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God’s Approval Rating?

Believe it or not, Public Policy Polling conducted a survey where they asked people “If God exists, do you approve or disapprove of its performance?”

You’ll be relieved to hear that 52% approve of the job that God is doing. Only 9% disapproved. The rest were not sure or didn’t answer.

If that seems like a low approval rating for God, the same survey showed just 33% approval rating for our Congress-critters. The worst rating in the poll was for Rupert Murdoch; only 12% approve of him. This poll didn’t rate Obama, but similar polls pegged him at 46%, only 6 points off the almighty.



© Steve Breen

Are the bookies taking bets yet on whether the US will default? I’m not sure I see a way to an agreement in time.


Late Night Political Humor

“It was 123 degrees in Minnesota. How far is Al Gore going to take this global warming hoax?” – Bill Maher

“123 degrees in Minnesota? Michele Bachmann’s husband went in the closet just for the shade.” – Bill Maher

“It was so hot in Iowa that Michele Bachmann couldn’t tell if her headache was a migraine or a brain freeze from her Slurpee.” – Jay Leno

“Michele Bachmann was in the news this week for her migraines. They say she gets terrible migraines. Some people say as often as once a week she is incapacitated by these migraines for days. Even scarier news, other days she’s perfectly fine.” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin is becoming a grandmother again (or for the first time, who knows). It’s not Bristol – Bristol, of course, is re-saving herself for marriage. This is Palin’s oldest son Track. His wife is pregnant. They got married two months ago, and now she looks like she’s six months pregnant. So you do the math, because certainly the Palins can’t.” – Bill Maher

“What is it with this family and pregnancy? Do they not have condoms up there in Alaska? When they say ‘don’t retreat, reload,’ they are not fucking around. I think they think abstinence is Latin for ‘no anal.” – Bill Maher

“Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman has fired his campaign manager, which is kind of sad because the only other person who knew Huntsman was running for president was the campaign manager.” – Jay Leno

“In China they say piracy is so rampant that there are at least three fake Apple stores. It’s hard to put these people out of the business. If China arrests them for selling fake Apple products, they’ll be sent to prison where they will be forced to make real Apple products.” – Jay Leno

“In a new interview, President Obama said he wants a ‘debt ceiling deal’ for his 50th birthday. Then he was like, ‘But if I can’t have that – iPad.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“After all of these weeks of negotiating about the debt ceiling and trying to keep the deficit down, John Boehner today walked out and stopped taking Obama’s calls. This should be very reassuring to the markets. One side’s policy is budget cuts and closing tax loopholes and the other side’s policy is ‘I’ll be at my mother’s.'” – Bill Maher

“Obama said he had been left at the altar a couple of times. And he asked a great question. He said, ‘Can they say yes to anything?” A Democrat now has offered cuts in Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and the Republicans still said ‘no.’ What is the Democrats’ next offer? Kansas goes back to being a slave state? Obama moves back to Kenya?” – Bill Maher

“I’m sick of this. Every week’s it’s the same story. Our news is so monotonous, when Rupert Murdoch taps our phones, he just lets the machine pick up.” – Bill Maher

“Did you see Rupert Murdoch testifying before parliament in London this week? And his Chinese-born ninja wife? Did you see that, when the guy had the pie and she sprung into action? That’s what I call a tiger MILF. That’s the mystery of Asians to me. Lightening quick with cat-like reflexes, until they get behind the wheel.” – Bill Maher

“‘Captain America’ is set in the 1940s, when people thought smoking was healthy and for breakfast, they would eat bacon smothered in beef fat with a side of asbestos.” – Craig Ferguson

“Back then, America had a ruined economy and was fighting wars with two different countries. It was a totally different time.” – Craig Ferguson

“Captain America is patriotic. Of course, Superman wore the American colors, but he wasn’t born here — much like our president.” – Craig Ferguson

“Captain America isn’t just patriotic, he’s also a real captain in the armed forces, not a made-up captain, like Captain Crunch.” – Craig Ferguson

“In Washington, the air quality today was described as ‘red.’ I’d never heard that. ‘Red,’ somewhere between smog and barbeque sauce. You know what ‘red’ is? It’s bad for everyone, not just old people, sick people and babies. When it’s just bad for old people, sick people and babies, that’s called a Republican budget.” – Bill Maher


The Good Old GOP

© Drew Sheneman

Where is the old GOP when you need them? All we get now is monkey business.


Poor People Are Not Living Down To Our Expectations

Fox News continues their campaign to demonize the poor in America, and Stephen Colbert is right there with them!


Late Night Political Humor

“I gotta say, of all my issues with Michele Bachmann’s brain, migraines are not even in the top 20.” – Jon Stewart

“A couple of people who worked for the presidential candidate Michele Bachmann say that she gets these chronic migraines. That’s been the story. To derail her candidacy a lot of people are trying to make it like it’s a female thing, cause she gets these headaches. It’s not. President Obama also has a chronic headache. It’s called Joe Biden.” – Jay Leno

“Michele Bachmann says if she is elected president, she will outlaw gay marriage – and ban Neil Patrick Harris from hosting the Tony Awards.” – David Letterman

‎”Bringing gay history into our classrooms teaches our children a dangerous lesson: that gay people exist.” – Stephen Colbert

“When you’re a gay couple getting married, who gets the bachelor party? Who goes downstairs in the middle of the night to check on the noise? Who forgets the anniversary? Who refuses to stop and ask for directions? And which one of you will take forever to get ready?” – David Letterman

“House Speaker John Boehner invited new congressmen over for pizza last night. Unfortunately, the delivery guy left when they spent ten hours fighting over a plan to pay for it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Still no deal on the debt ceiling. Washington is keeping us on the edge of our seat – a seat that will soon be repossessed.” – Craig Ferguson

“Weather experts say that 1 million square miles of the U.S. are under a ‘heat dome.’ But don’t worry — we have plenty of shade under our $14 trillion debt ceiling.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The heat index in Washington, D.C. was 114 degrees. Maybe the world actually did end in May and the people in Washington are actually in hell.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s so hot that people are standing next to Rupert Murdoch just to be near something shady.” – Jay Leno

“Republicans are blaming President Obama for bringing the heat from his native Kenya.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Amid the heat, health officials are telling Americans to stay home. Americans responded by saying, ‘We are home. We have no jobs.'” – Conan O’Brien

“TSA is no longer going to use that scanner that shows passengers in the nude. They made an executive decision yesterday after Aretha Franklin boarded a flight at LAX.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In 1969 we put a man on the moon. Today the best we can do is x-ray Kim Kardashian’s ass. And someday we’ll celebrate the 40th anniversary of that.” – David Letterman

“NASA says that without the space shuttle, we’ll have to pay the Russians $63 million to take one astronaut into space. And if the astronaut wants to check a bag, it’s an extra $15 million.” – Conan O’Brien

“More bad news for former Senator John Edwards – an audit of his campaign finances shows he now owes the federal government $2.3 million. Apparently he spent money on everything except condoms.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama’s motorcade was fined $16 for traffic it caused while in the United Kingdom. Typical for Obama, he said, ‘My grandkids will pay for it.'” – Jay Leno

“Texas Governor Rick Perry now says his wife has been encouraging him to run for President. Remember first he told us God told him to run; now his wife is telling him to run. Of course, the big difference; if you ignore what God says you don’t have to hear about it until the afterlife. That’s the only difference.” – Jay Leno

“Cowboys & Aliens is supposed to be the next big blockbuster. Doesn’t that sound like a game Arnold Schwarzenegger would play with his maid?” – Jay Leno

“A new study found that only 20 percent of high school seniors are proficient in geography. Students weren’t really bothered by that number because only 3 percent of them are proficient in math.” – Jimmy Fallon


You can’t make up comedy like this

Jon Stewart demonstrates that the debt ceiling debate has gotten so utterly and unbelievably bizarre, that only a comedy show has any chance at all of giving it the coverage it so clearly deserves:


Quick Fix?

© Clay Bennett

The GOP cure seems to be far worse than the problem.


To be a Republican you need to believe

1. Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Barack Obama

2. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s Daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden” diversion.

3. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is Communist, but trade with China and Viet Nam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.

4. The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority for years was enforcing U.N. resolutions in Iraq.

5. A woman can’t be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multinational drug corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.

6. The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches, while slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay.

7. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won’t have sex.

8. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our longtime allies, then demand their cooperation and money.

9. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy, but providing health care to all Americans is socialism. HMOs and insurance companies have the best interests of the public at heart.

10. Global warming and tobacco’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools. Evolution is a lie, but get a flu shot every year because the virus evolves.

11. A president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense, but a president lying to enlist support for a war in which tens of thousands die and the nation is plunged into debt is solid national policy.

12. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.

13. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you’re a conservative radio host. Then it’s an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.

14. You support “Executive Privilege” for every Republican ever born, who will be born or who might be born (in perpetuity.)

15. Support hunters who shoot their friends and blame them for wearing orange vests similar to those worn by the quail.

16. You can vote to raise the debt limit as long as Obama is not President.

17. Officials should allow Christian prayer and Bible studies in schools and government buildings as a matter of Religious Freedom, but Muslims should not be allowed to build mosques or be elected to office because they practice Islam.

18. You have an argument why every one of the above is sensible and not hypocritical, and besides look at all the terrible things the Democrats may have done.


Plausible Deniability

© Tom Tomorrow

What I really love about this comic is that TT doesn’t even have to tell you which network this is. You just know.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republican presidential field is an embarrassment of riches. In fact, the first two words that come to mind are ’embarrassment’ and ‘rich’.” – Stephen Colbert

“The Republican presidential candidates held a debate on Twitter. It combined the excitement of C-SPAN with the suspense of typing.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Michele Bachmann suffers from crippling migraine headaches. That’s what happens when you don’t get a little pornography every now and then.” – David Letterman

“Newt’s been struggling in the polls, he lost most of his staff, then he lost the rest of his staff. And to top it off, he lost the startup disc for his wife.” – Stephen Colbert

“Sarah Palin’s son Track and his wife are having a baby. They haven’t picked a name yet, but they do know it will be a verb.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rupert Murdoch said yesterday at the House of Commons that he was shocked, appalled, and ashamed. So apparently he watches Fox News, too.” – Jay Leno

“A Harvard University ethics student was caught hacking into MIT’s computer network. When he heard about it, Rupert Murdoch said, ‘Hire that kid on the spot.'” – Jay Leno

“Rupert Murdoch is 80, his wife is 42. 80 and 42, that’s like halftime at a Cleveland Cavaliers game, isn’t it? Please.” – Jay Leno

“The city of London has fined President Obama for the traffic he caused while visiting back in May. Which raises the question, ‘Are there any countries we don’t owe money to?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama’s 50th birthday is coming up in a couple weeks. If you’re thinking of getting him something, he could use $14 trillion.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama and I have a lot in common. No one laughs at our jokes and we were both born in foreign countries.” – Craig Ferguson

“I don’t remember much of the moon landing. I was only 7 years old at the time, and was busy with school work. And by ‘school work,’ I mean I was drunk.” – Craig Ferguson

“The crew of Atlantis brought an iPhone into space to track their experiments. I think that by ‘track their experiments,’ they mean ‘play Angry Birds.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Here is your federal government at work – the FAA has ordered a helicopter pilot who runs his own one-pilot charter company. It’s his company, he’s the only pilot. They’ve ordered him to give himself random surprise drug tests. He has to surprise himself with a drug test. They only way you can do that is if you are on drugs.” – Jay Leno

“Gay marriage will now be legal in New York. Paul and I are very happy.” – David Letterman

“A new edition of al-Qaida magazine claims that bin Laden fought a ‘vicious battle’ before he died. You know, if they keep writing that kind of nonsense, I might have to cancel my subscription to al-Qaida magazine.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Mad House

© Ben Sargent

Or is it more like watching a train wreck in slow motion?


Fox News Victim Hypocrisy

Fox News plays the victim card regarding calling the Norwegian terrorist a Christian, when (not surprisingly) they have repeatedly done the same thing they are accusing others of doing. Confused? Jon Stewart explains it all:

But playing the victim card by Fox News is not limited to the terrorist incident in Norway. Fox News has become a 24 hour pity party:

Jon Stewart is brilliant. As RawStory puts it, this may be the most impressive take down of Fox News ever.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Murdochs testified before parliament and did something that not many powerful people would have the courage to do: They blamed others.” – Craig Ferguson

“Rupert Murdoch testified today before the House of Commons. He said he was not responsible for the phone hacking scandal. Did you hear his defense? He said he’s got AT&T so he can barely listen to anybody.” – Jay Leno

“While testifying in parliament, Rupert Murdoch was attacked by a man who threw a pie and yelled insulting names. Murdoch immediately gave the man a show on Fox News.” – Conan O’Brien

“Is it any surprise that the British law enforcement can’t stop the high-tech phone hackers? They can’t even stop a guy walking into Parliament with a pie.” – Craig Ferguson

“Rupert Murdoch was testifying in his phone hacking case today, and a man attacked him with a pie. Fortunately, Murdoch knew to move out of the way, because he heard about the plan on the guy’s voicemail.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I think it’s cowardly to attack an 80–year–old man with a pie. If the attacker had any courage, he’d go after Murdoch like I do: in the middle of the night from 5,000 miles away.” – Craig Ferguson

“Man, what a heat wave we are having right now, especially in the Midwest. People are sweating like Rupert Murdoch trying to explain his phone bill.” – Jay Leno

“I don’t think Rupert Murdoch was personally involved in the phone hacking. He’s 80 years old. Old people don’t know how to hack a cell phone. Old people don’t know how to use a cell phone. That’s why you see them shuffling down the street talking into an old slipper. ‘This call smells like feet!'” – Craig Ferguson

“Rupert Murdoch said that he was embarrassed and that testifying before parliament was the most humbling day in his life. That’s mostly because he spends every other day swimming in a bathtub full of money like Scrooge McDuck.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I don’t think Rupert Murdoch’s guilty of phone hacking. He paid $580 million for Myspace. Obviously he knows nothing about technology.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Texas governor Rick Perry said God is calling on him to run for President. But Michele Bachmann said that god is calling on her to run for President. You know, if God is that indecisive, he’s probably for Mitt Romney.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama had a private meeting with the Dalai Lama. The President asked about the political situation in Tiber, and the Dalai Lama asked if it was too soon to bang Jennifer Lopez.” – Conan O’Brien

“China’s mad at President Obama for meeting with the Dalai Lama, but come on. Obama doesn’t owe them anything — except like $14 trillion.” – Jimmy Fallon

“NASA is considering replacing the space shuttle with a space taxi. It can do everything the shuttle can do, except pick you up if you’re black.” – Conan O’Brien

“A panel of medical experts has recommended that health insurance companies provide free birth control to their customers. The recommendation has been hailed as ‘historic’ by women’s’ groups, and as ’10 years too late’ by Maria Shriver.” – Conan O’Brien

“There’s talk of splitting California into two different states. Apparently, this divorce between Arnold and Maria is bigger than we thought.” – Jay Leno

“Borders bookstores announced that it will liquidate its stock and close all of its stores nationwide. I don’t think this is what the Republicans meant by ‘closing our borders.'” – Jimmy Kimmel


The Tax Logic of Grover Norquist

Much of our current stalemate in Congress is due to the anti-tax pledge created by Grover Norquist, who believes that even closing crazy tax loopholes for large corporations is a tax increase.

© August Pollak
