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© Matt Bors

You can see Obama’s speech on Libya here and here.

UPDATE: Jon Stewart on Obama’s speech.


Late Night Political Humor

“Hillary Clinton said that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi is engaged in ‘theater.’ Which explains the new strategy to defeat him: casting him as the lead in ‘Spider-Man: the Musical.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“No one can agree on how to spell Gadhafi’s name. He’s like the Hanukkah of dictators.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to reports, Khadafy is surrounded by an elite corps of female bodyguards, all of whom are virgins. In a related story, today Charlie Sheen invaded Libya.” – Conan O’Brien

“Charlie Sheen is still a big story because, honestly, none of us know where Libya is.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s one humiliation after another for Moammar Gadhafi. First his own people started rising up against him, then his compound was bombed, and now he’s getting beaten up by the French.” – Jay Leno

“Did you see the footage of French planes bombing Libya? The planes look brand new, like they’ve never been used before.” – Jay Leno

“Germany has pulled its forces out of NATO over Libya. When the Germans don’t want to fight and the French do, the whole world is upside down.” – Jay Leno

“The Pentagon says that U.S. operations in Libya are limited and have a definite end date. I don’t believe that. We still have troops in Germany.” – Jay Leno

“We’re fighting three wars now. Imagine how many we’d be fighting if President Obama hadn’t won the Nobel Peace Prize.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama has to cut his trip to Latin America short because of the situation in Libya — and to check on his NCAA brackets.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama is cutting his trip to Latin America short by a few hours because of the situation in Libya. So to everyone who said Obama didn’t care about Libya, you’re wrong. He cares three hours worth.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The name of the U.S. operation in Libya is ‘Odyssey Dawn.’ It’s the first military action to be named by Crabtree & Evelyn.” – Conan O’Brien

“When the Obamas were in Chile their President said, ‘I think the First Lady of the United States is very good-looking.’ So now we’re at war with Chile. Operation Lavender Mist.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump says he will run for president. He’ll have to find a cabinet position for that thing on his head.” – David Letterman

“Trump says that if he’s elected, he won’t let the presidency interfere with the Miss Universe pageant.” – David Letterman

“How would Trump travel as president? Obviously, he’d use Hair Force One.” – David Letterman

“On a trip to Israel, Sarah Palin asked the Israelis why they’re apologizing all the time. They responded saying, ‘Because we told everyone Tina Fey was coming.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A man in Texas used his obituary to ask for donations to anyone running against Obama in 2012. And then his ghost was offered a nightly show on Fox News.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The NAACP is taking a greater interest in attracting leaders from the gay community. This explains their new name, the ‘National Association for the Advancement of Color-Coordinated People.'” – Conan O’Brien


Unilateral Flip Flop

Back in 2007, when now VP Joe Biden was campaigning for the presidency, he was asked the following question:

QUESTIONER: I have a great fear that say you’re elected as the nominee of the party. Next August sometime during the summer, Dick Cheney and George are going to bomb Iran.

BIDEN: Legitimate concern.

QUESTIONER: What can you do about it?

BIDEN: I am not one, who if you’ve observed me for some time, I am not one who’s engaged in excessive populist rhetoric. I’m not one that pits the rich against the poor. I’m not one who’s gone out there and made false threats against presidents about, and god love him he’s a great guy, I’m not Dennis Kucinich saying impeach everybody now. But let me tell you, I have written an extensive legal memorandum with the help of a group of legal scholars who are sort of a stable of people, the best-known constitutional scholars in America, because for 17 years I was chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

I asked them to put together [for] me a draft, which I’m now literally riding between towns editing, that I want to make clear and submit to the Untied States Senate pointing out the president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran. And I want to make it clear, I want it on the record, and I want to make it clear, if he does, as chairman of the foreign relations committee and former chair of the judiciary committee, I will move to impeach him.

Has anyone asked Biden his opinion of Obama taking part in the attack on Libya without consulting Congress?


Wise Counsel?

© Jen Sorensen

How can people who claim to be against the “nanny state” be for anti-abortion counseling? If they are actually trying to protect people, then it would make more sense to require counseling before you order a drink in a bar, but don’t have a designated driver.


Late Night Political Humor

“We now have wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. They call it a ‘theater’ of war but this is a multiplex.” – David Letterman

“A problem for our military in Libya is that they can’t tell the rebels from Gadhafi’s military. The U.N. has now declared that the war be fought as ‘shirts vs. skins.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Moammar Gadhafi is said to be hanging out in a series of underground tunnels. That’s basically admitting you’re evil.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to Newsweek, 73 percent of Americans can’t say why we fought the Cold War. This sounds bad until you consider that no one in the White House can tell us why we’re fighting the Libya war.” – Jay Leno

“We know more about President Obama’s basketball picks than his plans for Libya.” – Jay Leno

“Everyone is focused on March Madness but there haven’t been any games in a few days. It’s been so boring that President Obama has decided to focus on the situations in Libya and Japan.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is doing business in Latin America this week. I guess regular America isn’t good enough for him anymore.” – Jimmy Kimmel

‘President Obama is in Chile. The President of Chile said Michelle Obama is very good looking, and Obama said the same thing about the Chilean President’s wife. I’m not sure this is the kind of trade agreement he went there to negotiate.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump came out as a birther, which is Republican for, ‘I’m running for president.'” – Lewis Black

‎”Stupid presidents, smart presidents, white presidents, black presidents — doesn’t work! What this country needs is a crazy Third World dictator. And Donald Trump has what it takes to be that. He’s already got a plane with his name on it, solid gold buildings, a harem…” – Lewis Black

“This is what I’ve been waiting for my whole life. A President who’s not afraid to tell the truth about being a lying asshole.” – Lewis Black

“Sarah Palin visited Israel. As if the Jews have not suffered enough.” – Jay Leno

“California Marijuana farmers are worried that radiation from Japan could affect their crops. Or maybe for some strange reason they’re just being paranoid.” – Conan O’Brien

“A South Carolina legislator introduced a bill to make it illegal for prisoners to use Facebook. They’re supposed to be doing time, not wasting it.” – Jay Leno


Murphy Can Has Congress

Ian Murphy, the guy who crank called Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker posing as billionaire conservative activist David Koch, is running for Congress. I’d say “seriously” but even though he is seriously running for Congress (he has filed and everything) there is nothing serious about his campaign video. Personally, I hope he wins.


General Tax Avoidance

© Jeff Danziger

General Electric had profits of over $14 billion in 2010 and yet paid no taxes. In fact, they received a tax benefit of $3.2 billion. Now that’s corporate welfare! How does GE do it? By hiring former treasury officials to work in their tax department, and by aggressive lobbying to get tax laws changed to their favor.

Fifty or so years ago, 30% of all federal revenue came from corporations. Now it is only 6.6% — far less than individuals pay. In fact, a majority of large corporations don’t pay any taxes at all. And yet Republicans still want to cut corporate taxes even more.


War is Hell

© Matt Wuerker

My only issue with this comic is that Obama never said he was anti-war. He said he was against stupid wars. So the question is whether what we are doing in Libya is stupid or not. Time will surely tell.


Late Night Political Humor

“We’re at war? Again? Don’t we already have two? Wars aren’t like kids, where you don’t have to worry about the youngest one because the other two will take care of it.” – Jon Stewart

“Remember when President Obama said we can’t fight two wars and vowed to change our policy? Well, he did. Now we’re fighting three wars.” – Jay Leno

“The strikes on Libya are costing $100 million. Or, in Moammar Gadhafi terms, five Beyonce concerts.” – Conan O’Brien

“And aren’t we out of money? You can’t simultaneously fire teachers and Tomahawk missiles.” – Jon Stewart

“The Pentagon held a press-conference about the military operation in Libya. They are calling it Odyssey Dawn. I believe it’s the first military operation named after a stripper.” – David Letterman

“Obama said we will send economic aid to Libya to help the Libyan people reach their dreams. And if that works, they’ll try it here.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. There was an awkward moment when she said, ‘So this is what keeps the Mexicans out?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Sarah Palin visited Israel. She says she likes all religions, ‘whether they celebrate Christmas or Jewish.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A miniscule amount of radiation from Japan reached L.A. People panicked and ran out and bought gas masks and radiation suits. Then they went to the tanning salon.” – Jay Leno

“Rich people are buying Geiger counters. Poor people are putting bags of microwave popcorn on the windowsill. If it starts popping, get the hell out.” – Jay Leno



Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has become something of a celebrity, but he seems to have jumped the shark. What else can explain how a simple arrest of a man suspected of the fowl crime of cockfighting somehow required the use of armored vehicles, including a tank. And the Sheriff had no reason to believe that the man was either armed or dangerous.

But that didn’t stop the operation, which involved a massive show of force: dozens of SWAT team members, and even a bomb robot. Over a hundred chickens were killed, and thousands of dollars in damage were done to the arrested man’s property.

But the strangest thing is that actor Steven Seagal was riding in the tank. Apparently Arpaio and Seagal have signed a contract allowing Seagal — who stars in a television show called “Lawman” — the right to go along with the sheriff as he arrests people.

Well, I guess it was worth all that money so that Seagal could get a good show.

UPDATE: Steven Seagal makes things even murkier by lying. But wait, there’s more!


Losing Our Way

Bob Herbert is retiring after writing a column for the NY Times for 18 years. The entire column should be read, but here are a few choice quotes:

So here we are pouring shiploads of cash into yet another war, this time in Libya, while simultaneously demolishing school budgets, closing libraries, laying off teachers and police officers, and generally letting the bottom fall out of the quality of life here at home.

Welcome to America in the second decade of the 21st century.

There is plenty of economic activity in the U.S., and plenty of wealth. But like greedy children, the folks at the top are seizing virtually all the marbles. Income and wealth inequality in the U.S. have reached stages that would make the third world blush. As the Economic Policy Institute has reported, the richest 10 percent of Americans received an unconscionable 100 percent of the average income growth in the years 2000 to 2007, the most recent extended period of economic expansion.


Maybe Gadhaffi will return it to the Nobel Committee

© Mike Luckovich

While I support the intervention in Libya, and I particularly approve of the fact that it is authorized by the UN and the Arab League, I still think Obama did a full flop on it.


A Leak by Any Other Name

Glenn Greenwald hits the ironic nail on the head when he points out that the US Justice Department has a double standard for dealing with leaks of classified information. On one hand there is Bradley Manning, rotting in solitary confinement, and Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, who some US politicians say should be assassinated.

On the other hand, a senior US defense official revealed the contents of an intelligence report about Libya on condition of anonymity because it was classified secret. As Greenwald points out, where’s the urgent leak investigation?


Getting High is Solution for Global Warming

The new president of the Marshall Islands has a problem on his hands. The rising global temperature is causing sea levels to rise, which threatens to obliterate his country. Which is a real downer.

His solution is unorthodox. By executive order, he has legalized the use of cocaine, “the real thing, uncut and pure, the best you can get.” Not only that, but he will be introducing a no-visa unrestricted entry program for tourists from any country.

The revenue from cocaine sales can be used to build defenses against the sea, or if all else fails, buy up more elevated islands in other parts of the Pacific. The Marshall Islands consist of five islands and 29 atolls, in the middle of the Pacific. Selling cocaine just might help the islanders to get high enough to escape the rising waters.

Also known because it was the site of the first tests of atomic bombs, the Marshall Islands seems to be an unwilling victim of Western Technology. But now they are turning the tide, and perhaps tourists will start calling this new destination, “the bomb”.

UPDATE: This story is satire.


Regime Change Starts at Home

© Lee Judge

Of course, we only attack countries that have oil.
