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Terrorist War Profiteering

Walid Shoebat travels around the US giving speeches to police departments, churches, and universities about terrorism. His qualifications? He says he was a terrorist for the PLO who helped firebomb a bank in Israel and spent time in an Israeli jail. This supposedly makes him an expert on terrorism.

The first question here is whether terrorists should be allowed to make money based on their former misdeeds. His speeches, books, and videos earned him more than half a million dollars in 2009 alone, some of it coming from state Homeland Security departments and other government sources.

But it gets worse, much worse.

Shoebat is virulently anti-Islam. At a recent speech to police and sheriff’s deputies he tells them “All Islamic organizations in America should be the No. 1 enemy. All of them.” He encourages ethnic and racial profiling, which is illegal. He tells people to be leery of Muslim doctors, engineers, students, and mosques. Speakers like Shoebat have raised concerns from the bipartisan leaders of the Senate Home Security Committee about “vitriolic diatribes” being delivered by “self-appointed counterterrorism experts” like Shoebat at these seminars.

But the worst part is that Shoebat appears to be a complete fraud. There is no record of the firebombing he claims to have taken part in. The Israeli jail has no record of his incarceration. He refers to counter-terrorism reports that don’t exist. He makes stupid claims, like saying there were 17 terrorists on 9/11 when there were 19, and talks about the TSA preventing 9/11 even though the TSA wasn’t created until after the attacks.

When charlatans can go around stirring up hatred and fear with lies and misinformation, to me that makes them terrorists. And in this case, the terrorists have won. Are we so desperate to believe that danger exists that we actually pay for it?


Fox Watching the Henhouse

What’s ironic about this is not just that Fox News is avoiding mentioning the scandals their parent company News Corp is embroiled in — shutting down one of their British newspapers due to illegal phone hacking, bribery, and lies to Parliament. No, the real irony is that other News Corp properties, like the Wall Street Journal and even other newspapers in England, are reporting on the scandal of their parent. Why does Fox News suck so much?

Watch as Fox News “reporters” admit they are too scared to report this story — on a Fox News program that supposedly watches the media.



A Financial Crisis By Any Other Name

© Tom Tomorrow

Sometimes when I read about the latest shenanigans in Congress, I feel like an alien. Is this really how we look to the rest of the world?

UPDATE: Paul Krugman has an excellent editorial about how the Republican Party has been acting crazy for a long time. And the current insanity is a result of us letting them get away with it for so long. As he puts it, “If you’re surprised, that means that you were part of the problem.”

UPDATE 2: The rest of the world also thinks the Republicans are nuts. And worse, that they are holding the world’s economy hostage. Once this little mess is over, watch the rest of the world distance itself from the dollar standard as quickly as possible, to our great detriment. The Republicans, even if they do give in and let Obama solve the debt crisis, have fucked us over.


Late Night Political Humor

“The British government may cancel Rupert Murdoch’s $14 billion satellite deal because they’ve discovered that he’s evil.” – Craig Ferguson

“In the media business, being evil isn’t always a bad thing. There’s also the lovable kind of evil that we have here at CBS.” – Craig Ferguson

“One of Murdoch’s tabloids was hacking people’s phones and listening to their voicemails. Victims said their iPhones were so messed up that they were actually working.” – Craig Ferguson

“Murdoch shut down News of the World, which was almost 160 years old. It’s always sad when something that old comes to an end. It was like the last episode of ‘Larry King Live.'” – Craig Ferguson

“The U.S. is now in serious danger of defaulting on our foreign loans, which explains why today, China showed up and broke the Statue of Liberty’s kneecaps.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The royal couple really immersed themselves in American culture while visiting. In fact, when they left, they were $2 trillion in debt.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama’s staff got raises of 8 percent, more than double the average for regular Americans, which is 3 percent. But to be fair, many of them will be unemployed next November.” – Jay Leno

“A right-wing religious group in Iowa is now asking all the Republican presidential candidates to sign a pledge to remain faithful to their spouse. Isn’t that the marriage pledge?” – Jay Leno

“On Friday, a woman in Texas gave birth to a baby boy weighing in at 16 pounds, 1 ounce. When they did the sonogram, the doctor was like, ‘I’m not sure if it’s a boy or a girl, but it’s definitely an American.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Eliot Spitzer’s show on CNN was canceled. So you wonder, how will the guy kill an hour?” – David Letterman

“Over the weekend, someone broke into our theater. I’m told that Jay Leno has an alibi.” – David Letterman


Jon Stewart Explains the Deficit Negotiations

To give you an idea of how far out of step with reality the Congressional Republicans who are demanding that we balance the budget with no tax increases are, a new Gallup poll shows that only 28% of all Republicans think that the deficit should be reduced only with budget cuts. Large majorities think we need both budget cuts and tax increases. In fact, Obama’s proposal is to the right of most Republicans. And yet House Republicans continue to insist on absolutely no tax increases (and some are even demanding additional tax cuts for the rich).


News Corp On The Corporate Dole

[Note – this story is not completely true. While News Corp is one of the top three big companies in their utilization of tax havens, they did indeed pay taxes. They changed the way they report information in 2007, which caused confusion. See the link at the end of this posting for more info.]

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, the parent company of Fox News, made over $10 billion in profits over the last four years, but their taxes over the same time were $4.8 billion — negative. Let me be clear, they didn’t just not pay any taxes, they received $4.8 billion from the government.

How did they do this? By being one of the top companies utilizing tax havens to shift their profits to other countries and using other tax tricks to make it look like they lost money.

The real scandal is that all of this is legal. When you are a powerful enough corporation, you can get laws changed to work in your favor.

UPDATE: NPR has withdrawn this story without explanation. Hopefully we’ll learn more later.

UPDATE 2: Here’s the explanation:


No-Brainer v. No Brains

Conservative David Brooks points out that the Republicans in Congress are being handed “The Mother of All No-Brainers” to reduce the deficit, but they are so beholden to their more radical fringe that they would rather destroy the US economy than do what is right, as long as what is right involves compromising with the president. His conclusion: If Republicans force the US government to default, they are unfit to govern.

The Economist has a similar view:

This newspaper has a strong dislike of big government; we have long argued that the main way to right America’s finances is through spending cuts. But you cannot get there without any tax rises. In Britain, for instance, the coalition government aims to tame its deficit with a 3:1 ratio of cuts to hikes. America’s tax take is at its lowest level for decades: even Ronald Reagan raised taxes when he needed to do so.

And the closer you look, the more unprincipled the Republicans look. Earlier this year House Republicans produced a report noting that an 85%-15% split between spending cuts and tax rises was the average for successful fiscal consolidations, according to historical evidence. The White House is offering an 83%-17% split (hardly a huge distance) and a promise that none of the revenue increase will come from higher marginal rates, only from eliminating loopholes. If the Republicans were real tax reformers, they would seize this offer.

They call the Republicans “economically illiterate and disgracefully cynical”.

CNN says “Republicans have moved beyond politics and into theology: Offered an exchange of billions in taxes for trillions in deficit cuts, they could not see their way beyond their no-tax religion.”

And just to show you how much the Republicans are putting politics ahead of their country, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said today “I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is probably unattainable.” The Republicans will not agree to solve the budget crisis as long as Obama is president, even if that causes an “economic catastrophe” as many economists have warned.


Unbalanced News

© Clay Jones

Until recently, Rupert Murdoch was considered an “uncrowned king” of Britain. But now his kingdom is falling apart. He’s been forced to shut down one of his newspapers after the disclosure of widespread hacking into the cellphones of possibly thousands of people, including the relatives of killed soldiers, politicians, and celebrities. They even hacked into the voicemail of a kidnapped 13-year-old girl who was later murdered, and even deleted some of her messages. The company also lied to Parliament, and paid off police officers to avoid an investigation.

UPDATE: The Daily Show’s John Oliver explains how bad this scandal really is:


Late Night Political Humor

“People are mad. There’s a lot of soul-searching going on after the Casey Anthony verdict. Florida is looking into the jury selection process, their legislatures are reviewing laws, and CNN is considering whether Nancy Grace should be replaced by an actual glassy-eyed vulture.” – Bill Maher

“If you can look at a crime where everything points to one answer and not see it, you’re a dumbass. And if you can look at the deficit and not see that the problem is that the rich stopped paying taxes, you’re a Republican.” – Bill Maher

“Yes, Republican base, you are just like that jury. It is pathetically clear who’s killing the middle class, but you keep letting them get away with murder.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: If your dad was on OJ’s legal dream team, you can’t Tweet your disappointment over the Casey Anthony verdict. It’s like Tricia Nixon bitching about presidential corruption. And remember, your father started a proud Kardashian tradition: getting black men off.” – Bill Maher

“I was sure that the Republican plan to fix the economy by defaulting on the national debt would work, but apparently it didn’t. The unemployment rate is now at 9.2%, which is scary because experts say 9.5 is the point at which people are desperate enough to consider Michele Bachmann.” – Bill Maher

“In Arizona they had a dust storm that was two miles high and 15 miles wide. It looked like something out of a movie. Visibility in Arizona they said was so bad that police were hassling white people.” – Bill Maher

“Obama had a town hall on Twitter, and he took questions, the first time this ever happened. It went smoothly at first, then of course came snarky questions from Republicans, and then the last four were just pictures of Anthony Weiner’s penis.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: You can’t be a country that celebrates its birthday with a gluttonous hotdog binge and pyrotechnics and then not offer universal healthcare. On the 4th of July, a man named Joey Chestnut gobbled down 62 wieners – just beating the old record set by George Michael – and at least 8,000 people that day went to the emergency room with fireworks-related injuries. Holding the 4th of July and not providing the inevitably needed healthcare is like holding Oktoberfest and not providing Port-O-Potties.” – Bill Maher


The Deficit You’re Freaking Out About Was Caused by Bush

I’m getting tired of the Republicans pretending that they are serious about deficit reduction and blaming it on Obama. They keep claiming that Obama raised the deficit more than Bush, but that was only to fund the stimulus to clean up the economic mess left by Bush. And the stimulus spending has now mostly gone away. Even now, the deficit is clearly going down, with the major cause of the continuing deficits being Bush’s tax cuts, which the Republicans refuse to get rid of.

If Bush hadn’t screwed up everything, the deficit would be the black line at the bottom of the graph. The only reason Republicans are screaming about the deficit now is so they can kill virtually every single program that helps people who tend to vote Democratic.


Courting the GOP

© Matt Davies

Are the Democrats spineless, or is Ralph Nader correct when he claims that they are just as beholden to corporations and the rich? Or is Obama triangulating like Clinton used to do?


Political Chicken

© Dan Wasserman

Are they playing chicken or are they just determined to drive us off a cliff?


Late Night Political Humor

“Democrats warned that if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, the government would cease to function. How would you be able to tell?” – Jay Leno

“You know what the scary part is? Not that the government will cease to function, that they think this is actually the government functioning. They think it is working well.” – Jay Leno

“The government is warning that terrorists may try to blow up airplanes by implanting bombs under their skin. The airlines responded by saying they’ll charge any terrorists that do this a $50 carry-on fee.” – Jay Leno

“Lady Gaga complained that the U.S. is allowing Iran and North Korea to get nukes and we have to stop them. Before the White House makes any decision, they’re waiting to hear from Britney Spears.” – Jay Leno

“According to the New York Times, a cell phone found in Osama bin Laden’s compound had phone numbers belonging to Pakistan’s intelligence agencies. But authorities say it’s unlikely they ever spoke because apparently bin laden had AT&T.” – Jay Leno

“Vice President Joe Biden has a new Twitter account. He said he will not rest until he can embarrass the president on every media platform ever invented.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin spoke out about Independence Day, saying that if the British had won the war, we’d all be speaking English today.” – Jay Leno

“Casey Anthony was found not guilty. This means that President Obama’s economic team is only the second-most clueless group in America.” – Jay Leno

“You know Casey Anthony is not the only one that is going to go free. Lawyers for Dominique Strauss-Kahn now say that the maid in the ritzy hotel also worked as a hooker. So he could walk too. A maid who is also a hooker. That’s like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s dream date.” – Jay Leno

“A new study shows that home births are up 20% in the united states. More and more moms are giving birth at home. Or as in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s case, giving birth in the home they’re cleaning.” – Jay Leno

“It was so hot in California today that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s clothes were out on the lawn setting themselves on fire.” – Jay Leno

“I think the jury from the O.J. Simpson trial retired and moved to Florida.” – Jay Leno


Vending Machine Jobs

© Matt Wuerker

We’re doing everything the Republicans said we should do to create jobs. We cut taxes on the rich to the lowest they have been in 60 years, we reduced government spending, corporate profits are up. So where are the jobs?


Rugged Socialist Individualists

Remember “Keep your government hands off my Medicare“? Well, the craziness is much more common than even that. According to a paper from Cornell University, around half the people who have benefitted from government social programs believe that they “have not used a government social program”.

Do you think you’ve never gotten money from a government social program? Really? Did you ever get a student loan, a Pell grant, or set up an Education Savings Account to help pay for college? How about used the mortgage interest deduction to help you buy a home? Child care tax credit? Social security? Unemployment insurance? Veteran’s benefits? Somehow, we’ve convinced ourselves that tax breaks for housing or subsidized loans for education are not social programs, but that’s exactly what they are. That’s right tea partiers, you too might be one of the socialist parasites you are trying to rip from the suckling teat of the taxpayers.

Even beneficiaries of our most well-known social programs are significantly delusional. 44% of recipients of Social Security benefits and 40% of Medicare beneficiaries claim that they haven’t used a government social program. Even more amazing, 27% of welfare recipients and 25% of people who receive food stamps don’t think they are the recipient of government assistance.
