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Late Night Political Humor

“John Boehner chose a huge gavel. I think somebody’s compensating for his small government.” – Stephen Colbert

“How about the new Speaker of the House, John Boehner. Have you seen this guy’s enormous gavel. I’m telling you, if in four hours, that gavel is still that size, he’s got to call a doctor.” – David Letterman

“In his first speech as Speaker, Boehner thanked his loved ones – tobacco lobbyists, the oil companies, the CEOs.” –Jay Leno

“John Boehner — doesn’t he look like every guy you’ve ever seen at a hotel bar? He looks like the kind of guy who licks his thumb when he counts his money.” – David Letterman

“Outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave a speech and handed the gavel to John Boehner. Very emotional moment for Pelosi, but she managed to keep a stiff upper lip, a tightly stretched forehead, and unnaturally arched eyebrows.” –Jay Leno

“The first order of business for the 112th Congress: blaming everything on the 111th Congress.” – Jay Leno

“Now that the Republicans have taken over the House, they’re going to repeal everything President Obama has done. They even told Michelle Obama that her vegetable garden has to go.” – David Letterman

“The new Republican-controlled House of Representative decided to start things off by reading the entire Constitution aloud. Then there was a break for lunch and a slave auction.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to a group that monitors government waste, the Republicans’ reading of the Constitution cost taxpayers a $1 million. Only politicians could spend money reading.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Constitution is one of the most important documents in the history of the world, but it’s also very boring. It’s the kind of thing that makes you wish you never learned to read.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The new Congress adopted a rule that permits members to use electronic devices on the floor of the House. So let the sexting begin.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“An escaped prisoner in Alaska was on the run for six hours before he was finally caught near Sarah Palin’s hometown of Wasilla. When I think of safe places to run, I think ‘the woods near Sarah Palin’s house.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Birds are falling out of the sky in Arkansas and Louisiana and London. Today I saw my parakeet looking at the obituaries in the newspaper on the bottom of his cage, chirping, ‘Petey!'” – David Letterman

“Borders bookstores are struggling to stay in business. This could be the first time in our country that borders are actually closed.” – Jay Leno


It’s just a surveyor symbol?

© RR Anderson

I had to think about it before I posted this comic, because I could be accused of doing the same thing people like Sarah Palin are doing. But that’s the whole point. It has to stop. Violent, eliminationist rhetoric has to stop, no matter which side it comes from. We don’t have to be polite, we just have to stop feeding the crazies.


Targeting the Targeters

Yes, [the Republican] party has worked to achieve certain goals like repeal of the president’s health care reform law, and at times we have employed rhetoric like “massive government takeover” and “death panels.” Yet, while some have called this “troubling” and “irrational,” it certainly could not have influenced the shooter, for he was clearly troubled and irrational.

Chris Ryan at Political Relief, making fun of how the Republicans are backpedaling their rhetoric in the face of the shootings in Arizona. Sarah Palin has completely removed from her website all instances of the maps with the gun sights over Gifford’s district (among other things).



© Nate Beeler

I wonder if the Republicans actually believe that repealing HCR is the right thing to do, if they are just automatically opposed to anything Obama does, or if they are merely trying to keep their increasingly fringe base energized.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republicans now control the House, and they say their plan is to stick to a strict interpretation of the original Constitution. So I hope you didn’t like voting, women and non-whites.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“They’re also hoping to cut back on government regulation on Wall Street. I think we can all agree that Wall Street does a good job policing itself.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Now that the Republicans have taken over the House, they’re going to undo everything President Obama has done. John Boehner even told the Obama kids that the dog has to go back.” – David Letterman

“We have a new Speaker of the House, John Boehner. His new slogan: ‘Four more tears.'” – Jay Leno

“The last speaker, Nancy Pelosi has a frozen face and John Boehner has an orange face. If you put them together, you’ve got the Creamsicle of the House.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Congress was broadcast live on Facebook for the first time in history. Now you can waste time and not get work done by watching Congress waste time and not get work done.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama plans to sign a $1.4 billion food safety bill. The most dangerous thing about American food? The portions.” – Jay Leno

“Why is it no human being can withstand more than two years as a presidential press secretary? There must be an organ somewhere in the body that can only filter two years worth of heavy duty bullsh*t.” – Jon Stewart (speaking about Robert Gibbs’ retirement)

“Jerry Brown is Governor of California again. How California is that, hooking up with your ex years later?” – Jay Leno

“McCain stands now less a paragon of straight talk and independence for new members to admire, and more like an object lesson of how fucking mad someone gets when they don’t get their way.” – Jon Stewart

“They now say that our national debt will have to be paid off by our children. So thank God for Kate Gosselin and the Octomom.” – Jay Leno

“Thousands of birds fell dead in Arkansas. It’s either al-Qaida, or Dick Cheney is hunting again.” – David Letterman

“The commander of the USS Enterprise was relieved of duty because of his involvement in making raunchy videos while onboard the Navy ship. The good news: Today he was offered a job as a producer on ‘Jersey Shore.'” – Jay Leno

“A man was arrested for masturbating while on a flight. He said he was just finishing what the TSA guy started. Now would that be a skyjacking?” – Jay Leno


Pointing the finger

© Verbalobe

I am not going to blame Sarah Palin for the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords, and I support the second amendment. But the cutsie/violent rhetoric being used by the right against their opponents has got to stop. It is becoming terrorism.


The Majority of No?

© Adam Zyglis

As the minority party, the Republicans were able to get away with being the Party of No, but now that they have a majority in the House, and an improved ability to filibuster the Senate, how long can they keep up being the party that is just opposed to everything the Democrats try to do (even if what the Dems are doing was originally a Republican idea)? And more importantly, how long will the voters let them get away with such blatant obstructionism?


What happened to our brains?

© Keith Knight

The New York Times article.


The Hypocrisy of Facebook

Author Douglas Rushkoff has an interesting take on the current Facebook phenomenon, which he likens to a bubble in our increasingly short attention span world, where we can’t even remember what happened to MySpace, or AOL, or a host of other flavor of the moment companies.

But as usual, I’ll leave the last word to Jon Stewart, on the hypocrisy of Facebook subverting investment rules so that they don’t have to disclose their “private” financial information to potential investors:

Is this the first example of an anti-social network?


Too Rich to Fail

© Tom Tomorrow


Forbes: Obamacare is working

Forbes magazine has a new article that points out that — despite what Republicans are saying about the health care reform bill killing jobs — that Obamacare is helping small businesses offer health care to their employees. This is great news.

I have started a number of small businesses, and I have long said that the problems that small businesses had in the past offering health insurance to their employees is huge problem to startups, and consequently an enormous drag on our economy, since it is small businesses that create most of our jobs. Not to mention that founders of small businesses often had to quit their regular jobs and give up their employee paid health insurance, either paying the formerly insanely high rates in the individual market, or going without.

It is great to see the business community lining up in support of health care reform.


Late Night Political Humor

“This weekend in Arkansas, thousands of dead birds dropped out of the sky and there were 100,000 dead fish in the rivers. Also, McDonald’s is having a special on Chicken McNuggets and Filet of Fish.” – Jay Leno

“Apparently this is Arkansas’ version of the New Year’s Eve ball drop.” – Jay Leno

“You know why I think the birds fell out of the sky? Tweeting.” – Jay Leno

“One man claims President Obama wants to give the entire U.S. back to the Indians. That’s terrible. They might build burial mounds on top of our sacred malls.” – Stephen Colbert

“President Obama says he read three books while he was on vacation. Or as Sarah Palin put it, ‘showoff.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s so cold back east, Christine O’Donnell is using her leftover campaign funds to buy a new house in Florida.” – Jay Leno

“Christine O’Donnell is being investigated for using campaign funds to pay for personal expenses. I think it’s a witch hunt.” – Jay Leno

“Snooki is now a published author. I’m blaming Sarah Palin. She lowered the bar.” – David Letterman

“Airports are considering dumping TSA and hiring their own security. You see these TSA guys just standing around with their thumbs up our asses.” – Jay Leno

“The captain of the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier has been relieved of command for appearing in raunchy videos on the ship. They are calling this the most embarrassing video involving Navy personnel since that guy from the Village People.” – Jay Leno

“We have a new governor in California. Former Gov. Jerry Brown replaces Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. I don’t know if I trust a governor who’s never done steroids.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Congratulations to Elton John and his partner who have a new baby. You remember two years ago when I said the Republicans would take back the House again when we have an Elton John, Jr. Also, congratulations to Ben & Jerry.” – David Letterman


Is this what passes for debate in the Republican party?

Jon Stewart covers the debate to see who will be the next chairman of the Republican National Committee:

My favorite question at the debate: “Aside from President Reagan, who is your political hero?” And speaking of litmus tests, how about the “how many guns do you own” question?

Stewart is on a roll this week. He should go on two week vacations more often!



© Joel Pett

I always worry when politicians start using phrases like “everybody knows” or “nobody believes”. Like RNC chair Michael Steele responding to the CBO estimate that repealing Obamacare will cost $230 billion by saying “There is no one that believes the Washington Democrats’ job-killing health care law will lower costs, because it won’t.” Is that another mandate?


Barack Obama is Luke Skywalker

Jon Stewart is awesomely funny:
