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A Story about Joe

This is a true story about Joe Biden (who is devout Catholic), told by Rabbi Michael Beals of Delaware:

It was about 16 years ago, and I was a young rabbi, brand-new to Delaware, on my way to lead a shiva minyan — a worship service following a death of a Jewish person. I was from California. Back then, I didn’t know Claymont, Delaware from Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Quick bit of background: When someone passes away in the Jewish faith, we observe seven days of mourning, called shiva. We gather a group of ten Jewish adults together to say the Mourners’ Kaddish. It usually happens in a person’s home — somewhere intimate.

In this case, the deceased individual — her name was Mrs. Greenhouse, of blessed memory — had not been a person of means. She had lived in rent-controlled senior housing in a tall high-rise building off of Namaans Road. Her apartment was too small to fit everyone into, so we conducted our worship service in the building’s communal laundry room, in the basement of the high-rise.

We assembled the 10 elders together, and it was in this most humble of places that I began to lead kaddish.

Toward the end of the service, a door at the back of the laundry room opened; who walks in but Sen. Joe Biden, head lowered, all by himself.

I nearly dropped my prayer book in shock.

Senator Biden stood quietly in the back of the room for the duration of the service. At the close of the kaddish, I walked over to him and asked the same question that must have been on everyone else’s mind: “Sen. Biden — what are you doing here?”

He said to me: “Back in 1972, when I first ran for Senate, Mrs. Greenhouse gave $18 to my first campaign. Because that’s what she could afford. And every six years, when I’d run for reelection, she’d give another $18. She did it her whole life. I’m here to show my respect and gratitude.”

Now, the number 18 is significant in the Jewish faith — its numbers spell out the Hebrew word chai, as in “to life, to life, l’chayim!” But it’s also a humble amount. Joe Biden knew that. And he respected that.

There were no news outlets at our service that day — no Jewish reporters or important dignitaries. Just a few elderly mourners in a basement laundry room. Joe Biden didn’t come to that service for political gain. He came to that service because he has character.



I have long noticed a disturbing pattern in Donald Trump’s behavior — he often accuses others of doing bad things of which he himself is guilty. And he does it even if we don’t yet know that he is doing those bad things. Maybe it is his way of getting ahead of a story, so that he can try to use whataboutism if his misdeeds become publicly known.

So when Trump started accusing Barack Obama of treason for completely specious reasons, I got suspicious.

Then Trump doubled down by accusing Obama of “Obamagate”… without ever even explaining what that was.

But on Friday, the other shoe dropped. Unfortunately, the main articles about this are behind paywalls, but here is a good review of what happened from historian Heather Cox Richardson (starting in the second paragraph).

In summary, Donald Trump and quite a few members of his administration were briefed in March that Russia was paying Afghan militants to kill American soldiers. Potential responses were discussed, but the White House never did anything, and Congress was never informed (which they should have been).

Instead, after the briefing our commander-in-chief continued to kiss up to the Russians:

  • Trump issued a joint statement with Vladimir Putin commemorating the 75th anniversary of the meeting between American and Soviet troops in Germany that signaled the final defeat of the Nazis.
  • Trump called Putin and talked for 90 minutes. Afterward, he said “Had a long and very good conversation with President Putin of Russia. As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone else is a good thing, not a bad thing.”
  • A few weeks later, the US sent a $5.6 million aid package to Moscow, containing medical equipment to fight the coronavirus (even though Trump told US states to buy their own equipment).
  • On June 1, Trump made another call to Putin and then started lobbying for Russia to be readmitted to the G8.
  • Two weeks later, Trump ordered the withdrawal of 9,500 US troops from Germany, who were there to protect Germany against Russian aggression.

Treason is the only crime defined by the US Constitution, and the definition includes giving Aid and Comfort to our enemies. A country that pays people to kill our soldiers is definitely an enemy, and Trump explicitly gave the Russians actual aid, and is providing them comfort.

So while Trump’s accusations of treason against others are baseless, there is strong evidence that he committed treason himself.

On Sunday, in response Trump started tweeting in his typical blunderbuss fashion, claiming that he was never briefed about this (unlikely), calling the story from the NY Times “fake news” (while not disputing any of the information in it), asserting that “nobody’s been tougher on Russia than the Trump Administration” (which is patently false), and trying to shift the story by asking “Where’s Hunter?” (a reference to Joe Biden’s son, who was on the board of a Ukrainian company — a “fake news” story that has nothing to do with this one and which has been completely debunked).


Jon Stewart on Biden

I’m really glad to see Jon Stewart put into words something that I’ve always felt about Joe Biden, but didn’t know how to express.


We Have a Cure!

© Ruben Bolling

A safe, effective, inexpensive solution to end the coronavirus pandemic. What could go wrong?

I guess I’m just lucky. I live in a state where masks are required to be worn in public. Even better, I live in a county where people are conscientious and typically wear their masks. When I go hiking in one of the forested parks nearby, I don’t wear my mask all the time, but there is a little dance that happens. When someone approaches from the opposite direction, we both put on our masks before we pass each other. And if we stop to chat, we stay significantly more than 6 feet apart (even though we are outdoors).

It is just the polite thing to do. And it works. Right now in my county we have had a total of 7 deaths due to COVID-19. That comes out to 0.002% of the population. And the majority of those deaths happened in nursing homes (something that we are trying to work on).

But we still wear our masks and practice safe distancing. We’ve had more than our share of protests, but even the protesters here wear masks and try to keep their distance, and so far those mass gatherings have not been a significant source of disease spread.

Older (or more vulnerable) people are especially careful. And neighbors send out messages offering to help them by picking up groceries, medications, and other essentials. Other neighbors share fresh vegetables from their gardens.


No Responsibility

The state of Missouri decided to “reopen for business” even though the number of cases is increasing. In fact, they are now setting record highs for new cases of COVID-19. At a press briefing on Tuesday, the Republican governor was asked if he “felt guilty” for relaxing restrictions in the state during a coronavirus spike. He said “no”.

I don’t know that any one person is responsible for that no more than anybody else standing out here in this hallway. Do I feel guilty because we have car accidents, and people die every day? No, I don’t feel guilty about that. Each person that gets in those situations, things happen like that in life, they do.

There are so many things wrong with this:

  • Car accidents are not contagious. COVID-19 is extremely contagious. If there were 10 car accidents one week, and 1000 the next week, and 10000 the week after, would the governor be so flippant and refuse to do something?
  • We have stop signs and traffic lights to force distancing between cars.
  • We DO force people take measures to fight car accidents. We require people to wear seat belts, which are just as awkward and uncomfortable as masks. If people don’t wear a seat belt, we fine them and often force them to go to a class to educate them, including making them watch movies showing gruesome car accidents. By that token, we should require people who are caught not wearing a mask to watch movies of people dying from the coronavirus.
  • If a young person is a passenger in a car but isn’t wearing their seat belt, the driver still gets the ticket.
  • We have plenty of laws and regulations to make automobiles safer, including standards for crash avoidance, crash worthiness, and post-crash survivability.
  • We have laws against driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • We punish people for causing car accidents, convicting them of vehicular homicide (manslaughter). If someone negligently transmits the coronavirus, causing someone (or dozens of people) to die, how is that different?

If he wants to compare the pandemic to car accidents, why is he ignoring all of these comparisons? I guess it is because even though Republicans claim to be the party of personal responsibility, they don’t seem to think that applies to themselves.


This says it all

I am getting really fed up with people who think it is their personal civil right to not wear a mask during a pandemic. Start issuing them citations with a fine of $200 (or more!). That might get their attention. And it will probably save all of us money if it keeps people out of ICUs.

On the other hand, I love the plan for NYC to paint “BLACK LIVES MATTER” in giant yellow letters on Fifth Avenue right in front of Trump Tower. It will match the same thing that was painted near the White House. Of course, it has to be in ALL CAPS so that Trump knows it is real (well, at least as real as his tweets)! And if there was any doubt about why they are doing it, a spokesperson for the mayor announced:

The president is a disgrace to the values we cherish in New York City. He can’t run or deny the reality we are facing, and any time he wants to set foot in the place he claims is his hometown, he should be reminded Black Lives Matter.



© Nick Anderson

Donald Trump’s rally in Tulsa was a complete disaster, but that didn’t stop him from having another rally yesterday in Phoenix AZ. This wasn’t actually a rally, as it was not organized by the Trump campaign, which probably gave it a better chance of success. Plus it was held in a church with a much smaller capacity, so it was able to be filled with 3,000 people. That’s less than half the number of people who showed up in Tulsa, but the optics were better. So Trump was all over twitter, bragging “A GREAT DAY IN ARIZONA!”

However, I suspect that this second rally could be just as damaging to Trump’s campaign as the first one. The hall was packed, with no social distancing (which was at least possible in Oklahoma where 2/3 of the seats were empty). And there were virtually no masks in sight, despite a local ordinance requiring them and a direct plea from the mayor. Arizona is in the middle of a COVID-19 spike, and the attendees of this event were all local students, so it should be easier to watch how many of them will end up stricken by the coronavirus.

Most of all, unlike Oklahoma, Arizona has become a swing state, and it has a large population of senior citizens. As more of them get sick due to Trump’s incompetence and lack of leadership, the bluer Arizona will become.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Trump appears to be incapable of learning this lesson (or any other lesson, for that matter).


Sizing up the situation

Donald Trump and his campaign bragged over and over (and over) again about how huge his rally in Tulsa was going to be. After all, they had received a million requests for tickets! But only around 6200 people showed up, filling less than one-third of the venue.

Porn star Stormy Daniels (who Trump paid off to keep quiet about their dalliance) had something to say about that:

And nice to hear from Al Franken:

And of course, the Lincoln Project released another ad:

Last but not least, here’s Sarah Cooper on “How to Empty Seat”:

The Underlying Problem

The police are a reflection of a society. They’re not a rogue alien organization that came down to torment the black community. They’re enforcing segregation. Segregation is legally over, but it never ended. The police are, in some respects, a border patrol, and they patrol the border between the two Americas. We have that so that the rest of us don’t have to deal with it. Then that situation erupts, and we express our shock and indignation. But if we don’t address the anguish of a people, the pain of being a people who built this country through forced labor — people say, ‘I’m tired of everything being about race.’ Well, imagine how [expletive] exhausting it is to live that.

– Jon Stewart, from an extensive interview in the NY Times. Also quoted in Rolling Stone (if you can’t get through the Times paywall). But read the Times article if you can.

This isn’t just true for black people. America largely equates “rich” with “good”. And conversely, poor people are frequently blamed for their misfortune, because in America, anyone can succeed if they try hard enough (so, logically, if you are poor, it must be your fault). Winning is everything, so greed rules.

Some of you may know that Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show was one of the main things that inspired me to start this blog. I couldn’t find a political blog that combined humor in the ways that Stewart did on a TV show, and I wondered if it could be done. Of course, the blog that really put me to shame at doing that was Margaret and Helen.

© Matt Bors

You’re Fired?

You know, whoever hired Bolton should get fired. … I think he knew what he was getting.

– John Bolton responds when asked about Donald Trump calling him a “sick customer,” a “dope” and “washed up guy”

It isn’t often I agree with John Bolton, but this is one of those times.


Why We Hate

Friday, I just finished watching the Steven Spielberg series from the Discovery Channel “Why We Hate“, which looks both at hate, how it can fester and grow into genocide and destruction, but also at how we can work against hate to keep it from spreading. The series examines infamous examples of genocide or mass ethnic violence (Rwanda, South Africa, Cambodia, Nazi Germany, Colombia, lynchings, and others).

Saturday, just out of curiosity I watched Trump’s rally in Tulsa and it felt like I was listening to the same words from the instigators of past genocide and violence. The common themes are:

  • Dehumanizing the victims by calling them thugs, killers, rapists, animals or vermin (in Rwanda, it was calling the ethnic Tutsi “cockroaches”),
  • Stoking fear by claiming that the victims are out to destroy you, your family, and your way of life (taking away your guns, your jobs, and killing babies),
  • Most importantly, an authority figure or leader telling the people that they have to use violence against the victims (telling them to not be gentle or to “rough them up”).

But the important message is that we cannot stop hate with more hate. Hate must be fought with understanding. There was so much good information and ideas in this show, coming from amazing experts who have spent their lives fighting and successfully overcoming hate. I hope we learn how to stop what is going on before it is too late for us.

UPDATE: this post made it into Electoral-Vote!


Fire HR!

An article in WaPo by Philip Bump tries to answer the extremely important question, “Who keeps hiring these administration staffers Trump thinks are so terrible?”

Maybe all the problems we are having with our economy, health, foreign relations, race relations, education, hatred, and on and on, are just due to one or two bad apples in the Human Resources department at the White House who are hiring bad staff. We just need to find those incompetent HR people and fire them!

After all, Trump repeatedly promised during his campaign that he would only hire “the best people“. But just look at how many bad hires there have been!

  • The most recent is John Bolton. According to tweets from Trump, Bolton is a “wacko”, “a disgruntled boring fool who only wanted to go to war” and “Never had a clue, was ostracized & happily dumped. What a dope!” Many people (including me) probably agree that Bolton is a wacko, but still. Trump says he should have fired Bolton “early on”, but somehow Bolton managed to stay on for a year and a half, despite Trump’s concerns about him.
  • Jim Mattis, Trump’s defense secretary for two years. Trump now says Mattis is “our Country’s most overrated General. He talked a lot, but never ‘brought home the bacon’. He was terrible!”
  • Jeff Sessions, Trump’s first Attorney General. Trump said that hiring Sessions “was a mistake, a big mistake” and that Sessions was “played like a drum” and “didn’t have a clue”. Last month Trump said that he “didn’t want to make him attorney general”, but somehow he got the job anyway. Who in HR screwed up?
  • Daniel Coats, Trump’s director of national intelligence for two years, but now says, “He sat there, he didn’t do anything.”
  • Stephen K. Bannon, senior aide, who Trump says was “sloppy” and “leaked more than the Titanic.”
  • Anthony Scaramucci, one of Trump’s communications directors. Trump was especially nasty about the Mooch, saying that he was “totally incapable of handling” the job, is “a highly unstable nut job” and displayed “gross incompetence” and “made a fool of himself”. This might have been a simple mistake, as Scaramucci only lasted 11 days in the job. Well, except for the fact that before that he had worked for Trump’s election campaign. Surely someone must have noticed that he would not be a good employee.
  • Omarosa Manigault Newman, of whom Trump said afterward “People in the White House hated her. She was vicious, but not smart” and she “never made it, never will”.
  • Rex Tillerson, who was Trump’s first secretary of state (a very important job!). After which, Trump said Tillerson is “dumb as a rock”, “lazy as hell” and simply “didn’t have the mental capacity needed” and was “totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State”. Trump said he “couldn’t get rid of him fast enough” but tellingly claimed he was hindered from ousting Tillerson for reasons out of his control. Aha! It was someone else’s fault! Could it have been someone in HR?

UPDATE: At today’s press briefing, a reporter asked press secretary Kayleigh McEnany the following question:

Why does the president keep hiring people that are “dumb as a rock, overrated, way over their heads, whacko, and incompetent”?

Her answer shows that she just might qualify as one of those people who actually is “dumb as a rock” and “way over their heads”:

He likes the model of having a team of rivals, like what we saw in President Lincoln’s administration.

Not only that, but when CBS News asked Donald Trump himself why he keeps hiring “wackos” and “liars” … Trump just stared in silence, like he was dumb (definition of dumb: temporarily unable or unwilling to speak).


Subversive Science!

The anti-science forces finally have direct evidence that science is subversive! No wonder they have been warning us that global climate change is a hoax, vaccines cause autism, 5G is a form of mind control, and our glorious president knows more about how to cure COVID-19 than those egg-head scientists at the CDC and WHO.

The evidence was published in, of all places, Popular Mechanics. It pretends to be keeping people from “getting hurt”. But the title says it all: “How to Topple a Statue Using Science“. It starts out innocently enough:

Should you happen to find yourself near a statue that you decide you no longer like, we asked scientists for the best, safest ways to bring it to the ground without anyone getting hurt—except, of course, for the inanimate racist who’s been dead for a century anyway.

After that, the article dives into such subversive scientific terms as “yield strength”, “megapascals”, and graphs of the strengths of metals versus temperature.

It then quickly moves on to more dangerous topics, like the use of thermite and liquid nitrogen. Clearly we should stop teaching science immediately in schools, before riots and general mayhem break out. 😜



© Jen Sorensen

You may be wondering about some of the panels in this comic, but they are actual events. This would be laughably funny if it weren’t so pathetic and stupid.

For example, take the bus in the third panel. You should read the short article about it, but if you are too lazy, here’s the tl;dr version:

  • The bus is stopped by a SWAT team. It’s a small group of street performers who travel to places and juggle things. Nothing is amiss, nobody is arrested, nothing to see there.
  • Then it gets weird. The next day the police go on Facebook and announce this:
  • Yes, there is a hatchet, sitting next to a pile of wood and a wood stove that they use for heat. There is one (singular) meat cleaver, in the kitchen and used for cooking. My favorite thing are the “rocks”, which are crystals and some fossils. Better watch out, those magic crystals can be dangerous!
  • Nevertheless, this gets picked up by the far-right disinformation machine, and is spread far and wide as proof of an Antifa invasion. Marco Rubio even tweets this:

The last panel is about the “Autonomous Zone” in Seattle. Fox News actually issued an apology for digitally creating false and misleading photos. For example, they inserted an image of an armed man into a photo of broken windows. Then even inserted the same image of the armed man into an unrelated photo of the autonomous zone. That would be enough to scare anyone, which I guess is the whole point.

Fox News also used a frightening photo of a burning city with stories about the Seattle Autonomous Zone, even though the photo was actually from Minnesota (where a precinct station was burned).

Again, the right-wing media went bat-shit crazy. Even Donald Trump falsely claimed that Seattle was out of control. Fox eventually removed the photos, and apologized for the misinformation. But the damage had already been done.

Here’s an actual photo from the “Autonomous Zone”. It’s like a street fair, with food trucks, free water, art, … and no fires:

© Getty Images

We’re Number Ten!

The US consistently used to be the most competitive economy in the world. Then Donald Trump got elected, assuming office in 2017. In 2018, we lost the top spot to Singapore. In 2019 we continued our slide to #3. This year, we are now in the #10 spot, behind Singapore, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Sweden, Norway, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates.

The primary reason for the drop is our ongoing trade war with China, which has not only caused the US to fall, but also China (because we are their largest trading partner), who are now in the #20 spot. According to the report, “Trade wars have damaged both China and the USA’s economies, reversing their positive growth trajectories.”

Our economy is now less competitive than countries in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. At least we are still ahead of most of the third world.

What’s ironic is that as the US economy has started to disintegrate due to the coronavirus, polls show Trump still getting high marks for his handling of the economy. Five months ago, 75% of voters rated the economy as excellent or good, but now 75% say that it is not so good or poor. That’s a drop of 50% (no surprise, given that 40 million Americans have lost their jobs and businesses are dropping like flies). But at the same time, Trump’s approval rating for his handling of the economy has slipped only 4%, to 51% approval (which is much higher than his general approval rating).
