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Late Night Political Humor

“Doctors say Dick Cheney may need a heart transplant, but Cheney isn’t worried. He’s already picked out a hunting buddy.” – David Letterman

“Dick Cheney says he may need a heart transplant. I understand Halliburton has a no-bid contract to do the installation on it.” – Jay Leno

“Dick Cheney may need a new heart. I say we waterboard the Wizard of Oz.” – Stephen Colbert

“Dick Cheney had to consult his physician today. Not for his heart. Every time the price of oil goes up more than $1 a barrel, Cheney gets an erection that lasts more than 4 hours.” – Jay Leno

“Dick Cheney predicts that President Obama will only last one term. This is coming from the same guy that predicted weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.” – David Letterman

“Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the White House. Fox News said it was a gathering of the world’s most powerful communist — and the president of China.” – Craig Ferguson

“President Hu Jintao from China is visiting the United States. Ahead of the big state dinner, President Obama went to Hu’s hotel and slipped a menu under the door.” – David Letterman

“There was a really awkward moment when the Chinese president met President Obama’s daughters and asked them, ‘So what factories do you kids work at?'” – Jay Leno

“Chinese President Hu Jintao made his first official state visit to the Unites States. Vice President Joe Biden has been asked not to do his ‘Hu’s on first’ routine.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“After surprise visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Vice President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Iraq yesterday. Is it me, or is he just lost in that area?” – Jimmy Fallon

“Good news tonight. The chief victim of that shooting in Tucson is sitting upright and talking. [On screen: Sarah Palin on Fox News]” – Jon Stewart

“The debate over repealing healthcare began in the House today. The republicans have their own plan: ‘Don’t ask, don’t get sick.'” – Jay Leno


Jon Stewart on Civil Discourse

It doesn’t matter if it comes from the right or the left. This kind of discourse must be shunned. Kudos to Jon Stewart for making it clear enough that anyone can understand.


Ironic Fun With False Equivalence

© Jen Sorensen

Tonight, Keith Olbermann parted ways with NBC. So will the gods of false equivalences demand that Beck or Limbaugh lose their jobs?


Vote Irish in 2012

The Corrigan Brothers update their song “There’s no one as Irish as Barack Obama” for the 2012 election. Although Obama-mania as died down a bit, the new video is still hilarious and a sweet reminder of all the good times from the 2008 election.


Violence as a Game

© Ruben Bolling

Our old friend Nate shows us the “right” way to fight violence.


You Are What You Eat

And how can it be so cheap? Because your tax dollars are already paying for it.


Elephants in Glass Houses

© Nick Anderson

Every complaint the Republicans have about the current Health Care Reform bill was even more true of the prescription drug benefit they rammed through Congress in 2003 (which was really a huge giveaway to the drug companies). I guess the real problem is that they can’t take credit for this one.


Smoking Gun

In June 2010, Glenn Beck says “You’re going to have to shoot them in the head”. Watch it:

I’m not arguing that Glenn Beck is responsible for the Tucson shooting spree, where Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head. I’m just saying that the incendiary rhetoric has got to stop. I’m not proposing any new laws, just that irresponsible political pundits should be condemned and shunned when they say things like this — not rewarded — and Fox News should not allow such remarks to be used on the air.


Late Night Political Humor

“I want you teabaggers out there to understand one thing: while you idolize the Founding Fathers and dress up like them, and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts. And what’s more, you would’ve hated them. They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullsh*t.” – Bill Maher

“The Republican National Committee elected Reince Priebus as their new chairman. “Reince Priebus” is also the name of a car driven by Jay Leno.” – David Letterman

“We had a national tragedy this week, and the President of the United States and Sarah Palin both made speeches on the same day. Obama came out against lunatics with guns, she gave the rebuttal.” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin said that she resented being identified as part of the problem. And then she said we’d have to excuse her, she had to work on her agenda of guns on demand, no health care for the insane, and casting the President as a foreign enemy.” – Bill Maher

“In her video posted on her Facebook page, Sarah Palin condemned the media’s coverage of the Arizona shootings by using the phrase ‘blood libel,’ which refers to a harsh anti-Semitic slur. And I would be super-offended — if I thought she knew that.” – Seth Meyers

“Whatever you do, do not compare her to the shooter, because he is a gun-loving lunatic who can’t hold a job and leaves rambling messages on the Internet.” – Bill Maher

“You know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? At some point a pit bull does stop whining.” – Bill Maher

“Why are we listening to a reality TV star anyway? That’s all she is. Can I check in with Snooki and the Kate Moss Cake Boss?” – Bill Maher

“Palin has now agreed to be the keynote speaker next month at a hunter’s convention in Las Vegas. Uh, Siegfried and Roy, if you’re listening, I would put those tigers in an undisclosed location.” – Bill Maher

“Many are asking if our political discourse has gotten too heated. And those people should go to hell!” – Stephen Colbert

“John Boehner skipped the memorial to attend a fundraising cocktail party. He said it’s not that he doesn’t care, just that it was sad and he’s one of those men who’s uncomfortable showing emotions in public.” – Bill Maher

“A lot of the Republicans, I must say, I give it up to them, they applauded Obama’s speech. Some of them said, I swear to God, it was too good, said it was just a little too good. They said, if you want us to love a black man with a golden voice, he’d better be a homeless guy, begging for change.” – Bill Maher

“Arnold Schwarzenegger said being Governor of California cost him at least 200 million dollars in lost movie roles. Moviegoers everywhere said, ‘Totally worth it.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Since Tom DeLay has done only two things since leaving politics – ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ and now prison – somebody must tell him there are easier ways to have sex with men.” – Bill Maher


Isolated Partisan Incidents

© Tom Tomorrow

Political cartoonists like Tom Tomorrow deserve our support. I just bought his new book, and it is hilarious. More satire and irony than you can shake a politician at.


Republicans Invent Time Machine, Aren’t Afraid to Use It

The Republicans have controlled the house for just two weeks (and still have a minority in the Senate), but when new job numbers came out that show the economy is growing and unemployment is falling, that didn’t stop the GOP from trying to take credit.

Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyle (R-AZ) claimed that soaring corporate profits in 2010 were because of the passage of the tax cut compromise at the very end of last year. And House Rules Committee Chair David Drier (R-CA) says:

We can get our economy growing. And we’ve gotten some positive numbers. I think it’s in large part because we won our majority and we’re pursuing pro-growth policies.

What policies? The new Congress hasn’t enacted any major economic legislation at all. And corporate profits went up because corporations knew they would magically get future tax cuts at the last minute? Huh?

As TPM puts it, this is a “theory of economic growth that requires assuming the existence of a time machine.”

Meanwhile, the Republicans are making it clear what their “pro-growth policies” actually look like — corporate socialism and welfare based on which big companies donate the most money to Republican politicians. Plus even more tax breaks for the richest 0.2% of Americans. In fact, in the last two weeks the Republicans have introduced an astounding five separate bills that repeal the estate tax entirely, even though last month Congress passed a bill setting the estate tax to a relatively low top rate of 35% with a generous $5 million exemption per person.


Good News, but you won’t find it in US media

I have long believed that our “energy problems” are way overblown, both from the right (“drill, baby drill”) and from the left (“peak oil”). After all, the issue is energy, not oil, and we are literally awash in energy. The sun bombards us with trillions of times more energy than we need every single day. Scientists just have to come up with a better technology to harvest the sun’s energy, rather than our current cockamamie scheme of waiting millions of years for plants to fossilize into oil and coal, then burning it to dump tons of climate changing carbon and other even nastier pollutants into our environment.

Well, they have. There are wind turbines that take sun-generated wind and turn it into energy, and even solar cells, which directly turn sunlight into energy. But people still complain because we are “dependent” on liquid fuels like oil for our cars.

But now there is a solution for that too. A small company called Joule Unlimited in Cambridge Mass received a patent last year for a genetically modified organism that eats carbon dioxide (the main cause of climate change) and — using sunlight — directly changes it into liquid fuel, including gasoline and diesel fuel. And they have now demonstrated their process, and are starting to commercialize it.

Right now, oil is selling for over $90 a barrel, but this process produces the same amount of fuel for $30 a barrel. That’s right, you can start imagining paying one third as much for gasoline at the pump.

And since their process uses carbon dioxide as their main input, it is pretty much carbon neutral. And it doesn’t require massive amounts of land, as growing corn for biofuels does.

A reasonable question might be: is this for real? Well, the co-founder of Joule is George Church, the Harvard Medical School geneticist who helped initiate the Human Genome Project in 1984. And sitting on their board of directors is John Podesta, the president of the Center for American Progress, former White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton and a former principal on the National Security Council. Podesta also served on Obama’s transition team and many other political positions; many of which were technology related. Senator John Kerry toured their facility in October, and called the technology “a potential game-changer”. And in December, the World Technology Network named Joule the world’s top company in bio-energy research.

Ironically, the company doesn’t qualify for alternative energy grants or subsidies because its technology is so advanced that it doesn’t meet the definition for biofuels, which require some kind of agricultural raw material.

But what I find even more ironic is that this “potentially game changing” US company is receiving very little media attention in the US. I found out about it from an article in a British newspaper. Is there some reason why this isn’t getting more attention from the US corporate-owned media?

UPDATE: More good news to go along with cheaper fuels — a more efficient engine that lowers pollution.


Ersatzomine: Republican Health Care Placebo

[from Fred Wickham’s Bullseye Rooster]

The new Republican congress has unveiled its alternative Health Care Plan. Ersatzomine™, a new, fast-acting placebo from Pfizer. While ObamaCare has resolutley ignored free-market solutions to the nation’s health problems, Pfizer buckled down to the challenge: produce an alternative to government mandated procedures in an attractive pill form.

“For less than $750 a month, a family of four can bypass the bureaucratic U.S. economy-destroying process of hospital visits altogether,” announced Speaker of the House, John Boehner. “I have kept in close touch with the Pfizer team at their Research Center. They have devoted months and months of intense trial and error with various inactive sugars and the result is a drug that will finally meet the exacting terms of the Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm.”

Pfizer spokesman, Dr Web Temeril says, “the amazing thing about our ‘pretty pink pill’ is that it acts as fast as you think it does. Even, in some cases, as fast as you want it to. We’re certain that seniors, and others who can’t wait forever for results, will take to it like a fly takes to brown sugar.” Questioned about the unusual ‘fly takes to brown sugar’ simile, Dr. Temeril said, “We are presently using ‘like a duck takes to water’ to promote other products and don’t wish to weaken the slogan’s franchise.

Already, illegal drug firms are manufacturing fake Ersatzomine by putting ordinary C&H sugar in gelatin capsules. But FDA Director, Dr. Felix Frueh, cautions, “While cane sugar may be an effective placebo in the short term, it has not had the benefit of rigorous testing in the Pfizer labs.”Thanks to the ready supply of raw sugar Ersatzomine promises to be a shot in the arm for Pfizer shareholders. “But we have to remember,” says Dr. Temeril, “that it’s a turbulent world, and sugar exporting nations are not all friends of the U.S.”

Boehner says no tax money will be spent to promote the plan. Instead, Pfizer will promote it on TV, magazine ads, bus posters, internet ads, radio commercials, and door-hangers using funds procured from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and their business allies throughout the world.


US – China Relations

Funny video (if you don’t take it too seriously) about Chinese President Hu Jintao visiting DC:


Republican Doublespeak

Republicans who are gearing up to repeal the health care reform bill are trying to make the case that health care reform is bad for jobs. They even named the repeal bill the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”. Now they are claiming that 650,000 jobs will be lost as a result of HCR, based on an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office.

But the actual estimate by the CBO is that a small number of people — around half a percent — will choose to leave their jobs voluntarily. As economist Paul Fronstin put it “People voluntarily working less isn’t the same as employers cutting jobs”. Or economist Paul Van de Water, who says “The number doesn’t mean what they say it means”.

These are people who are stuck in a job they don’t want but stay there because they need health insurance. I personally know a couple of people in that position — they hate their current job but can’t leave because they would lose their health insurance. Some of these people are close to retirement age, but are waiting until they become eligible for Medicare. Some are younger and want to start a company, but can’t because they need health insurance.

So the Republicans take this report and twist it around 180 degrees and call it “jobs lost”, but in reality it should more accurately be called jobs gained! After all, if someone voluntarily gives up their job, that obviously means there is likely a job opening for someone else. And not only that, but the company that trades a worker who hates their job but stays there for the health insurance for someone who actually wants the job probably gains a more productive worker. It’s a win-win!

Not to mention those people who will be able to leave their current jobs to start new companies. Think of how many new jobs that will create.

Of course, the only job loss that these politicians care about is losing their own jobs. But in their world, black is white, and jobs gained is jobs lost. And some people will believe them.

UPDATE: Good news. Republican and former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says that Republicans should drop their efforts to repeal the current HCR bill and instead build on the current legislation:

It is the law of the land and it is the platform, the fundamental platform, upon which all future efforts to make that system better, for that patient, for that family, will be based. And that is a fact. I know the discussion of Washington is repeal and I’m sure we will come back to that discussion … [The bill] has many strong elements. And those elements, whatever happens, need to be preserved, need to be cuddled, need to be snuggled, need to be promoted and need to be implemented.

Frist also said the current bill was “beautiful on paper” and that Republicans should “love” the fact it adopts a “federalism” approach to health care. Note that Frist made his fortune from the family-founded for-profit hospital chain Hospital Corporation of America.

UPDATE 2: As usual, let’s give Jon Stewart the (hilarious) last word on this:
