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Sanity? Or Fear?

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have merged their rallies, with a little help from above:


Late Night Political Humor

“Somebody threw a book at President Obama. If you’re trying to scare a president by throwing a book at him, you’re one president too late.” – David Letterman

“President Obama met with students in the Oval Office who have started their own businesses. Or, as those students are known on campus, ‘weed dealers.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Rich Lott, the Republican nominee and Tea Party-backed candidate for Congress in Ohio, has admitted that he dressed up in a Nazi uniform for a Nazi reenactment. He said he was just following orders. His campaign slogan: ‘In your heart you know he’s Reich.”’ – Jay Leno

“A Republican candidate for Congress in Ohio, a guy named Richard Iott, photos have surfaced of him dressed in a Nazi uniform. He would go to Nazi reenactments dressed as an SS Stormtrooper. He said he only dressed as a Nazi as a bonding ritual with his son. Really? Any other kids do that with their dads? ‘I don’t want to fish, I don’t want to play catch, Let’s dress up as Nazis!'” – Jay Leno

“Jerry Brown’s staff spent the weekend coming up with their new campaign slogan: ‘Just say ho.'” – Jay Leno

“Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown’s campaign is in trouble for allegedly calling her opponents Meg Whitman a ‘whore.’ And of course, now real whores are upset with Brown because they don’t want to be mixed up in politics. There are some things they won’t do.” – Jay Leno

“Google is investing in an offshore wind farm project that could provide electricity to 1.9 million homes on the East Coast. And not to be outdone, Yahoo just bought a brand new ceiling fan.” – Jimmy Fallon


Hallowe’en or Political Campaign?

© Keith Knight

I actually think “I am not a witch” has to be one of the best opening lines of a political ad ever. But she got it slightly wrong. I don’t think she is a witch, I think she is a nutcase.


Our Future

© Joel Pett


Late Night Political Humor

“A man was arrested for streaking at President Obama’s rally in Philadelphia. Thankfully, the police were able to restrain and clothe Joe Biden.” – Craig Ferguson

“A Greek billionaire is giving a million dollars to a man that ran naked in front of President Obama in Philadelphia. Obama called the stunt ‘highly immature’ while Biden called it ‘totally worth it.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Someone actually threw a book at the president. When Obama saw something fly by, he said, ‘Christine O’Donnell on a broom!'” – Craig Ferguson

“The Nobel Prize in the fiction category went to Christine O’Donnell’s resume.” – David Letterman

“Christine O’Donnell’s new ad says she didn’t go to Yale, like her opponent. I don’t think she really needs to tell us that.” – Jay Leno

“New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie canceled a tunnel they were digging from New Jersey into New York. Apparently, New Yorkers found out about it.” – Jay Leno

“New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino’s pit bull, Duke, bit another dog during a campaign stop this week. People who were there said he was growling, foaming at the mouth, and completely out of control. And so was his pit bull.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Carl Paladino criticized his opponent for marching in a gay pride parade. I guess he’s planning on decorating the governor’s mansion himself.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s being reported that the economy lost 95,000 jobs in September. And that’s just people leaving the White House.” – Jay Leno

“The White House is becoming like ‘Dancing With the Stars.’ Every week, someone is voted off.” – Jay Leno


People in glass houses, again

A few days ago I speculated that, like anti-gay activists who turn out to be closeted homosexuals, many of the people who protest the loudest against illegal immigrants are guilty of hiring them. And that was before Lou Dobbs was exposed as an utter hypocrite.

Helpfully enough, Ranker has provided a list of the “Top 6 Anti-Immigration Activists Caught Using Illegal Labor”.

Top of the list is Lou Dobbs, of course, followed by Meg Whitman and Mitt Romney. The next three are less well known, but just as interesting.

Lorraine Henderson is the Boston regional director for Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection. But that didn’t stop her from getting arrested for breaking the laws she is supposed to enforce.

Linda Chavez was Dubya’s nominee to be the Secretary of Labor. She would have been the first Latina on a president’s cabinet, except she was derailed by the revelation that she housed an illegal alien and paid her to do household chores, breaking a multitude of labor laws.

And finally, Michael Huffington, ex-husband of Ariana Huffington of the Huffington Post and LGBT activist. He was a strong supporter of California’s anti-illegal-immigrant proposition until someone found out that he had employed an illegal immigrant as a nanny in his home.


Let’s hope the future is not set in stone

© Tom Tomorrow

So, how many of these things do you think will come true? I’m definitely betting on #4 (next to last). After all, they did it to Clinton and they’ve been doing everything but to Obama. And unfortunately, they will probably try #2, but will likely fail.


Late Night Political Humor

“Remember Lou Dobbs on CNN, who was always railing against illegal immigrants and the people who hire them. It turns out Lou Dobbs hires illegal immigrants. I was shocked. Lou Dobbs is married to Meg Whitman?” – Bill Maher

“It’s now being alleged that Lou Dobbs had illegal immigrants working for him. The good news, he’s now qualified to run for governor of California.” – Jay Leno

“What is it with conservatives? Seriously, I’m not trying to be partisan but it seems like if they’re anti-illegal alien, they have illegal aliens working for them. If they’re anti-gay, they turn out to be gay. If they’re super Christian, they’re a witch.” – Bill Maher

“Christine O’Donnell finally came out of hiding and put out an ad this week. The first words of the ad are ‘I am not a witch.’ This is the first time a candidate had to deny being a witch in a campaign since, I got to go back to the Massachusetts primary of 1692.” – Bill Maher

“Political experts say the one thing you’re not supposed to do as a politician is say you’re not something. Remember, Nixon ‘I am not a crook.’ Bill Clinton ‘I did not have sex with that woman.’ Carly Fiorina has an ad out here. She said, ‘I am not that butch gym teacher from ‘Glee.'” – Bill Maher

“Christine O’Donnell is blaming the liberal media, but you know what, Christine, I just showed clips of you opening your mouth and crazy sh*t coming out. If you want to blame someone, honey, look at your reflection in your cauldron.” – Bill Maher

“Christine O’Donnell is behind, but I don’t think it’s the witch stuff. I think it’s because of her anti-masturbation stance. She’s very serious about that, and you know people in Delaware are going, ‘Come on, I live in Delaware, what else am I suppose to do?'” – Bill Maher

“There’s going to be a big debate next week between the Senate candidates there. This is the first debate for the anti-masturbation witch candidate Christine O’Donnell. She must be very nervous. If there was only some way to release all that tension.” – Craig Ferguson

“Here in California we also have a bit of a scandal. Jerry Brown was leaving a message on somebody’s phone line and he thought he hung up, but he didn’t. And then you can hear somebody say, ‘Meg Whitman is a whore.’ You know, some candidates have trouble with the Internet, Facebook, or Twitter. Jerry is still getting the hang of the phone.” – Bill Maher

“Jerry Brown has apologized to Meg Whitman after a campaign aide called her a whore. Let me tell you, that is totally out of line. Politicians don’t become whores until after they’re elected.” – Jay Leno

“Sharron Angle, every week this woman gets crazier. Now she says that Sharia Law – you know, strict Islamic law like they have in Saudi Arabia – is taking hold in American cities in Michigan and Texas. Even Glenn Beck says, ‘Where does she get this sh*t?” – Bill Maher

“Todd Palin – have you heard this story? In Alaska, Joe Miller – he’s the teabagger nut who’s running for the Senate there – they got into a big brouhaha because apparently Sarah Palin put this guy on the map, and then Joe Miller was asked if Sarah Palin could be president, and he said, ‘I don’t know.’ So then Todd Palin, all pissed off, wrote him a bunch of emails full of grammatical errors and spelling errors. Don’t f*ck with Todd Palin. He will make you an offer he can’t pronounce. You mess with Todd Palin, you could wake up with a horse’s ass in your bed, like he does everyday.” – Bill Maher

“President Obama has decided not to sign a bill that would make it difficult for homeowners to fight foreclosure. Why is Obama all of a sudden so sensitive about people being kicked out of their house. Oh yeah, right” – Jimmy Fallon


Who Are You Guys?

© David Horsey


The US Chamber of Traitors

© Don Wright

1. Republicans give tax breaks for sending US jobs overseas. 2. Overseas companies give money to the US Chamber of Commerce. 3. USCC spends hundreds of millions of dollars on Republican candidates. 4. Profit!

See also the announcement for RepubliCorp.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama has moved a 12-day tour of India and Asia to right after the November election. I can’t imagine why he would want to leave the country right after the midterm election.” – Jay Leno

“Obama is going to tour India and Asia. I guess he wants to check up on American jobs.” – Jay Leno

“At a rally in Wisconsin, Joe Biden told the crowd they were the dullest audience he’d ever seen. You don’t do that. Just give them some candy.” – Craig Ferguson

“Donald Trump is running for president. He’s not the kind of guy that would stage something like this for publicity. I know it’s official because today, Trump threw his hair into the ring.” – David Letterman

“Lady Gaga was ahead of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Forbes’ list of the most powerful women in the world. I’m not saying Pelosi’s jealous, but today she showed up to work wearing a meat pantsuit.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Carl Paladino’s pit bull, Duke, bit another dog during a campaign stop this week. People who were there said he was growling, foaming at the mouth, and completely out of control. And so was his pit bull.” – Jimmy Fallon

“They gave out the Nobel Prize for Literature, which is very exciting. It guarantees monster sales. Sorry, I’m thinking about Oprah, the Nobel Prize doesn’t mean anything.” – Craig Ferguson


The Scream

© Gary Varvel

Between voting machine irregularities and the flood of corporate money buying negative ads, it is tough being a voter this year. Will it ever get better?


This says it all

© Tom Toles


Late Night Political Humor

“Christine O’Donnell has a new commercial where she says, ‘I’m not a witch.’ Isn’t that exactly what a witch would say?” ” – David Letterman

“Christine O’Donnell has a new ad in which she tells voters, ‘I’m you, I’m just like you.’ Of course, a lot of people are going, ‘Really, you’re me? Well, I don’t belong in the U.S. Senate either. I want somebody smarter than me, and that’s not you!” – Jay Leno

“Donald Trump is running for president. He’s already got a short list of running mates. He’s thinking about Cyndi Lauper, Hulk Hogan, Melissa Rivers, Sharon Osbourne … He’s ready to go.” – David Letterman

“Donald Trump may run for president. Wouldn’t that be exciting? We haven’t had a president who wore a powdered wig since John Quincy Adams.” – Jay Leno

“Trump refers to the White House as a ‘200-year-old tear-down.'” – David Letterman

“There are rumors of an Obama-Hillary ticket for 2012, though some insiders say Obama doesn’t feel he needs Hillary on the ticket. At this point, I don’t think Hillary feels that she needs Obama on the ticket.” – Jay Leno

“The latest Gallup poll gives congressional Republicans the best poll numbers they’ve ever had. They say this could be the biggest Republican year since 1894. So for the second time, John McCain could be swept to victory.” – Jay Leno

“Former vice president and presidential candidate Walter Mondale criticized President Obama for using teleprompters. He called them ‘idiot boards.’ Of course, Democrats were stunned. They said, ‘Walter Mondale is still alive?'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama wants community colleges to produce an additional 5 million graduates by 2020. People in community college were like, ‘Whoa, you want us to finish in only 10 years? Stop with the pressure.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Catch 22

© Ed Stein

The economy is stuck in a weird Catch-22 right now. Corporate profits are soaring and businesses are sitting on mountains of cash. Historically, when business profits go up, workers share in the bounty; they get raises and more workers are hired. Not this time. Businesses want to see the economy to turn around before they’re willing to add employees, and consumers are afraid to spend more money until they see businesses putting people to work.

Or maybe they don’t want the economy to improve until after the election? Is it just me, or am I getting paranoid?

UPDATE: I guess I’m not the only person who is becoming paranoid:

© Bruce Beattie
