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Pay to Play

Republicans have been fighting against the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and especially hard to stop Elizabeth Warren from becoming its head. The new bureau is tasked with protecting consumers from predatory lenders and was primarily a response to massive abuses by mortgage lenders that contributed to the recent mortgage crisis.

One of the most outspoken opponents of Elizabeth Warren was Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC), who was particularly nasty to her during Congressional hearings.

So it should surprise nobody to learn that McHenry has received $63,800 from lobbyists and executives for banks, mortgage companies, payday lenders, pawn shops, and other (often predatory) lenders. But what is particularly telling is that McHenry received a whole bunch of campaign donations from payday lending companies on a single day, April 20, 2011, leading to speculation that the Congressman had a campaign financing party for opponents of Warren.

Not only that, but McHenry’s wife is on the payroll of Brattle Group, an industry consulting firm that represents banks, credit card companies, and other financial industry businesses. The Brattle Group even helped produce a report for a trade association of predatory lenders that claims that payday lending never results in cycles of debt for its customers. Yeah, right.



© Matt Bors

Pretty much everyone is fed up with the government, but nobody has a good idea of how to fix it. Politicians who actually try to change the system are dismissed as “out of the mainstream” or not “serious” because they don’t raise enough money. That’s ironic, since money in politics is a big part of the problem.

Is something like No Labels likely to make a difference? I don’t know.


Late Night Political Humor

“Ohio Congressman Bill Johnson said his Twitter account was hacked yesterday after an image of a naked man was posted on his page. When the Lord taketh a Weiner he giveth a Johnson.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Spain’s running of the bulls is not nearly as scary as the U.S. event, the running of Sarah Palin.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s Bastille Day, which is the day that Paul Revere rode through Paris warning the French.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney is so boring, he introduced his own fragrance called ‘Unscented.'” – David Letterman

“It’s rumored that Arnold Schwarzenegger is working on a memoir. Yeah, it’s apparently over 500 pages long — and that’s just the dedication to his kids.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In the last month, President Obama’s re-election campaign raised $86 million. But the bad news is, to get re-elected, he has to come up with $14 trillion more.” – Jay Leno

“The Treasury Department is shifting from paper to electronic savings bonds next year. But don’t worry — the electronic bonds will be just as worthless as the paper ones.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Starting next year, all U.S. savings bonds will be electronic rather than printed. So they’ll be paperless, as well as valueless, useless, and worthless.” – Jay Leno

‎”If Social Security checks don’t go out on August 3, it’s just old people. You know how they are. They’re just gonna blow that money on medicine and hips.” – Jon Stewart

“It looks like we’ll begin to pay our debt to China. Last week, we returned Yao Ming. And what about his brother Wyo Ming.” – David Letterman

“According to a survey by Charles Schwab, 16 percent of teenagers expect their parents to help them financially forever. I believe they’re called ‘philosophy majors.'” – Jay Leno

“New York has legalized gay marriage, and if you brought a gift for Paul and myself, just leave it in the lobby. Utah will never approve gay marriage, but they do allow a man to marry a woman with a slight mustache.” – David Letterman

“According to a new poll, U.S. popularity in the Middle East is at an all-time low. How could it be lower than before, when it was ‘Death to America?'” – Jay Leno


The Truth About Economic Growth

Business Insider put together an interesting chart showing GDP minus government spending. In other words, it shows economic growth coming from the private sector (not from stimulus spending):

The shaded part is the recession, where by early 2009 (when Obama took office) the economy was shrinking by 7.5%. But less than a year later, the (private sector) economy was growing again by 5%, which is not bad.

The problem is that as stimulus spending stops, those jobs go away, and the private sector is not creating enough jobs to replace them. It is pretty clear that the stimulus did its part of the job — stimulating the economy to get it going again, but unless the private sector does its part and starts hiring again we could risk a renewed recession, especially since the Republicans are trying to drastically cut government spending even more.

It is frustrating that the Republicans claim to be so concerned about deficits now, even though during the Bush administration they had no problems voting for unfunded entitlement programs like Medicare Part D, and starting two wars while simultaneously cutting taxes for the rich. I can’t think of an explanation for their behavior other than they want the economy to suffer.


Fox Fail

Fox News desperately tries to change the subject from the News Corp scandal.


Doesn’t she look tired?

Could this explain some of Michele Bachmann’s bizarre behavior? According to three people who have worked closely with Bachmann, the presidential candidate suffers from “debilitating” migraine headaches on a weekly basis that can “incapacitate” her for days.

Not only that, but allegedly she is constantly medicated to try to prevent them.

The migraines are so bad and so intense, she carries and takes all sorts of pills. Prevention pills. Pills during the migraine. Pills after the migraine, to keep them under control. She has to take these pills wherever she goes.

The headaches are so severe and so frequent they have put her in the hospital more than once.

A spokeswoman for Bachmann refused to talk about the candidate’s medical history.

UPDATE: Bachmann admits that she suffers from migraines but claims that it would not affect her job performance as president. Refuses to answer whether she was ever hospitalized for migraines. And today her aides “roughed up” a reporter for ABC News when he dashed after her with a camera and attempted to ask her if she had ever missed any votes in the House because of headaches.


Plan B

© Drew Sheneman

I’m really curious whether the Republicans will give in and raise the debt ceiling, or if they really will force the government to shut down.


Late Night Political Humor

“We’re getting closer and closer to the country going into default. We could be out of money by August 2nd. How many people are surprised by that? How many people are surprised we still have enough money to make it until August 2nd?” – Jay Leno

“Will we default on our debt, and will Canada let us crash on their couch for awhile?” – Stephen Colbert

“Congress is pledging to work around the clock until they’re absolutely certain they will get nothing done.” – David Letterman

“President Obama ordered Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to take what little money we have left and buy lottery tickets. I don’t think that ever works.” – Jay Leno

“I just read that George W. Bush is getting his own limited edition baseball card. You can tell it’s Bush’s card because eight years after you buy it, its value decreases $14 trillion.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A report says that a growing number of Americans are worth $1 million. The bad news: last year they were worth $5 million.” – Jay Leno

“Scientists say life on Earth is wiped out every 27 million years, and we have 16 million years left. So we’re all going to die just when we finally get our debt paid off.” – Jay Leno

‎”Is he teaching people not to be gay or is he like the ‘Green Mile’ guy and just absorbing it all?” – Jon Stewart [on Michele Bachmann’s husband, Marcus Bachmann]

“He’s so gay he calls ‘Top Gun’ ‘that volleyball movie.'” – Jon Stewart [struggling to repress the urge to crack gay jokes about Michele Bachmann’s husband, Marcus Bachmann]

“Of course I’d like to say Dr. Marcus Bachmann buys Brawny paper towels for the packaging, or he’s so gay Richard Simmons tells him to tone it down.'” – Jerry Seinfeld [playing Jon Stewart’s Comedy Repression Therapist during a cameo on The Daily Show]

“It’s so hot that instead of tapping phones, Rupert Murdoch has been tapping kegs.” – David Letterman

“It’s so hot that even Michele Bachmann believes in global warming.” – David Letterman

“You know the woman in Texas who gave birth to a 16-pound baby boy? Turns out if was a hoax. It wasn’t a baby at all. It was a Mexican trying to sneak into the country.” – Jay Leno


Oath of Office

© John Sherffius

Conservative David Brooks has an interesting column on the current state of the Republican Party that pits the “practical conservatives” against a host of groups that are more interested in the expression of political power than in actually governing. He divides this latter group into “The Beltway Bandits”, “The Big Government Blowhards”, “Show Horses” and “The Permanent Campaigners”.


This is what blatant propaganda looks like

Who else, Fox News. After admitting they were afraid to talk about the News Corp scandal, they finally do a segment on it on Fox and Friends, bringing in a PR hack who is somehow supposed to be an expert about this. But they make a few small changes to the story. I really suggest you watch this video, because it is astounding:

If you don’t know the details of this scandal and how it might bring down the government in England, here’s a summary.

However, in the Fox News version their parent company News Corp and their newspaper News of the World are the victims. Seriously. Talk about false equivalencies, they equate the hacking scandals at the Pentagon, Citicorp, Bank of America, and others, who were the victims of outside hackers, with News of the World, who were the perpetrators. Murdoch’s newspaper hacked into the phones of politicians, celebrities, families of dead soldiers, and even deleted voicemail messages of a kidnap victim who was later murdered. Pure evil. But according to their PR person:

Why are so many people piling on at this point? We know it’s a hacking scandal. Shouldn’t we get beyond it and really deal with the issue of hacking? Citicorp has been hacked into. Bank of America has been hacked into. American Express has been hacked into. Insurance companies have been hacked into. … So we have to figure out a way to deal with this hacking problem. That’s what we have to do.

They also complain about how the head of the News of the World has been forced to resign. Poor her. But before you feel too sorry for her, know that she is being given a severance package of 3.5 million British pounds (over $5.6 million). Other top execs who are implicated in the scandal are being paid millions, presumably to buy their silence.

Not only that, but there is some evidence that similar phone hacking was done in the US, even to victims of 9/11. Not to mention corruption involving News Corp and the US Government.

The segment ends with them saying that we should put this behind us and get on to the important news of the day … and then they cut to a story about Casey Anthony. Complete and utter hypocrisy.

I think the entire News Corp empire should be broken up before it is too late.

UPDATE: Murdoch testifies before Parliament, but his only defense is that his media empire is so large that he had no idea that one of his newspapers was hacking phones, paying off police, and settling lawsuits to buy silence. Plus his enormous power discouraged the government from investigating or even criticizing Murdoch’s companies (indeed, often government employees were former employees of Murdoch’s companies). Murdoch’s own words are the most powerful argument anyone could make that his vast media holdings should be broken up.


Resorting to Magic

© Ed Stein

Once again Ed Stein has good commentary to go along with his comic:

Well, it’s come to this. The forces of evil, in the name of ideological purity, are threatening to destroy what’s left of the nation’s economy. The good guys are powerless in the face of the unrelenting assault on sanity. There will be no compromise. Only one person can save us now. Unfortunately, Harry Potter is fictional, and magic doesn’t work in the Muggle world of Washington. Come to think of it, nothing works in Washington. The only thing left, apparently, is a cowardly scheme concocted by Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, in which the legislature gives Obama the unilateral power to raise the debt ceiling against a promise of future budget cuts. The GOP leadership understands (even if their members don’t) that failure to raise the debt ceiling is not an option, and that they will be blamed if the nation defaults, but rather than force their members to do the right thing, they correctly calculate that Obama, the only adult in the room, will make the hard choice, even if it costs him politically. Republicans get to wash their hands of the entire mess and blame Obama for whatever he ends up doing. The world’s economy will temporarily be saved, and the GOP will get to stay pure on taxes and have a field day running against Obama on his failure to cut the deficit sufficiently. Only in the insanity that is today’s Washington can refusing to do the job you were elected to do be seen as the winning strategy in the next election.

UPDATE: See also this comic.


Republican Messaging

© Lee Judge

Message received, loud and clear.


© Mike Keefe


Budget Stand-off

© Jen Sorensen

I’m having trouble finding good comics to post about the Debt Ceiling Mud Wrestling Match for a couple of reasons. First, I’m reluctant to post comics (like this one) that exaggerate, since the reality of the situation is bizarre enough. And second, there really isn’t much that is funny about the situation.

The Republicans are purposely driving our country off a cliff for sake of a thoroughly discredited ideology (trickle-down economics). Fully 80% of the American people do not want budget cuts only, but prefer some kind of revenue increases, especially on the rich and on corporations. The rest of the world looks on in horror as we play Russian Roulette with the world economy. And we elected these rabid ideologues, so we will only get what we deserve.


Late Night Political Humor

“Michele Bachmann says that if she’s elected, she’ll ban pornography. We have multiple wars, skyrocketing debts, a recession, unemployment … Yeah, let’s ban pornography.” – David Letterman

“Bachmann says she wants to end things that are ‘vulgar and a detriment to society.’ She’s talking about me, right?” – David Letterman

“Michele Bachmann signed pledge in Iowa recently about protecting marriage, but it also said stuff about black children having it better when they were raised during slavery. Now her campaign is saying that while, yes, she did sign the pledge, she didn’t read it first. And had she read it, she never would have signed it in the first place. Well, thank God presidents don’t have to sign anything so important they have to read it first.” – Jay Leno

“Michele Bachmann and her husband run this institution where they try to ‘pray away the gay.’ They want gay guys to think outside the bun.” – Jay Leno

‎”Christianity is the best way to cure gayness. Just get on your knees, take a swig of wine and accept the body of a man into your mouth.” – Stephen Colbert

“Rupert Murdoch and his New of the World newspaper are in trouble for hacking into the phone call records of thousands of people. The law is pretty clear, if you want to try and snoop on people without them knowing about it, you have to be either Google or Apple. You can’t be a newspaper.” – Jay Leno

“It’s 95 and miserable today, like Rupert Murdoch. I think you folks should know the air conditioning is hooked up to the applause sign.” – David Letterman

“It was so hot in the United Kingdom that Rupert Murdoch was hacking into the phone calls of Eskimos.” – Jay Leno

“The royal couple has left Los Angeles after a short visit. It’s the first time that two unemployed people from another country have come to L.A. and left.” – Jay Leno

“A lawmaker in California is pushing for 13 counties to break away and form a new state called South California. Meanwhile, residents are pushing for a more fitting name: ‘North Mexico.'” – Jimmy Fallon

‎”It’s not, ‘All right, let’s all chip in and we’ll buy a keg for the big party.’ It’s, ‘Buy me a keg and I won’t burn your f**kin’ house down.'” –Jon Stewart [on Republicans’ approach to compromise during debt negotiations]

“While criticizing President Obama over debt talks, John Boehner said quote, ‘It takes two to tango.’ Then Biden was like, ‘Sure, but it only takes one to break dance.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“We’re three weeks from having to park our car down the street so China can’t find it, and Congress is refighting fluorescent v. incandescent light bulbs.” – Jon Stewart

“Republicans are job creationists. We know the rich create jobs. Democrats believe that jobs just EVOLVE from millions of years of stimulus packages.” – Wyatt Cenac [Daily Show senior debt correspondent]

“Arnold Schwarzenegger announced today he’s going back to the thing he does best. No, not that thing; the other thing. He’s going to star in a new Western. I think it’s called ‘Butch Cassiday and the Illegitimate Kid.’ ‘Somebody has to clean up this town. Who’s going to clean it up? Where’s the maid?'” – Craig Ferguson

“The FBI is investigating after a stun gun was found on a flight to Newark, New Jersey. They think a passenger planned to use the stun gun on himself when he realized he was on a flight to Newark, New Jersey.” – Jay Leno

“Hitler’s birthplace in Austria has revoked his honorary citizenship. Talk about a rush to judgment.” – Jay Leno


Palin has Jumped the Shark

It seems apropos that when the new Sarah Palin documentary opened in (an overly optimistic) ten theaters across the nation, for at least one of those theaters the only person in the audience was a member of the press.

Let us pray that her 15 minutes of fame has finally expired. Anyone who thinks that her frequent noises about running for the presidency are anything more than a cheap play for publicity didn’t learn anything after watching Donald Trump whoring himself to the press.

UPDATE: “Palin Documentary Bombs“. Has grossed just $24,000. Already moving to pay-per-view.
