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Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama is in town, and huge traffic delays are expected all over L.A. Tomorrow he’s back on the East Coast, and huge traffic delays are expected all over L.A.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is in Los Angeles raising money for his campaign and meeting with Dr. 90210 about an ear tuck.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Michelle Obama said the most popular member of the family is their Portuguese water dog Bo. Donald Trump said, ‘I want to see that Portuguese bitch’s papers.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Trump has people in Hawaii looking for Obama’s birth certificate. Wouldn’t it be something if it turned out the certificate had been nestling.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson announced his candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination. Because when the other candidates aren’t generating enough excitement, it’s time to bring out Gary Johnson.” – Conan O’Brien

“His real name is Gary Hussein Johnson. That’s where it gets interesting.” – Conan O’Brien

“Queen Elizabeth turned 85 today. There was an awkward moment when she closed her eyes to make a wish and Prince Charles asked, ‘Is she dead?'” – Craig Ferguson

“The Industrial Revolution destroyed the environment, but now we’re not destroying it as much as we used to. We’re concentrating on destroying the economy instead.” – Craig Ferguson


The Opposite of a Double Header

Last week Trump was ahead, now they are saying he’s neck-and-neck with Huckabee. But they might have their terms ass backwards.


When are we gonna kick this habit?

© John Sherffius


Late Night Political Humor

“Prominent people are coming forward to attest to President Obama’s American citizenship. The Governor of Hawaii just said he first met Obama just days after he was born. He knew it was Obama, because he kept pointing to his diaper and calling for change.” – Conan O’Brien

“It just came out that Donald Trump once called Ronald Reagan ‘a con man who couldn’t deliver the goods.’ Trump also called Abraham Lincoln ‘a bearded moron who couldn’t even sit through an hour of theater.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is apparently on top among Republican voters. People are responding to his straight-forward honesty, tough talk, and utter lunacy. If Trump does become president, I hope he puts a wig on his plane and calls it Hair Force One.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sarah Palin has a 61 percent unfavorable rating in Alaska. That number jumps to 100 percent if you only ask the animals.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Obama administration plans to give the Libyan rebels $25 million in non-lethal aid. The rebels look forward to starting an offensive with Super Soakers and T-shirt canons.” – Conan O’Brien


The End of TroubleTown

Lloyd Dangle publishes his last comic:

© Lloyd Dangle

It is interesting that his final comic he asks a question I have often asked myself — “Am I making a difference?”


Greasing their Palms, Oiling their Profits

In 2008, ExxonMobil set a record for making the most profits in a year, breaking their own former record. Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. According to the Wall Street Journal, spiking oil prices are set to lift earnings of ExxonMobil by around 50% compared to last year. Will they again break their record? Win or not, it is clear who is going to lose. You.

Other oil companies, including Chevron and ConocoPhillips, are set to see slightly smaller profit increases of 33%. And yet, two months ago the Republicans voted unanimously to continue billions of dollars in subsidies to the big oil companies, while simultaneously calling for drastic cuts to social programs including Medicare and Medicaid. Adding injury to insult, the Republicans are using high gas prices as an excuse to open up more environmentally endangered areas to oil drilling, even though doing so will have virtually no impact on gas prices ever, and absolutely none in the near future.


The Rule of Law, or the Law of Rulers?

One of the principal things that distinguishes a free nation from totalitarianism is that in a totalitarian nation, those in power can decide they don’t like what you are doing and can punish you at their whim. In a free nation, we have the rule of law, which means that you are innocent until found guilty by a jury of your peers.

That is why I found it so surprising that Obama, who as a former constitutional lawyer should understand the constitution and the rule of law, could say something like this: After a fundraiser in San Francisco — the one where protestors sang a song to Obama protesting the treatment of Bradley Manning — one of the protestors approached Obama and talked to him:

People can have philosophical views about…

[Questioner: unintelligible]

No, no, but look, I can’t conduct diplomacy on an open source. That’s not how…the world works. If you’re in the military, and…I have to abide by certain classified information. If I was to release stuff, information that I’m not authorized to release, I’m breaking the law…We’re a nation of laws. We don’t individually make our own decisions about how the laws operate…

He broke the law.

[Questioner: ‘You can make it harder to break the law.’]

Well, what he did was he dumped…

[Questioner: something about President Nixon’s prosecution of Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg]

It wasn’t the same thing. What Ellsberg released wasn’t classified in the same way. So. Anyway. Alright.

If this video and transcript are accurate, then Obama saying “He broke the law” about Manning is so very very wrong on many levels. How could Manning possibly receive a fair trial after the president declares that he is already guilty?

Also, Obama is misleading when he claims that what Ellsberg released wasn’t classified in the same way. What Ellsberg released was classified “top secret”, everything that Manning is accused of leaking was at a lower classification level.

UPDATE: Good column on this by Glenn Greenwald. If we don’t individually make our own decisions about how the laws operate, then why did Obama let a good portion of the Bush administration off the hook for their war crimes?


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump said he’d release his personal tax returns if Obama shows his birth certificate, which is probably the first you-show-me-yours-and-I’ll-show-you-mine in a presidential campaign since, well, Clinton probably.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump said if President Obama releases his birth certificate, he will release his tax returns. The President said, ‘Well, I promise not to run for a second term if you release that thing on your head.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Trump is very reluctant to release his tax returns. Either he doesn’t make as much money as he wants people to think he does, or he doesn’t want anyone to know he claims his hairpiece as a dependent.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In an interview yesterday, Donald Trump said he has a good relationship with ‘the blacks.’ Well, not anymore.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Gary Busey said on the ‘Today Show’ yesterday that Donald Trump would make a great President. Now Trump just needs endorsements from Randy Quaid and Charlie Sheen.” –Conan O’Brien

“Trump accused George Stephanopoulos of being co-opted by Obama’s minions. Anyone who knows Stephanopoulos knows he’s minion-proof –- and lactose intolerant.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama celebrated Passover with a Seder at the White House. This morning, Donald Trump demanded to see Obama’s Bar Mitzvah certificate.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama released his 2010 tax return. It turns out that he made $1.7 million and spent $14 trillion.” – Conan O’Brien

“Speaker of the House John Boehner says he will not host a Cinco de Mayo celebration this year. Boehner says he has nothing against Hispanic Americans, and in fact his speaker of the housekeeper is Hispanic. Apparently there’s something about those poor, defenseless piñatas being beaten with sticks that makes Boehner cry.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The FAA has suspended an air traffic controller for watching a movie while on the job. The guy explained that he just couldn’t get to sleep.” – Conan O’Brien


The GOP Path to Prosperity

© Matt Bors

One of the most important principles of our country is equal opportunity — commonly called the American Dream. When you lose that, you lose everything.


That Reagan

Another in a series of quotes that would have gotten Ronald Reagan kicked out of the modern Republican party:

These are the values inspiring those brave workers in Poland … They remind us that where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost.

Watch the video here.


The Price of Justice

I’m sure you’ve heard about the document mills that forged mortgage papers for banks so the banks could foreclose on people’s homes. According to Matt Taibbi:

Put it this way. If the banks had to pay what they actually owed – from the registration taxes/fees they avoided by using the electronic registry system MERS to the money taken from investors in toxic mortgage-backed securities to the fees and payments stolen from homeowners via predatory loan practices and illegal foreclosures – they would probably all go out of business. That’s how much money is at stake here.

So it should be no surprise to anyone that the banks are suddenly giving astounding amounts of money as campaign contributions to state attorney generals. Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller was a particularly strong beneficiary — according to a report from the National Institute for Money in State Politics, “Nearly half of the money Miller raised in 2010 was donated after the October 13 announcement that he would be coordinating the 50-state attorneys general investigation.”

As Taibbi puts it, the best way to raise campaign money is to investigate banks. And if you’re a bank, exercising your newly minted free speech rights (where speech is money) is also the price of buying justice.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Department of Justice shut down the biggest online poker sites for violating the law. None of the poker players saw it coming because they were all wearing those stupid little sunglasses.” – Craig Ferguson

“The poker sites broke the same law that prevents the banks from transferring money to offshore accounts. Now if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that Uncle Sam isn’t going to let banks screw people over.” – Craig Ferguson

“President Obama’s critics are lashing out over him shutting down the poker sites. Sarah Palin called it an overreaction, Tim Pawlenty said it was irrational, and Donald Trump said, ‘Be sure to watch ‘Celebrity Apprentice.”” – Craig Ferguson

“Gambling and Washington don’t seem to go together at all. One’s full of whores and seedy, soulless bastards and the other’s the gambling industry.” – Craig Ferguson

“Tax day is the day that ordinary Americans send their money to Washington, D.C., and wealthy Americans send their money to the Cayman Islands.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Forty percent of Americans say they would rather cut their own hair than do their taxes. And then there are people that would rather do neither. I’m talking to you, Willie Nelson.” – Craig Ferguson

“Every year, I include a piece of chicken in the envelope with my taxes. Not as a bribe, just a little treat for the guy at the IRS who opens it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In Portland, Oregon, a mail carrier made a very special delivery to the lawn of someone’s home. He defecated behind the garbage cans. Where’s he supposed to go? In his pith helmet? That’s for pith, not for anything else. So now ‘going postal’ means a whole new thing, I guess.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“NBC executives say that if Donald Trump does run for president, they will not renew ‘The Apprentice.’ So some good may come out of this.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is celebrating Passover with a Passover Seder. After hearing this, Sarah Palin said, ‘Ah, so he is a Muslim.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama will participate in a town hall meeting hosted on Facebook. So just like everyone else in America, Obama will be on Facebook when he should be working.” – Conan O’Brien

“Republican Rick Santorum got rid of his campaign slogan after he found it was similar to one coined by a gay man. No word yet on why he chose, ‘Rick Santorum for President. I Love Penises.'” – Conan O’Brien

“To celebrate Kim Jong Il’s birthday. North Korea held the biggest magic show ever. Things got out of control when the magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat and it was immediately eaten by 28 million people.” – Conan O’Brien

“The boyhood home of Bill Clinton has been designated as a National Historic Site. It’s great, but I hope it stops there. Because there are a million places that can say ‘Bill Clinton Slept Here.'” – Craig Ferguson


Not so Chicken Little

© Dan Wasserman

S&P threatens to lower our credit rating. Is the banking industry just threatening us in order to maintain their power?


Election Enthusiasm?

© Mike Luckovich

The current field of Republican candidates is the best thing Obama has going for his reelection efforts.


Late Night Political Humor

“Lenscrafters is upset with Tea Partier Michele Bachmann because she called Planned Parenthood ‘the Lenscrafters of abortion.’ Lenscrafters released a statement today calling her ‘the Costco of crazy.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Michele Bachmann said Planned Parenthood is the Lenscrafters of Big Abortion.’ Which is a realy double-whammy because the conservatives hate Planned Parenthood and they hate Lenscrafters, because Lenscrafters makes glasses, and that could lead to reading.” – Bill Maher

“Donald Trump is going to make an announcement about running for President on the season finale of ‘Celebrity Apprentice.’ Not to be outdone, the same night the Cake Boss will reveal his plan for overhauling Medicare.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is attacking President Obama’s background. And I said, ‘Wait a minute, Trump also is from a mixed background. He’s half jack and half ass.'” – David Letterman

“Trump is a little tone-deaf to the average American. He unveiled his slogan this week ‘Are you better off than you were four wives ago?”” – Bill Maher

“Pakistan says they are slowing down their hunt for bin Laden. Slowing it down? What is it, 10 years now? Could you go any slower?” – Jay Leno

“Today federal agents discovered another sleeper cell. Not terrorists, air traffic controllers. A controller in Reno fell asleep while a medical plane carrying a sick passenger was trying to land. Ironically, do you know what the patient was suffering from? Insomnia.” – Jay Leno

“Barack Obama recently presented a powerful speech detailing his 2012 budget. And he kept the audience, including Vice President Joe Biden, on the edge of their consciousness.” – Stephen Colbert

“Two things you need to know about taxes. They’ve extended the deadline to April 18, and when you write your check, just make it out to China.” – David Letterman

“The budget deal will cut almost $40 billion out of the budget. This of course is very bad news for poor people, health programs for the poor were cut $600 million; the EPA was cut $1.6 billion…The good news: they cut all the money out of repairing federal buildings. So there was a slight chance a wall will collapse on Eric Cantor.” – Bill Maher

“A study found 1 in 3 Americans lives near a nuclear power plant. And the other 2 live near a Kardashian. So we’re all at risk of exposure to dangerous seepage.” – Craig Ferguson
