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© Ed Stein

The economy continues to lurch along, gaining a little bit of steam, then falling back again. Unemployment stays stubbornly around 9%, homes are still being foreclosed at a ferocious rate, and the housing industry remains in a deep funk, Meanwhile, official Washington is consumed with the debate over the debt ceiling. Will someone please explain to me how cutting long-term spending (something I agree we need to do sometime soon) is going to jump-start the economy so that it can create the jobs needed to pull us out of this trough? Several of the conservative friends I’ve asked this question insist that solving the deficit now will give businesses the market certainty they need to start hiring again. Even if they’re right, his seems like awfully week tea, given the depth of the problem. These are the same folks who recite the mantra that cutting taxes always produces economic growth and reduce the deficit (See effect of Bush tax cuts). They are, of course, also the people who claim that the stimulus did nothing at all (See auto sales, GM. See also, state budget cuts after the stimulus money was exhausted). If anyone can tell me when an austerity budget ever pulled us out of a recession, I’d be willing to listen. I can’t think of one. I do know that the rush to cut the deficit during the Great Depression helped lengthen it by a decade.

What annoys me the most in all of this is that Democrats lack the courage to lay out an ambitious plan for jobs and economic growth based on the principles that they know work. Instead, they negotiate with deficit hawks and tax-cut absolutists whose ideas have been repudiated again and again by history, but who cling to the same tired theories no matter the evidence. As a result, Congress and the president play Russian roulette with the debt ceiling at a time when we should be focused on creating jobs, and the Great Recession lingers on and on.


Liberal Bias Bullshit

Conservatives continue to claim that major institutions like the media and universities have a liberal bias. Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann went as far as to introduce a law that would make it illegal for university professors to discriminate against students who hold conservative views.

But a new study shows that this type of bias does not in fact exist. The study looked at both students who held conservative views, who felt that they were treated unfairly by liberal professors, and liberal students who felt that they were treated unfairly by conservative professors. But what they found was really interesting. The students who felt they were being treated unfairly — left or right — were those who are resistant to change in their own lives and attitudes.

In other words, the problem was not the professors, the problem was students who were resistant to new ideas. For example, they looked at classrooms where a student complained about bias, and found that other students with similar political beliefs in the same classroom did not experience bias. Students who did complain about bias were much more likely to have trouble hearing new ideas — even students on the left who complained about bias from conservative faculty.

Since the whole idea of higher education is to learn and critically evaluate new ideas, it is not surprising that a student who is resistant to new ideas might have trouble.


The Ryan Senior Voucher Plan (RSVP)

[Brilliant satire, reprinted from Bullseye Rooster by Fred Wickham]

The Ryan Senior Voucher Plan has been pretty well misrepresented by the liberal-left-loonies-on-lorazepam battalions. Here’s what it isn’t: it isn’t pretty, but pretty doesn’t win sailboat races. Here’s what it is: it’s pretty sensible. You give us cash, we give you vouchers for up to 50% of that cash to spend on any health-related program. Period. Imagine that, half your cash outflow returned to you in the form of $50 Equivalency Notes — backed by our Gold and Silver Melt. (It’s so good we named a sandwich after it). Equivalency Notes carry the RSVP Seal of Dignity. Compare that to the Seal of Dependency the democrats would offer you if they would even guarantee ObamaCare with a seal of anything.

RSVP vouchers are legal and medical tender good for thousands of pharmaceuticals. You can use them to pay for procedures, surgeries, even radiation (unless you are already receiving radiation through the Squabble-Talk cell-phone plan available from Market Incentive Senior Services).

Human achievement can only be measured in terms of the real wealth substitutes society offers its less fortunate. Visit a convenient Thumbs Down to Suffering counter at any WalMart. Simply trade in any amount of cash for RSVP vouchers and you will receive a Gold and Silver Melt sandwich. Okay, because you’re dying to know, it’s thick sourdough Texas Toast with a crunchy egg-white ‘n cashew batter, waffle-grilled with a resplendent golden-brown dignity glaze.

Of course, if health-care was just a tasty sandwich, we could leave you in the hands of the beltway socialist left. But as you age, you become disoriented. Easy answers literally enter your head through extra hairy ear canals. If they are remodulated in a Synapto-Cortical Labyrinth ™ from Pfizer’s new RIP division, these messages become clear: Yearn…yearn…yearn…urine…urine…urine…urine…you’re in…you’re in…you’re ingoo…you’re ingood…you’re in good hands with RSVP.

Deep down, we believe American Seniors are a worthwhile project for Free Market Capitalism. We wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble if it weren’t so. Communists have whittled down so much that is good about the aging public that it is sometimes difficult to look at a person over 65. With the proper care, we can make that 70, or 75, maybe even 80.

You told us your wanted a plan from the Republicans. Well, here it is.


Paul Ryan


Your comments lost

Last night, someone hacked my website and destroyed the WordPress database. Luckily, I had a backup that was less than 24 hours old. I restored the database from the backup.

While I did not lose any of my posts, unfortunately, any comments made yesterday were likely lost forever. Feel free to repost your comments if you wish (and can remember them).

Sorry about that.

Darn spammers!


Let the punishment fit the lie

© Tom Toles

Bill Clinton was impeached not for having sex with an intern, but for lying about it. Likewise, people say they are upset at Anthony Weiner not because he tweeted a photo of himself in his underwear, but because he denied it. And yet — except about their private lives — people practically expect politicians to lie. How many times did politicians repeat the health insurance reform lie about “death panels” even after it was exposed as false? Were any of them forced to resign over it? Hah!

Here is PolitiFact’s list of all “Pants of Fire” lies, and pretty much every politician (especially Republican, but also Democrats) has been caught lying through their teeth at one point. So what is the big preoccupation we have with sex?


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s official. It turns out it was Weiner’s weiner. At a press conference this afternoon, Congressman Anthony Weiner admitted that he tweeted out that photo of his crotch. During the press conference, Congressman Weiner was choked up and got a lump in this throat – not as big as the lump in his underwear, but still, very emotional!” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s been a tough week for him. He’s lost so much support, and he had to buy a second pair of underwear too. I’m just glad he had the balls to admit his mistake.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I don’t know if laws were broken or not, but Weiner was sending around pictures of him in his underpants and I thought, Well, now, wait a minute, what is the big deal? Don’t men and women in Congress get to mail their packages for free?!” – David Letterman

“With all this new media, is that considered junk e-mail? Or is it e-mail of your junk? There are so many terms!” – Jay Leno

“It shows you how the political race has changed. Remember it wasn’t that long ago when candidates would ask ‘Where’s the beef?’ You can’t ask that now!” – Jay Leno

“And I love the way the media reports the story. They say this whole thing started when a lewd photo of a man’s crotch was sent to one of Congressman Weiner’s Twitter followers. Do they even have to say ‘lewd.’ I mean, are there tasteful photos of men’s crotches?” – Jay Leno

“A new photo was released that the Congressman’s cock apparently took of him.” – Jon Stewart

“The Anthony Weiner scandal shows that despite the wars and the economy, we’re all really still in 9th grade.” – Jay Leno

“It’s a great day for late night comedians because it’s a bad day for Congressman Anthony Weiner.” – Craig Ferguson

“It was so nice in New York City that the whole staff was in Central Park writing Anthony Weiner jokes.” – David Letterman

“The most upsetting thing about having a friend caught up in a scandal of this nature is finding out A) he’s packin’ jumbo heat, and B) that he’s ripped.” – Jon Stewart (who once shared an apartment with Weiner)

“Democrats don’t share our values. An elected official is tweeting dirty photos of himself to strange women who he never meets for sex? Come on! At least Republican Chris Lee was trying to get some action! Republican politicians are man enough to hit that thing. Ensign, Vitter, even when it’s a gay scandal! They’re not tweeting love letters. They’re tearing up an airport bathroom until somebody calls the cops on them!” – Stephen Colbert

“I mean, call me old fashioned. But I long for simpler times and common sense values. I want to leave our grandchildren an America where Congressmen bang their secretaries. Sorry if there’s no app for that.” – Stephen Colbert

“Weiner admitted to sending underpants photos of himself. It’s a huge political scandal. Arnold Schwarzenegger even called Weiner to say, ‘Thank you.'” – Craig Ferguson

“It’s been a crazy few days. First, Anthony Weiner admitted tweeting that photo of his crotch and John Edwards was indicted for covering up an affair. Or as Arnold Schwarzenegger put it, ‘Thank you God! This is the best week ever!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Legal experts are now investigating John Edwards for the money he spent to hide his mistress and love child. The good news for Edwards is that he is now eligible to run for governor of California.” – Jay Leno

“Osama bin Laden’s successor was taken out by an American drone. An American drone? Isn’t that Mitt Romney?” – David Letterman

“The White House says that the unemployment rate is good news because it means more people are looking for jobs. More good news like that, and everyone at the White House will be looking for jobs.” – Jay Leno

“A new Republican presidential poll has Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, tied for second with Sarah Palin. Or as Obama put it,’ ‘Do I even need to campaign at this point?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“First Lady Michelle Obama is taking Sasha and Malia to South Africa and Botswana. Or as Sasha and Malia call it, ‘Not Disney World. Thanks Mom!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“That’s right, Michelle Obama is taking Sasha and Malia to South Africa and Botswana and Sarah Palin was like, ‘Wow, they’re going to all the places Paul Revere went.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s the anniversary of D-Day. Or, as Sarah Palin calls it, the day that Paul Revere warned the Americans that the Danish were coming.” – Jay Leno


WWII Was about Health Care Reform?

© Jeff Danziger

No, I absolutely am not making this up. Rick Santorum, in his speech announcing he was running for the Republican nomination for president, declared that the D-Day Troops fought for freedom from Medicare.

Almost 60,000 average Americans had the courage to go out and charge those beaches on Normandy, to drop out of airplanes who knows where, and take on the battle for freedom. … Those Americans risked everything so they could make that decision on their health care plan.

I feel so much better now that I know that Santorum will fight so that you too will have the freedom to be screwed over by health insurance companies — it’s the American way!


Obama Pledges to Not Extend Bush Tax Cuts Again

Barack Obama has promised that he will not extend the Bush Tax Cuts again, saying that any deal to raise the country’s debt ceiling would include revenue increases. Republicans insist that any deal will be restricted to spending cuts and entitlement reforms. A showdown appears inevitable.

Let’s make sure Obama keeps his promise. In order to do this, however, we need to do more than remind Obama of his promise, we also need to make sure Republicans feel lots of pressure. Destroying Medicare and cutting funding for education alone is not going to balance our budget. We currently have the lowest real rate of taxation as a percentage of GDP in 60 years. Republicans continue to assert that lower taxes will create more jobs, but it obviously hasn’t worked out that way. We need to balance our budget, and raising taxes a modest amount — especially on those people whose incomes have soared and who can most afford it — is a necessary and reasonable step.


Misquoting the Founding Fathers

An interesting article in the Washington Post talks about the increase in misquotes of the founding fathers, and blames it on the internet, where incorrect information is repeated so much that even politicians think it is true. Here are a few examples:

“Thomas Jefferson wrote that government is best that governs least.” – Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in his victory speech on the night he was elected. Jefferson never said that, Henry David Thoreau did.

“Government is not reason. It is not eloquence. It is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” – Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) claiming to quote George Washington, even though Washington never said those words.

“As Jefferson said, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC). At least Foxx has the excuse that this quote has been misattributed to Jefferson since 1838. And a virtually identical statement was attributed to Jefferson by Congressman Marlin Stutzman (R-IN).

“President George Washington said that the right to keep and bear arms is ‘the most effectual means of preserving peace'”. – Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT). But Washington actually saidTo be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.”

“The democracy will cease to exist, when you take away from those who are willing to work to give to those who would not.” – Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), claiming to be quoting Jefferson. Except those words were never said by Jefferson, and in fact were first uttered in 1986.

While not a quote, Sarah Palin also got into the act by claiming that Paul Revere warned the British that they couldn’t take away the guns of the colonists.

And then there was Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) giving a speech where she claimed that the battles of Lexington and Concord took place in New Hampshire.

Getting it wrong is not exclusive to Republicans. Even Obama gets it wrong. At least twice he has quoted the Declaration of Independence, saying “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that each of us are endowed with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” But the document actually says “that they are endowed by their Creator“.

While misquoting the founders seems to be increasing, it has a very long tradition. During George Washington’s second term as president, his political enemies circulated letters that expressed admiration for England’s King George III (an enemy) claiming they were from Washington. However, the letters had been faked.


© Stuart Carlson


Political Family Values

[satire from “Other News That Did Not Happen, But Could Have“, reprinted from The Dismal Political Economist]

Newly announced Republican Presidential nomination aspirant Rick Santorum said that he would have anti-gay marriage as the center of his campaign. He praised Newt Gingrich for his three, count em, three straight marriages and said that was the type of traditional family values the country needed. He also raised the issue that Mitt Romney had only one straight marriage, and had made no effort to end it and enter into another. “Being still married to the same woman all this time”, the former Senator said, “makes Mitt awfully vulnerable on family values”. When told of this a Romney spokesperson said, “You’re kidding, right, but if not Mr. Romney will look into doing something about the matter”.


Foreclosing on Bank of America

A Florida couple bought a house in 2009 and paid for it with cash, so they were a bit surprised when Bank of America tried to foreclose on their house, even though they had no mortgage at all. Unfortunately, they had to hire a lawyer to straighten out the problem with Bank of America, and a court ordered the bank to reimburse them. But despite repeated attempts to recover the $2,534 in attorney’s fees, the bank never paid.

So the couple foreclosed on the bank for unpaid debt, and showed up at the bank with sheriff’s deputies and proceeded to do what banks normally do when they foreclose on a homeowner — seized cash from the teller’s drawers, furniture, computers, and other property. Within an hour, however, the bank somehow managed to come up with a check for $5,772.88 to cover the original attorney’s fees plus the cost of the foreclosure.

That is ironic enough, but then the bank had to go just that extra step into corporate unreality — they made an excuse for not paying the attorney’s fees, saying: “We apologize to Mr. Nyerges that there was a delay in receiving the funds. The original request went to an outside attorney who is no longer in business.” Can you even imagine if the tables were turned and a homeowner who was being foreclosed on by a bank made some excuse as to why they didn’t pay? Would the bank even care? Hardly.

It is even worse than that, because Mr. Nyerges points out that he didn’t just send his request to their attorney — he went directly to the bank, multiple times, talked to branch managers, and called multiple people before he took the drastic step of instigating a foreclosure. In other words, the bank is lying.

Which is one of my pet peeves about large corporations — the imbalance in power between people and the corporations they have to deal with. Corporations routinely treat people in ways that corporations themselves would not accept from people.

Ironically, this kind of behavior backfires on the banks. A recent study at the University of Chicago showed that homeowners with negative equity (a mortgage that is larger than the value of their home) will generally keep their current mortgage rather than strategically defaulting. However, they found a correlation between people who have a dim view of their bank and their willingness to default. So by treating their customers poorly, banks are increasing chances that their customers will treat them poorly.

What goes around, comes around.


Absolute Power Once Again Corrupts Absolutely

© Tom Tomorrow

When are we going to get some of that increased transparency that Obama promised?


Pot Calls Kettle Black (again)

It’s a good thing I have sworn off posting articles about Sarah Palin. If I were posting anything about her (like everyone else), I’d point out the hypocrisy of her continuously using the phrase “lamestream media” when in fact her only job for the last few years has been working for Fox News (the lamest of the lamestream media). But I’m not posting articles about Palin, so you didn’t read that here.

© Jim Morin

But here’s something even more bizarre. We all know that Palin and reality are not good friends, but who would have thought that her supporters would try to rewrite history in order to match Palin’s bizarrely botched version? Apparently, some wingnuts are trying to edit the Wikipedia page about Paul Revere so that it matches Palin’s gaffe about Paul Revere ringing bells to warn the British to keep their hands off our guns.

UPDATE: Palin and the law are not good friends either. Apparently her bus tour has been breaking traffic laws right and left, speeding, running both red lights and stop signs, and making dangerous maneuvers. And the reporters following her are doing even worse, since Palin refuses to release a schedule of where she is going.

UPDATE 2: Jon Stewart nails it again:


Dancing on the Ceiling

Stephen Colbert on the political theater of the debt ceiling fight in Congress:


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney started to stick it to Obama right away. He said, “We are only inches away from ceasing to be a free market economy.” What?! If he’s going to lie this hard on day one, what’s he going to say in six months? Obama is kidnapping our white women and feeding them to King Kong.” – Bill Maher (talking about Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign announcement)

“Mitt Romney wanted to get the maximum exposure for his (presidential) announcement so he made it in Anthony Weiner’s underpants.” – Bill Maher

“Anthony Weiner pledges to get to the bottom of this. He’s asked for an investigation, the police are involved, he’s got a dick lawyer he’s hired. They know it is a Democrat’s penis because it won’t stand up. And also because it was sent to a woman.” – Bill Maher

“Palin should not be on vacation. She should be in summer school.” – Bill Maher (talking about Sarah Palin’s botched explanation of Paul Revere’s midnight ride)

Special Bonus: Jokes from NPR’s “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!”

“The question is – why can’t Congressman Anthony Weiner say with certitude if the crotch in question is his or not? Because he’s got so many crotch shots lying around, maybe one got away? Maybe been taking a picture of his crotch every hour for a month, to create one of those cool YouTube time lapse videos?”

“Congressman Weiner said the photo leak was a prank, he’s a victim, the picture could be taken out of context? In what possible context would you take this picture? Maybe he meant to send it to his Doctor, with the message, ‘Okay, it’s been four hours, time to get you involved.'”

“Sarah Palin’s cross country road trip is not a political event, she says, but just a summer vacation with her family, just like the ones you have. Except my summer vacations generally don’t have a title.”

“Sarah Palin’s family road trip has a title; it’s called the One Nation Tour, and she’s brought along her husband and her kids and all the typical summer road trip stuff, like sun tan lotion, stuff for s’mores, and Greta Van Susteren.”

“Despite the news this week that our cell phones are giving us cancer, users are NOT giving up. They’re like, okay, my cell phone could give me cancer, but actually interacting with people in person is what leads to Chlamydia.”
