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All Fall Down

© Mike Luckovich

Republicans used the deficit as an excuse to cut Medicare, but according to the CBO their changes won’t actually reduce the deficit, and will make Medicare more expensive with worse benefits. Who came up with this crazy idea?


Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Dead, Vader Says

[brilliant satire, from the Galactic Empire Times]

CORUSCANT — Obi-Wan Kenobi, the mastermind of some of the most devastating attacks on the Galactic Empire and the most hunted man in the galaxy, was killed in a firefight with Imperial forces near Alderaan, Darth Vader announced on Sunday.

In a late-night appearance in the East Room of the Imperial Palace, Lord Vader declared that “justice has been done” as he disclosed that agents of the Imperial Army and stormtroopers of the 501st Legion had finally cornered Kenobi, one of the leaders of the Jedi rebellion, who had eluded the Empire for nearly two decades. Imperial officials said Kenobi resisted and was cut down by Lord Vader’s own lightsaber. He was later dumped out of an airlock.

The news touched off an extraordinary outpouring of emotion as crowds gathered in the Senate District and outside the Imperial Palace, waving imperial flags, cheering, shouting, laughing and chanting, “Hail to the Emperor! Hail Lord Vader!” In the alien protection zone, crowds sang “The Ten Thousand Year Empire.” Throughout the Sah’c district, airspeeder drivers honked horns deep into the night.

“For over two decades, Kenobi has been the Jedi rebellion’s leader and symbol,” the Lord of the Sith said in a statement broadcast across the galaxy via HoloNet. “The death of Kenobi marks the most significant achievement to date in our empire’s effort to defeat the rebel alliance. But his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that the rebellion will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi’s demise is a defining moment in the stormtrooper-led fight against terrorism, a symbolic stroke affirming the relentlessness of the pursuit of those who turned against the Empire at the end of the Clone Wars. What remains to be seen, however, is whether it galvanizes Kenobi’s followers by turning him into a martyr or serves as a turning of the page in the war against the Rebel Alliance and gives further impetus to Emperor Palpatine to step up Stormtrooper recruitment.

In an earlier statement issued to the press, Kenobi boasted that striking him down could make him “more powerful than you could possibly imagine.”

How much his death will affect the rebel alliance itself remains unclear. For years, as they failed to find him, Imperial leaders have said that he was more symbolically important than operationally significant because he was on the run and hindered in any meaningful leadership role. Yet he remained the most potent face of terrorism in the Empire, and some of those who played down his role in recent years nonetheless celebrated his death.

Given Kenobi’s status among radicals, the Imperial Galactic government braced for possible retaliation. A Grand Moff of the Imperial Starfleet said late Sunday that military bases in the core worlds and around the galaxy were ordered to a higher state of readiness. The Imperial Security Bureau issued a galactic travel warning, urging citizens in volatile areas “to limit their travel outside of their local star systems and avoid mass gatherings and demonstrations.”

The strike could deepen tensions within the Outer Rim, which has periodically bristled at Imperial counterterrorism efforts even as Kenobi evidently found safe refuge in its territories for nearly two decades. Since taking over as Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, Lord Vader has ordered significantly more strikes on suspected terrorist targets in the Outer Rim, stirring public anger there and leading to increased criminal activity.

When the end came for Kenobi, he was found not in the remote uncharted areas of Wild Space and the Unknown Regions, where he has long been presumed to be sheltered, but in a massive compound about an hour’s drive west from the Tatooine capital of Bestine. He had been living under the alias “Ben” Kenobi for some time.

The compound, only about 50 miles from the base of operations for the Imperial Storm Squadron, is at the end of a narrow dirt road and is roughly eight times larger than other homes in the area, which were largely occupied by Tusken Raiders. When Imperial operatives converged on the planet on Saturday, following up on recent intelligence, two local moisture farmers “resisted the assault force” and were killed in the middle of an intense gun battle, a senior Stormtrooper said, but details were still sketchy early Monday morning.

A representative of the Imperial Starfleet said that military and intelligence officials first learned last summer that a “high-value target” was hiding somewhere on the desert world and began working on a plan for going in to get him. Beginning in March, Lord Vader worked closely with a series of several different Admirals serving onboard the Death Star to go over plans for the operation, and on Friday morning gave the final order for members of the 501st Legion (known commonly as “Vader’s Fist”) to strike.

Kenobi and a group of his followers were eventually captured while fleeing the system, and taken aboard the Death Star, which was in the midst of surveying the recent environmental disaster on Alderaan. Darth Vader called it a “targeted operation,” although officials said four tie fighters were lost because of “mechanical failures” and had to be destroyed to keep them from falling into hostile hands.

In addition to Kenobi, two men and one wookiee were killed, one believed to be his young apprentice and the other two his couriers, according to an admiral who briefed reporters under Imperial ground rules forbidding further identification. A woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male combatant, the Admiral said. Two droids were also reported missing.

“No Stormtroopers were seriously harmed,” Lord Vader said. “They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, I defeated my former master and took custody of his body.” Jedi tradition requires burial within 24 hours, but by doing it in deep space, Imperial authorities presumably were trying to avoid creating a shrine for his followers.

Lord Vader has denied requests to present photographs of the body, describing them as “too gruesome” for the general public.

UPDATE: You gotta love those innertubes:


Jon Stewart Raps Fox News

Fox News creates a false controversy against Obama, for inviting rapper “Common” to a White House poetry event. How could Obama do such a thing? I’m sure that no controversial musician has ever been invited to the White House before!

But as usual, we have to hand it to Jon Stewart for showing what complete hypocrites work for Fox News:


The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades

© Matt Wuerker


Late Night Political Humor

“Osama Bin Laden’s supporters want to rename the Arabian Sea where his body was dumped Martyr Sea. Really? Martyr Sea? Hiding in your bedroom for six years? How about Chicken of the Sea?” – Jay Leno

“It turns out that Osama bin Laden was living in a mansion with his youngest wife. So if we hadn’t killed him, his oldest wife would have.” – Conan O’Brien

“Apparently, Osama bin Laden was living in a mansion with no phone and no cable for six years. He’d been waiting for six years for the Time-Warner guy to show up.” – David Letterman

“Pakistan is still saying they didn’t know bin Laden was hiding there. He wasn’t hiding there. He was living there. Look at these pictures. Here he is working as a crossing guard. Here’s his restaurant, Osama bin Laden’s, downtown, and here he is getting a star on the Islamabad Walk of Fame.” – Jay Leno

“Stop saying ‘we’ got Osama. ‘We’ didn’t do anything. ‘We’ were watching ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ and eating Funions in our sweatpants. Seal Team 6 did the killing, with money we borrowed from Beijing; that our grandchildren will have to pay back. So it was a joint Navy Seals/People’s Bank of China/grandchildren operation.” – Bill Maher

“They say the Navy Seals had attack dogs with titanium fangs; that they replaced their real teeth with titanium. You know you have a badass black president when even his dogs have a grill.” – Bill Maher

“In the wake of President Obama’s decision to not release pictures of Osama bin Laden’s body, a number of new conspiracy theories are surfacing claiming that bin Laden is not really dead. Which means Barack Obama will go down in history as the first black person ever to have to prove that he killed someone.” – Seth Meyers

“Sarah Palin said Obama should stop ‘pussyfooting around’ and release the photos. Yes, because the guy who ordered the SEALs into a sovereign country without permission and killed public enemy number one is a pussy, and the woman who quit her job as the governor of a state with no people after half a term and won’t do an interview with anyone but Greta Van Susteren is a bad-ass. Right.” – Bill Maher

“In the wake of the killing of Osama bin Laden President Obama’s approval rating jumped to 56 percent, his highest in two years. Which shows there is literally nothing he can do to please the other 44 percent.” – Seth Meyers

“Now that it’s become clear that the Republicans, the fiscally conservative, strong on defense party, are neither fiscally conservative nor strong on defense, they have to tell us what exactly it is they’re good at. Because it’s not defense. 9/11 happened on your watch. And you retaliated by invading the wrong country. And you lost a 10-year game of hide-and-seek with Osama bin Laden. And you’re responsible for running up most of the debt, which, more than anything, makes us weak. You’re supposed to be the party with the killer instinct. But it was a Democrat who put a bomb in Gaddafi’s bedroom and a bullet in bin Laden’s eye like Moe Greene. Raising the question: How many Muslims does a black guy have to kill in one weekend before crackers climb down off his ass?” – Bill Maher

“The unemployment rate went up last month for the first time since November. But on the bright side, I hear a senior management position just opened up at al-Qaida.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Who might be Bin Laden’s successor? If they’re looking for someone with a large following who’s a religious zealot and hates the Jews… Mel Gibson?” – Bill Maher

“President Obama will be doing an interview with ’60 Minutes,’ and Michelle Obama will be doing an interview with Martha Stewart. Not to be outdone, Joe Biden will be doing an interview with a panda he made at Build-a-Bear Workshop.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today Hillary Clinton sent Khadafy a sealed note asking him to resign. Don’t send him a sealed note. Send him a note delivered by a Seal.” – Jay Leno

“Bill Clinton says he now supports gay marriage. It’s straight marriage he’s not so excited about.” – Craig Ferguson

“Conspiracy theorists who are claiming that we didn’t really kill bin Laden must be reminded that they didn’t think he did the crime in the first place. Come on, nut jobs, keep your bullshit straight: The towers were brought down in a controlled demolition by George W. Bush to distract attention from Hawaii, where CIA operatives were planting phony birth records so that a Kenyan named Barack Obama could someday rise to power and pretend to take out the guy we pretended took out the towers. And I know that’s true because I just got it in an email from Trump.” – Bill Maher

“Donald Trump is furious with President Obama. Killing bin Laden was supposed to be the final task on ‘Celebrity Apprentice.'” – Jay Leno

“50 percent of Americans polled said they thought Donald Trump would make a lousy President. Wow! Half said he’d make a lousy President. Well, that never stopped us before.” – David Letterman

“First I want to acknowledge that this week we finally vanquished one of the world’s great villains. And I for one am thrilled to say good riddance to Katie Couric.” – Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL

“It’s just so great to be back on Fox News, a network that both pays me and shows me the questions ahead of time. I just hope that tonight the lamestream media won’t twist my words by repeating them verbatim.” – Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL

“The important thing for people to know is that I’m gonna be runnin’ for president every four years for the rest of my life. It’s my Olympics and I intend to win a whole bunch of silvers.” – Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL

“As for boning up on experience and policy, I’m planning a trip to the Middle East, where I will be filming a cameo on Hangover 3, the third hangover. And I also recently purchased Rosetta Stone English.” – Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL


Sarah Palin, Revisited

Ok, how is this for ironic. I’ve said that I’m not going to post articles about Sarah Palin, but here I am. And this article is mainly positive about her! A must-read article in The Atlantic talks about Palin’s political record before she became the VP nominee. Palin was someone who took on the powerful and corrupt oil interests of her state, and won. Someone who worked with Democrats, and wasn’t all about social issues. But then she showed up at the Republican convention and gave a speech that was chock full of conservative republican red meat. And never looked back.

The only problem with the article was that it doesn’t have a clue as to why Palin did such a violent switch. Did she sell out for money and fame? Did her bad habit of vindictiveness get the better of her? It is an interesting portrait nonetheless. I might even have some measure of respect for the old Palin (similar to how I used to have some respect for McCain in the old days, but have lost all of that now). Is our political system really that all-corrupting?


The Republican King-Makers

Rachel Maddows reminds us of the sordid past of Republican kingmakers like Ralph Reed, who are almost unbelievably being rehabilitated and are trying to stage a comeback:


Nation can’t believe we might have done something right

© Jen Sorensen


Osama bin Laden Commemorative Plate

This is pretty gross, but funny:


Late Night Political Humor

“Osama bin Laden is in the ocean. How ironic. Once again surrounded by seals.” – Jay Leno

“The identity of the Navy Seals that killed Osama bin Laden is being kept secret. It’s for their own saftey. It’s to keep them from being high-fived to death.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I don’t like this new Obama who hunts Muslim extremists. I like the old Obama who WAS a Muslim extremist.” – Stephen Colbert

“The White House is releasing more information on the details of that attack on Osama bin Laden. They said the helicopters were able to fly in undetected because it was 1:00 a.m. and the Pakistan air traffic controller was sound asleep.” – Jay Leno

“They said bin Laden’s wife tried to shield bin Laden with her body. And today Moammar Gadhafi said to his wife, ‘Hey honey, did you see what bin Laden’s wife Susan did? It was pretty cool, don’t you think honey?'” – Jay Leno

“A CNN poll showed that 61 percent of Americans think bin Laden is in hell. The other 39 percent think he’s in superhell.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The White House says there’s no chance they’ll release the death photos. Unless Obama starts to slip in the polls.” – Jay Leno

“Jacob and Isabella are the most popular baby names in the U.S. The least popular baby name: Donald Sheen bin Laden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary Clinton said that watching the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound was ’38 of the most intense minutes.’ Which can only mean one thing: she’s never had to assemble a chair from Ikea.” – Jimmy Fallon

“They celebrated Cinco de Mayo at the White House. In keeping with the times, President Obama whacked a giant piñata and then gave it a burial at sea.” – Conan O’Brien

Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico defeating the French. Isn’t that like beating Sarah Palin on ‘Jeopardy’?” – Jay Leno

“I love Mexico. There’s a beautiful island off the coast that has more seals than Osama bin Laden’s bedroom.” – Craig Ferguson

“President Obama is going to host a poetry night at the White House next week. That’s right, Obama will recite some Yeats, Hillary will recite some Frost, Biden will recite some Seuss . . . ” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sen. John McCain met with the CEO of Twitter today. At least that’s what he tried to tweet on his garage door opener.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is comparing his resistance to same-sex marriage to his refusal to use a new kind of putter. I think gay people and straight people use the same putters. It’s really a matter of hole selection.” – Jon Stewart


The True Story of the End of bin Laden

© Tom Tomorrow

As soon as you look away from this page, you will instantly forget how this really happened.


Late Night Political Humor

“After Osama bin Laden’s death on Sunday, there was a 1 million percent increase in ‘bin Laden’ searches on Google. Which means people were going, ‘Yes! We got bin Laden! Hold on, who’s that again?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“He’s up to 2,000 friends on Shot-in-the-Facebook.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Last night the Dalai Lama implied that the killing of Osama bin Laden was justified. I think his exact quote was, ‘I love all living things, but that guy was a dick.'” – Conan O’Brien

“While promoting her ‘Let’s Move’ campaign at a middle school, Michelle Obama danced the Cha-Cha, the Running Man, and the Dougie. Not to show off — she was just doing her impression of Barack after they got bin Laden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Some top Republicans are giving most of the credit for killing bin Laden to former President George W. Bush. It’s kind of like when someone opens a pickle jar and you say, ‘Well, I loosened it.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bin Laden was living in his compound with nine women and 23 children. It sounds like he was shooting a reality show for TLC.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“They say bin Laden lived in his compound with nine women and 23 children. I’m surprised the guy didn’t shoot himself in the head.” – Jay Leno

“Apparently, Osama bin Laden was killed with money and phone numbers sewn into his clothing. So we got him right before he left for summer camp.” – Jay Leno

“At the time of his death, bin Laden had sewn the equivalent of $740 into his clothing. Experts say his next plan was to launch a major attack, or to rent a one-bedroom apartment in Chicago.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bin Laden was buried at sea. Or as Dick Cheney calls it, ‘the ultimate waterboarding.'” – Jay Leno

“They dumped bin Laden’s body at sea, and I spoke with some clergymen that said he should be arriving in hell right about now. He would have gotten there sooner, but he had to go through Newark.” – David Letterman

“As we speak, Osama bin Laden is living with SpongeBob in a pineapple under the sea.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“They dumped bin Laden at sea so there would be no shrine. And I just found out that CBS has the same plan for me.” – David Letterman

“President Obama said he will not release the photo of Osama bin Laden’s dead body. Well, there goes my Christmas card idea.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The White House says they’re not going to release the death photo, so we’ll just have to wait till Donald Trump forces them to release it. The White House did release his last words: ‘Don’t tase me, bro.'” – Jay Leno

“Marijuana plants were found near bin Laden’s compound, which explains why bin Laden’s last words were, ‘Dude . . . ‘” – Conan O’Brien

“A 61-year-old bearded man went to the airport in New York, said his name was Osama bin Laden and he had a bomb in his bag. They knew it wasn’t real, because he wasn’t being protected by the Pakistani military.” – Jay Leno

“Elisabeth Hasselbeck of ‘The View’ is writing a children’s book about Osama bin Laden’s death. She wants to write a book to explain the whole thing to children. No title yet, but I have some suggestions: ‘Good Night, Douche,’ ‘Horton Hears a Helicopter.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Now that bin Laden is gone, we can get back to talking about ‘American Idol.’ That really shows that we’ve won the War on Terror.” – Conan O’Brien

“Kate Middleton and Prince William said that for their honeymoon they want privacy in a country where no one will give away their location. I think they are going to Pakistan.” – Jay Leno

“BP has been fined $25 million for causing an oil spill in Alaska five years ago. Or as BP refers to it, ‘our warm up spill.'” – Conan O’Brien


CIA Employee of the Month Update

© Matt Bors

I haven’t seen much mention in the US media about how Osama bin Laden used to be on the CIA payroll.


I feel safer already

Two passengers, both dressed in traditional Muslim attire, were removed from an airplane on Friday because passengers on the flight felt uncomfortable. The two men went through security screening three times, but the pilot refused to let them back on the airplane.

What makes this ironic is that the two men were on their way to a conference on prejudice against Muslims. One of the men who was removed is a professor at the University of Memphis.


The Terror in His Eyes

© Rob Rogers

Another GOP talking point bites the dust.
