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Late Night Political Humor

“You want to add another candidate? It’s like the Republican primary is a season of ‘American Idol’ in reverse, where every week you just add some new idiot… Have you ever considered the possibility that your candidates aren’t the problem — it’s you?” – Jon Stewart

“It’s like your ideal candidate is a rare super-heavy element that could only exist in a particular particle accelerator. And even then, only for a fraction of a second, before you all remembered how much you hate science. You guys need to take a long hard look in the mirror, and not come away thinking, “You know, there’s something wrong with this mirror.” – Jon Stewart

“Perry said he didn’t do well because he was exhausted. Sure, he’s exhausted from executing all those people.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney came to New York to meet with Donald Trump. First thing, Trump asked to see Romney’s birth certificate, and then they got down to business.” – David Letterman

“President Obama’s campaign just launched a new program geared toward seniors called ‘Operation Vote.’ Great, just what old people need – another operation.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama was in San Diego and traffic was a huge mess. There was even a three-hour backup tunneling in from Mexico.” – Jay Leno

“Obama says he will be reforming No Child Left Behind. That’s not to be confused with Michelle Obama’s childhood obesity campaign, ‘No Child Left With a Big Behind.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama and Bill Clinton played golf together. You know what you’d get if you crossed Obama and Clinton? Tiger Woods.” – Jay Leno

“Arnold Schwarzenegger has commissioned an 8-foot bronze sculpture of himself. There’s even going to be a maid in charge of polishing it.” – Jimmy Fallon


Nonviolent Class Warfare

© Ben Sargent

Meanwhile, Wall Street remains occupied. The protests are growing and have spread to new cities. And even the mainstream media is now talking about the protests.


Corporate Personhood

© Matt Bors

Like someone said recently, I’ll start believing in corporate personhood when we start executing corporations for their crimes.


Late Night Political Humor

“If you’re keeping score at home, they have now applauded executions at the Republican debate, they have cheered letting an uninsured man die, and they booed an active duty U.S. serviceman for being gay. I don’t know how you get to the right with this crowd but Ron Paul’s new campaign ad is just the Rodney King beating to the sound of children laughing.” – Bill Maher

“They had another of those Republican debates. The field seems a little anemic. President Obama was watching with his wife, and halfway through he said, ‘Honey, you can stop packing.'” – David Letterman

“The last Republican debate was sponsored by Google. I think Google can really help. We should run a Google search for some better candidates.” – Jay Leno

“Did you see the Republican debate last night? It was brought to you by Fox and Google. I think that makes sense that they were working together because Google is what people go to, to fact check the bullshit that comes out of Fox.” – Bill Maher

“Larry Flynt is offering $1 million if someone came up with proof that Rick Perry had an illicit sexual liaison. But I say, Larry, really we don’t have to do that. We already came up with a way to embarrass Rick Perry. It’s called debates.” – Bill Maher

“Rick Perry did look dumb. I’m beginning to think that “Texas Miracle” was him getting out of high school.” – Bill Maher

“He sounded like a sixth grader who didn’t do the reading – garbled syntax, messing up simple facts, sentences that went nowhere. Sarah Palin was watching and she said, ‘If only he was black, I’d fuck him.” – Bill Maher

“You gotta love Sarah Palin. She is now on her website asking her idiot fan base for donations for her to help make a decision about whether or not to run. She wants money now for just thinking? What a grifter.” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney says he wants Sarah Palin to run for president to make the race ‘more exciting.’ Although with Mitt Romney running, even Al Gore on Ambien would make the race more exciting.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Palin’s doppelganger, Michele Bachmann, they asked her at the debate about the HPV vaccine, which she said was potentially dangerous. She said, ‘I didn’t make that claim, nor did I make that statement. Which she obviously did, we have it. It’s one thing to say you don’t believe in evolution, you don’t believe in global warming. But videotape? You gotta believe in videotape.” – Bill Maher

“After the debate husband Marcus was comforting her. He said, ‘Honey, you can’t publicly deny something about yourself that everyone else can see is true.” – Bill Maher

“That 6-ton satellite should come down Saturday. Well, Sunday if there’s construction on the FDR. It’s plummeting back to Earth faster than Michele Bachmann’s campaign.” – David Letterman

“It’s the first day of fall, or as the Republicans call it, ‘the end of global warming.'” – Jay Leno

“The next time you hear anyone say ‘job creator,’ I want you to picture [The Situation from Jersey Shore]. Yes, The Situation made $5 million dollars last year, and if he has to pay a little more in taxes, it won’t mean he’s creating fewer jobs. It will mean a tiny fraction of his money actually pays for the government that works to keep him alive. The EPA that contains his oil runoff. The Postal Service that delivers his body wax. The Bureau of Weights and Measures who weigh his dumbbells. The Centers for Disease Control that provides a steady supply of penicillin. And the military, who keep the Taliban away. Because if a single human proves that America is asking for it, you’re looking at him.” – Bill Maher

“The stock market dropped 400 points yesterday. I saw a bunch of guys running out of Goldman Sachs with squeegees.” – David Letterman

“Pakistan warned the United States to stop the rhetoric against their country or ‘they will lose an ally.’ Pakistan could become an enemy harboring terrorists – as opposed to an ally harboring terrorists.” – Jay Leno

“We have a pumpkin shortage in the United States. Thanks a lot, Obama.” – David Letterman

“Someone smashed the windows in President Obama’s L.A. campaign office. And today, Joe Biden said it was likely the work of vandals, and definitely not someone who forgot their key and had to go to the bathroom.” – Jimmy Fallon


The Law of Unintended Consequences

© Jen Sorensen

Leaf blowers are one of my pet peeves. They pollute as much as an automobile, make horrible noise, and for what — to push leaves around your yard? I think they should be outlawed, or at the very least converted to battery power.

And speaking of pet peeves, how come everything is scented now? It is getting more and more difficult to find unscented products, even at stores that carry “natural” things.


Health Care Lottery

A comic and commentary from Ed Stein:

© Ed Stein

Surprise! Health insurance went up again this year , at many times the inflation rate. A family of four now must spend more than $15,000 for health insurance. By the time deductibles and co-pays are factored in, who but the rich can afford it if they aren’t getting it from their employer? Other countries have managed to provide health care for all their citizens at an affordable cost, but we steadfastly refuse to follow their examples. Obama’s reforms will help, assuming they survive the onslaught from Republicans and get a favorable ruling from the Supreme Court (big ifs) , but even his remake of our national health care won’t come close to solving all the problems. The truth is, the only answer is universal coverage and a single payer, but we won’t get there in this political climate. Instead, we will see more and more people unable to buy insurance, either because they’re rejected by insurers or because they can’t afford it. We’ll see more medical bankruptcies, more medical home foreclosures, more unnecessary deaths, and we’ll hear more absurd rhetoric about the evils of Obamacare, about how the free market will magically provide what the free market hasn’t so far, about the (imagined) horrors of the Canadian and British and French health care systems (all of which provide better care at a much lower cost than the U.S.), but we won’t see any change until people are angry enough to take to the streets. Until then, there will be much more pain and suffering in a country that can’t think straight and can’t seem to solve anything.


Late Night Political Humor

“There was another big Republican debate tonight in Orlando, Fla. This one was sponsored by Google, which is tricky for Rick Perry because he’s a yahoo.” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin’s website sent out an email to her supporters hinting that if they send her enough money, she’ll run for president. I need this woman to run. This kind of material doesn’t just show up every day.” – Craig Ferguson

“Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he’ll be publishing a memoir. It will be available in hardcover, paperback, and a book on tape that’s impossible to understand.” – Conan O’Brien

“Arnold Schwarzenegger has a new memoir that will focus on his career as a body builder, action star, and politician. You can find it in that section at Barnes & Noble marked ‘Trying to Change the Subject.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“First Lady Michelle Obama will appear on the season premiere of ‘Extreme Home Makeover’ on Sunday. The good news is, she’ll be refurbishing a house for a new family to move into; the bad news is, it’s the White House.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today President Obama is visiting the hometown of House Speaker John Boehner. Obama plans to give a speech and then visit the tanning bed that Boehner grew up in.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama was in town speaking at the U.N. General Assembly. He said he’s very proud of three things: No. 1: Bin Laden dead; No. 2: Gadhafi toppled; and No. 3: Regis fired.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday President Obama arrived 25 minutes late for a luncheon at the U.N. In fact he was so late, he had to sit next to Biden at the kids table.” – Jimmy Fallon

“At the U.N. today Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave a speech and a lot of delegates walked out, just before he really tore into Netflix.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not at the U.N. He was arrested for hiking in Iran.” – David Letterman

“The Tea Party has formed a debt supercommittee that will meet this week at a Denny’s. It will be the first time in history that anyone at Denny’s will be interested in trimming fat.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bad day for the stock market. It’s down nearly 400 points. They’re calling it the worst September meltdown since the Red Sox.” – Jay Leno

“The animal rights group PETA is launching a porn web site to promote their cause. This is a terrible idea. It’s only going to lead to monkey spanking, chicken choking, goose strangling, gopher whacking … ” – Craig Ferguson


Compromising Position

© Tom Tomorrow

I loved the “Tears of the Pundit” part.


Food Chain

© Mike Luckovich

Obama had a good quote the other day, saying that Rick Perry is “a governor whose state is on fire, denying climate change.”


Snow Jobs

The media is suddenly all atwitter about how our patent system is out of control. Some of this is (deservedly) brought on by the ridiculous patent wars currently going on between Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, HTC and others. Or by the increasing number of “patent trolls” — companies that don’t actually build much of anything but instead make their money the old fashioned way: by suing companies that violate the patents they hold.

But none of that is what got the media frosted. Instead, it was the granting earlier this month of a US patent for a technique for building a snowman (or woman, the patent notes) to inventor Ignacio Marc Asperas, of New York. You can read the patent yourself, and it is highly amusing.

But as usual, the media got it terribly wrong. This is not a patent for creating arbitrary snowmen, it is for a new and novel device (involving hollow spheres containing static electricity generators) to enable kids (and kids at heart) to build the snowman (or woman) of their dreams without breaking their backs lifting heavy snow boulders into position (the hollow spheres greatly reduce the weight). This is invention at its best — increasing joy while at the same time preserving the health of our youth! In these troubling economic times, it also increases jobs for lawyers, who will have to be employed to check snowmen (and women) make sure that nobody uses this new technique without the proper license.

Why is the media picking on poor Mr. Asperas? A quick search shows that there are at least a dozen patents (and numerous trademarks) already existing that relate to snowmen (and occasionally women).


Late Night Political Humor

“Gays are now allowed to serve openly in the military. So maybe our next war could be a musical.” – David Letterman

“Gays can now openly serve in the military, which is good news, unless you’re gay and you don’t want to join the military and they reinstate the draft.” – Jay Leno

“The meeting of the U.N. General Assembly is going well this year. So far we haven’t heard one of them yell, ‘It was consensual!'” – David Letterman

“President Obama addressed the United Nations General Assembly. He opened up with a joke: ‘The American dollar is strong.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“During a fundraiser in New York last night, President Obama said he was quote ‘in a New York state of mind.’ Of course, in a year he might be singing that other Billy Joel song, ”Movin’ Out.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama’s hometown newspaper, the Chicago Tribune has called on Obama not to run for re-election. He has to run. He knows there are no other jobs out there.” – Jay Leno

“The Solyndra executives are scheduled to testify before Congress, and they’re expected to take the 5th. Why not take the 5th? They’ve already taken $535 million.” – Jay Leno

“The Tea Party is forming its own debt super committee that will meet this week at a Florida Denny’s. You do not want to be the waiter that adds the tax to their check.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that he is releasing the two American hikers from captivity in Iran on humanitarian grounds. Then he went back to torturing dissidents.” – David Letterman

“Steven Spielberg is going to release a biopic about Abraham Lincoln next year. Right, that’s a good way to honor Lincoln – by sending people to the theater.” – Jimmy Fallon


One Sector of the Economy is Thriving!

© Ted Rall

Somehow, despite the bad economy, the Republican campaigns seem to have lots of money. Even Sarah Palin is sending out fundraising letters just to get her to decide whether or not she is going to run for President.


I know you are, but what am I?

I’ve noticed increasing use in politics of a propaganda tactic where you accuse your opponent of doing something that you yourself often do (e.g., class warfare). But Romney, in his effort to rehabilitate himself to the Republican base, is taking this to new heights.

In a speech last Friday in Florida, Romney accused Obama of taking advice from the “Harvard faculty lounge”. And last month, Romney used a similar line in a speech about foreign policy, “That may be what they think in that Harvard faculty lounge, but it’s not what they know on the battlefield.”. What’s ironic about this is while it is true that Obama got his law degree from Harvard, Romney himself not only has a law degree from Harvard, he also got a business degree there as well. Plus all three of his children have attended Harvard Business School.

As for his sound bite about Obama taking advice from the Harvard faculty lounge, Romney’s advisor on foreign policy teaches international affairs at Harvard, and his economic advisor for 2008 and 2012 is a star professor at Harvard whose textbook is used at colleges around the country.


Late Night Political Humor

“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is now over. Gay people can enlist, fight overseas, and then not be able to get married when they get back home.” – Jay Leno

“The military’s controversial ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy was officially retired. This marks a new age of tolerance, acceptance, and awkward showering for everyone in the military.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“That’s how ridiculous this policy was. The apology for the affront is, ‘Alright, you can go to Afghanistan and fight for your country.'” – Jon Stewart

“I think this will have an effect on our enemies. Be warned, evildoers. First we will defeat you, then we will redecorate your entire country.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The military’s policy of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is officially over. Don’t confuse this with President Obama’s economic policy, which is ‘don’t ask, I don’t want to talk about it.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama is speaking to the General Assembly tomorrow and he’s expected to urge the delegates to fight global warming, reduce poverty, and find out what the heck is happening at Netflix.” – Craig Ferguson

“Some critics say Obama should be focusing on jobs instead of addressing the UN. But I think it’s important for Obama to talk to the other countries – because they’re the ones that have all of our jobs.” – Craig Ferguson

“Obama says his new plan to raise taxes on millionaires is not class warfare, it’s math. We Americans hate class warfare, but we also hate math.” – Jay Leno

“Since when does math settle anything? Like evolution, I believe math is just a theory.” –Stephen Colbert

“World leaders are here for the U.N. General Assembly. Today Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad went up to Central Park and arrested hikers. The Italian Prime Minister is also here. So good luck getting a hooker.” – David Letterman

“The most famous speech at the U.N. was Nikita Kruschev, who banged his shoe on the desk. I don’t mean he had sex with the shoe. That would have been Clinton. ‘I really like an open-toed espadrille.” – Craig Ferguson

“Moammar Gadhafi released an audio message saying that he’s still in power, and just ‘temporarily’ going underground. Sure, just like my local Blockbuster is ‘temporarily’ closing its doors.” – Craig Ferguson

“A new survey shows that 1 in 5 Americans believe that God steers the economy. Mystery solved: God is Chinese.” – Conan O’Brien

“China is now grading restaurants’ hygiene using smiley faces and frown faces. Really? Who do they have working on this stuff in China, kids? Oh.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Congress’ approval rating has dropped to 12 percent. The other 88 percent are withholding judgment until Congress actually does something.” – Jay Leno

“A satellite is now headed toward earth and the people at NASA have no idea where it will land. How would they know? It’s not like they’re rocket scientists.” – David Letterman

“Two new books about Sarah Palin came out today. All of a sudden, I’m feeling OK about Borders going out of business.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Some of the contestants on Dancing with the Stars … well, I’ve seen better dancing at the Republican National Convention. Nancy Grace showed how ironic a last name can be.” – Jimmy Kimmel


SNL on the Republican Debates

Mitt Romney is played by Jason Sudeikis, Rick Perry is Alec Baldwin, and there are also “six people who will never be president but showed up anyway.”
