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Quote of the Day

I refuse to believe corporations are people … until Texas executes one! – bumper sticker


Buffet Tax?

© Matt Wuerker

In a completely transparent bid to deflect the issue, Republicans are now calling for billionaire Warren Buffett to release his tax returns to the public. What Buffett’s tax return has to do with his suggestion that the rich should pay at least as much as the middle class in taxes is beyond me. I guess when you can’t make a good case against an idea, you try to attack the messenger.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama says his new jobs bill will create over 1.9 million jobs — and up to 50 of them will be right here in America.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama has proposed a new tax increase called the ‘Buffett rule.’ At first, Newt Gingrich was for it because he thought it was the ‘buffet rule’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama said Americans feel things aren’t fair, that the deck is stacked against them, and that nobody is paying attention. That’s an inspiring campaign speech.” – Jay Leno

“Michelle Obama has convinced the owners of the Olive Garden to cut calories and sodium by 20 percent. They took the first lady’s advice because Michelle Obama is more Italian than anybody that works at the Olive Garden.” – Conan O’Brien

“Did you know the White House makes its own beer? President Obama bought the equipment with his own money and he brews his own beer in the White House. That might explain some of these recent economic policies.” – Jay Leno

“More and more information coming out about our other presidential candidates. Like, did you know that Mitt Romney’s real name is Willard? He was born Willard. Well, thank god he had the good sense to change it to “Mitt.” That’s so much more accessible than Will.” – Jay Leno

“An article in the paper says today that Rick Perry is just ‘George Bush 2.0.’ To which Bush said ‘2.0? I wish I did that well in school. Those are my dream grades.'” – Jay Leno

“All the world leaders at the United Nations agree on one thing: Superman has got to do more.” – David Letterman

“At the United Nations in New York, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was bragging that Iran now leads the world in captured hikers.” – David Letterman

“Nobody likes hiking more than I do, but it seems to me that if you have an atlas, you can find many places to go hiking – that aren’t Iraq or Korea.” – David Letterman

“This week, the U.S. military will formally end it’s ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. Later this week, the Air Force begins Operation ‘It’s Raining Men.'” – Conan O’Brien


Late Night Political Humor

“I’ve been watching the Republican debates. I watched these eight clowns on the stage and at the end I wanted to raise my hand and say, ‘I don’t believe in evolution.” – Bill Maher

“Rick Perry is the frontrunner and they love him because he’s authentic. You got to give him that. He is a real asshole.” – Bill Maher

“Are you watching these debates? Yes, the politicians are bad, but the people who egg them on. There are these crowds cheering for executions, cheering for letting people without health insurance die. In today’s Republican party, there’s a term for people who hate charity and love killing: Christian. … These are Christians? They prefer to be called a faith-based lynch mob.” – Bill Maher

“Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul what should we do about someone who is 30 years old, doesn’t have health insurance, and goes into a comma, and might die. And Ron Paul said something about, ‘Well, I miss the old days when people just took care of each other.’ Well, that’s good news. If you’re in Texas and get hit by a bus, a nun will put leeches on your forehead.” – Bill Maher

“Between Ron Paul and Rick Perry, I think the lesson is don’t get sick in Texas.” – Bill Maher

“Four people in Texas got botulism from black tar heroin. And Michele Bachmann said, ‘Thank God at least it wasn’t a vaccination.” – Bill Maher

“There’s a big fight within the Republican party because of Rick Perry’s decision to give girls the HPV vaccine, which the right wing hates because it’s a mandate. Republicans hate the word mandate almost as much as they hate an actual man date.” – Bill Maher

“Protecting young girls from cervical cancer? Rick Perry left himself vulnerable to charges of having a tiny speck of humanity, which is very bad for a Republican candidate. So he announced a new policy for Texas. For every child who gets the HPV vaccine, he will execute two Mexicans.” – Bill Maher

“After the debate where the HPV issue came up, Michele Bachmann said she had a discussion with a woman who came to her and said that her daughter had taken the vaccine and had become mentally retarded. And Michele Bachmann said, ‘Mom?'” – Bill Maher

“Rick Perry said, ‘I only took $5,000 from Merck. Are you saying I can be bought for $5,000? I’m offended.’ This is how degraded our politics are. How dare you call me a cheap whore. I will have you know I’m a high-priced whore.” – Bill Maher

“A new book came out about Sarah Palin by Joe McGinnis. He claims some unbelievable, outrageous things about Sarah Palin – like she smoked pot, she snorted coke off an oil drum, she had an affair with her husband’s business partner, she had a thing for black men and fucked NBA star Glenn Rice. And his most amazing, outrageous claim? That in 2008 some nitwit tried to make her vice president.” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin doing cocaine? That’s ridiculous. That stuff can make you yammer like an imbecile.” – Bill Maher

“By the way, this guy who apparently had sex with her in 1997, NBA star Glenn Rice. Glenn, if you’re watching, a little advice for you. Next time you fuck someone’s brains out, put them back in.” – Bill Maher

“Trying to get today’s Republican to accept basic facts is like trying to get your dog to take a pill. You have to feed them the truth wrapped in a piece of baloney, hold their snout shut, and stroke their throats. And even then, just when you think they’ve swallowed it, they spit it out on the linoleum.” – Bill Maher


Survival of the most Socially Connected

© Jen Sorensen

What I don’t get is that if Ron Paul wants everyone to chip in to help out people who have medical problems, why wouldn’t he just want the government to do it? Isn’t that somewhat the whole point of government — to provide things like education, police, defense, roads and other things that we all want to have?


Classical War!

© Ed Stein

[commentary from Ed Stein]

You knew this was inevitable. The Republicans have fallen back on their tried-and-true talking point, the one they use every time anyone asks for some simple fairness in the tax code. It’s class warfare. Never mind that the wealth of the nation has shifted dramatically to the richest Americans, that, in fact, America now boasts an income inequality that would make a Third World despot blush. One of the reasons we’re mired in this recession is that the middle class has lost so much economic clout it can’t spend what it used to, and it’s getting worse day by day. In saner times, politicians understood the value of a progressive tax structure. Now one party fights like a cornered animal to protect the assets of those who need the least protection, and ignores the needs of the rest of us. They call progressive taxes, derisively, “redistribution of wealth,” as though that’s a bad thing. Redistributing wealth is what governments do, at least when they’re doing their job. They take our tax money and give it to soldiers, policemen, firemen, sewage workers, trash collectors and the others we hire to keep our country functioning, and we take slightly more from the wealthy because, well, they can afford it, leaving the rest of us with enough to buy a few luxuries and keep the economy humming. When things get out of whack, as they are now, and we ask to restore what’s worked in the past, and it’s “class warfare.” As Warren Buffet famously noted, it’s a war the rich have already won.


Late Night Political Humor

“Congress is investigating why the Obama administration invested over $500 million in a solar panel company called Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy. Only the White House could pick a solar panel company that goes broke in California in the summer.” – Jay Leno

“That custom-tailored Obama scandal you ordered is finally here. Solyndra, which received $535 million in federal loan guarantees, has gone bankrupt. … Does the failure of one company discredit the idea of an entire green energy economy? Of course not. But, if in, say, 1936 you spoke about the growing importance of air travel in front of the… Hindenberg, you’d be right about the future of air travel, but you’d still be on fucking fire.” – Jon Stewart

“Fox News, call your doctor, because the erection you now have is going to last much longer than 4 hours.” – Jon Stewart

“I don’t want to say the solar panels are bad, but they absorb less sunlight than John Boehner.” – Jay Leno

“A new book says Sarah Palin had a one-night stand with former basketball star Glen Rice. Even more humiliating Rice says she quit before the second half. And it’s getting catty. She’s now calling him Minute Rice.” – Jay Leno

“Another Sarah Palin documentary is coming out from the man who did ‘Biggie and Tupac.’ The Palin documentary is similar, but with more guns.” – Conan O’Brien

“Michele Bachmann and Cindy McCain had dinner together in a restaurant in Arizona. First they sent their entree back to the kitchen. Then they sent the kitchen staff back to Guadalajara.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I had a terrible dream last night – I dreamed my cat was sick and the only veterinarian in town was Ron Paul and I didn’t have my proof of pet insurance card. It was awful.” – Jay Leno

NASA now says the bright streak of light seen in the skies over the southwest United States was a meteor. Witnesses say it dazzled brightly, then flamed out quickly – kind of like Obama’s presidency. – Jay Leno

“Last night in the Rose Garden, President Obama had a beer with a Medal of Honor winner. Not to be outdone, Joe Biden had a beer with a ‘World of Warcraft’ winner.” – Jimmy Fallon

“If a person contributes just $5 to President Obama’s campaign, that person will become eligible to win a private dinner with the president. But if you win, you’re buying.” – Jay Leno

“On Tuesday, Michelle Obama honored the creator of the Verdana computer font for his life’s work. Yeah, she also honored the creator of Courier New for making my college essays look two to three pages longer.” – Jimmy Fallon


The News?

If anyone doubts that corporations control our media — either on purpose or by neglect — Keith Olbermann points out the hypocrisy of the almost complete lack of coverage of the “Occupy Wall Street” protests. These protests have been going on in New York, and yet even the local newspapers (including the New York Times) are ignoring them.

Of course, if a Tea Party group decided to stage a protest on Wall Street, it would be front page news across the nation.


Sudden Death Election

If the Tea Party audience cheers at the announcement of all the executions carried out by Rick Perry, and yells for the uninsured to die, then maybe they will really go for this idea:

© Keith Knight


Late Night Political Humor

“A Republican is going to be filling Anthony Weiner’s Congressional seat, but not before thoroughly wiping it down.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Democrats lost a seat they’ve held in New York since the 1920s. The White House said, ‘At least President Obama created one new job.'” – Jay Leno

“People are blaming President Obama for Republicans winning a Congressional seat in New York, but I say, like the face of a guy who passes out at a frat party, this one has Weiner written all over it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is determined to help the unemployed because it’s looking increasingly likely that in a year, he’ll be one of them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“After saying the jobs bill is paid for, President Obama now says that it will be paid for by raising taxes over 10 years. I can’t figure out if he’s the kind of guy who makes infomercials, or the kind of guy who falls for infomercials.” – Jay Leno

“If I was president, I’d freeze everyone in carbonite until the job market improves. It worked for Han Solo.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Taco Bell is product testing a new taco with a shell made of a giant Dorito. Michelle Obama spent the morning watering the White House garden with her tears.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama’s re-election campaign is doing a contest where contributors can win a chance to have dinner with the president. Or, if you come in 2nd place, a mid-afternoon Hot Pocket with Joe Biden.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney’s campaign is offering a chance to win a day with Romney. It’s called, ‘Vote for Mitt Romney or else you’ll have to spend a day with Mitt Romney.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Dick Cheney was grilled by the women of ‘The View.’ So apparently he’s willing to undergo torture himself to prove a point.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday Dick Cheney dropped in on the ladies on ‘The View,’ where he displayed his heart pump. Oh no, his frailty is sapping my will to make fun of his vile service record. [Clip of Alec Guinness in ‘Star Wars’ saying, ‘He’s more machine than human.’] –Jon Stewart

“A law signed by Arnold Schwarzenegger will soon release thousands of female prisoners. The man’s a genius. Soon thousands of women who haven’t been with a man for years will be free and thinking they owe Arnold a favor.” – Conan O’Brien

“Italy is asking China to help bail them out of their debt crisis. Doesn’t that make you mad? Hey Italy, China is our sugar daddy.” – Jay Leno

“According to a new book, Sarah Palin slept with a black NBA player, Glen Rice, a year before she got married. I think technically this makes her a Kardashian sister. I think Sarah and Glen would make a great couple. He’d shoot 3-pointers. She’d shoot everything else.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The government is about to release a report on what went wrong during the BP oil spill. Or as fish put it, ‘Hey, no rush.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Unconditional Love

Jon Stewart on the repeal of DADT:


The Octangulator

© Jen Sorensen

Sorensen has some interesting commentary to go with this comic about Obama’s seeming hyper-cautiousness. From the NY Times:

A Democratic Congressional adviser, granted anonymity to discuss party deliberations, said: “We’re at a loss to figure out a way to articulate the argument [for economic stimulus] in a way that doesn’t get us pegged as tax-and-spenders.”

Sorensen’s response:

Democrats could balance budgets until the end of time and still get tagged as tax-and-spenders. So this strategist’s solution is to stand like an unblinking cow in the middle of the train tracks and do nothing? For this, he or she actually gets paid?


Cliff Notes

© Tom Tomorrow

Never negotiate with a crazy person.


Suffer the Children

Child poverty is a leading predictor of how our country is going to do in the future. Children (especially very young children) who experience poverty have more difficulty learning and are much less successful as adults. They are less likely to graduate from high school, more likely to become very young parents, and will earn less money.

So it is bad news to learn that child poverty in this country has increased in 38 states. Nearly 15 million children live in poverty in the US. And another 31 million live in families where the loss of just two paychecks would produce economic catastrophe. Together, a stunning 43% of our nation’s children live in households that are economically insecure.

Would it really take much to turn us into a third-world country?


So Very Sorry!

Congressman John Fleming (R-LA) appeared on MSNBC to talk about Obama’s new deficit reduction plan. Or rather, to argue against Obama’s plan to make the rich pay as much in taxes as the middle class do (Fleming is a multi-millionaire business owner). Fleming actually complained that after paying expenses and feeding his family “I have maybe $400,000 left over”.

He repeated several times the Republican talking point that it is the rich who create jobs, and that “class warfare has never created a job”. But when asked if he would have to lay off any of his employees if his taxes were raised, he changed the subject.

Oh, and in a separate interview with the Wall Street Journal, Fleming said that “he spends very little time on day-to-day management” of his businesses, which I guess is what leaves him the time to also pull in a salary as a US Representative.

Some people really need to get over themselves.
