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Where the Jobs Are

We keep hearing that the economy is heating up, but unemployment remains high (and even rose last month). The stock market has rebounded, and corporate profits (and bonuses) are high. The latest news is that American companies actually are hiring! In fact, they are hiring a lot. Just not in the USA. Caterpillar hired 15,000 workers, but over half of those were overseas. Overall, American companies have created 1.4 million jobs in other countries.

Part of this is because our tax laws give breaks to companies who hire elsewhere, but part is also because the economies of other countries are doing better than ours is. And the situation is likely to get worse, as the US rankings for higher education are falling.


On the road again

I’m traveling again for a few weeks, and Internet service is a bit spotty, so I’ll post when I can. Feel free to send me good stories to post — leave them in the comments, so others can see them!


Senator Grinch

© Steve Benson


Leaving the Barn Door Open

Are Republicans shaking their heads and wondering what happened? Did their midterm election victories make them get too cocky?

© Tom Toles

UPDATE: A Republican introduces a bill to eliminate lame duck sessions.


Santa Obama Sleighs ‘Em

© Mike Luckovich

© Clay Jones


Late Night Political Humor

“This morning President Obama signed the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ into law. He would have signed it last night, but supporters of the bill didn’t want to miss last night’s episode of ‘Glee.'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama signed into law the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ What does it say about us that we think gay men can handle armed combat, but can’t handle marriage?” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin is getting into the Christmas spirit. Today, she shot a partridge in a pear tree.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin’s Alaska’ has been such a big hit for TLC, they’re trying to get her to do another season. You know who doesn’t want Palin to have a second season? Elk.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Imagining Donald Trump flying on Jet Blue is like trying to imagine Sarah Palin flying on Air Force One.” – David Letterman

“The census shows there are more than 308 million people living in America. The amazing part is: More than half of those people are Americans.” – Jay Leno

“Security officials say that al-Qaida once considered spreading poison through salad bars across the U.S. But they abandoned the plan after Sizzler beat them to it.” – Jimmy Fallon


Why the Europeans Think the US is Insane

Alternet has an interesting article written by an American living in Germany, and attempting to explain why Glenn Beck is popular, what the Tea Party is all about, and how we have destroyed the social safety net.


New Orders

© Walt Handelsman

As someone noted, we now trust gays to defend our country, to kill and be killed, but we don’t trust them to be married. But it will happen.


Late Night Political Humor

“A new study found that there are only 786 mountain gorillas left in the world, and that number could go down even further after the premier of the new show, ‘Sarah Palin’s Congo.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin, part-time Governor of Alaska, is angry because Michele Obama is encouraging kids to eat healthy. Sarah Palin believes the government shouldn’t tell us what to do. Sarah Palin believes she should tell us what to do.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin is angry that Michelle Obama is suggesting that parents encourage their kids to eat healthy. Palin thinks that if we have healthy children, the terrorists have won.” – David Letterman

“A new poll shows President Obama ahead of Sarah Palin 54 percent to 39 percent in a potential match up. You know what that means? John McCain could get Barack Obama elected twice.” – Jay Leno

“It was so cold in Washington, President Obama got into bed with the Republicans just for the warmth.” – Jay Leno

“Happy birthday to Chinese President Hu Jintao. President Obama was going to get him a present, but it’s a little weird buying someone a gift with their own money.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vice President Joe Biden said there has been no ‘substantive damage’ to the United States by Julian Assange in the whole WikiLeaks scandal. He says it has been embarrassing, but you can’t prosecute people for embarrassing the United States. If that were true, Joe Biden would be serving life in prison.” – Jay Leno

“Madame Tussauds’ wax museum in Washington, D.C. will open a new gallery next year featuring all 44 presidents. The Obama statue is very lifelike. In fact, Biden spent an hour telling it about his weekend.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A group of TSA workers at LAX airport have formed a choir to sing to passengers. That’s just what you want, a guy with his hands down your pants going, ‘Do you feel what I feel?'” – Jay Leno

“On a flight from Cuba to Canada, a man threatened to shoot flight attendants after they stopped serving him drinks. He has been charged with making death threats and if convicted, he could lose his pilot’s license.” – Jay Leno

“The Pilgrims landed on this date in 1620. The first year they lost everything they had, in an Indian casino.” – David Letterman

“Today is the winter solstice. It’s the shortest day of the year, so congratulations, midgets.” – Craig Ferguson

“A theater in Chicago is staging a version of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” where the actors are all Klingons. It honors the true meaning of Christmas, since the audience is full of virgins.” – Conan O’Brien


Revenge of the Jesters

© Jim Morin

Who says comedy can’t change the world? In his last show of the year, Jon Stewart dedicated the entire show to shaming the Republicans for unanimously filibustering a bill that would fund health care for the 9/11 first responders whose health was affected by their heroic efforts. Suddenly, the bill was back in the Senate, with a few changes to help the Republicans save face, and it passed by unanimous consent. After the bill passed, NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg made special mention of “great New Yorkers like Jon Stewart.”

UPDATE: NPR has a good summary of how Jon Stewart influenced the passage of the bill.


Late Night Political Humor

“Congress repealed ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’. The Pentagon can now start production on ‘Iraq the Musical.'” – David Letterman

“The Senate voted to allow gay soldiers to serve in the military. This is good news for gay soldiers, but bad news for straight soldiers who were going to say they were gay to get out of the Army.” – Conan O’Brien

“Now if you’re in the military and want to engage in gay activity you just have to fill out the HB-290 Homosexual Behavior Requisition Form.” – David Letterman

“This weekend there were big Christmas sales, Congress repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the President signed the tax-cut extension bill. So if you’re a gay soldier who’s also a millionaire, looking for tax-refund money to go Christmas shopping, this was the time of your life.” – Jay Leno

“John McCain was opposed to repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ though he admitted that he probably served with gay soldiers during the Civil War.” – David Letterman

“President Obama read his new children’s book to a classroom of second-graders in Virginia. It did not go well. Fifty-nine percent of the kids disapproved, and 83 percent of the children felt the story was headed in the wrong direction. ” – Jay Leno

“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is out on bail and under house arrest at a 600-acre estate. That will teach him.” – David Letterman

“A women’s sanitary products company has released a new ad campaign saying their product will protect you from Wikileaks. At least it’s better than their last slogan: ‘Caps your spill faster than BP.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night on ‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska,’ the Palins went white water rafting with a guide named Mudflap. It was such an odd name Sarah Palin asked, “Are you sure you’re not one of my kids?” – Jimmy Fallon

“Levi Johnston reportedly has a new girlfriend in Alaska named Sunny Oglesby. Which raises an interesting question: Is there anyone in Alaska with a normal human name?” – Jimmy Fallon

“It has been raining hard here in Los Angeles. We have gotten so much water, illegal immigrants are literally coming in waves.” – Jay Leno


The 9 Biggest Conservative Lies About Taxes and Public Spending

Next time you need to win an argument with a supply-sider, AlterNet has a rather well done debunking of the nine biggest conservative lies about taxes and public spending. Here are the lies:

1. Cutting Taxes Leads to More Money for the Government
2. Conservatives’ Favorite Economist Proves the Point
3. Taxes on the Rich Keep ‘Wealth Producers’ from ‘Creating Jobs’
4. The Opposite: Tax Cuts for Upper Earners Spur Job Growth
5. Only Half of American Families Pay Taxes
6. Americans Are Taxed to Death
7. We’re Being Killed by Runaway Government Spending
8. Conservatives Favor Low Taxes and Limited Government
9. Taxes on Top Earners Are Actually Taxes on ‘Small Businesses’

You’ll have to read the article for the rebuttal!


Merry Christmas from Santa Corporation

© Tom Toles

Aren’t you glad Santa is not run by a corporation? Oh wait!


Late Night Political Humor

“Congress has voted to extend the Bush tax cuts. Is it me, or is George W. Bush getting more done now than when he was in office?” – Jay Leno

“Michelle Obama wore a vintage thrift-store dress from the 1950s for the Christmas in Washington concert. She’s not the only one going vintage. In fact, her husband just agreed to a tax plan from the early 2000s.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama met with leaders of 60 American Indian tribes. I don’t want to say the country’s in bad shape, but he offered to give it back to them.” – Jay Leno

“The president was honored by the Indians with his own Indian name. They now call him, ‘Dances With Republicans.'” – Jay Leno

“A lot of companies had their Christmas parties tonight. A lot of people couldn’t make it because their company is in India.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama was talking with school kids yesterday and said he walked their dog Bo on the White House lawn and picked up his poop. They should probably have someone else do that. Obama’s not good at cleaning up messes other people have left for him.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night was Larry King’s final show. Should we tell him?” – David Letterman

“On his last show, Larry King told Bill Clinton they were both members of the Zipper Club because they both had open heart surgery. Clinton was, “Uh, yeah, that’s why I’m a member of the Zipper Club…” – Jimmy Fallon

“The EPA just announced that the artificial sweetener saccharin is not a cancer threat after all. Or as I’ll be reporting the story 10 years from now, ‘The EPA just announced that the artificial sweetener saccharin is definitely a cancer threat after all.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The WikiLeaks guy is under house arrest with a strict curfew. If there’s anything a guy who leaks secret government documents respects, it’s a curfew.” – David Letterman


Pat Robertson wants to legalize marijuana?

Will wonders never cease? It has been a crazy week, what with Obama somehow talking the Republicans into going along with repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, ratifying the new START treaty, and dropping their filibuster to 9/11 first responder health benefits at the end of the lame duck session. But now arch-conservative founder of the Christian Coalition Pat Robertson has come out in favor of legalizing marijuana, or at least reducing the sentences.

It got to be a big deal in campaigns: “He’s tough on crime”, and “lock ’em up!”. That’s the way these guys ran and, uh, they got elected. But, that wasn’t the answer.

We’re locking up people that have taken a couple puffs of marijuana and next thing you know they’ve got 10 years with mandatory sentences. These judges just say, they throw up their hands and say nothing we can do with these mandatory sentences. We’ve got to take a look at what we’re considering crimes and that’s one of ’em.

I’m … I’m not exactly for the use of drugs, don’t get me wrong, but I just believe that criminalizing marijuana, criminalizing the possession of a few ounces of pot, that kinda thing it’s just, it’s costing us a fortune and it’s ruining young people. Young people go into prisons, they go in as youths and come out as hardened criminals. That’s not a good thing.

Well, duh!

UPDATE: An article in the Washington Post about Portugal, which decriminalized all recreational drugs with a controversial law 9 years ago, and how the new system is paying off.
