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Your Corporate-Owned Media At Work

This really pissed me off. As Jon Stewart pointed out, the mainstream media isn’t interested in news, they are only interested in sensation and scandal. Want proof?

Nancy Pelosi calls a press conference to talk about jobs and the economy, but it coincidentally gets scheduled the day that Anthony Weiner is going to announce his resignation. The major networks jump on it with breathless excitement, assuming that Pelosi (who had previously called for Weiner to resign) will change the subject to talk about the scandal. When Pelosi announces that she won’t be talking about Weiner, they immediately and shamelessly cut away. Watch it:

Survey after survey shows that the biggest issues that the voters care about are the economy and jobs, and yet the mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear what Pelosi has to say about that. All they want you to hear about the Democrats are two words: “sex” and “scandal”. This isn’t news, it’s gossip.


Daily Show v. Faux News

A few days ago, Jon Stewart appeared on ‘Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace. But as Stewart points out on his show, Fox selectively edited the interview before broadcasting it, removing the most interesting part: where Chris Wallace admits that — contrary to their claims — Fox News is not fair or balanced, but is intentionally and unmistakably conservative, acting as a counterweight to the liberal media. Watch it here:

Even more fun ensues as Stewart points out how often Fox News lies:

In this video, Stewart also notes that PolitiFact rated one of his statements false, and he apologizes for the mistake. Interestingly, PolitiFact did a followup because, as they put it “When we gave a False rating to a statement by Daily Show host Jon Stewart, the response from readers was swift and virtually unanimous. They said we were wrong.” So was Stewart wrong? As Fox News likes to say, I’ll just present the facts and let you decide.

UPDATE: Andrew Sullivan sums it up nicely:

I have to say I thought Jon Stewart’s correction on Fox News viewers was about as perfect as these things can be. He copped to his own hyperbole, and then provided a list of outright uncorrected untruths that Fox has propagated. The point here is not the untruths – although they are embarrassing for a news channel – but the lack of any correction.

Which is to say that a comedy channel has more dedication to accountability for factual errors than a putative news network. Which tells you almost everything you need to know.


Healthy Decision

James Verone is a 59-year-old man with medical problems. He has a growth of some sort on his chest, two ruptured disks, and a problem with his left foot. But he has no job, no health insurance, his bank account is empty, and he isn’t quite old enough for Medicare.

So he figured out an unusual solution. He went into a bank and robbed it, demanding the teller give him just one dollar. Then he sat down and waited for the police to come take him to jail. Why? Because in jail he would get free medical care.


Brave New Third World

© Ruben Bolling

When I was younger, I used to wonder how great civilizations of the past, like the ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cultures, fell apart and were replaced by the Dark Ages.


One War that has been Drug-Out

Obama famously said that he wasn’t against all wars, just stupid wars. Well, we have a war we have been fighting since the 60’s that is pretty stupid: the War on Drugs. Hah, you might say, that’s not a real war, like Iraq or Afghanistan. And yet, the War on Drugs has had far more casualties, and has cost far more money than almost any other war we have ever had. And it is a war that we have been fighting right here in our own country.

And now, the Global Commission on Drug Policy (GCDP) has come out with their report, and they recommend decriminalizing drugs on a global scale as the only long-term solution to the drug problem. Who are the GCDP? Some whacked out hippy drug users? Hardly. The commission is headed by George Schultz, a former US Secretary of State, and includes numerous former presidents and prime ministers of countries around the world, not to mention a former Secretary General of the UN.

You can read the GCDP report, or you can read an article about it from the New York Times, written by a former president of the US.

Seriously, that’s a lot of people willing to admit that the war on drugs has failed. So what’s holding us back? Pure stupidity? Or are we addicted to the war on drugs even more than we are to drugs?


Late Night Political Humor

“Photos of Congressman Weiner have surfaced of him cross-dressing in college, in bra and pantyhose, proving that even back then he knew he wanted to be a Congressman.” – Jay Leno

“Anthony Weiner has asked that everyone respect his privacy. I guess that wasn’t his concern when he was texting pictures of himself.” – David Letterman

“Congressman Weiner’s wife returned today from her diplomatic trip to Ethiopia. She said she got really tired of Ethiopians telling her, ‘I feel so sorry for you.'” – Conan O’Brien

“According to a new report, only 12 percent of American high school students can pass a basic history test. That’s the lowest percentage since our country was founded in 1922.” – Jay Leno

“A new survey found that 87 percent of high school seniors are less than proficient in U.S. history. Not me. In fact, when I was a senior, I did a 10-page paper on my favorite president, George Jefferson.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new study shows that only 35 percent of fourth-graders know the purpose of the Declaration of Independence. When she heard this, Sarah Palin said, ‘How are they supposed to know about something that happened 20 years ago.'” – Conan O’Brien

“It was on this day in 1992 that Vice President Dan Quayle misspelled the word ‘potato,’ thus paving the way for Sarah Palin.” – Jay Leno

“A Tea Party group has a summer camp for kids, the only one where they sit around the campfire and tell scary stories about taxing the top 2%.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rep. Michele Bachmann once said that gay people lead a very sad life. Apparently, she has never celebrated Halloween in San Francisco.” – Conan O’Brien

“One more vote is needed in the N.Y. State Senate to legalize gay marriage. That one vote could be the Republican Senator from Staten Island. If he’s willing to be known for the rest of his career as the Staten Island Fairy.” – Jon Stewart

“Have you seen these Republican presidential candidates? I bet Obama is sorry now that he spent all that money on the new birth certificate.” – David Letterman

“It turns out that 70 percent of guns found in Mexico actually come from the U.S. Meanwhile, 70 percent of people found in the U.S. actually come from Mexico.” – Jimmy Fallon


Conservative Political Carnival

© Tom Tomorrow

This must be what the rest of the world thinks of our political system. It’s CRAAAAZY!


Who says Republicans don’t care about the poor?

© Joel Pett

Republicans made huge gains in the 2010 elections, promising to improve the economy. Isn’t it funny that the economy is now going back down? What isn’t funny is that 33 states — all with Republican controlled legislatures — have passed laws that make it more difficult to vote.

How can you tell that these laws are politically motivated? Well, in Texas, you can use a concealed handgun permit to identify yourself to vote, but you can’t use a student ID. And in Florida, they also restricted efforts by the League of Women Voters to register new voters. Proponents say the new laws are necessary to prevent voter fraud, but election law experts say that there is little evidence of voter fraud in US elections.


Speculating on Starvation

We’ve seen lots of talk about bubbles destroying our economy, but what are we doing to try to make sure we don’t have another one?

A bubble is caused by artificially inflated demand for a commodity. For example, the real estate bubble was caused by people who bought houses because they wanted a good investment — after all, “housing prices always go up”. But eventually the demand collapsed. The price of housing went up so far that people who, you know, actually wanted to live in a house couldn’t afford them any more. Duh.

Another bubble is oil prices. The UN estimates that speculators have driven up the price of a barrel of oil by 20 to 25%. But again, once oil gets ridiculously expensive, people stop buying it. They carpool or walk.

Now investors have found a new commodity to invest in: Food. In 2003, fund managers had $13 billion invested in food. By 2008, just five years later, that number had increased to $316 billion (yup 25 times). As a result, prices of food like bread and beef skyrocketed (and it isn’t rocket science).

What’s sickening about this is that the demand for food is stronger than the demand for housing — the spike in world food prices has brought on a spike in world hunger causing around a billion people go to bed hungry every night. Investors are betting on the price of food going up even more. According to the UN, speculation has already increased the price of food by around ten percent: “Food markets have been turned into a casino. And for no other reason than to make Wall Street money.”


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama said he’d be OK being a one-term President. And with that he shoved an iPhone down his pants and pressed ‘send’.” – Conan O’Brien

“When asked about the Congressman Weiner scandal, President Obama said that if it were him, he’d resign. When Bill Clinton was asked about the same thing he said, ‘If it was me, I wouldn’t be surprised.'” – David Letterman

“Anthony Weiner asked Bill Clinton for advice, and actually followed it for awhile. Of course eventually he was forced to tell the truth.” – Jay Leno

“Derek Jeter is only six hits away from 3,000 base hits. What a coincidence — Anthony Weiner is only six nude photos away from 3,000.” – David Letterman

“The New York Daily News is reporting that Anthony Weiner’s car isn’t registered at the DMV. Oh man — he must be so embarrassed right now.” – Jimmy Fallon

“What is Weiner guilty of? He’s guilty of being too photogenic. But is taking pictures of your junk and e-mailing them something you’d expect from a Congressman? No. This is something you’d expect from a priest.” – David Letterman

“Congressman Weiner has checked into the That’s Not Mayo Clinic.” – Conan O’Brien

“Arnold Schwarzenegger’s maid said when her son was told that Schwarzenegger was his father he said ‘cool.’ It was a big improvement. Up to this point, the kid thought his father was Jean-Claude Van Damme.” – Jay Leno

“Arnold Schwarzenegger’s housekeeper says Maria Shriver became suspicious after noticing similarities between Arnold and her 13-year-old son. For instance, after serving as class president, he left the sixth grade with a $42 billion deficit.” – Conan O’Brien

“The housekeeper said the affair wasn’t all Arnold’s fault because ‘it takes two.’ Then Anthony Weiner said, ‘Actually, it only takes one.'” – Conan O’Brien

“One of bin Laden’s wives said he was a sex machine. In fact, he was the only man who could find her jihad spot.” – Jay Leno

“Happy birthday to Donald Trump, who turned 65, allegedly. We still haven’t seen the birth certificate so we don’t know for sure.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Happy Birthday to Donald Trump, who was born 65 years ago today! It was sweet. Today Obama sent him a nice Hallmark card that said, ‘Prove it.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump is 65 today. Had a big party. He likes to play Pin Everything on Obama.” –David Letterman

“President Obama said regarding the economy, ‘The sky is not falling.’ The poll numbers are falling, the market is falling, support for the war in Libya is falling, Anthony Weiner’s pants are falling, but the sky is fine.” – Jay Leno

“According to the latest survey on the economy, 48 percent of the people surveyed think we’ll have a great depression. The other 52 percent think it will just be a pretty good depression.” – Jay Leno

“The first Republican presidential debate was held on Monday night. Seven Republican presidential candidates got together to agree on how much they dislike the government they would like to run. Imagine if you did that in a job interview.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“During the GOP debate, Herman Cain was asked if he likes deep dish or thin crust pizza. Then Newt Gingrich interrupted and said, ‘Wait, there’s pizza?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Newt Gingrich was so impressed with Michele Bachmann at the Republican debate that he gave her a $200,000 gift certificate for Tiffany’s.” – David Letterman

“During the Republican debate on Monday night, Mitt Romney interrupted the proceedings to announce the score of the hockey game. Well … I guess he’s already written off the black vote.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney is the front runner at this point, mostly because he looks like the guy they would cast as the president in a disaster movie.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Robert Reich Explains the Economy

Robert Reich explains what went wrong with our economy in just over two minutes:

Reich was Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, when the economy was booming and the deficit was eliminated. He also served in the administration of Republican President Ford. And you know what? Despite all the misinformation being thrown around right now, what he says makes a lot of sense. Will we listen?


Worse than Weiner

An article in ABC News points out the hypocrisy of how our political system deals with scandals. Representative Anthony Weiner has resigned, but what was strange about this whole episode was that both Democratic and Republican leaders immediately called for Weiner to resign. Nancy Pelosi has never called for a fellow Democrat to resign, until Weiner. Even President Obama said he should resign, which is pretty much unprecedented.

According to political historian Julian Zelizer “I can’t remember a comparable scandal when a president did that. … The irony of the Weiner situation is that there have been scandals when the leadership has been much more quiet in both parties.”

And Weiner didn’t even do anything illegal. In 2007, Representative William Jefferson of Louisiana was indicted on 16 federal counts, not to mention numerous ethics violations, but served out his term (he was later found guilty and sent to prison). But the Democratic leadership, including Pelosi, never told him to step down. And Representative Charles Rangel of New York was found guilty of violating eleven House ethics rules; the House censured him, but didn’t force him to resign.

And Republicans like House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor called on Weiner to resign, even though they hypocritically didn’t do the same thing for Senator David Vitter (who solicited a prostitute, which is a crime) or for Senator John Ensign (who lied to the Federal Election Commission in order to cover up an affair with a former top aide).

So why did everyone jump on Weiner to resign? Maybe it had nothing to do with his sex scandal (even though there was no actual sex). Maybe it has more to do with his crusades against wrongdoing corporations.



© Dan Wasserman

All we need now is some poetic justice.


Doing the Right Thing

A huge fight is happening in New York State over a bill legalizing gay marriage, introduced by Governor Cuomo on Tuesday.

Leading the opposition is Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan, who equated the bill (without irony) to life in China or North Korea, where “government presumes daily to ‘redefine’ rights, relationships, values and natural law. Please, not here! We cherish true freedom, not as the license to do whatever we want, but the liberty to do what we ought.” (You know, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength)

That was just too much for Republican State Senator Roy McDonald, who snapped and decided to change his vote to yes — despite intense pressure from fellow Republicans to vote against the bill. McDonald, 64, told reporters:

You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn’t black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don’t care what you think. I’m trying to do the right thing. I’m tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job and shove it. I come from a blue-collar background. I’m trying to do the right thing, and that’s where I’m going with this.

You sir, are awesome.

UPDATE: The New York State Senate passed the bill, 33-29. Cuomo has promised to sign the bill, making NY the sixth state (and by far the most populous) to legalize gay marriage. Several Republicans in the Republican-controlled Senate voted for the bill, including one Senator who is a Catholic, but put his personal beliefs aside because he could not think of a legal reason why gays should not have equal rights.

UPDATE 2: Andrew Sullivan on why this matters. In case you don’t know, Sullivan is both a conservative and gay.


The Democratic Budget

© Jim Morin

The Republicans keep repeating the lie that the Democrats don’t have a plan to balance the budget, but they do, and it is a surprisingly good and balanced plan. Not only does it do all of the things listed in the above comic, it eliminates the deficit in 10 years. This is way faster than the Republican plan, and it does it without destroying Medicare (in fact, it strengthens Medicare and Social Security).

But don’t take my word for it. The Economist calls it “courageous” as does Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman. The Guardian says “the most fiscally responsible in town … would balance the books by 2021”. And Forbes Magazine says “instead of gutting programs for the poor like Medicaid and Medicare, food stamps, and the new healthcare law, the People’s Budget focuses on cuts in defense. It also doesn’t scrap new financial regulations designed to at least partly stave off another massive financial collapse like the one that put us in this mess in the first place.” You can read an independent analysis of the Democratic plan here.
