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© Tom Tomorrow

See the previous post on this blog. We know the Republicans hate the Democrats, but do they hate the entire country?


The Party of NO NO NO NO NO holds the Senate Hostage for the Rich

Today, all 42 Republican Senators signed a letter declaring emphatically that they will not let the Senate consider any legislation or take any action at all, until the tax cuts for the wealthy have been extended.

The Democrats want to extend the tax cuts for people earning less than $250,000 a year, but that isn’t good enough. The Republicans are saying that driving up the deficit by throwing money at the rich is more important than any other legislation. They claim that raising taxes for the rich will destroy jobs, even though since these tax cuts were put in place in 2003, job creation has been a dismal failure. And the gap between the rich and poor has been rising dramatically, while the deficit has been increasing (and the huge deficit does destroy jobs).

But giving tax cuts to the rich are not just the Republicans’ highest priority, but their ONLY priority.

It makes me sick.

And as Steve Benen points out “the unstated truth behind the threat — Republicans will block literally everything until they’re satisfied, at which point, they’ll try to block literally everything anyway.”

UPDATE: Rachel Maddow has an interesting twist on this.


Late Night Political Humor

“The White House is working on a new terror alert system. Instead of colors it’s going to tell how handsie the TSA agents are going to be. Yellow stands for cop a feel. Orange stands for gentle junk swipe, and red stands for full-on sextickle.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Rush Limbaugh on the radio yesterday told President Obama, ‘Keep your hands off my tea bag.’ Don’t worry, Rush, even special ops couldn’t find your tea bag.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There was supposed to be a protest, but nobody opted out of the full-body scans, maybe because of the signs TSA posted: ‘If you are embarrassed by your penis size, you may opt out of being scanned.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“People lined up for days to see the new ‘Harry Potter’ movie. The movie is called ‘Harry Potter and the Long Line of Single People.’ It’s just nice seeing a long line these days where nobody is getting their junk touched.” – Conan O’Brien

“A special thanks to our audience tonight. You must really hate your relatives to come down here on Thanksgiving Day. The original Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims lasted three days. That was before we learned we could eat three days worth of food in one day.” – Jay Leno

“Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I have a lot to be thankful for: I have a new studio, a new show, I never have to watch Bristol Palin dance again…” – Conan O’Brien

“Bristol Palin lost to Jennifer Grey in the finale of ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ The good news is, when a Palin loses they tend to just quietly disappear.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bristol Palin came in third in ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ Sarah Palin is not at all happy with the decision – she’s already planning to refudiate it.” – Jay Leno

“On Glenn Beck’s radio show yesterday, Sarah Palin accidentally said, ‘We have to stand with our North Korean allies.’ Then Palin was like, ‘Wait. North Korea’s the one in the south, right?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Pope said in an interview recently that the use of condoms is acceptable under certain circumstances. For instance, if you’re dating someone from the cast of ‘Jersey Shore.'” – Jay Leno

“Bill Clinton is auctioning off a dinner with him and three of your friends for charity. When asked what the cause was, he said, ‘Cause Hillary’s out of town.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Risk Roulette

© Zach Weiner

I am constantly amazed that people will be so afraid of things that are highly unlikely, while ignoring far greater risks. Why are we so afraid of terrorists? And yet every day we do things that are thousands of times riskier?


Diplomatic Deflation

© Matt Davies

Regardless of what you think about WikiLeaks, it is clear that the traditional art of diplomacy will be changed. Is something like WikiLeaks an inevitable result of the Internet age?

Just to remind you of traditional diplomacy, here are some of my favorite quotes:

DIPLOMACY, n. Lying in state, or the patriotic art of lying for one’s country. – Ambrose Bierce

Diplomacy is the art of saying “Nice doggie!” till you can find a rock. – Wynn Catlin

Diplomacy is the art of letting someone have your way. – Daniele Vare

A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip. – Caskie Stinnett

I have discovered the art of deceiving diplomats. I speak the truth, and they never believe me. – Di Cavour

Once the Xerox copier was invented, diplomacy died. – Andrew Young

UPDATE: The Economist defends WikiLeaks.


Memo from Level 3 — Comcast is Evil

Level 3, who operate one of the Internet backbones, issued a press release today about Comcast, one of their customers. Here is an excerpt:

On November 19, 2010, Comcast informed Level 3 that, for the first time, it will demand a recurring fee from Level 3 to transmit Internet online movies and other content to Comcast’s customers who request such content. By taking this action, Comcast is effectively putting up a toll booth at the borders of its broadband Internet access network, enabling it to unilaterally decide how much to charge for content which competes with its own cable TV and Xfinity delivered content. This action by Comcast threatens the open Internet and is a clear abuse of the dominant control that Comcast exerts in broadband access markets as the nation’s largest cable provider.

On November 22, after being informed by Comcast that its demand for payment was ‘take it or leave it,’ Level 3 agreed to the terms, under protest, in order to ensure customers did not experience any disruptions.

… With this action, Comcast is preventing competing content from ever being delivered to Comcast’s subscribers at all, unless Comcast’s unilaterally-determined toll is paid – even though Comcast’s subscribers requested the content. With this action, Comcast demonstrates the risk of a ‘closed’ Internet, where a retail broadband Internet access provider decides whether and how their subscribers interact with content.

So if you’ve been wondering why some of us have been making such a fuss about “Net Neutrality” now you know. Does Comcast really think they can stop the internet from competing with their cable TV business?

UPDATE: More information on this from the NY Times and Bloomberg. Apparently this happened because Level 3 signed a partnership agreement with Netflix to carry their streaming movies.

UPDATE 2: The Wall Street Journal takes the middle ground.


Late Night Political Humor

“A new study says that radiation from Wi-Fi is hurting trees. Environmentalists are calling it the worst assault on trees since George W. Bush and Sarah Palin became authors.” – Jimmy Fallon

“George W. Bush has a new book called ‘Decision Points.’ I know many of you have made a decision not to read it.” – David Letterman

“Palin’s book ‘America by Heart’ came out today, just in time for awkward holiday gift exchanges.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Palin’s book just came out. It has just over 300 pages and just under 900 made-up words.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin has another new book. As long as somebody else is writing them for you, you can turn them out just like that.” – David Letterman

“That’s right, Palin has a brand new book. And you thought Thanksgiving dinner makes you drowsy.” – David Letterman

“On Fox News, Sarah Palin said, ‘I want to clean up the state, that is so sorry today, of journalism and I have a communications degree.’ After that sentence, they might take it back.” – Jay Leno

“In her new book, Sarah Palin says she once gave up chocolate for an entire year just to prove she could do it. Still think she’s not qualified to be President?” – Jimmy Fallon

“Ratings for the second episode of Palin’s TV show have gone way down, falling 40 percent. So I guess she and President Obama do have something in common after all.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“North Korea attacked South Korea by brazenly firing mortars into their country. Apparently what happened was, Kim Jong Il got angry over the fact that Bristol Palin made it to the finals of ‘Dancing With the Stars.'” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin must be glad that ‘Dancing With the Stars’ is over. It was a major distraction. She was only able to release three books this month.” –Jimmy Kimmel

“Some people think Bristol Palin is only doing well on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ because of an organized effort by the tea party. I hope the Democrats will respond by helping Nancy Pelosi win on ‘Flavor of Love.'” –Craig Ferguson

“Sarah Palin has managed to use her failed vice presidential run to put herself in a position of power and influence. Joe Biden won the race and he hasn’t been able to put himself in a position of power and influence.” – Craig Ferguson

“The TSA has issued some special packing tips for travelers before Thanksgiving weekend. They say not to bring food, sharp tools, or any shred of dignity.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Have you heard the TSA’s new slogan? ‘We handle more junk than eBay.'” – Jay Leno

“When asked about the new TSA body search, Hillary Clinton said she herself wouldn’t like to go through an airport pat down. Bill Clinton added, “I think we all know where Hillary stands on being touched.” – Conan O’Brien

“In the latest Harry Potter film, Harry loses his friends, has to battle overwhelming evil forces, and hides in exotic foreign places to avoid public scrutiny. I’m sorry, that’s President Obama.” – Jay Leno

“The turkey that President Obama will pardon this Thanksgiving is from California. The turkey said, “I don’t need a pardon. I need a job.” – Conan O’Brien

“George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush had a wonderful interview with Larry King. Larry is so confused. He asked Barbara Bush how long she has been on the Quaker Oats box” – David Letterman


Damn Corporate Profits!

© Ed Stein (read his comments on the comic too)

Reagan promised us that if we cut taxes for the rich, they would create jobs and prosperity for the rest of us. But all that has happened is that the gap between the rich and the poor has grown by leaps and bounds. In fact, the only thing that seems to be trickling down is campaign contributions to politicians.


WikiLeaks is Changing the World

The only question, is it for the better or for the worse? I don’t know; perhaps only time will tell.

UPDATE: An interview with Julian Assange from July, where he talks about why the world needs WikiLeaks.

UPDATE 2: This article in the Guardian makes an excellent point: if WikiLeaks can get ahold of this material so easily, certainly a foreign government can just as easily. These are not secrets from anyone but us, the American public.


Still the Best Congress Money Can Buy

Frank Rich has a fantastic rant in the NY Times about how our government is completely controlled by big money, “the big money that dominates our political system, regardless of who’s in power.” And the situation is getting worse, not better.

Ever wonder why our government is so screwed up? Go read it, now.

In case you need more encouragement, here’s one paragraph:

As John Cassidy underscored in a definitive article titled “Who Needs Wall Street?” in The New Yorker last week, the financial sector has paid little for bringing the world to near-collapse or for receiving the taxpayers’ bailout that was denied to most small-enough-to-fail Americans. The sector still rakes in more than a fourth of American business profits, up from a seventh 25 years ago. And what is its contribution to America in exchange for this quarter-century of ever-more over-the-top rewards? “During a period in which American companies have created iPhones, Home Depot and Lipitor,” Cassidy writes, the industry reaping the highest profits and compensation is one that “doesn’t design, build or sell a tangible thing.”


Being a Sociopath Pays

The NY Times has a fascinating article about an internet entrepreneur who sell eyeglasses on the web. Vitaly Borker found — almost by accident — that on the web negative publicity works better than good publicity. The more he abuses his customers, threatening them and calling them names, the more they complain to consumer websites, which then pushes up his page rank on Google and gives him better placement in search results.

The problem is that the Google page rank algorithm, which is based in part on how many links you have from respected websites, can’t tell the difference between a positive mention and a scathingly negative mention. So the more he gets mentioned in respected consumer websites, the more traffic and sales he gets!

I have a similar problem with my Google ads on this site. I often get emails from people complaining that my most negative posts are often accompanied by ads for the very person about whom I am being negative. But how can Google tell, especially if I am being sarcastic or ironic?

What I find ironic about this article is that they seem to be targeting only Mr. Borker. Yes, Borker is acting like a sociopath. He doesn’t care at all how many people he frightens and abuses in his quest for profits. But he does try to be careful to tread within the law. To him it is a game, and a profitable one at that.

But what about all the corporations that do the same thing? Corporations that make money off of war and death, by driving up the cost of medicines that cost people their lives, or by manipulating the economy? Corporations that by their money-saving negligence cause massive oil spills or other environmental disasters?

Pretty much by design, large corporations act like sociopaths every day. Corporations are required to make as much money as possible, in any way possible (within the law). The NY Times attacks Borker, but ignores the 800 billion ton gorilla. If anything, Borker is being honest about what he does, probably because he doesn’t have a PR department like big corporations such as BP do.

UPDATE: Google has modified its page rank algorithm to identify businesses that provide bad service and lower their position in search results. Hopefully this will stop rewarding sociopaths like Borker.

UPDATE: Borker has been arrested and charged with mail fraud, wire fraud, making interstate threats, and cyberstalking. The judge denied Borker’s request for bail saying he was either “verging on psychotic” or had “an explosive personality”.


Late Night Political Humor

“TSA says they are going to crack down on the invasive pat-downs. In fact, one agent was transferred to another parish.” – David Letterman

“A TSA worker gave me a pat-down and found another TSA worker’s hand.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Some of these airport patdowns are so thorough they say you only need one every 5 years. You can get the regular patdown, but if you want to upgrade you can get what they call the Full Spitzer.” – David Letterman

“The TSA says they will allow pilots to pass through security more easily than before. I’d be happy if the pilots just went through the breathalyzer.” – Jay Leno

“Three finalists on ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ two of whom can dance and Bristol Palin who cannot, but her mother has an army of Eskimo robots calling in votes day and night. The Palins dream of a future in which no one will ever be disqualified from a job simply because they are unable to perform that job.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Swiss scientists say they have produced antimatter, which could explain some of the mysteries of the universe, such as how Bristol Palin is still on ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ She gets more votes than anyone else. John McCain picked the wrong Palin.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin’s new book can be found right next to George W. Bush’s new book in the ‘Apparently Anyone Can Write One of These’ section.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former President George W. Bush has published his memoirs, called ‘Decision Points.’ Bush was asked if he used a ghost writer and he said, ‘Nah, I stopped believing in those after I turned 12.'” – Jay Leno

“The turkey that President Obama will pardon this year for Thanksgiving will come from California. The spokesman for the turkey said it doesn’t need a pardon, it needs a job.” – Conan O’Brien

“Michelle Obama is expected to announce a plan to put 5,000 salad bars in public schools. They expect as many as three students to use them.” –Jay Leno

“There’s a new version of Rolling Stone magazine being published specifically for the Middle East. It’s called ‘Throwing Stone.'” – Conan O’Brien


What Billionaires Do with Their Tax Cuts

© Lloyd Dangle

I think it is ironic that cartoons like this one tend to attack the richest people (“billionaires”) while in my experience it is what I would call the “barely rich” who are the most freaked out about taxes. They are the ones who feel the most competitive with the people around them who have more money, while the uber-rich (people like Warren Buffett and William Gates Sr.) tend to be OK with higher taxes, and even advocate for them. After all, how rich you feel depends more on how much money you have compared to the people with whom you socialize the most.

On the other hand, the “barely rich” should be in favor of a strongly progressive tax schedule, since people richer than them would be taxed more. But I’m sure they aren’t thinking that clearly about it.


The Truth About Top Tax Rates

Maybe, just maybe, when the top tax rate goes way down for the rich, they use their excess money to fuel some stupid bubble. Because the theory that cutting taxes for the rich helps grow the economy just doesn’t seem to be working out in practice.

UPDATE: In fact, there is a good argument that when taxes for the rich go up, the economy gets better for everyone (including the rich).


GM thanks America for helping them out

I was, and am still against bailing out large companies (for many reasons I’ve often discussed). But this is a very sweet ad.
