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Freedom from Freedom

© Barry Deutsch

A dear friend of mine died from cancer yesterday, but his equally awful battle with his health insurance reminded me of how screwed up our health care system really is.

Pretty much everyone I know has either had a bad experience with their health insurance provider, or has a friend or family member that has had a bad experience. One of the great mysteries that I will never understand is how the health insurance industry managed to drum up enough opposition to health insurance reform to keep us from getting single-payer health insurance. Are we really just so many sheep, in thrall to corporate interests?


Late Night Political Humor

“Sarah Palin continues to make significant contributions to the English language. She asked, ‘Is Libya a war, an intervention, a squirmish, what is it?’ Squirmish is how I feel every time I hear Sarah Palin talk.” – Jimmy Kimmel

[oh come on, everyone knows a squirmish is a squeamish skirmish! -IK]

“Newt Gingrich said he’s afraid America will become an atheist country dominated by radical Islamists. Right. Our big problem could be religious atheists, almost as bad as pacifist warmongers. If they hook up with the communist capitalists we’re screwed.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama says that he prays every night before bed. Or as Fox News reported, ‘Obama in Daily Talks With Allah.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama said that one solution for using less oil is more nuclear power. He also admitted that he doesn’t follow the news.” – Conan O’Brien

“In an interview with ABC, President Obama said he has to do something about the bags under his eyes. In response, Nancy Pelosi was like, ‘Call this number and tell them Pelosi sent you.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama’s approval rating just hit an all-time low of 42 percent. To put that in perspective, the cobra that escaped from the Bronx Zoo has an approval rating of 43 percent.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bill Clinton is writing the introduction to a novel by a former college roommate. He says, “Thanks for always respecting the sock on the doorknob, bro.” – Jimmy Fallon


Corporate Takeover

© Jen Sorensen

From the Tea Party to Sustainable Food, never underestimate the ability of corporations to take over any grassroots movement. After all, they managed to co-opt rock and roll and pervert its original anti-establishment message.


Safety, My Ass

The company that owns the Deepwater Horizon oil rig is Transocean Ltd. You remember, the rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico last year, killing 11 people immediately, spilling 200 million gallons of oil, costing untold amounts of money, killing dolphins and other sea life, and causing major ruin and destruction on the gulf coast. The company that — along with BP and Halliburton — was blamed by the presidential commission investigating the spill for making too many money-saving measures that resulted in an unacceptable amount of risk. Yeah, those guys.

Well, they just awarded their top executives big bonuses for achieving the “best year in safety performance in our company’s history” and for “significantly improving the company’s safety record”. I kid you not. They had the balls to claim that the company has an “exemplary” safety record.

Exemplary. Well, that’s certainly an example that none of us will ignore.

UPDATE: Transocean Ltd. admits that calling 2010 its “best year in safety” might have been a tad insensitive.

UPDATE 2: Transocean’s senior management team has reportedly said it will donate their safety bonus money to the victims of the well explosion. Nine of the people killed when the well exploded were Transocean employees.

UPDATE 3: The blowout preventer that failed to prevent the blowout was four years overdue for maintenance.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s speech on Libya was scheduled early so it wouldn’t interrupt ‘Dancing With the Stars.’ That’s ridiculous. This is a major historical event that affects the lives of millions of people. I can’t believe it was almost interrupted by Obama’s speech.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The latest episode of ‘Dancing With the Stars’ was preceded by Obama’s new show, ‘Dancing Around the Objectives in Libya.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama spoke about our role in Libya. He’s not sure when the war will end, what happens when we win, or how much it will cost, but other than that it was quite informative.” – Jay Leno

“Obama is being criticized by both parties for not having a clear strategy to get out of Libya. But neither does Moammar Gadhafi, so it’s OK.” – Jay Leno

“Critics were saying Obama seemed defensive and slightly angry during his speech on Libya. Sounds like somebody’s March Madness bracket isn’t doing so hot.” – Jimmy Fallon

“We’re down to the final four now. Only four Middle East countries we haven’t attacked.” – Jay Leno

“Moammar Gadhafi has been described as a maniacal despot clinging to power. Wait a minute, that’s me.” – David Letterman

“Donald Trump showed his birth certificate to reporters. Who cares about his birth certificate? I want to know if that thing on his head has had its vaccinations.” – Craig Ferguson

“Donald Trump might be running for president and he just released his birth certificate. It lists his eyes as ‘blue’ and his hair as ‘ridiculous.'” – Conan O’Brien


Raw Meat, or just a Bone?

© Chan Lowe

Donald Trump stirs up the Republican base by asking why Obama won’t release his birth certificate. The fact that Obama released his birth certificate years ago (and Hawaii officials verified it) doesn’t seem to matter. And Trump seems to have had some problems producing his own birth certificate.

But according to Politico, Trump is “dragging other bits of the party down the birther rabbit-hole with him.” And MSNBC says:

Donald Trump is going to be an amazing distraction. […] No other Democratic presidential candidate (or NON-candidate) ever overshadowed Obama or Clinton in 2008. But the theme so far to the 2012 race has been that a lot of Republicans — whether it’s Trump, Michele Bachmann, or even Buddy Roemer (at one forum) — have already overshadowed the top-tier candidates.

And of course, in a move that surprised nobody, Fox News just announced that Trump will be doing a weekly segment for them. With most of the potential Republican candidates for president on the payroll of Fox News — getting paid to campaign — when are they just going to rename Fox News to the Republican Candidate Advertising Channel?

Speaking of the media, their utter fascination with Trump managed to keep some real new out of the spotlight — the unemployment rate has dropped to 8.8%, its lowest in two years and a sign that the economic recovery is finally translating into new jobs.


Help Poor Sean Duffy

During a town hall meeting, Republican congressman Sean Duffy complained that he was struggling to make ends meet on his $174,000 a year salary (despite the fact that it is more than three times the median salary in his district).

I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt than all of you. With 6 kids, I still pay off my student loans. I still pay my mortgage. I drive a used minivan. If you think I’m living high on the hog, I’ve got one paycheck. So I struggle to meet my bills right now. Would it be easier for me if I get more paychecks? Maybe, but at this point I’m not living high on the hog.

The GOP not only pulled the video of the event from its website, but demanded that other copies of the video be removed from the internet.

The local Democratic party, which is fighting Republican attempts to cut programs that benefit the poor and middle class, jumped on this, creating the poster above.

Ironically, Duffy is actually one of the poorest members of Congress. But don’t feel too sorry for him — some of the debt he is complaining about is the mortgage on his family vacation home.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan, he sent the Navy in to shoot at pirates in the Indian Ocean, and now he’s attacking Libya. It’s like he took the Nobel Peace Prize as an insult.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama addressed the nation on Libya. This changes his previous policy on Libya, which was, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama said the United States has clear and focused goals in Libya. He said he would share those goals with us as soon as Hillary shares them with him.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama gave a speech about Libya last night. The title of the speech? “No, I Wasn’t Born There.” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama wanted to update the American people on Libya but unless Snooki is going to Libya, the American people don’t care.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Pentagon says we’ll be out of Libya in a couple of weeks. Let me translate that: 10-year quagmire.” – David Letterman

“Instead of calling our mission in Libya a war, the White House is calling it a ‘kinetic military action,’ which sounds better than ‘potentially endless quagmire.'” – Jay Leno

“About Libya, President Obama says we’re staying for a short time and then leaving. That’s what my relatives always say.” – David Letterman

“Congress is mad at President Obama because he didn’t consult them before the war in Libya. Congress got us into two other wars and put us 14 trillion dollars in debt. I can’t imagine why he didn’t consult them.” – Jay Leno

“Obama was in South America and when he came back to the White House, he was locked out of the Oval Office. That’s like the eight years of the Bush administration.” – David Letterman

“Donald Trump called George W. Bush ‘the worst president in the history of the United States.’ Then he added, ‘Until, of course, I’m elected.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A reporter in Florida claimed he was locked in a closet by Joe Biden’s staff to keep him from talking to people at an event. It wouldn’t have been so bad if Biden hadn’t been locked in there too for the same reason.” – Jimmy Fallon

“General Electric did not pay any taxes at all last year. Of course that’s because G.E. reported its sale of NBC as a charitable donation.” – Conan O’Brien

“I know the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people, but what I didn’t realize is that those people are assholes.” – Jon Stewart

“The Census Bureau says 50 million Hispanic people now live in the U.S. You know what that means: 80 million Hispanic people now live in the U.S.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In the wake of record losses, the U.S. Postal Service announced it is cutting 7,500 jobs. But a spokesman for the post office said those positions could be restored if this whole email thing turns out to be nothing but a fad.” – Jay Leno


An Education in Greed

© Andy Singer


Late Night Political Humor

“Michele Bachmann threw her hat into the ring. We think she’s going to be running for president. For those who find Sarah Palin too intellectual. Michelle Bachman for President. As a comedian, all I can say is, where can I donate to this cause?” – Bill Maher

“Michele Bachmann says she will launch her Presidential campaign in either Massachusetts or New Hampshire as soon as she figures out which is which. There could be some eligibility problems for her. She has her birth certificate, but nobody can produce her high school diploma.” – Jay Leno

“If Bachman and Palin get in to the presidential race, that’s two bimbos. And then there’s Mitt Romney, the millionaire and Newt Gingrich, a professor. We just need a skipper and a buddy and we’ve got ‘Gilligan’s Island.'” – Bill Maher

“A new poll shows that one of the major parties in this country – I won’t tell you which one – is a majority birther party. That’s right, more than half of Republicans now think Obama was born in Kenya. They literally do not know where babies come from.” – Bill Maher

“Moammar Gadhafi says of the no-fly zone, ‘In the short term we will beat them, and in the long term we will beat them.’ Which is Libyan for ‘Bring it. Winning. Bring it. Winning.'” – Jay Leno

“For once, we’re not coming off as the big swinging dicks who are going to tell everyone else what to do. We’re trying to get results without incurring all the costs and all the bad will; or as Fox News calls it, ‘reckless.'” – Bill Maher

“It’s so fun to watch the Republicans be pro-bombing, but against Obama who’s doing it. Newt Gingrich was so discombobulated this week, he made a pass at his current wife.” – Bill Maher

“You got your fuckin’ bombs! What more do you need?!” – Jon Stewart

“There are reports coming out that Moammar Gadhafi got hair plugs and face injections 16 years ago. So that’s why he looks so good.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Gaddafi has turned on his own people. He’s become so unpopular that even his face is running away from him.” – Stephen Colbert

“President Obama came back from South America and couldn’t get into the White House. The door was locked. So he called Chris Brown on his cell phone to find the best way to break a window.” – Jay Leno

“General Electric announced it made a profit of $14 billion last year and paid zero in U.S. taxes. How does this make Wesley Snipes feel? Had he just been making light bulbs instead of movies he wouldn’t be in prison now.” – Jay Leno

“According to the latest reports, medical marijuana sales in this country are now approaching $2 billion a year. I had no idea that so many people had glaucoma. Apparently this is an epidemic.” – Jay Leno

“The Eiffel Tower was evacuated after a suspicious package was found. French investigators were baffled by this object for hours. It turns out it was just a can of deodorant. They had never seen anything like that.” – Jay Leno


Base Instincts

We may not have many presidential contenders yet, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t already plenty of irony to go around.


Lying for Fun and Profit

Katrina vanden Heuvel (editor and publisher of The Nation) has a brilliant opinion piece this week that highlights how little regard the mainstream media has for the truth, and the hypocrisy of a country that claims that people should be held accountable for their actions. Here are some quotes:

Last Sunday, ABC’S “This Week” turned to none other than Donald Rumsfeld, the former Bush administration defense secretary, to get his informed judgment of the mission in Libya. Last month, the journal International Finance featured former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan commenting on what is “hampering” the economic recovery.

Fox News trumped even that, trotting out retired Marine Col. Oliver North, the former Reagan security staffer who orchestrated the secret war in Nicaragua, to indict President Obama for — you can’t make this stuff up — failing to get a congressional resolution in support of the mission in Libya.

[Rumsfeld] helped cook the books that justified the war of choice in Iraq, costing thousands of Americans their lives and limbs and the government a projected $3 trillion. His war squandered the global goodwill in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001, left millions of Iraqis dead or displaced, and strengthened our adversaries in Iraq and the terrorists of al-Qaeda.

Rumsfeld personally approved the torture techniques that despoiled the nation’s reputation when they were revealed at Abu Ghraib prison. He is now hawking his unrepentant and disingenuous memoir, which concludes that the Bush administration “got it right” on the big things in Iraq and elsewhere. Why would any rational news show invite his opinion on anything except maybe how to live with yourself after screwing up big-time?

Greenspan hasn’t got a clue. His ruinous policies at the Federal Reserve helped drive the economy into the worst downturn since the Great Depression. He cheered on the housing bubble while denying its existence; touted the benefits of subprime mortgages; turned a blind eye to reports of pervasive fraud and abuse in mortgage markets; and opposed the regulation of derivatives that, he claimed, were making the system more stable.

[North] ran a secret war not only without congressional authorization, but also despite a congressional prohibition — a folly that ended in his indictment and nearly in the impeachment of his president.

How can these people be allowed to go on television unchallenged?



© Tom Tomorrow

I find it funny that people (on both the right and the left) are making fun of Obama because the main proponents for action in Libya in his administration are women. I lived in England for a year during the government of Margaret Thatcher, and it comes as absolutely no surprise to me. And hasn’t anyone noticed how sexist these claims are?


Late Night Political Humor

“Seventeen days after Newt Gingrich insisted President Obama should establish a no-fly zone over Libya, he’s complaining that Obama established a no-fly zone over Libya. It’s the same as Newt’s policy on adultery. He can’t make up his mind.” – Jay Leno

“House Speaker John Boehner says President Obama should have clearly outlined his exact plans before bombing Libya. Apparently it’s only Iraq where you don’t have to do that.” – Jay Leno

“For Lent, some people give up meat, and some people give up drinking. President Obama gave up conferring with Congress.” – Jay Leno

“Dennis Kucinich wants to impeach President Obama over Libya. There’s a very good case against impeachment. It’s called ‘Joe Biden.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama had to use another door to get into the White House yesterday after he got home and the entrance to the Oval Office was locked. When he couldn’t get in, Obama said ‘Holy cow, is it 2012 already?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Two passenger planes landed in Washington, D.C. with no assistance from a sleeping air traffic controller. Luckily, the pilots were too drunk to notice.” – Jay Leno

“A study found Equador, Venezuela and Colombia have the most well-endowed men in the world. The study was conducted by TSA screeners at JFK’s International Terminal.” – Jimmy Fallon


American Exceptionalism?

From Joe Klein, writing in Time magazine:

This is my 10th presidential campaign, Lord help me. I have never before seen such a bunch of vile, desperate-to-please, shameless, embarrassing losers coagulated under a single party’s banner. They are the most compelling argument I’ve seen against American exceptionalism. […] There are those who say, cynically, if this is the dim-witted freak show the Republicans want to present in 2012, so be it. I disagree. One of them could get elected. You never know.

Or Steve Kornacki, writing in Salon:

For respectable Republicans, the embarrassment potential may be at an all-time high. The party is a year away from picking its next presidential candidate and never in the modern era has it faced a vacuum like this.

The party’s base — which nominated several utterly unelectable candidates in several high-stakes Senate races last year — is in revolt, thirsting for purity and likely to accede to a Romney or Pawlenty nomination only with reluctance. Before then, it figures to be tempted by an atypically large collection of red meat-spouting long shots: Michele Bachman, Newt Gingrich, John Bolton, Rick Santorum, maybe even Sarah Palin or (why not?) Herman Cain — personally and politically polarizing extremists who validate a damaging stereotype of the Obama-era GOP.

UPDATE: At this point before the 2008 presidential election, at least 17 Democrats and Republicans had officially set up their exploratory committees or declared they were running for the presidency. Obama famously declared he was running on February 10, 2007, in the same city where Lincoln had done the same thing. But things are getting off to a slow start this year. Only three Republicans have formed exploratory committees — Cain, Pawlenty, and Roemer — and nobody has actually declared they are running. NBC even had to postpone their first presidential debate, which was scheduled for May 2, until September 14.
