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Law and Order?

Donald Trump has declared himself to be the “law and order” president.

This is such a joke. Trump has looted the environment, is guilty of obstruction of Congress, and has disbanded the police, who in this case are Inspectors General who are supposed to enforce the law in the executive branch of our federal government. He has also violated several clauses of the constitution, the ultimate law of the land, including the first amendment.

It seems possible Trump has violated more laws than all the protesters put together.

I say, lock him up.

© KAL – The Economist

UPDATE: Trump and the Republicans aren’t just looting the environment, they are looting the country. The GOP snuck in a tax change to the Cares coronavirus relief package they passed in late March that lets the wealthy avoid $82 billion in taxes. And why am I not surprised that the biggest recipients of this windfall is rich real estate investors (like Trump).


His Own Words

No, not Trump’s words. The group Republican Voters Against Trump has released a new ad using only the words of South Carolina Republican senator Lindsey Graham to attack Donald Trump and praise Joe Biden. The ad is being run in both South and North Carolina, and also on Fox News in DC (likely to poke Trump in the eye).

Most of these quotes are from less than five years ago, but after Trump was elected, Lindsey Graham started tightly hugging Trump, a flip-flop turnabout that is reportedly already hurting Graham’s popularity in his home state.

The ad not only attacks Trump, it attacks Graham by showing his abject hypocrisy and lack of any backbone. So it works not only against a bad president, but also against a pitiful Republican senator. And winning the Senate is crucial for reversing the damage already done to our country. Besides getting control of Congress, it is the Senate that confirms judges, including the Supreme Court justices. And Graham is up for reelection this year.

Even more brilliantly, the ad features Graham effusively praising Biden. This is especially important because a new study shows that ads that are just about Trump are no longer effective:

People have already heard a lot about Trump, and neither pro-Trump nor anti-Trump ads are very effective at shifting people’s perceptions of him.

By contrast, despite his 48 years in national politics, Joe Biden is not as well known. Both pro-Biden and anti-Biden messages can move the needle: People who don’t like Trump can still be convinced to dislike Biden, and people who do like Trump can be convinced that Biden is okay.

There are very few voters who are undecided about Trump. If someone is a Fox-news-watching Trump lover, an ad attacking Trump is unlikely to convince them to vote for Biden. At best, it might make people who hate Trump happy, but they already plan to vote for Biden.

But an ad that says good things about Biden can convince former Trump voters to switch. And if these good things about Biden are coming from a (now) Trump-loving Senator, that makes them even more powerful and believable.

And it looks like there can be more ads like this. For example, I just found an article that quotes Mitch McConnell publicly saying to Biden on the Senate floor, “You’ve been a real friend, you’ve been a trusted partner, and it’s been an honor to serve with you. We’re all going to miss you.” (The ad should end with “Joe Biden, someone you can trust.”)


His Voters

The tell-all book by former National Security Advisor John Bolton was supposed to have been released in March, but the White House has been working hard to delay it, claiming that it contains some (unspecified) classified information. So on Friday, the book’s publisher released some content from it.

As expected, the book is very negative about Donald Trump. The released content is about how everything that the president does is predicated primarily on how it helps him win reelection. We already know that Trump tried to force the Ukraine to release lies damaging to Joe Biden before it would give them desperately needed aid that had been allocated by Congress. But the book will detail many other examples of this kind of mafia-like extortion by Trump.

According to the publisher, “Trump’s Ukraine-like transgressions existed across the full range of his foreign policy — and Bolton documents exactly what those were, and attempts by him and others in the Administration to raise alarms about them.” This applies to everything, not just Trump’s foreign policy, including his response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to the racial protests that are currently rocking the US.

For the pandemic, we already know that Trump is strongly pressuring states to reopen, even as cases start to spike again around the country. On Friday, a Whirlpool plant in Tulsa OK that employs 1,600 workers announced that it was shutting down temporarily because of an outbreak of COVID-19. But Trump is still going ahead with his planned rally there in seven days, and has already announced that the attendees are not required to social distance or wear masks.

What attendees will be required to do is sign a waiver that they will not sue Trump or the venue if they catch the disease. Like in Shrek,

So far in June, twelve states have seen hospitalizations increase. This in turn caused the Dow Jones to drop 1,862 points (6.9%) on Thursday, the worst drop since March. So Trump is not just causing people to die, he is visiting economic chaos on the country purely in service to his reelection.

But wait, there’s more! Also on Friday, it leaked from the Trump White House that when Trump’s advisors tried to give advice on how to respond to the protests against racism that have erupted in all 50 states (and around the world), Trump responded on multiple occasionsthose aren’t my voters“.

There is an enormous amount of proof that Trump will “sacrifice” everything — our lives, our economy, even the rest of the world — to get reelected. Ironically, the only thing we can do about it is to defeat him and his Republican enablers at the ballot box in November.


This is a joke, right?

Actually, no. These are actually things that Donald Trump, the master of racist dog whistles and champion of white supremacists, said at an event about race and policing, which took place in a largely white megachurch in an upper class part of Dallas.

President Trump says America will be done with “bigotry and prejudice” before we know it.

Trump traveled to Dallas on Thursday for a roundtable on race and policing, though for some reason didn’t invite the top three law enforcement officials in the area, all of whom are black. There, Trump defended police departments and offered up an executive order that he suggested will help repair America’s centuries of racism “very quickly and very easily.”

Trump started his talk by defending discriminatory and otherwise unethical police, saying “you always have a bad apple no matter where you go,” but adding “there are not too many in the police department.” Americans, as well, “are good and virtuous people,” Trump added. “We have to work together to confront bigotry and prejudice wherever they appear,” he said, and then posited that “we’re going to do it very quickly and very easily.”

And then, of course, he started talking about using force to “dominate” the protesters.

Also, in an interview on Fox News, Trump said “I think the concept of chokeholds sounds so innocent and so perfect.”

© Ward Sutton



Donald Trump treats pretty much everything as a PR problem. Why bother to actually, you know, govern? If there is bad news, he brands it as “fake news”, uses whataboutism, and attacks the source. If there is no good news, he just makes crap up and repeats it so much that at least some people believe it (typically his base).

For example, when video came out clearly showing 75-year-old pacifist protester Martin Gugino being violently pushed down by police, hard enough that he ended up in the ICU (police had claimed that Gugino “tripped and fell”), it was hard to call “fake news” — Gugino is white, was acting peaceably, has no police record. But that didn’t stop Trump, who tweeted “Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur.” And said what happened “Could be a set up?”

There is no evidence linking Gugino to Antifa. In fact, the tweet was based on an article from far-right-wing site OANN that was written by a reporter who also works for the propaganda outlet Sputnik News, which is owned by the Russian government. In other words, there is more evidence that Trump is a tool of Russian intelligence than Gugino is part of Antifa.

But is gets worse. Rule Number One in public relations is “Don’t Believe Your Own PR!“(or variously, don’t believe your own publicity / hype / press / bullshit / etc.). It is also enshrined in the (biblical-based) popular saying “Pride comes before the fall.” Recently there is plenty of evidence that Trump has fallen into this fatal trap.

The first sign was Trump’s purge or silencing of federal employees who are “not sufficiently loyal to President Trump.” (Don’t take my word for it, the White House actually announced this.) It doesn’t matter how vital or popular they are (like Anthony Fauci, who was silenced for making the fatal mistake of contradicting some of Trump’s lies). Trump is now completely surrounded by yes-men and sycophants, but does Trump actually believe them?

What got me thinking about this is Trump’s response to a recent negative poll. The CNN poll showed Joe Biden ahead of Trump by 14 points. Trump demanded that CNN retract the poll and apologize, and tweeted:

First of all, McLaughlin is such a terrible pollster that even most Republican politicians won’t use him anymore. For example, McLaughlin told his client (House majority leader) Eric Cantor he was winning by 34 points, just before Cantor lost by 11 points. That’s a whopping 45 point error. McLaughlin is infamous for telling his clients what they want to hear, rather than the truth.

Which is exactly what Trump wants. Because every recent legitimate poll shows Trump losing by five or more points.

In April, Trump actually threatened to sue his own campaign manager Brad Parscale because he gave Trump negative poll results. Trump yelled at Parscale “I’m not fucking losing to Joe Biden” and it looks like he believes it. I guess the “incredible enthusiasm we are receiving” proves it to him.

To get more of that “incredible enthusiasm”, Trump has scheduled his first mass rally in Tulsa, OK next week. Trump should be campaigning in swing states, not in Oklahoma, where he won by 36 points in 2016. From a political viewpoint, that rally is a complete waste of time and money, but it will make Trump feel better.

Not only does Trump believe his own PR, the sycophants surrounding him are explicitly pushing him to believe it. Starting in late May, the Trump campaign spent more than $400,000 to run pro-Trump ads in the Washington DC area on cable channels that Trump is known to watch (mainly Fox News). Because Trump has no chance of winning in DC or the surrounding states of Maryland or Virginia, these ads are also a complete waste of money. The ads are actually aimed at an audience of one.

Trump is now sealed off in his bubble (or bunker), entirely detached from reality. I just hope the country can survive until he’s gone.

© Lalo Alcaraz


© Matt Wuerker

If you think things are bad now, remember that as Donald Trump gets more and more desperate to win the upcoming election, things will likely get more and more unpleasant.

In fact, they are already getting worse. In the first week of June already, 14 states and Puerto Rico have recorded their highest-ever seven-day average of new coronavirus cases since the pandemic began, Right now is the time those states — Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Kentucky, New Mexico, North Carolina, Mississippi, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah — should be instituting strict measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus. We seem to have completely forgotten how quickly the virus took off in March, so instead most of these states are opening things up even more, with Trump playing the cheerleader to eliminate crucial restrictions.

Trump is already planning on restarting his in-person rallies in the next two weeks. His campaign manager released a statement saying:

Americans are ready to get back to action and so is President Trump. The great American comeback is real and the rallies will be tremendous. You’ll again see the kind of crowds and enthusiasm that sleepy Joe Biden can only dream of.

Meanwhile, the massive protests over the killing of George Floyd, which have happened in all 50 states, are perfect breeding grounds for the virus. Tear gas and pepper balls that irritate the nose and lungs will add complications to those who contract the disease. These cases will start to show up in the next two weeks after their incubation period, during which time infected people will be asymptomatic and spreading the virus even further.

And economists are predicting that the economy will not bounce back immediately, even if all restrictions are removed and everyone who can will go back to work. Many businesses have simply gone bankrupt and shut down, and business investment and consumer spending will take years to ramp up.


Defund vs Reform

Can you guess what happened when the city of Camden NJ “defunded their police department” in 2013?

If you’ve been listening to right-wing media, you might be thinking something like the following:

You can’t just defund a police department! Who is going to protect you from criminals? Violent anarchists will take over! Dogs and cats living together!

But that’s just propaganda designed to stir up FUD. Virtually nobody is saying that they want to eliminate law enforcement entirely. Instead, they want to reform it (as in “to form anew”) into something better. What happened in Camden is instructive.

At the time, Camden had become synonymous with crime and was considered among the deadliest cities in the U.S. After a rise in homicides in 2012, the city had wanted more officers patrolling the streets, but couldn’t afford to hire them.

Camden’s murder rate was 18 times the national average, and things were going downhill. Their only hope was to try something new:

The following year, the city’s police department was disbanded and replaced with a new one covering Camden County that had more officers, but on lower pay, according to a City Lab report.

That’s right. After they “disbanded” the police, they actually had more police officers. Significantly, these new police were trained to not think of themselves as soldiers or warriors, using guns, tear gas, flash grenades, military equipment, and other heavy-handed (and expensive) tactics. These police were now guardians of the citizens they served.

In addition to increasing the number of officers, they worked on increasing the number of non-crisis interactions between police and residents, in order to build trust. Officers also underwent de-escalation training and got body cameras. They wrote a new use-of-force policy that requires police to use force only as a last resort.

The results were dramatic. The number of homicides dropped dramatically and crime rates went down. The solve rate for crimes went from 16% in 2012 to 61% in 2014 — just two years later. And most telling, they had a 95% reduction in excessive force complaints.

For a better picture of how this happened, listen to this short interview with Scott Thomson, who was the chief of police who oversaw the shift to community policing in Camden:

Looking forward to now, in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, demonstrations in Camden remained calm. On May 30, the police chief marched alongside protesters with a sign that said “Standing in Solidarity”, and 21 other officers marched as well. The organizer of the protest said that the chief asked her for permission to join the march.

Meanwhile, just across the river in Philadelphia, protests erupted into violence, with police using tear gas and rubber bullets.

It is ironic that police in many cities are escalating violence in response to protests. This indicates that the police mistrust and fear the people they are supposed to protect. This fear leads them to think they should kill before they themselves get killed. And the vicious cycle continues.

When police instead work to build trust, it makes the community safer, which means that the police themselves are safer and have less to fear.

Finally, I think people on the left should stop saying “Defund the Police”. That just plays into right-wing media propaganda and leads to more fear. This is better described as reforming them by rethinking the role of police — “reforming and rethinking”. Democrats are on the right track with the “Justice in Policing Act“. The experience in Camden shows that this not only saves lives, it saves money. And it might just save our country.


Global Good News!

Forbes has an article showing photos and descriptions of the protests that are happening all over the world in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Upwards of tens of thousands of people showed up for protests and marches in London, England; Paris, France; Brisbane, Australia; Rome, Italy; Berlin and Cologne, Germany; Tokyo, Japan; and the Palestinian territories. How cool is it to see Palestinian protesters holding signs saying (in English) “Black Lives Matter”.

Other highlights:

  • Bristol, England, where a statue of a 17th century slave trader was toppled and thrown in the local river.
  • Brussels, Belgium, where protesters climbed a statue of King Leopold II while waving the flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The DRC was a colony under Leopold, who inflicted countless atrocities.

And of course, there were massive , but generally peaceful protests in the US. This included an estimated 100,000 to 200,0000 people at the newly named Black Lives Matter plaza in DC, which was attended by civil rights leader John Lewis (D-GA). There were so many people you could hardly see the two-block-long “Black Lives Matter” that the mayor had commissioned to be painted on the street.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) marched in protest with around 1000 evangelical leaders in DC, singing “This Little Light of Mine“. Romney also tweeted a photo of his father, George Romney, participating in a Civil Rights march in the 60s when he was governor of Michigan.

In Philadelphia the protests stretched for over a mile, and a black couple finished getting married and joined the protest, walking hand-in-hand and holding their fists in the air.

Click the link at the top of this post to see all the photos and tweets. It warmed my heart to see the world joining in solidarity with American protesters. We may come out of this mess in one piece after all, and maybe even steer US Justice onto a better path than what we have now:

© Clay Bennett

Justice Served!

Black firefighter Terrell Paci says that he was racially profiled by police and harassed earlier this week in Rhode Island. Paci was wearing his full uniform and sitting in a car outside his fire station with a friend, when two officers approached with guns drawn, shouting at him.

The officer on the driver’s side started screaming “Where’s the gun, is there a gun” and I was like “I’m a firefighter. I’m PFD, I’m one of you. I’m a firefighter.”

The officers demanded to search the car, even after confirming he was a firefighter. Firefighters are not allowed to carry guns while on duty.

Providence firefighters defended Paci in a post to Facebook:

This situation makes clear that even in uniform – a young black man is not immune from the impact of systemic, institutional racism. While we value our working relationship with the Providence Police, and know there are many officers who are working to change police culture, this incident proves that there is more work to be done.

Here’s the best part. A business in Rhode Island decided that the way to a policeman’s brain was through their stomach. Allie’s Donuts announced that they will stop offering their customary discount to police.

Ouch! That’s got to hurt!

The owner of the donut shop further addressed police, saying “Thank you for your service, and shame on your for your silence.” He later released the following statement:

Times are tough. People everywhere feel unsafe, threatened, and unprotected in their community due to the color of their skin and — regarding those involved in community protection — the style of their working uniforms.

Allie’s Donuts believes the time is now to come together to find solutions to what has created so much fear and strife. Together, as those with voices speak up, the people that can make a difference, will, indeed, make that difference.

Personally, I think they should have continued to give police the discount, but only if they sported a prominent “Black Lives Matter” bumper sticker on their police car.


Winning Rant

I believe that this righteous rant from Kimberly Jones, titled “How Can We Win”, is the most powerful I have ever posted. Please watch it, and remember to go to the YouTube page and vote it up.

Hearing her words, I am reminded of the American Revolution. Let me explain. Here are the major things I remember from being taught about the Revolution as a child in school:

  • Taxation without Representation — how is this any different than what Jones is talking about? The main issues then were the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Declaratory Act, and others. These acts passed by Britain separated the colonists from the rewards for their labor without giving them any say in the matter. They also forced restrictions on the colonists in order to pay for British military troops stationed in the colonies, which the colonists didn’t want. The only difference from today that I can see is that at least the British weren’t murdering colonists for minor infractions.
  • The Boston Tea Party — destruction of property, pure and simple, and the property was tea that was being delivered to the colonists. This is like today’s protesters destroying property in their own neighborhoods. The colonial rioters were even commended for disguising themselves as Native Americans. The British responded particularly harshly and the situation escalated quickly to become the Revolutionary War.
  • The War — the colonists (well, many of them) responded to these injustices by starting a revolution. Thousands of people died. The Colonial Army even invaded Quebec in an attempt to raise insurrection against the British, but failed decisively.

We (rightly) honor the American Revolutionaries as patriots and heroes. But we call the protesters “thugs”. Instead of King George we have Donald Trump, who is telling the police “Please don’t be too nice” and enlisting the military to fight his own citizens. Trump bellows that he is above the law, while inciting institutional violence against “the little people” who protest (even peacefully, and including representatives of the media).


Lip Sync

I can barely stand to hear Donald Trump speak for more than a minute anymore, but I can’t get enough of comedian Sarah Cooper lip syncing to audio of him. She has been doing it for a little while, but this newest one takes it to another level.

It is clear that Trump knows nothing about the Bible, other than that pretending to like it might get him some evangelical votes. Maybe if someone converted the entire holy book into one-page of bullet points, he might actually read it.

If you like this as much as I do, you might want to watch Cooper being interviewed by Ellen DeGeneres. Cooper talks about how preparing for these has the (unwanted) side effect that she is starting to understand his train of thought, but she’s afraid she might end up going “Full Trump”. After all, she already does his expressions better than he does.


The Mirror Universe

© Ruben Bolling

Just like in Star Trek, imagine a mirror universe with all the same people in it, except everything else is different. This brilliant comic shows the insanity of things that we largely take for granted in our universe, by showing how unbelievable it would be to us (dear readers) if the mirror police treated CEOs who dump millions of gallons of pollution the same way that our real police treat people who do petty crime (especially while black). And vice versa, with the blacks being the defenders of “law and order”.

Just try to imagine our world working that way.

The real moral is that anyone who thinks they aren’t the least bit racist is just deluding themselves. We are all racist (even me). It is the way we are programmed (so we can distinguish our tribe from others) and the way we are brought up. The solution is to realize the bug, and use that giant brain of ours (if we are smart enough) to do the right thing.

Maybe some day we will look at people of different races, and we will have evolved enough to think they look like us. But we sure as hell aren’t there yet.


More Lies

This isn’t really news, but Donald Trump continues to lie about just about everything.

First, Trump’s former defense secretary Jim Mattis wrote an article highly critical of Trump, so of course our Tweeter-in-chief attacked back, claiming that he had fired Mattis (and disparaging him). But John Kelly, who was Trump’s White House chief of staff at the time says that Mattis resigned and that Trump “has clearly forgotten” what actually happened. But that didn’t deter Trump, who just repeated his false claim that he fired Mattis and then proceeded to attack Kelly.

Who are you going to believe? Trump, or two widely respected four star Marine generals, who were handpicked by Trump and praised by him until they each wrote something he didn’t like?

Next, facing fallout over his disgusting Bible-brandishing photo-op that involved unconstitutionally attacking peaceful protesters, Trump decided that the best defense was to demand retractions from news organizations that claimed that police used tear gas to clear the area. The White House instead pointed out that they used pepper balls, smoke canisters, and flash-bang grenades instead.

This is just total bullshit:

  • According to the CDC, the term “tear gas” is used to describe any riot-control agent that causes people to cry through irritation of the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, or skin. They explicitly classify pepper compounds as one form of tear gas. So this is like the White House saying “I didn’t hit her with a blunt instrument, I used a club.” The deleterious effects are the same, and in this case were experienced and reported by news media during the event.
  • Local news organizations also found actual used tear gas canisters on the ground, and witnessed federal law enforcement launching them at protesters during the event. So the White House is lying.
  • And finally, it doesn’t matter whether tear gas was used. The government violently violated the First Amendment right of Americans to peaceably assemble to protest. Even if they only did it by firing pepper balls, smoke canisters, and flash-bang grenades, which they admitted. For a freakin’ photo-op.

UPDATE: A spokesperson for the US Park Police admits that it was a “mistake” to insist on Tuesday that it didn’t use tear gas to disperse protesters in Lafayette Square for Trump’s photo op. No comment on why they felt that it was ok to use violence on peaceful protesters.


Way more!

This brilliant tweet riffs on Donald Trump’s attempts to downplay the coronavirus by misleadingly comparing it to the flu:

General James Mattis

When Marine general James Mattis resigned as Donald Trump’s secretary of defense at the end of 2018, he promised that he would avoid criticizing the sitting president. But he added, “There is a period in which I owe my silence. It’s not eternal. It’s not going to be forever.”

Yesterday was the day the dam broke. Mattis came to the conclusion that Trump is a direct threat to our nation and wrote a stinging rebuke against his former boss, published in The Atlantic. If you follow the link and scroll down a ways, you can see the original text.

Mattis accuses Trump of violating the constitution, and of deliberately dividing the nation. “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try.”

Mattis also criticized Trump’s current secretary of defense, saying “We must reject any thinking of our cities as a ‘battlespace’ that our uniformed military is called upon to ‘dominate’.”

And Mattis defends the protesters:

I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled. The words “Equal Justice Under Law” are carved in the pediment of the United States Supreme Court. This is precisely what protesters are rightly demanding. It is a wholesome and unifying demand—one that all of us should be able to get behind. We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers. The protests are defined by tens of thousands of people of conscience who are insisting that we live up to our values—our values as people and our values as a nation. We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution.

© Nick Anderson

UPDATE: In seemingly independent moves, Trump seems to have lost all of his generals, including his current secretary of defense, Mike Esper and the current chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Mark Millay. Esper disagreed with Trump on the use of military force to deal with protesters and explicitly opposed the president’s invocation of the Insurrection Act. Millay sent out a general memo to the leaders of all US military branches reminding them that they swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution and its values, including the rights of equality under the law, free speech, and peaceful assembly.
