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© Aaron Alexander

And you thought slavery was a thing of the past? Do you ever wonder how all those products you buy are made so cheaply?


Late Night Political Humor

“Florida announced that they are moving their presidential primary to January, and it will be the first in the nation. If there’s one state that is known for organized, reliable voting …” – Craig Ferguson

“As governor of Texas, Rick Perry executed 236 people. Turns out many of them were guilty.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney speaks French and John Huntsman speaks Chinese. This is America, they need to speak Spanish.” – Jay Leno

“When Michele Bachmann heard they were bilingual, she said it’s OK, as long as they don’t get married.” – Jay Leno

“New Jersey Governor Chris Christie lost his laptop. In his lap.” – David Letterman

“A 6th grade student from Springfield, New Jersey, who asked Gov. Chris Christie for campaign advice, wound up losing his election for student council. Worse still, he asked President Obama for economic advice and he now owes his school $14 trillion.” – Jay Leno

“First Lady Michelle Obama was spotted shopping at Target yesterday. Yeah, she told the Secret Service to keep their eyes peeled – not for threats, just for a person that actually works at Target.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Police in Arkansas are looking for a man who breaks into homes and sucks the toes of sleeping women. They believe he’s either an escaped mental patient or a former President of the United States. [In Clinton voice] ‘Take off your slippers.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Saudi Arabia has given women the right to vote, but there’s a catch. The only form of ID accepted at the polling station: Driver’s licenses.” – Jay Leno


Obama on the Passing of Steve Jobs

Steve was fond of saying that he lived every day like it was his last. Because he did, he transformed our lives, redefined entire industries, and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history: he changed the way each of us sees the world.

The world has lost a visionary. And there may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented.

[via Politico]

UPDATE: Stephen Colbert on Steve Jobs — at fitting tribute.


“Occupy Wall Street” can’t be anti-capitalist, because Wall Street isn’t capitalist

Think Progress points out that the mainstream media, including the Washington Post, Fox News, and others, are calling the protestors who are occupying Wall Street “anti-capitalist”. Even some progressives, like Alan Colmes and Gawker are referring to the protests as “anti-capitalist”.

But this is clearly wrong. In fact, calling the protests “anti-capitalist” seems like it is mainly designed to discredit the protests by painting them as anti-free enterprise and anti-free markets. But if we actually had free markets, would we have felt the need to bail out banks and huge multi-national corporations? Or would CEO have received huge bonuses even though their companies lost money and laid off employees?

As Nobel Laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz pointed out at a teach-in at the site of the occupation, it is not capitalism when you socialize losses and privatize gains. Nor is it capitalism when corporations have more political power than real people.

Notice in the video how the crowd deals with the fact that bullhorns or amplifiers are not allowed by having people repeating what the speaker says.

UPDATE: Fox News shows that it is the news network of the richest 1% by launching an all out attack to discredit the Wall Street protestors. Are they that scared?

UPDATE 2: The Occupy Wall Street protestors are more popular than the Tea Party.

UPDATE 3: If you don’t get it, Douglas Rushkoff explains what is important about the Occupy Wall Street protests and why the mainstream media is clueless.


Fighting the wrong war, again and again

© Ruben Bolling

Not to mention the War on Drugs. As former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson (R) put it “Pot smokers may be the largest untapped voting bloc in the country. A hundred million Americans have smoked marijuana. You think that they want to considered criminals?”


“Yes We Can”, Not “Yes He Can”

I couldn’t agree with Van Jones more. The problem is not our theory of the president, the problem is our theory of the presidency. The question is not what Obama is going to do about our country, but what WE are going to do about our country.

[thanks to Crooks and Liars]


Cargo Cult

Tom Toles

Republicans believe if they keep repeating something over and over, people will believe. Even if it clearly isn’t working. We just haven’t done it enough yet, they say.

When will we wise up?


Late Night Political Humor

“Gov. Chris Christie keeps saying he’s not running for president. On the other hand, he would consider running for Santa.” – David Letterman

“If he does run and he is elected, say good bye to the White House garden and say hello to the White House Olive Garden.” – David Letterman

“Perfect fit: Oval Office, oval president.” – David Letterman

“Police in Los Angeles are looking for vandals who broke into the Obama campaign office. They said it was probably done by someone who was angry at the president. Well, that narrows it down.” – Craig Ferguson

“Obama says his new jobs bill will be more successful than his last jobs bill. Let’s not set that bar too high.” – Jay Leno

“If you donate $5 to President Obama’s re-election fund, you have a chance to have dinner with him. The first lady will even come around and personally knock the dessert right out of your hand.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Now, they’ve dropped the price from $5 to $3. It’s the first presidential groupon.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Obama campaign is offering a chance to win dinner with the president for $3. This would explain his new campaign slogan: ‘Hey, I’m cheaper than Arby’s.'” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s all part of the president’s plan to get the country gambling again.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama was heckled by a protestor who called him ‘the Antichrist.’ The protestor was detained, but released without being charged, and then later he was offered his own show on Fox News.” – Jay Leno

“Marcus Bachmann wrote an open letter to conservatives describing his wife Michele as ‘rock solid.’ It probably didn’t help that he then added, ‘As rock solid as Taylor Lautner’s yummy abs.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Arnold Schwarzenegger ordered three statues of himself. Which seemed weird, because I thought he had a much more fun way to make duplicates of himself.” – Conan O’Brien

“Republican students at Berkeley held a bake sale to publicize their views on affirmative action. Prices were based on a customer’s race and gender. White males paid $2 for a cupcake. Black males, 75 cents. And women got 25 cents off. Minority students held a competing bake sale where they pointed out if a white male gets caught stealing a cupcake he gets a slap on the wrist. A woman gets to keep it. And a black man gets 25 years in prison.” – Jay Leno

“A group of politicians want to replace the dollar bill with a coin. Rappers would be out of business. You can’t make it rain with coins. People would get hurt. Strippers would have to wear fanny packs. You can’t fill up a thong with coins. Get rid of the penny. If it’s not worth bending over for, it’s not worth making.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Media Bias

© Keith Tucker

The protests are spreading. You can see if there is one near you at this site.

UPDATE: Photos from Occupy Wall Street.



© August J. Pollak

I’m still holding out hope for Jon Huntsman, but this comic is probably right. Does anyone believe it won’t be Mitt Romney?


Late Night Political Humor

“Republicans are having trouble luring Gov. Chris Christie into the presidential race. They should try pie.” – David Letterman

“New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a tax break for ‘Jersey Shore.’ The veto made Snooki so angry that she turned orange-red.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hallmark has launched a line of recession-themed cards that say, ‘Sorry you lost your job.’ The good news is, the cards come pre-addressed to your congressman.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama claims his new jobs bill will be better than his old jobs bill, which only created one job that went to a guy named Bill.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama is criticizing Rick Perry for denying global warming. Can understand why Rick Perry doesn’t take global warming seriously. As governor of Texas, he’s probably fried more people than global warming all put together.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama’s visit to Los Angeles has really messed up traffic. It took me two hours to get to work. Of course, I ride a little girl’s bike to work.” – Conan O’Brien

“Obama was heckled by someone who said, ‘Don’t forget about medical marijuana.’ The Secret Service has narrowed the suspects down to everyone in L.A.” – Conan O’Brien

‎”I voted for Obama because he was black, not because I agreed with him. I barely agreed with him that he was black.” – Daily Show Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore

“It was sweet to elect the first black president, but what would be even sweeter would be to see the first black president kicked out of office by the second black president. It could happen, he [Herman Cain] just kicked Rick Perry’s Caucasian ass up and down the state of Florida, proving that politics sometimes is like a porn movie. … You know, a pizza guy shows up out of nowhere and fucks you.” – Daily Show Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore

“Herman Cain won the Republican straw poll in Florida. Cain has had more wins in Florida this year than the Miami Dolphins.” – Jay Leno

“Arnold Schwarzenegger has commissioned a sculptor to create seven larger-than-life statues of himself in a Speedo. So I guess he’s taking the divorce well. … They’re eight feet tall and made of bronze and horse steroids.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The two American hikers have been released from Iran and they’re trying to reintroduce them to American culture. Right now, they’re in a screening room outside of Washington, going through Jennifer Aniston comedies.” – David Letterman

“There was no communication for the two years they were captive. There were a couple of emails from Anthony Weiner, but that’s it.” – David Letterman

“Joe Biden was a guest on ‘The View’ today. It was a little weird, When Whoopi said it was time for ‘Hot Topics,’ Biden was like, ‘The sun! Coffee! Toasters! Did I win?'” – Jimmy Fallon


Voting by Remote Control

Speaking of democracy and elections, security experts at the Vulnerability Assessment Team at Argonne National Labs have demonstrated a simple hack that allows them to change votes on electronic voting machines using a standard remote control — like the one you use to change channels on your TV. The hack doesn’t require any reprogramming, and leaves absolutely no trace that votes were manipulated.

That’s right, anyone can purchase the parts necessary to change votes on voting machines used by around one quarter of our nation’s voters. More than enough to steal any election.

Response from the electronic voting machine companies whose machines can be hacked? Crickets.

But wait, it gets worse! The same hack can also be done on the optical scanning machines that process paper ballots:

So, in other words, the low-rent attack Argonne has demonstrated — requiring no knowledge of the voting system software, $10 to $26 in off-the-shelf computer parts, and little more than an 8th grade computer lab education — could also be implemented not just on touch-screen e-voting systems, with or without a so-called “paper trail,” but also on the paper ballot op-scanners used to count the majority of votes that will be cast in the U.S. in next year’s Presidential election.


Republicans Focus on Jobs!

Republicans have finally kept their promise from the 2010 elections to focus on jobs. Yes, they got distracted by other pressing issues (like trying to outlaw abortion and repealing health care reform, not to mention destroying unions, Planned Parenthood, and NPR) but they finally released a draft budget proposal that does something about jobs, just like they promised.

Oh wait, they cut job training programs by 23%?



When is the right to vote not the right to vote?

Nothing says democracy like a royal decree.


Pick Your Scandal

© Joel Pett

Saying that the Solyndra scandal proves that green energy is a failure is the height of hypocrisy. How many wars have we fought, trillions of dollars have we wasted, and pristine environments have we destroyed just to keep getting our oil fix? We are like alcoholics who say “I tried drinking water, but it didn’t agree with me.”
