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War Veterans of the Future

© Cam Cardow


Who decides what’s news?

In a recent press briefing, a US State Department spokesman was asked whether the State Department considered WikiLeaks to be a media organization:

Q: Do you know if the State Department regards WikiLeaks as a media organization?

A: No. We do not.

Q: And why not?

A: WikiLeaks is not a media organization. That is our view.

But what is really interesting is that when pressed, the spokesperson said “Mr. Assange obviously has a particular political objective behind his activities, and I think that, among other things, disqualifies him as being considered a journalist.”

As several websites have pointed out, does that mean that the State Department doesn’t consider Fox News to be a media organization?

That reminds me of an old quote: “News is what somebody somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising.” – Lord Northcliffe


Late Night Political Humor

“It looks like the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich will continue, due to a strong Republican leader, Barack Obama. Today Obama changed his slogan from ‘Yes we can’ to ‘Yes, we caved.’ It’s so bad for him, now Democrats want to see his birth certificate.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama has reached a deal with Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts, in exchange for extending jobless benefits. Republicans in Congress say they’re thrilled with the tax cuts, while Democrats leaving Congress say they’re thrilled with the jobless benefits.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama has agreed to extend the Bush-era tax cuts. Because if there’s anything we need, it’s an extension of the Bush era.” – David Letterman

“The Republicans might be willing to allow homosexual men and women to die for their country, once anyone earning over $500,000 a year is allowed to park in handicapped spaces and be addressed as ‘Guvner’ in an English accent.” – Daily Show correspondent John Oliver

“Julian Assange was arrested by British authorities. Our secrets are safe — as long as no one else figures out how to use the Internet.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was in court today, and when the judge asked for his address he said he didn’t want to give out that information. Well, everyone has a right to privacy.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin shot a reindeer on the last episode of her show. You don’t typically see politicians shooting reindeer to death two weeks before Christmas.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Some teens are getting pregnant on purpose so they can audition for MTV’s show ’16 & Pregnant.’ Also, some adults are running for President on purpose so they can audition for a show on killing moose.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s so cold that the security guys at the airports are putting their hands in their own pants.” – David Letterman

“Because of a printing error nearly a billion $100 bills will have to be destroyed. Hey, if these bills are worthless, don’t destroy them. Use them to pay off the Chinese.” – Jay Leno

“‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ was just on. According to a recent poll, most Americans think Charlie Brown is a Muslim.” – David Letterman

“The annual Christmas Village in Philadelphia has been renamed The Holiday Village. And Santa’s reindeer have now become Non-Denominational Venison.” – Jay Leno


Glenn Beck is so stupid he calls himself a terrorist

According to Beck, if you hate the American government you are a terrorist, and especially if you stir up hatred against the American government you are a terrorist. He was talking about Muslims of course, but what does that make Glenn Beck?


Orwell was 26 years too early

War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.

UPDATE: An interesting article in The Guardian makes the case that this is “the first really sustained confrontation between the established order and the culture of the internet. … Our rulers have a choice to make: either they learn to live in a WikiLeakable world, with all that implies in terms of their future behaviour; or they shut down the internet.”


The Real Enemy

I’ve got confirmed today that I am capable of supporting Al-Qaeda, Ku Klux Klan, buy weapons, drugs and all sorts of pornography with a VISA card. But that’s not being investigated. Instead I can not support a humanitarian organisation fighting for the freedom of speech.

This quote from the founder of Datacell, the Icelandic company that processes credit and debit card donations to WikiLeaks, points out the absolutely stunning hypocrisy of companies like Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, and who suddenly stopped doing business with WikiLeaks, while continuing to do business with other organizations that clearly violate their sacred terms of service.

Interestingly, after WikiLeaks’ website got kicked off of Amazon they moved to French hosting provider OVH. But when the French government demanded that OVH stop hosting WikiLeaks, instead of meekly complying, the company asked the courts what to do. The courts ruled that the French government has to actually, you know, prove that WikiLeaks broke the law before trying to intimidate private companies into dropping them.

I guess this means that Muslims can stop hating us because of our freedoms!

I do have to mention that Twitter and Facebook have so far continued to keep WikiLeaks as members. And if you still want to donate money to WikiLeaks, at least one US company will process donations to them, saying “While people may or may not agree with WikiLeaks, we at XIPWIRE believe that anyone who wishes to support the organization through a donation should be able to do so. We’re fully aware that not everyone likes what Wikileaks is. But we are prepared to accept the consequences.”


The Terrible Beast

© Ruben Bolling

I know these characters are supposed to be dogs (hounds actually) but they look like pigs to me!


Tax cuts for the wealthy: the funder speaks







[reprinted from Bullseye Rooster. Does anyone know what this means in English?]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s pledge to have the most transparent administration in history has come true. Thanks to WikiLeaks.” – Jay Leno

“WikiLeaks head Julian Assange says that if arrested, he will release secret documents, including information on UFOs. Arrest him, I want to see those documents.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says he’s going to release damaging files on BP and Guantanamo Bay if his website is shut down. Excuse me? No one besmirches the good names of BP and Guantanamo Bay.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Because of a printing error, a billion new $100 bills have to be destroyed. They’re going to burn $100 billion dollars — just like they did with the last stimulus program.” – Jay Leno

“Iran began holding talks with the six world powers. Participants were the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France, and Oprah.” – Conan O’Brien

“You have to be careful of political correctness this time of the year. You can’t call them ‘Santa’s elves’ anymore. They’re ‘undocumented little people.'” – Jay Leno

“Willie Nelson was arrested for possession of marijuana. Nothing yet on bin Laden, but we got Willie Nelson.” – David Letterman

“Between the made-up words and wildly shooting at anything with four legs, Sarah Palin is turning into Elmer Fudd.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Shun Swedish Sex?

[reprinted from the blog of Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert)]

Here’s a list of three things that you are unlikely to do, at least in this order:

1. Watch a Swedish movie called The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2. Read about the Swedish sex charges against Julian Assange
3. Book a vacation to Sweden

I am always amused by the strange impact of unintended consequences. Julian Assange simply wanted to release some embarrassing information, have hot sex with a Swedish babe then have hot sex with an acquaintance of that same babe one day later. That’s just one example of why the Swedish language has 400 words that all mean “and your cute friend is next.”

But things didn’t turn out as Assange hoped. The unintended consequence of his actions is that he managed to make Sweden look like a country that’s governed by congenital idiots and populated with nothing but crazy sluts and lawyers. And don’t get me started about the quality of their condoms.

To be fair, I don’t know if Assange’s alleged broken condom is because the product was defective. We have good evidence that Assange has the world’s biggest set of nuts, so assuming some degree of proportionality, he’d put a strain on any brand of condom that didn’t have rebar ribs.

Assange had a lot of help making Sweden look like the last place on Earth that you would want to take your penis. The aforementioned megahit movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, makes the place look like a snow-filled ass cave that Jeffrey Dahmer lived in before he got a raise. (It’s a good movie otherwise.)

If you haven’t read any background about the so-called rape charges against Assange, you really should. Apparently Swedish laws are unique. If you have a penis, you’re half a rapist before you even get through customs. And if your condom breaks, that’s jail time. What I’m saying is that the Club Med in Sweden is a nervous place.

I was having a hard time making up my mind about Assange. On one hand, he might be hurting the interests of my country and putting people in danger. Death to him! On the other hand, a little extra government transparency might prevent more problems than it causes. Hero! It was a toss-up. Then Sweden turned Assange from a man-whore publicity hound into Gandhi. Advantage: Assange.

The one thing I know for sure is that I’m a fan of the hackers who are dispensing vigilante justice. Here’s another unintended consequence: The hackers could end up organizing over this issue and ultimately forming a shadow government of their own, if they haven’t already. I welcome my hacker overlords.

Prediction: The governments of the world can’t let Assange become a martyr. He would be too powerful. They’ll pressure Sweden to release him on some sort of technicality.


1984 All Over Again – Freedom is Slavery

In a move straight out of Orwell’s novel 1984, the US State Department has announced that it is hosting UNESCO’s World Press Freedom Day event. From the announcement:

The theme for next year’s commemoration will be 21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers. The United States places technology and innovation at the forefront of its diplomatic and development efforts. New media has empowered citizens around the world to report on their circumstances, express opinions on world events, and exchange information in environments sometimes hostile to such exercises of individuals’ right to freedom of expression. At the same time, we are concerned about the determination of some governments to censor and silence individuals, and to restrict the free flow of information. We mark events such as World Press Freedom Day in the context of our enduring commitment to support and expand press freedom and the free flow of information in this digital age.

You mean, like some governments that are determined to censor and silence WikiLeaks?

Highlighting the many events surrounding the celebration will be the awarding of the UNESCO Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize at the National Press Club on May 3rd. This prize, determined by an independent jury of international journalists, honors a person, organization or institution that has notably contributed to the defense and/or promotion of press freedom, especially where risks have been undertaken.

What are the chances that WikiLeaks and Julian Assange win this award?

[thanks to Wonkette]


And there’s more below the waterline

© Rob Rogers

The rich are getting richer, and giving them tax cuts didn’t help the economy, but it is the only thing the Republicans insist on — more tax cuts for the rich. And investors already pay less in taxes on their earnings that people who work do. Not to mention that payroll taxes are capped for the rich.



© Clay Bennett

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange surrendered to authorities in London, but will fight extradition to Sweden on charges that he had unprotected sex with two women. Meanwhile, Assange printed a thoughtful letter in an Australian newspaper.


Late Night Political Humor

“Legislation was enacted in 1993 designed to allow gay people to serve in the military as long as they told their colleagues that the ripped, topless and be-jean shorted fireman that they had in their foot locker was cousin Rico.” – Jon Stewart

“President Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan. Nobody knew he was going — except for the WikiLeaks guy.” – Jay Leno

“What kind of name is WikiLeaks? It sounds like a Hawaiian guy that’s incontinent.” – Jay Leno

“Obama was going to have a meeting with Afghan President Karzai about the country’s corruption, incompetence, and the wasting of American tax dollars. And that’s just what Karzai was going to lecture Obama about.” – Jay Leno

“Nigerian authorities are charging former Vice President Dick Cheney on a bribery scandal that involves Haliburton. That’s when you know you’re bad, when guys in Nigeria are accusing *you* of running a scam. Cheney has offered to be hooked up to a polygraph, as soon as he’s unhooked from the defibrillator.” – Jay Leno



© Don Wright

Obama agreed to extend all the Bush tax cuts for two years in exchange for an extension of unemployment benefits. Our government is definitely broken.
