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Late Night Political Humor

“A Washington Post columnist is proposing February be a Sarah Palin-free month. You know a better month? November 2012.” – Jay Leno

“As you know, just another huge snowstorm back east. It completely shut down Washington, D.C. It’s like the tea party’s dream come true. Mother Nature did what they couldn’t.” – Jay Leno

“This just in: A little while ago the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that Rahm Emanuel can run for mayor of Chicago. The law in Chicago is very clear: Dead people can vote and live people can run.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama answered questions on YouTube today. He was asked 7,500 times about legalizing marijuana. And that was just from Chad in Portland.” – Conan O’Brien

“Congress is proposing a bill that would give President Obama a kill switch that he could use to freeze all activity on the Internet if there were a national emergency. The kill switch goes by the top-secret name Microsoft Windows.” – Conan O’Brien

“A storm hit the East Coast yesterday leaving 300,000 people in the Washington, D.C., area without power. The 300,000 people without power in Washington are called Democrats.” – Conan O’Brien

“North Korea has opened an amusement park comparable to Disneyland. I’m not sure how long it’s going to last because Kim Jong Il isn’t tall enough to go on any of the rides.” – Conan O’Brien

“There are all these protests going on in Egypt. I don’t know what they’re about, but it might have something to do with elections. Or that the streets in Cairo are so overcrowded there’s not enough room to ‘walk like an Egyptian.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich has filed a lawsuit against the Congress cafeteria for damage done to his teeth after he ordered a sandwich wrap and bit into an olive pit. Dennis Kucinich biting into an olive pit is like a regular-sized person biting into a Bocce ball.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Did you know Kucinich means ‘kitchen’ in lawn gnome?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“We’re abandoning the color coded warning system for terror alerts and are going back to the old system of tagging people with beards. No, they’re going to announce when you get to the airport what kind of search procedures they’re using. [Clip of airport with announcer saying, “Today is a testicle search day.”] And it goes faster if you put them in a ziploc bag.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Someone hacked the Facebook account of French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Or not really hacked. Someone asked for his password and he surrendered it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Facebook says they’re very concerned about this. And they are committed to making sure the only people who will be able to take and sell your personal information without your consent is them.” – Jimmy Kimmel


The Tip of the Pyramid

© Clay Bennett

Jon Stewart has a funny clip on the changing American position on the situation in Egypt.



© Ed Stein

I love the fact that Ed Stein includes insightful commentary about his political cartoons on his blog. Here’s his comentary for this cartoon:

It will be interesting, to say the least, to see how far the spontaneous popular revolution in Tunisia will spread through the Arab world. Will it stop in Egypt, or will the assorted monarchies and dictatorships that dominate the Arabian peninsula and other Muslim countries, fall like dominoes? Of equal interest is what will replace the current governments if they do fall. As we saw in Iran, there is no guarantee that a popular revolt against authoritarian regimes will result in democracies. The beards may not be in the streets, but the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and their ilk are waiting in the wings.

Will whatever replaces Mubarak honor its treaty with Israel? Will the regimes we have allied ourselves with continue to help stabilize the region, or are we witnessing a regional breakdown of our influence, as well? Stay tuned. To Al Jazeera.


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night, President Obama gave the State of the Union address. Vice President Biden called it a great speech. House Speaker John Boehner called it a real tearjerker.” – Jay Leno

“The theme of President Obama’s State of the Union address was ‘Win the Future.’ It was much more inspiring than the original theme: Beat the rerun of ‘Top Chef.'” – Conan O’Brien

“He also said we have to win the future. He said that seven different times. I’d settle on tying the future. I don’t like to get greedy.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama promised to veto any bill sent to his desk with earmarks. I think he’s just being overly sensitive about his ears.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama said our country is facing another Sputnik moment, which is well over the heads of a lot of young people. They think Sputnik is Snooki’s older sister.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama gave the annual State of the Union address last night. I learn something new at these every year. Like, did you know that East Virginia isn’t a state?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“John McCain and John Kerry naturally paired off as their other colleagues grew tired of their yearly tradition of reciting their own state of the union address under their breath.” – Jon Stewart

“Rep. Michele Bachmann gave a rebuttal for the Tea Party, and she is a natural on camera. [She looked to the side the whole time.] Either the cue cards were in the wrong place or she was keeping an eye out for illegal immigrants the whole time.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Tea Party rebutter Michele Bachmann is under fire for saying the Founding Fathers eliminated slavery. Sarah Palin is very upset. Another female Republican trying to steal the dumbass vote.” – Jay Leno

“Egypt is in the second day of angry street protests. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is calling for calm. Because nothing calms an enraged Arab country like a powerful woman ordering it around.” – Conan O’Brien

“A social networking revolution has started in Saudi Arabia. Over 10 million Saudis are now online. In fact, the most popular social networking site for women in Saudi Arabia: ‘Cover-Your-Facebook.'” – Jay Leno

“The terrorist group Hezbollah has taken control in Lebanon, and opponents have declared a ‘Day of Rage.’ Or as it’s known in the Middle East, ‘Tuesday.'” – Conan O’Brien


Revisionist History Humor

© Tom Tomorrow

Coming next, a world without cognitive dissonance!


Late Night Political Humor

“Tonight Democrats and Republicans paired up and sat next to each other. Fifty-five years after Rosa Parks we finally integrated Washington.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“For the State of the Union address last night, Republicans and Democrats sat next to each other, instead of on opposite sides. The press called it ‘date night.’ How come they go on a date, but we’re the ones who get screwed.” – Jay Leno

“Three Supreme Court justices — Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas — did not attend the State of the Union address. Taking their place was Steven Tyler, Jennifer Lopez, and Randy Jackson.” – Conan O’Brien

“Did you hear about the State of the Union address drinking game? You listen to the speech, and every time you think about the actual state of the union, you take a drink. It helps.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama started out his State of the Union address with some happy news. Turns out he’s Oprah’s half brother.” – Jay Leno

“You know what that means? We are out of debt!” – Jay Leno

“Obama made a major announcement tonight. He’s Oprah’s half-brother. That’s why there’s been so much confusion about the birth certificate.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In the State of the Union address tonight, President Obama focused his speech on how to bring prosperity back to America. It basically involves all of us convincing Oprah we’re her half sister. That’s the plan.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Republican response to the speech was fairly gracious. They said it was a pretty good speech for a foreigner.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama made his annual State of the Union address tonight from Washington, D.C. It was on all the channels. One of the shows they pre-empted was an hour of “America’s Biggest Loser,” which means all those fat people exercised this week for no reason at all.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Obama’s focus tonight was on the economy. He talked a lot about how he wants to create jobs and then announced a plan to freeze government spending. He’s promising to put people to work without spending any money to do it, which is what happens after you get a visit from the president of China.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Obama wants to freeze government spending for the next five years and then in year six have a huge party and blow all of it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Did everyone see the president’s State of the Union speech? He said that one thing, some people clapped and others scowled … so that’s that.” – Craig Ferguson

“A Washington Post columnist is proposing a ‘Sarah-Palin-Free February,’ a whole month in which she’s not mentioned. This is stupid. Don’t pick February, the shortest month.” – Jay Leno

“A judged ruled yesterday that Rahm Emanuel cannot run to be mayor of Chicago because they didn’t consider him a resident. Today a higher court put a stay on the lower court ruling and ordered that Rahm Emanuel’s name be put on the ballot. Why is it so hard to figure out where somebody lives? You know what we should do? Let Netflix decide. If they send you more than five DVDs to one address, that’s where you live.” – Jay Leno

“On the way to work today I drove by another homeless guy with a great voice looking for a job: Keith Olbermann.” – Jay Leno


Tweaking the Competition

On John Huntsman, the former Republican Governor of Utah, whom Obama appointed to be ambassador to China, and who is considering a run for president in 2012:

“I’m sure that him having worked so well with me will be a great asset in any Republican primary.” – Obama

“It’s also good to see Jon Huntsman, our ambassador to China. Or as we call him around the White House: the Manchurian Candidate. I want Jon to know that the president has no hard feelings. In fact, he just did an interview with the Tea Party Express saying how integral he has been to the success of the Obama administration.” – White House Chief of Staff William Daley.

Meanwhile, Obama advisor David Axelrod thanked Mitt Romney, who “did some interesting things there on health care, you know. We got some good ideas from him.”


Late Night Political Humor

“A court has ruled that Rahm Emanuel is not legally allowed to run for mayor of Chicago, which in Chicago I believe means he won.” – Stephen Colbert

“A Chicago court ruled former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel can’t run for Mayor of Chicago. However, according to Chicago law, he’s free to purchase the position.” – Conan O’Brien

“MSNBC has abruptly ended their relationship with Keith Olbermann, and according to his contract he’s not allowed back on television for at least six months. Or as industry experts call it, The Conan.” – Conan O’Brien

“After Larry King and Regis Philbin, Keith Olbermann is leaving television. Bad things always happen in threes — like the Jonas Brothers.” – Craig Ferguson

“Vice President Joe Biden was called for jury duty. He can get out of it if he can convince the judge that his presence at his job is essential. So he’s going to jury duty.” – Jay Leno

“Tomorrow is the State of the Union Address, and Republicans and Democrats will sit together intermingled, if for no other reason than the raw sexual tension.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Pope praised Facebook but said it is no substitute for human interaction. Then the Pope reminded everyone that human interaction is a sin.” – Conan O’Brien

“Chinese President Hu Jintao was hinting that China may not loan the U.S. any more money. President Obama is now talking to him about a reverse mortgage.” – Jay Leno


The Big Freeze

© Jack Ohman

I’m heading off today on a business trip to a city in the middle of the big freeze. Forecast is for ice, snow, and below zero temps. Wish me luck!


Super Bowl Socialism

What could be more American than football and the Superbowl? Ironically football — as practiced in the US — is socialist.

Now, this doesn’t mean I’m promoting socialism. I’m a hard core capitalist and I believe in free enterprise. But I’m also pragmatic enough to realize that there are situations where free market capitalism doesn’t work, and even when it does work, there must be rules and regulations.

So how is football socialist?

Sports leagues (not just football) realized a long time ago that there had to be rules limiting the “free market” of sports teams. If big or rich cities were allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money then they could hire the best players and the best coaches, do the most training, and they would most likely win most (if not all) of the time. What a dull sport that would be, with the same teams winning game after game, year after year. The losing teams would become even less popular, would lose money, which would make them get even worse, and they would lose even more. Games would be completely boring. The sport would likely die.

So in America, where we believe in free markets, each year the losing teams are given first draft picks for the new players. What kind of system rewards the worst teams and penalizes the winners? Isn’t that socialism? Not only that, but each team has a salary cap, which limits how much they can pay for players. All teams (win or lose) have the same limit on the amount of money they can spend. Oppressive regulations!!! And all television revenue is shared equally with all teams, regardless of how much that team generates (“each according to their need”). Even more socialism!!!

Why do they do that? Because as any sports fan knows, the whole point of a vibrant sport is good competition. That means that every team has to have the same inherent chances, an equal opportunity to succeed. It isn’t survival of the strongest that makes the game strong, it is having good competition.

Even more ironic, one of the best teams in football are the Green Bay Packers, who have won more NFL championships than any other team. How do they do this? Do they pay their players more? No! In fact, they have the lowest median salary in the NFL. Do they represent a big city? No! Green Bay (population 100,000) is the smallest city to have a major league football team. Their games always fill their stadium (which can hold 70% of the entire city population) and they have a waiting list for season tickets that could more than fill another stadium just as large.

So how do they do it? Most people don’t realize this, but the Green Bay Packers are a non-profit community-owned organization. You can buy stock in them, but it does not pay dividends, and it never increases in value. It is a worthless investment, and yet they have 112,000 shareholders (more than the population of Green Bay).

In other words, the Green Bay Packers are socialists (maybe even communists). As conservatives keep telling us, socialism never works and will destroy our economy. And yet the Green Bay Packers are consistently one of the top ten revenue generating teams in the NFL (so the socialists are supporting the capitalist teams!). According to the conservatives, taxing the successful and supporting the unsuccessful will destroy the incentive to win.

And yet the Green Bay Packers keep on winning.

If it is so clear to us that a level playing field is important in sports, why is it so difficult for us to realize that the same thing is just as important, if not more important, in our economy? That’s why we have laws against monopolies (monopolies are where companies control markets instead of competing against other companies). It is no accident that sports leagues are exempt from anti-trust laws.

The founding fathers realized this, and wrote free public education into the constitution, promoted equal rights under the law, and gave you the the dream that with drive, hard work, and a little luck, you can achieve anything. They knew that the more people who can compete, the better we will do as a country.

Think about this the next time someone claims that we have to keep cutting taxes for the rich or get rid of inheritance taxes. Or that poor people don’t deserve health care or access to universities. We need to give everyone a sporting chance.

UPDATE: I hadn’t seen this, but a reader pointed out that Bill Maher just did a similar segment:


The Dumbing Down of America

© Clay Bennett

Once upon a time, about 50 years ago, we had higher taxes and spent it on things like education and space exploration, which led to the technology and products we enjoy today.

But now, a majority of high school biology teachers don’t even teach evolution, ranking us 34th out of 35 developed nations. Next thing you know, we’ll be giving equal time to the flat earth advocates.


The Irony of the Tea Party

© Jen Sorensen

I am continually impressed that the Tea Party has gotten so many people to protest against their own interests.


Crushing Dissent

© Glenn McCoy

There seem to be three possibilities for the general riots in Egypt: Mubarak crushes the dissenters, the dissenters force Mubarak to reform the government, or (like Tunisia) Mubarak leaves Egypt. What will happen, or even what would be best for Egypt, is anyone’s guess.


Late Night Political Humor

“Obama is huge in the polls these days. His popularity is soaring. Even conservatives are coming around. 30 percent of them now believe Obama deserves a Green Card.” – Bill Maher

“It was quite a sight to see Obama next to President Hu. Obama has a Nobel Peace Prize in his basement, and Hu has a Nobel Peace prize winner in his.” – Bill Maher

“While visiting Chicago, President Hu met with Cubs fans. Apparently, he wanted to see some Americans who have suffered more human rights violations than his own people.” – Jay Leno

“Even though President Hu was only in Chicago for two days, by the Rahm Emanuel standard, he was able to establish residency and can now run for mayor of Chicago.” – Jay Leno

“This picture of Obama with President Hu of China has people wondering if our President is dying his hair. Maybe he’s been using a little Just For Presidents.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Boehner was subject to some controversy because the President hosted President Hu of China this week, and Boehner was invited to the State Dinner and did not come. President Hu was very disappointed. He promised his friends back home that he would get a picture with ‘orange man who leaks.” – Bill Maher

“While in Washington, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with members of Congress. It was very festive as the leader of Red China met with our orange speaker of the House.” – Jay Leno

“Next week Boehner will be sitting behind Obama at the State of the Union address. I think Obama should purposely try to embarrass him by telling the story of Old Yeller. The State of Our Union is strong, but not so good for one special dog.'” – Bill Maher

“Every Republican in Congress voted to repeal the health care legislation. They admitted it was symbolic, but it does enable Republicans to brag in campaign ads next year that they voted to let poor people die.” – Bill Maher

“What amazes me is that that kind of stuff never makes John Boehner cry. […] Congress this week was recognizing the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, a man that John Boehner doesn’t like, has no allegiance with politically, and it was 50 years ago. He cried. This guy is an ad for Paxil.” – Bill Maher

“Good news. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords is able stand up and the next stop is rehab. Now if we could only say the same thing about Charlie Sheen. In a related story, Sarah Palin’s doctors say that any idea that entered her brain this week passed straight through and came out the other side.” – Bill Maher

“‘The National Enquirer’ says Sarah Palin’s husband Todd has been having an affair with a massage therapist who’s also been arrested for prostitution. What is it with all these massage therapists? Al Gore, Brett Favre, and now Todd Palin. When will one of these stories have a happy ending?” – Jay Leno


Privatize War

Satire from Chris Otte.
