person. However, she could see it from her house.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bristol Palin is one of the dancers on the show. She got an 18. The judges were pretty nice to her. Her mother, Sarah Palin, said she was going to be in the audience for the first show, but she wasn’t. It’s not like her to commit to something and back out. But it’s otter hunting season.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Yesterday, President Obama’s aide had to step in and pay more money after Obama only gave a fruit vendor a dollar for four apples. The aide said it was awkward having pay Obama’s bill. Then China was like, ‘Eh, you get used to it.'” – Jimmy Fallon


The Attack of the Trojan MILFs!

© Jen Sorensen

Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and now Christine O’Donnell — is this what is going on? I guess Ronald Reagan completely legitimized actors as politicians, so now the Republicans are working on sexy women as politicians?

Watch this video about the “Top 10 Mama Grizzlies“.

By the way, no comments about the fact that Jen Sorensen uses Christine O’Donnell as an example of a “hot mom” when O’Donnell has never been a mom (or even married).
