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Late Night Political Humor

“Oil companies are now saying that the unrest in the Middle East could lead to an increase in gas prices. Did you ever notice that everything leads to increased gas prices: Egypt, the snowstorm, Snooki’s book, the ‘American Idol’ judges.” – Jay Leno

“Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said he would resign, but Egypt would then descend into chaos. Then he said, ‘Now, I have to go look out a window for the first time in two weeks.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Egyptian President Mubarak’s son Gamal will not run for President. Why would he? An unpopular President is removed from office and his inexperienced son is voted in? That could never happen.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hosni’s son Gamal Mubarak says he does not want to become President, which is just as well. If you’ve seen one Mubarak you’ve seen Gamal.” – Conan O’Brien

“Now Egyptians are demanding to see President Mubarak’s birth certificate. There’s a rumor he was born in New Jersey.” – Jay Leno

“Egyptian President Mubarak said President Obama doesn’t understand Egyptian culture. Man, get off your high camel.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama invited John McCain to the White House to give his opinion on Egypt, specifically what it’s like to be a mummy.” – Bill Maher

“All of the Arab potentates and their fat cat entourages are on the run. Tunisia’s president is leaving, Mubarak is not going to run for re-election, the guy in Yemen is going to leave. This is great news — not necessarily for the Middle East, but for real estate agents in Beverly Hills.” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney said in an interview that Sarah Palin would be great as president. He then added, ‘ … of Egypt.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sunday is the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan, and all over America, Republicans are going to celebrate this by throwing big parties and leaving the bill for Democrats to pay.” – Bill Maher

“After the big snowstorm in Chicago, Mayoral candidate Rahm Emanuel has been pitching in digging stranded cars out of the snow. Of course he didn’t help his campaign by telling people, ‘Thank God I don’t live here.'” – Conan O’Brien

“This is day three of the storm that has snowbliterated the United States. Finally America’s extra layer of fat comes in handy. Take that, Michelle Obama.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Joe Lieberman is writing a book about the Jewish Sabbath called “Gift of Rest.” I hear he’s been working on it 24/6.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to ‘The National Enquirer’ House Speaker John Boehner had his package stimulated. He’s being accused of having two affairs, one with a female lobbyist. That should end the criticism of the Republicans as ‘The Party of No.'” – Jay Leno

“A zoo in Britain has a gorilla that walks upright. Not only that, but he texts while he’s doing it. I heard about this. Within ten minutes we had fifty jokes, all with the same punch line. Arnold Schwarzenegger.” – David Letterman


Tyranny – Real and Imagined

© Matt Davies

Some Republicans seem to be falling over each other proclaiming that we can’t allow Egypt to have a democracy, since they might, you know, decide to do something we can’t predict or — worse — don’t like. Get over it.


Asymptotic Trading

[This is an excerpt from a post in Fred Wickham’s Bullseye Rooster. Dan is Fred’s brother, and Buzz is his business partner in a small business. I totally agree with this idea.]

Two years ago, Dan and Buzz were heartened by the election of Obama. Aside from all the marvelous change he would be bringing to America and the world, he promised to help small business. So it was a little bit odd when he put all the big bankers into the business policy jobs. It turned out to be worse than just odd, it’s worse than nothing. No small business loans. No small business investment strategy at all. The large corporations are getting fatter and fatter, owning more and more, and actually buying out small businesses for a song. The inventors and entrepreneurs have been sucking hind tit. All the while, the stock market is going great. But jobs are not being created. It’s all about trading now.

Paper trading — actually not even paper. Traders are scoring big with trades that last only a microsecond. A sufficiently well-heeled investor can buy and sell the same stock in less than a second and, through some sleight of rational thought, become a good deal richer. All in the time it takes to cough in the face of his intern.

I asked my brother if, as a small businessman, he could have any wish, what would it be?

“Get rid of the stock market,” he said. I gave him a get real look, then he continued. “Get rid of the trading system as it is currently structured. These bastards are trading lickety-split, but there’s no incentive for them to hold onto their investments. The stock hiccups, they take their profit and bail. The point of the market, old-fashioned as it may sound, is to capitalize a venture that you see as a viable addition to the economy. The designer, the workers, the sales staffs, the entrepreneurs and, yes, even the consumer — these are the people who must benefit to have a market that inspires production.”

With that, Dan outlined his cure. Those who buy and sell stocks in a micro-second, should pay a 99% capital gains tax on their (excuse me while I clear my throat) earnings. Yes, outrageously confiscatory in order to stop this outrageous practice. A day trade, 90%. Sure it’ll piss off the day traders on their laptops, but it should open up a few tables at Peets when these guys get off their asses and find something productive to do. Hold on to your stock for a week, 70%. A month, 60%. Year, 50%. Two years, 35%. Five years, 10%. Ten years or more, zero percent capital gains taxes.

Certainly, this scheme would trigger outrage. The rich don’t even like to pay taxes on their Grey Poupon. But that’s the point. Propose it as it is. Let them scream. Wake the public up to what it is that investment is supposed to do for the economy, for the honest businessman, for the job-seeker.

I said, what would you call this? “Well, it’s based on an asymptotic curve — might as well call it asymptotic trading.”

Sounds good to me. Dan Wickham’s Asymptotic Trading. DWAT.


Late Night Political Humor

“While in Egypt, CNN’s Anderson Cooper was attacked and beaten, which raises 2 questions. Is it safe to send our media into these places? And how do we get Glenn Beck over there?” – Conan O’Brien

“Anderson Cooper from CNN was there (in Egypt), and he got punched 10 different times. And I thought, well, wait a minute, that happens to me walking to work every day.” – David Letterman

“Apparently something is going on over in Egypt. Anderson Cooper and his crew got attacked by pro-government forces. He got hit in the head about 10 times, and I think he got kicked in the Mini Cooper too.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Mubarak came out of the presidential palace today and saw his shadow; six more weeks of rock throwing.” – Jay Leno

‎”These days it seems like you can’t have an armed street mob without it turning ugly.” – Stephen Colbert

“Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced … he will not run for another term as president. … The bad news is that this spring he’s taking over for Regis. And guess where Regis is going? He’s going to run Egypt.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Mubarak says he won’t step down until September, but that he won’t seek another rigged election. He plans to retire to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Is this guy really leaving in September, or is he just pulling a Leno?” – David Letterman

“The big rumor: Sarah Palin said she may run for president. I understand there’s an opening in Egypt.” – Jay Leno

“Secretary of state Hillary Clinton said regarding the crises in Egypt that the Obama administration is not advocating or working toward any specific outcome. Same policy they had during the economic crises. Just kind of go along and see what happens.” – Jay Leno

“Today Al Gore blamed the current snow storms on global warming. Al Gore said, ‘a rise in global temperature creates havoc ranging from hotter dry spells to colder winters, increasing violent storms, flooding, forest fires and loss of endangered species.’ And finally Tipper said, ‘Al will you just pay the kid for shoveling the walk, please.'” – Jay Leno


The St. Reagan Cargo Cult

Today is Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday (they will even start the Super Bowl with a video tribute to the Gipper), so it is fitting to look back on his legacy.

Is Reagan a true American hero, or was he simply the first actor to play the role of President in real life? I’m not sure, actually. But I do know that any acting he was doing in the White House has been far eclipsed by the fiction that has been spun around his presidency by conservatives.

Perhaps the biggest example of this is the cargo cult that fervently believes that cutting taxes is the best (and perhaps only) way to economic growth. These people think of Reagan as the saint of tax cuts. And it is true that in his first year as president, Reagan cut the marginal tax rate for the rich from 70% to 28%. But what they ignore is that Reagan’s big tax cut was a disaster.

Perhaps it is a credit to Reagan that he realized this, and he raised taxes every year after his first year. In fact, the man who edited Reagan’s memoirs says:

Reagan was never afraid to raise taxes. … And so there’s a false mythology out there about Reagan as this conservative president who came in and just cut taxes and trimmed federal spending in a dramatic way. It didn’t happen that way. It’s false.

Unfortunately, his biggest tax increase was to the payroll tax, so in effect he replaced a progressive tax with a regressive tax, shifting much of the tax burden from the rich to the not-rich. And even Reagan’s budget director, the same man that orchestrated Reagan’s huge tax cut, says that tax cuts are not working, and that we should raise taxes.

And yet, conservatives and Republicans still believe that Reagan never raised taxes. Worse, they claim that we can solve our budget deficit problems and help the economy by cutting taxes even more, although there is plenty of evidence of the opposite.

So on this day of remembrance for Reagan, if you are cornered by a conservative complaining about deficits and the size of government, remind them about how Reagan increased our deficit by $3 trillion and increased the size of government dramatically. Or if they start complaining about illegal aliens, remind them that Reagan gave amnesty to three million undocumented workers. Or if they talk about fighting a war with Iran, remind them that Reagan secretly sold arms to Iran despite an arms embargo against them, and used the proceeds to fund death squads in Nicaragua, which Congress had outlawed. Or if they try to pretend they are not racist, remind them of how Reagan vetoed sanctions against apartheid South Africa, asserting that they would not work. Or if they claim that only Republicans can prevent terrorism, remind them that Reagan helped create and fund the Taliban and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

If you are truly interested in Reagan’s legacy, read this excellent article in CBS news about Reagan, including both the prevalent myths and the reality. Or if that is too much trouble, here’s a cartoon:

© Kirk Anderson

UPDATE: If you are concerned about corruption in government, Reagan’s administration was one of the most corrupt in history with a total of 138 Reagan officials convicted, indicted, or named in investigations of official misconduct or criminal acts. Here is a list of all the people in the Reagan administration who were convicted of serious crimes directly related to their jobs — there are 21 of them, compared to eight for Nixon (who was forced out of office) and only one for Clinton (who was not).


The Gospel Truth About Obama

The Fox News headline on their website proclaims “Obama Botches Bible Verse at Prayer Breakfast“. They claim that Obama misquoted a familiar Bible verse, and even accompany it with a rather unflattering photo of the president.

OMG! Is this proof that Obama isn’t really a Christian? Are conservatives right when they claim he is a secret Muslim, and only pretends to be Christian so he can get elected?

There’s just one problem. As most people know — but apparently Fox News doesn’t — there is more than one version of the Bible, two of the most popular being the New International Version and the King James Version. Obama was quoting from one, while Fox News was quoting from the other to debunk him.

So my question is, is Fox News lying on purpose, or are they just really stupid? And now that their error has been pointed out, why haven’t they corrected the article?

Even more stupid, in a poll done last year, only one-third of Americans believe that Obama is Christian. Where would they get an idea like that?


Late Night Political Humor

“Protesters in Egypt are demanding that President Murabak step down by Friday. Murabak says he’ll leave in 5 years and then hand the job off to Conan.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced he won’t run for another term. The bad news is that this spring he’s taking over for Regis.” – Conan O’Brien

“The good news is that Hosni Mubarak may step down. The bad news is that he may be replaced by his idiot son Hosni W. Mubarak.” – David Letterman

“In Egypt, 2 million people are in the streets all around Egypt demanding that Hosni Mubarak step down. It’s the most-angry mob I’ve seen since the ‘Fire Dave’ rally last year.” – David Letterman

“Even Brett Favre was like, ‘Come on man, retire already, you’re embarrassing yourself.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Experts now say the protests in Egypt were started by bloggers. Bloggers started the whole thing on Facebook. In fact, the No. 1 choice to replace Mubarak — Justin Bieber.” – Jay Leno

“In Egypt, the unrest continues. Is ‘unrest’ a good word? Unrest is one of the un-goodest words ever. A better way to describe what’s going on over there is that people are going nuts in Egypt.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Now the Egyptian crowds who are protesting have turned against the United States. Oh boy, I didn’t see that coming.” – David Letterman

“I’ve been watching a lot of the news footage, and it turns out they don’t walk like Egyptians after all. They walk regular like us.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“They’re also tired of having a president named Hosni.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There was a huge snowstorm in New York yesterday. I was complaining about it all day to my friend in Egypt.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Chicago is expecting 20 inches of snow. Rahm Emanuel says he’s happy he doesn’t really live there.” – Jay Leno

“The owners of Chick-fil-A restaurants were very anti-gay-marriage, but now they’ve reversed their stand, In fact, today they introduced the Chick-on-Chick-fil-A.” –Jay Leno

“Astronomers say that eight years from today an asteroid has a 1 in 200,000 chance of hitting Earth. About the same chance Sarah Palin has of becoming President, so it’s pretty scary either way.” – Jay Leno

“A spokesperson for Sen. John McCain said he won’t meet Snooki this week even though she was in D.C. Do you really need to announce that you’re not meeting with Snooki? That’s like Obama going, ‘Welcome to the State of the Union. I’d just like to let everyone know that I will not be having brunch with Amber from ‘Teen Mom’ tomorrow.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Oil Prices and Egypt

© Vic Harville

The largest American oil company, Exxon Mobil, recently announced that their profits for the fourth quarter of 2010 had increased by a staggering 53%. This was in line with strong increases in profits of other large energy companies, largely due to rising oil prices.

But it gets worse. Oil prices are continuing to rise, pushed by fears that unrest in Egypt and other middle eastern countries may cause shortages, especially if the Suez canal is shut down. So while your pocketbook is taking a beating at the gas pump, and Egyptians are being beaten by police on the streets, big oil is profiting — big time.


Everything’s Bigger in Texas

Including the deficits.

Texas has long been touted by conservatives as a model for fiscal conservatism — if you cut taxes, cut regulations, and cut government services, that will stimulate the economy and the benefits will “trickle down” to everyone. And for the last year, it looked like Texas might escape the budget woes that are afflicting other large states like California, New York, and New Jersey. The governor has even boasted of his “prudent fiscal decisions“.

Well, it turns out that their lack of budget problems was more due to the fact that Texas does its budgeting on a two year cycle instead of one. While governor Rick Perry predicted a state budget deficit around $10 billion or so, the state Comptroller’s report puts the deficit at $27 billion. That puts it in the same ballpark as California, which has become notorious for its staggering budget problems.


But the situation is actually worse in Texas, because given the conservative nature of the state it is virtually impossible to raise revenue through increased taxes, and state services are already so low there is little to cut. Their whole budget is basically education and healthcare spending, and Texas already near the bottom on education spending per child, while leading the nation in the percentage of residents without health insurance. In fact, close to one out of every four children live below the poverty line in Texas, and the governor is proposing to severely cut child support services even more to address the budget shortfall.

Are these the “death panels” that people should be screaming about?


Late Night Political Humor

“Egypt has responded to hundreds of thousands of protesters by shutting down the internet. Listen, if you want people to stay home and do nothing, turn the internet back on.” – Conan O’Brien

“Egypt has shut off cell phones and the internet. It’s like visiting your parents’ house.” – David Letterman

“Celebrities are tweeting about Egypt. Larry King has offered to go there and speak personally to the Pharaoh.” – Conan O’Brien

“The bookies have put the odds out for this weekend. The Packers are slightly favored over the Steelers and the rioters are slightly favored over President Mubarak.” – Jay Leno

“Huge riots continue in Egypt. Experts say one of the problems over there is there is a huge difference in wealth between the extremely rich and the vast majority of the people who have nothing. Thank God that could never happen in this country, huh?” – Jay Leno

“I don’t know much about politics over there (in Egypt), but I heard they broke into their national museum and destroyed some mummies. The one thing I do know is that disturbing 2,000-year-old mummies is a terrible idea. If there’s one thing Brendan Fraser has taught us, it’s that.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I haven’t seen this many protestors in Cairo since the last time they announced Brendan Fraser was doing another one of those ‘Mummy’ movies.” – Jay Leno

“Happy birthday to Dick Cheney. I think he’s 70 years old. Dick celebrated by shooting a cake.” – David Letterman

“They had a party at Dick Cheney’s house and he invited 12 people to his birthday party. At midnight he told them, ‘Only 11 of you will be leaving with a heart.'” – David Letterman

“Vice President Joe Biden has suggested to people out of work to just ‘hang in there.’ What a difference two years makes: Remember ‘hope and change’? Now it’s ‘hang in there.'” – Jay Leno

“The Pentagon has announced a 3-month timetable for gays to be able to serve openly in the military. They want it so coincide with the season finale of ‘Glee.'” – Jay Leno

“John Boehner, the congressman from Ohio, is the new speaker of the House. We know that he cries. It’s some sort of enzyme problem. If he can’t find his car keys, he’ll just sit down and sob.” – David Letterman

“Bristol Palin announced she has a new boyfriend. No word yet on their new baby’s name.” – Jimmy Fallon


Health Reform – Looking Backwards

© Clay Bennett

One day, maybe soon, we will look back at our health care system before reform like we look back at the dark ages.


Late Night Political Humor

“There were two Republican responses to the State of the Union. So if you watched the whole night, it was kind of evolution in reverse. You have Obama, then Paul Ryan, and then Michele Bachmann. Then Animal Planet had a squirrel monkey give his take.” – Bill Maher

“You saw the big controversy with Michele Bachmann. She did not look directly into the camera, which made it harder for the teabaggers to masturbate.” – Bill Maher

“Rep. Michele Bachmann created controversy when she said in a speech that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly until slavery was no more. Apparently she spent her high school history class looking off to the right of the blackboard.” – Seth Meyers

“She didn’t look into the camera. She said Ameican was created by a miracle, and secret armies of IRS agents are trying to take awa your light bulbs. And then Sarah Palin tweeted, ‘Game on, bitch.” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin weighed in on Sputnik. She got everything wrong. She said the Russians won the space race and that the Soviet Union collapsed because of Sputnik, which was in 1957, and they collapsed in 1991. She’s not even dumb for a politician. She’s dumb for a reality show contestant.” – Bill Maher

“Palin is an expert on Sputnik, she said, because she can see the moon from her house.” – Bill Maher

“The Egyptian protesters are using Facebook to get away from the police, but the police are using Farmville to build fences to keep the protesters in.” – Jay Leno


Rush Limbaugh – Fairly Unbalanced

It only takes one show for Rush Limbaugh to show what a hypocritical jerk he is.

At the start of the show, Rush makes jokes about reporters in Egypt who have been detained — and typically beaten — by the army:

I mean, even two New York Times reporters were detained. Now, this is supposed to make us feel what, exactly? How we supposed to feel? Are we supposed to feel outrage over it? I don’t feel any outrage over it. Are we supposed to feel anger? I don’t feel any anger over this. Do we feel happy? Well — uh — do we feel kind of going like, “neh-neh-neh-neh”?

But later on, in the very same show, Rush learns that two Fox News reporters have been beaten and are hospitalized in Cairo:

According to Mediaite, Fox News’ Greg Palkot and crew have been severely beaten and are now hospitalized in Cairo. Now we were kidding before about The New York Times, of course. This kind of stuff is terrible. We wouldn’t wish this kind of thing even on reporters.

Hat tip to Bradblog, where you can hear the audio (if you can stand to listen to Rush).


JFK on Egypt

© Keith Tucker

Thom Hartmann has more to say about this.

UPDATE: An interesting insider’s view of what is really happening in Egypt.


Rick Perry is a jackass. Period.

[I’m reprinting this from Margaret and Helen. There is a followup posting there that you should read as well. – iron knee]

I told you, Margaret. It’s only just beginning.

Texas Governor Rick Perry said he will introduce emergency legislation requiring women seeking abortions to first get a sonogram of the fetus and listen to a recording of the heartbeat.

Why? Well when someone has all the information, according to Perry, “the right choice will be made — the choice for life.”

I find it funny how universal healthcare is big government gone bad, but somehow the government crawling up my uterus and telling me what choice to make isn’t. Odd how giving patients information about end of life options is a “death squad for Grandma” but sonograms before abortions are simply souvenirs for the family photo album.

Rick Perry is a jackass. Period.

Did it ever occur to you Governor Jackass that some of those women who you plan to force to have a sonogram and listen for a heartbeat are young girls who have been abused… young women who are devastated that a wanted pregnancy has gone bad… poor women who just can’t afford to feed another mouth… scared women who have been raped… and even regular ‘ole women who made peace with their God and don’t need to hear from yours?

Governor, please take your big hair to church as often as you like. Get down on your knees and pray to your God everyday. Join the choir and sing his praises until the cows come home. Get it all out of your system so that when you walk into that Capitol building you are a little less inclined to blur the line between religion and politics and force your narrow-minded, black and white version of right and wrong on millions of people who just maybe – maybe – don’t agree with you and your backward ass group of right-wing zealots.

2,700,000 Texans voted for you. 2,100,000 Texans voted for the other guy. So many important problems to be solved and you decide to divide us even deeper.


Tomorrow I will make a donation to Planned Parenthood. I mean it. Really.
