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The Tax Logic of Grover Norquist

Much of our current stalemate in Congress is due to the anti-tax pledge created by Grover Norquist, who believes that even closing crazy tax loopholes for large corporations is a tax increase.

© August Pollak


Republican Civil War

Civil war is breaking out between the more moderate, responsible Republicans and the “Tea Party” Republicans over the debt ceiling debate.

Today, John McCain stood up on the Senate floor and accused conservatives of “deceiving” (i.e., lying) to their constituents and called their position “bizarro”.

Even worse, House Republicans today called for the firing of Republican Study Committee (RSC) staffers after they were caught sending emails to conservative groups urging them to pressure GOP lawmakers to vote against Speaker John Boehner’s debt proposal. At the closed-door meeting of Republicans, members started chanting “Fire him, fire him!” to the face of the executive director of the RSC.

One GOP insider said “It was an unbelievable moment. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

© Pat Oliphant


Onward Christian Soldiers

On his show, Bill O’Reilly takes strong exception to calling Anders Behring-Breivik, the man who has admitted to mass murder in Norway, a Christian (even though Breivik calls himself a Christian). According to O’Reilly “Breivik is not a Christian. That’s impossible. No one beliving in Jesus commits mass murder.”

I just have one thing to say to O’Reilly: The Crusades.

O’Reilly continues to rant, claiming “the primary threat to the world comes from Islamic terrorism” and “Muslim suicide bombers blow innocent people up almost every day.” O’Reilly totally ignores the fact that according to the FBI, 94% of all terrorist attacks in the US are not related to Islam at all. A similar report from Europol says that 99.6% of European terrorist attacks are unrelated to Islam.

I’m not trying to pick on Christianity, but when O’Reilly claims that Christians cannot be terrorists or commit mass murder, he blithely ignores places like Northern Ireland, where Catholic Christians and Protestant Christians (both of whom believe in Jesus) for decades cheerfully murdered each other.

UPDATE: Glenn Greenwald has an excellent column on how we have defined the word “terrorism” so that it only applies to Muslims.


How can both sides cave on debt, but we still don’t have an agreement?

I didn’t think the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations could get any more bizarre. The Democrats now are to the right of the Republicans, but they must have missed each other in passing because they still can’t agree. Unbelievable.


Late Night Political Humor

“An audio recording from five years ago has been released of Michele Bachmann predicting the end of the world. Her exact words were, ‘I’m going to run for president in 2012.'” – Conan O’Brien

“It was so hot presidential candidate Michele Bachmann was fanning herself with pornography. So hot Charlie Sheen was snorting actual snow.” – David Letterman

“It’s so hot that I saw Rupert Murdoch trying to hack his way into a Cold Stone Creamery.” – Craig Ferguson

“It was so hot in Washington that Congress had to install a fan on the debt ceiling.” – Craig Ferguson

‎”If the conversation continues this way, we could very well hit the national bullshit ceiling.” – Daily Show correspondent Jason Jones

“Former News Corp Chief Executive Rebekah Brooks was arrested over the weekend on suspicion of illegal wire tapping and bribing police officers for information. I don’t think she gets it. She asked the arresting officer, ‘How much is it going to take to make this go away?'” – Jay Leno

“Ironically while she was in jail she was surrounded by less criminals than when she was working for News Corp. That’s the amazing thing.” – Jay Leno

“MSNBC suspended one of their commentators for calling President Obama a bad name. Meanwhile, Fox News suspended one of their commentators for not calling President Obama a bad name.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last week in an interview with ABC News President Obama said he will turn 50 this week, but the truth is he turns 50 on August 4th. Do you know what that means? Apparently even he hasn’t seen his real birth certificate.” – Jay Leno

“The President met with the Dalai Lama over the weekend. The Dalai Lama told Obama about the difficulty of being under China’s thumb. To which Obama said, ‘Tell me about it.'” – Jay Leno

“The United States’ soccer team lost to Japan, which means we’re now losing to Japan in math, science, and penalty kicks.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This weekend, the final ‘Harry Potter’ movie made a record-breaking $476 million worldwide. Yeah, ‘Harry Potter’ made so much money this weekend, President Obama just asked him for a loan.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Republicans are no longer allowed to say that people are rich. You have to refer to them as ‘job creator’. You can’t even use the word ‘rich’. You have to say, ‘This chocolate cake is so moist and job creator.'” – Jon Stewart

“I say, if the founding fathers didn’t want money in politics, why did they put their faces on our money?” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka gave birth to a baby girl. The baby’s name is ‘Trump Granddaughter and Casino.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump has a new grandchild. Today, he demanded to see its birth certificate.” – David Letterman

“A woman in Colorado was arrested for groping a TSA agent last week. On the bright side, today she was offered a job with the TSA.” – Jimmy Fallon

“So what happened to Carmageddon? What was that? The L.A. freeways had less traffic this weekend than Newt Gingrich’s campaign website. Nothing.” – Jay Leno

“A group of rare snow leopards has been discovered in a remote corner of Afghanistan. So I guess traveling through Afghanistan isn’t as safe as you thought.” – Jimmy Fallon


Freedom in the Bedroom?

© Lee Judge

I guess the only freedom that matters to some people is the freedom to consume.

UPDATE: And no, the government did not ban incandescent light bulbs.


Political Gridlock – There’s an App for That

Two articles give potential solutions to some of our political problems. Both attempt to limit, or at least modify, the power of our currently gridlocked political parties.

In the New York Times is an article “Make Way for the Radical Center” that talks about a new startup called “Americans Elect” that is attempting to use the Internet to create a new third party. Their goal is to get a presidential candidate on all 50 state ballots for the 2012 election. As they put it:

Americans Elect is the first-ever open nominating process. We’re using the Internet to give every single voter — Democrat, Republican or independent — the power to nominate a presidential ticket in 2012. The people will choose the issues. The people will choose the candidates. And in a secure, online convention next June, the people will make history by putting their choice on the ballot in every state.

Just like internet companies have increased competition in the marketplace, Americans Elect aims to the same thing to the two-party system that dominates our politics, to remove the barriers to real competition.

In The Atlantic is an article “How to Turn Republicans and Democrats Into Americans” on reforming Congress to remove some of the more partisan problems written by former Republican Congressman Mickey Edwards. He has some very good ideas, like taking away Congressional redistricting from the political parties, open primaries, and decreasing the partisan influence on committees and amendments. The idea is to make Congress more interested in solving our country’s problems than on advancing a partisan agenda. In an era where Nancy Pelosi said her most important goal was to elect more Democrats, and Mitch McConnell said his primary job was to make Obama a one-term president, this is could be a refreshing change.

© Joel Pett

UPDATE: Speaking of Apps, here’s one that almost all of us will welcome. It is a plugin for the Firefox browser that warns you when you visit a website that is owned by Rupert Murdoch or a member of his family (including, of course, Fox News). You can even set it to block those sites if you want. There is a similar plug-in for Google’s Chrome browser as well.


Fiscal Conservative Magic

© Ruben Bolling

I think Bush Sr. had it right when he called it “Voodoo Economics”. But he too fell sway to the dark side.


This is how fucked over we are by big corporations

I get annoyed any time some pundit trots out the statistic that the corporate tax rate in the US is higher than most countries. The actual tax rate is not very meaningful when there are plenty of ways to shelter corporate income from taxes. Indeed, the US has one of the lowest effective tax rates in the world for corporations.

But just to add insult to injury, Matt Taibbi has another mind-blowing article about how corporations aren’t happy with just getting a free lunch on the taxpayer. Believe it or not, even though we are facing a huge deficit brought on in part by allowing corporations to avoid taxes by sheltering profits in other countries, Congress is thinking about giving these same corporations a tax holiday to allow them to move these profits back into the US (if the past is any indicator, so they can give even bigger bonuses to their executives). As Taibbi puts it:

For those who don’t know about it, tax repatriation is one of the all-time long cons and also one of the most supremely evil achievements of the Washington lobbying community, which has perhaps told more shameless lies about this one topic than about any other in modern history.

To make it worse, after companies were allowed to repatriate their profits without tax back in 2004, they started systematically moving their profits overseas even more aggressively in anticipation of being given another tax holiday in the future. They were planning on this, as if they had already arranged it with their bought-and-paid-for politicians.

Imagine the uproar if Congress passed a law that allowed immigrants to this country to shield their income from taxes, as long as they sent that income back to their home countries?

But here we are, with the Republicans simultaneously screaming about the deficit and planning on giving a tax holiday to the same corporations that are enjoying massive profits, excessive bonuses, while not keeping their promises to create jobs. And this tax holiday is to reward them for systematically avoiding taxes for the last seven years.

As Taibbi concludes “Have we all lost our minds?”


Elephantine Conflict of Interest

© Mike Stanfill

Deficits Don’t Matter? Shouldn’t Republicans recuse themselves from the deficit negotiations? After all, they created most of the problem in the first place, and stand to gain from making things worse.


The Power of Pre-emptive Compromise

© Tom Tomorrow

According to Tom Tomorrow, a reader of his says that this cartoon was reported as “offensive content” and blocked on Facebook.


Late Night Political Humor

“We are having in this country, America, supposedly a first world nation, an argument about whether we should pay our bills. And the Republicans – the conservative party – says no. Paying bills is for squares, man. That whole ‘money’ thing is a trap. Their economic plan is like, we’re hitchhiking to a Phish concert, and if we get a ride from a trucker and he asks us to chip in for gas, we’ll just give him a hand job.” – Bill Maher

“I think I know now why we are occupying Iraq. In case we have to sell America and move to a smaller country.” – Bill Maher

“President Obama is starting to get tough. He said he’s reached his limit and he will not give in on his debt ceiling position even if it costs him his presidency. Well, that should make the Republicans fold. ‘We’ve got to save Obama’s presidency.'” – Jay Leno

“I understand the Republican’s frustration. They came in pretending to negotiate. The least Obama could do would be to pretend to listen.” – Bill Maher

“According to a new Gallop poll, if the election were held tomorrow a no name Republican would beat President Obama. Today Tim Pawlenty said, ‘A no-name Republican? That’s me. I could win! I’m the new President?'” – Jay Leno

“Republicans have to stop thinking up intricate psychological explanations for why liberals don’t like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. Let me save you all some time. Are you ready? Because they’re crazy people. People who are not that bright and full of awful ideas. Pretty much the same exact reasons we didn’t care about George W. Bush, and make jokes about him. So trust me, it’s not because they have breasts. It’s because they are boobs.” – Bill Maher

“And when I point out that Sarah Palin is a vainglorious braggart, a liar, a whiner, a professional victim … a know it all, a chiseler, a bully who sells patriotism like a pimp, and the leader of a strange family of inbred weirdoes straight out of The Hills Have Eyes, that’s not sexist. I’m saying it because it’s true, not because it’s true of a woman.” – Bill Maher

“Michele Bachmann proudly tells the story of how she has no desire to become a tax lawyer, but her husband commanded her to. That’s right, he commanded her to become a tax lawyer, and what are you going to do. It says so right in the bible. She quotes it, ‘wives you are to be submissive to your husbands,’ and I’m the sexist? That’s weird, but you know what’s really weird? Michele Bachmann tells her husband I’ll do anything you want me to do, and his response isn’t let’s have a three way or I want to cover you in Cool Whip. It’s I want you to be a tax lawyer. That is some sick twisted shit.” – Bill Maher

“Everybody needs to just calm down (about Carmageddon). They’re fixing a stretch of the roadway. It’s an unpleasant bit of business that we have to get through – sort of like the way Michele Bachmann’s husband thinks about sex with his wife.” – Bill Maher

“Thank you, Arnold Schwarzenegger for starring in an upcoming western ‘The Last Stand.’ It’ll probably be good for you to shoot some blanks for awhile.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In last night’s 50th Annual Congressional Baseball Game the Democrats beat the Republicans 8-2. Both parties say these games are important because it shows the American people that they can really get along and accomplish something when it’s meaningless.” – Jay Leno

“There’s a move to divide California into two states: the state of poverty and the state of bankruptcy. The problem is coming up with a new name for Southern California since ‘New Mexico’ is already taken.” – Jay Leno

“Ann Coulter canceled her appearance on Piers Morgan’s show at the last minute and now she’s banned her for life. I know, I was also like, ‘I don’t care.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Two Delta planes collided on the runway in Boston. The passengers are all OK, except for Delta’s $50 collision fee. The air traffic controllers were just glad they weren’t awake to see the collision.” – Jimmy Fallon

“New Rule: Now that the social network ‘Google +’ has arrived expressly to try and destroy Facebook and Twitter the way Facebook and Twitter blew away MySpace right after MySpace obliterated Friendster the Internet must admit that it doesn’t really understand the concept of ‘friendship.'” – Bill Maher

“It’s so tough to get tickets for the new ‘Harry Potter’ movie that Rupert Murdoch had to hack into MovieFone.” – Craig Ferguson


Space-case Perry

Speaking of things that aren’t Obama’s fault, Texas governor Rick Perry (who is making noises about running for president) criticized President Obama for canceling the Space Shuttle Program (which will cost jobs at the Johnson Space Center in Houston).

There’s just one problem — it was Bush who cancelled the Space Shuttle. In fact, Obama extended the shuttle program by adding in two additional flights. Perry’s position also contradicts his frequent calls to reduce federal spending.

This isn’t the first time Perry has ignored reality. In a television interview Perry repeatedly claimed that abstinence-only sex education works to reduce teen pregnancy, calling it the “best form” to teach children, when in fact the exact opposite is true. Indeed, since switching to abstinence-only education in Texas schools, the teen pregnancy rate in Texas shot up to where it is now the highest in the nation. Even worse, the repeat teen pregnancy rate went up to the highest in the nation as well.

Perry also denies global warming, saying the leading source of greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is the mouth of Al Gore.


The Deficit Is Not Default of Obama

[Reposted from Truthout, written by Greg Palast]

Charles Dickens’ “Oliver Twist” gave debtors’ prison a bad rap. Too bad. I’d say that locking away GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a penitentiary for deadbeats seems like a darn good idea.

Let’s talk about how we ended up in this pickle, bucking up against the “debt ceiling.” From 2001 to 2008, a Republican president took an annual surplus of $86 billion left for him by Bill Clinton and ran up the budget deficit to over half a trillion in a year ($642 billion in 2008). Altogether, George W. Bush blew up the national debt by over $3 TRILLION – then left the bills to Barack Obama.

For eight years, Bush spent like a drunk monkey. The world was the GOP’s Bergdorf and they had our credit card. If there was a shiny, new war on the shelf, they just had to have it: Iraq, Afghanistan, and let’s not forget the Fantasy Wars, the half a trillion dollars a year on fancy-ass weapons for a war that won’t happen. (Example: the Virginia Class submarine. The V-class was designed to attack Soviet subs. There are no more Soviet subs, but Bush ordered three dozen anyway – at $1.8 billion each.)

And tax cuts? Don’t get me started!

The Bush administration acted just like Sarah Palin when she was set loose in that Neiman Marcus in Minneapolis – grabbing whatever she could carry because Sarah could put it on someone else’s account.

The GOP’s fattened frat boys feasted – but when the waiter arrived with the bill, the belching rich kids looked around, pointed at some poor schmuck sweeping the floor, Mr. John Q. Veteran, and said, “THAT GUY will pay.”

By the way: Congressman Cantor, the guy leading the Republicans’ refusal to lift the debt ceiling, voted for the V-class sub as well as Bush’s bogus scavenger hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But now Cantor doesn’t want to pay the bill.

Y’know, Congressman, maybe you think my parents were fools because they taught me: If you buy it, you pay for it.

Apparently, that’s not the rule at Cantor’s country club.

The sick assumption of this entire debt ceiling debate, as we hear from talking heads whether on Fox or PBS, is that this is our deficit; as if you and I got a tax break or Amazon delivered that submarine to our door.

And the flapping lips on TV also assume that there must be some kind of “compromise” in which the spending spree by the rich must be paid for by the working class. The Washington elite agree we must pay for tax holidays for hedge funds by closing health clinics.

Of course, the GOP is right about one thing. President Tiger Wuss will do just that: make the poorest among us pay the debts of the richest. Here we have a bunch of economic terrorists – “Agree to all our demands or the economy gets it!” – and Obama’s idea of leadership is to offer the berserkers three-quarters of what they demand.

Thank the Lord and Michele Bachmann that 75 percent isn’t enough for these greedsters.

Solution: Don’t pay the banksters

There’s another wrong assumption controlling this debate over debt, that the banks, the debt holders, must be paid. When the bankers and the Chinese and the Saudis lent Bush three trillion dollars for his wild-ass buying party, they were betting, like any investor, on the good faith of the borrower to pay it back.

So, let Hu Jintao and King Abdullah stick a collection agency on Cantor and the other Republican shirkers. Repossess their limousines or send The Boys around to remind Cantor what happens when you don’t pay what you owe.

The president should say to Hu, the Sheik and Goldman-Sachs:

I have identified $3 trillion in Treasury notes issued between 2001 and 2008 which were lent to fund President Bush’s expenditures. Unfortunately, those who borrowed your money don’t want to pay it back. You made a bad investment – but that’s how the free market works. Therefore, I am suspending payments on these Treasury notes until we can round up the deadbeats and make them live up to their commitments.

As president, I have the constitutional duty to pay the bills of the Veterans Administration, the Social Security fund, and other vital services already voted and appropriated by Congress. Military pay before banker pay. Get used to it.

Will the bankers have heart attacks? I hope so. (Maybe if bankers are ill, the GOP will vote for universal health care.) Will China refuse to buy more US debt? Not a chance: The Chinese cannot afford a devaluation of the $2 trillion to $3 trillion in US Treasury notes they have in their pokey, a devaluation which would surely follow their abandoning the US treasuries.

Note: Argentina defaulted and thrived. We can tango, too. But that’s all detail for me to argue out with other economists in some effete what-if seminar.

Ultimately, “default” is not the issue. “Default,” dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in that age-old battle between Them and Us. They spent the money and now they want Us to pay.

Default lies with the Republican spendthrifts, Mr. President. So, I suggest you issue an executive order creating a new wing at Guantanamo: a debtors’ prison for trillion-dollar deadbeats.

(Don’t you think Eric Cantor would look good in orange?)

[licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.]


The Dingos Will Eat Well Tonight

Rupert Murdoch humbly throws his employees under the bus, but still remains defiant, clueless, and sleepy:
