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Presidential Astroturfing

Herman Cain is currently leading in several polls for the Republican presidential nomination. Since several other candidates have held the lead for brief periods, some people think that Cain might just be the flavor of the month, but there is something different about Cain.

Remember when the Tea Party movement became funded by the Koch brothers, and was taken over by corporate interests? When it stopped being a grass-roots movement and became astroturf? Could the same thing happen to a presidential election?

Cain likes to call himself an non-political outsider, but he does have one very important insider connection, with the Koch brothers. In fact, not only has Cain worked for years for the Koch funded group “Americans for Prosperity” (AFP), even serving as the public face of their “Prosperity Expansion Project”, but quite a few members of his campaign staff, including his campaign manager, also worked for AFP. And Cain’s 9-9-9 plan? Developed by a member of AFP’s advisory board. And Cain will be the only presidential candidate at AFP’s annual “Defending the American Dream” summit in Washington.

Of course, Cain doesn’t mention any of this in his bio on his campaign website.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Occupy Wall Street protesters gathered outside Rupert Murdoch’s house chanting, ‘What do we want?’ Murdoch interrupted saying, ‘I already know, I hacked your phones.'” – Craig Ferguson

“The Occupy Wall Street protesters traveled around New York to stand outside the mansions of the most wealthy people in New York. Is that protesting or tourism?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Don’t protest outside of a rich man’s house in the daytime, you’ll just scare the maid, and that’s Arnold Schwarzenegger’s job.” – Craig Ferguson

“Herman Cain said he wants people to know that there’s more between his ears than pepperoni and pizza sauce. He says there’s also a few napkins and crazy bread.” – Conan O’Brien

“Herman Cain was in 2nd place in most of the national polls, behind Mitt Romney. Apparently his message of ‘less government, more toppings’ has been well received.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“At tonight’s Republican debate, former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain was given the center seat. You can tell Cain was in the center because he was wearing one of those little plastic tables that protects the cheese.” – Jimmy Fallon

“For tonight’s debate each Republican candidate was paired with a professional dancer.” – David Letterman

“Tim Pawlenty says he regrets quitting the presidential race so early. He said that when he runs in 2016, his campaign slogan will be, ‘Tim Pawlenty: This Time I’ll Quit Later.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Today New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced that he’s endorsing Mitt Romney for president. It’s good news for Romney. I mean, you always want Chris Christie on your side. Unless you’re in a canoe.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin gave a speech in South Korea. Just what the Koreans needed: Two crazy dictators in fashionable lady’s glasses.” – Conan O’Brien

“Two Americans won the Nobel Prize for economics. That’s like the Chinese winning for child day care.” – Jay Leno

“Unemployed Americans are moving to China to find work. You need a fake ID, not to say you’re Chinese, just to say you’re under 10 years old.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Michelle Obama attempted to set a world record for jumping jacks. I think that will make unemployment a little easier to tolerate.” – David Letterman

“A Florida report says there are fewer bad drivers because the economy is keeping people off the road. Now, the White House is saying they don’t have a failed economic plan, they have a successful highway safety plan.” – Jay Leno

“The Washington Post says that President Obama is not a people person, and is a neurotic loner without any friends. It’s like I have a twin.” – David Letterman

“President Obama announced that he is going to visit Detroit on Friday. Why? The Tigers are in the Playoffs, the Lions are undefeated, car sales are going through the roof – why ruin it with a presidential speech? They are doing fine. Don’t go there.” – Jay Leno

“Happy birthday to Bo, the White House dog. It looks like he may be a one-term dog.” – David Letterman

“San Francisco hosted the first medical marijuana job fair. The keynote speech was titled, ‘Jobs and How to Avoid Getting One.'” – Jay Leno


Turnabout is Fair Play

© Ed Stein

If Wall Street is going to kick people out of their homes and occupy their houses, isn’t it fair that people should be able to occupy Wall Street in retaliation?

Stein also provides commentary to his comic:

I was working my way across the radio dial on my way home the other night, delighted to hear the right-wing blathersphere ablaze with denunciations of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators, a sure sign that they’re starting to have an impact. Oh, those commies, those hippies, those radicals, those anarchists, those evil revolutionaries and their nefarious plot to destroy capitalism! How dare they trumpet the obvious, that Wall Street bankers are not really on the side of the working stiff (or in way too many cases, of the no longer working stiff) that perhaps the Emperors of Finance have too many clothes, while the rest of us don’t have enough. We now live in a country in which the top one percent receive a quarter of all income, and control more than 40% of the nation’s wealth. I’ve been wondering when the other 99% would finally take to the streets. I only hope this thing continues to grow until we see massive demonstrations, angry mobs of ordinary Americans demanding real change, and deaf and blind politicians finally being forced to listen to their constituents and not just to the K Street lobbyists. Power to the people! It’s about time.


Food for Thought

© Rob Rogers

And as usual, Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman are left out.



© Jack Ohman

Will Cainfather’s Pizza deliver?


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s the 24th day of the Occupy Wall Street protests, also known as the largest homeless slumber party in the world.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Some protesters brought their kids to the demonstrations. Some of the kids got bored and decided to occupy Sesame Street instead.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Because of Columbus Day all the banks were closed. And some of them are expected to open tomorrow. Even though B of A was closed, they still charged you the $5 debit fee. Who thinks they should change their name to B of A-hole?” – Jay Leno

“Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who came to exploit our native population and infect them with smallpox. And 500 years later, we’ve exacted our revenge by sending Snooki to Italy.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Christopher Columbus claimed America for Spain. If the British had never come here, we would all be speaking Spanish – as opposed to just half of the country speaking Spanish.” – Jay Leno

“Christopher Columbus, an Italian, moved to Spain and then discovered America, although many Americans believe he was actually born in Kenya.” – David Letterman

“The stock market skyrocketed today. See what happens when the banks and the federal government shut down for a day?” – Jay Leno

“Two Americans won the Nobel Prize today, for economics. How crappy is the economy in the rest of the world if America is winning the Nobel Prize for economics?” – Jay Leno

“A team of American scientists just traveled to Russia to search for the Abominable Snowman. That’s right, a mythical creature who probably doesn’t exist. Or as Republicans call that, ‘a presidential candidate’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Herman Cain compared his run for president to Moses leading his people out of Egypt. Cain said it took Moses 40 years to lead his people out of Egypt, but he could do it in 30 minutes or less.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rick Perry has admitted that he’s so tired that he can’t sleep. He should listen to one of his own speeches.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday on CNN, Michele Bachmann denied that her campaign is losing steam and said all candidates have their ups and downs. Then she said, ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to hitchhike to my next campaign stop.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“We found out why Sarah Palin won’t run for president. She heard the job lasts four years.” – Jay Leno

“Homophobic Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is at it again – on Fox News he attacked gay men and said that letting them shower with straight people in the military would cause problems. If that’s true, that means the straight men were not that straight to begin with. Probably not that straight.” – Jay Leno

“I say let all the troops shower together: straight men, gay men, women, everybody. Morale would shoot up, and we’d have the cleanest troops in the world.” – Jay Leno

“California had its first medical marijuana job fair. Over 2 million people meant to show up.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Mayor of Newark is cutting the city budget for toilet paper, leading to the new slogan: ‘Yes, it could smell any worse.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bo the White House dog is 3 today. The difference between Bo and the economy is that Obama fixed the dog.” – David Letterman

“There’s a secret panel in Washington that can order any American killed anywhere in the world at any time. This may be the only way we can get Nancy Grace off ‘Dancing with the Stars.'” – Jay Leno


The Zero Sum Jobs Game

Kudos to former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm. Finally, a politician (at least a former one) who makes the obvious point: local governments who give tax breaks to bring jobs to their locales don’t create jobs, they just move jobs from one state to another and in the process destroy the infrastructure that actually creates jobs (education, etc.).


The Wall Street Spring

© Lalo Alcaraz

What took us so long?


The Fickle Finger of the Right

© Lee Judge

To be honest, I don’t blame this entirely on the right. The media loves a horse race.


Late Night Political Humor

“Chris Christie announced he would not enter the race. In a statement he said ‘Look at me. Do I look like I’m ready to race anyone?'” – Bill Maher

“And Chris Christie isn’t running. This guy had a lot of followers. Most of then were ivory poachers, but still …” – David Letterman

“On Tuesday New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced he that he was not running for president. And then on Wednesday Sarah Palin also announced that she would not run. Palin said she would love to be president but she just couldn’t handle the two-year commitment.” – Seth Meyers

“Sarah Palin won’t run for president. Who better to lead us out of the troubles of the world than a half-term governor from Alaska?” – David Letterman

“Very sadly, two days ago, the great white dope, Sarah Palin said she would not enter the race. I am of two minds about this; as an American, I thank you Sarah. As a comedian, I beg you to reconsider.” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin went on Fox News and said Paul Revere talked her out of running for president.” – David Letterman

“Herman Cain answered the Wall Street protesters, and he had a message for these protesters. He said, ‘If you don’t have a job, if you’re not rich, don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the banks, blame yourself.’ And a nation of out of work teabaggers said, ‘Yeah! Hey, wait a minute.'” – Bill Maher

“Under Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan, everything would be taxed at 9 percent. Now, Rick Santorum says he has a better tax plan called 0-0-0. Oh, sorry, that’s his chances of becoming president.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Perry has fallen way down. He’s got a new ad campaign where he says Mitt Romney is a carbon copy of Obama. Yes, that has always been Mitt Romney’s problem. He’s just too black.” – Bill Maher

“YouTube has launched a politics channel so that people can easily find videos of the presidential candidates. Today they posted their first video, ‘Cat Winning a Debate Against Michele Bachmann.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hank Williams Jr. got his ass kicked off of Monday Night Football. His crime was comparing Obama to Hitler on Fox News. Or as it used to be called, ‘The Glenn Beck Show.” – Bill Maher

“If we are going to fire every Southern hillbilly who thinks Obama is like Hitler, who will be our Republican congressmen?” – Bill Maher

“Rick Perry assured Hank Williams that he has a job singing theme songs once Texas starts televising executions.” – Bill Maher

“Unemployment is still at 9.1 percent. Well, 9.2 percent if you count Hank Williams, Jr.” – Jay Leno

“You folks feeling the economic pinch? That’s why we lowered the ticket prices. And the hookers in Times Square, God bless ’em, are now accepting chickens.” – David Letterman

“There’s a proposal in Congress to allow rich people who feel they don’t pay enough income tax to voluntarily pay more. Economists say this could bring in as much as $75 a year.” – Jay Leno

“Over 700 people who were part of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations were arrested this past weekend in New York when they tried to block traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge. Because there’s nothing people on Wall Street hate more than not being able to get to Brooklyn.” – Seth Meyers

“This week Arnold Schwarzenegger dedicated a museum in Austria devoted to him. Kids get in free if they turn out to be his.” – Jay Leno

“Today President Obama met with the Chicago Bears championship team from 1985. When she heard about Bears in the White House, Sarah Palin was like, ‘Maybe I will run for president!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“China is now expected to surpass Japan as the 2nd richest country in the world. They could become the richest, but that’s only if we pay them the money we owe them, and that’s not going to happen.” – Jay Leno


You Can’t Always Get What You Want

© Matt Bors

I like the speech bubble going through the halo.


Even more reasons to end the “war” on drugs

A NYPD narcotics detective has testified in federal court that it is common practice to fabricate drug charges against innocent people in order to meet their arrest quotas. “It was something I was seeing a lot of, whether it was from supervisors or undercovers and even investigators.”

When asked by the judge whether he was concerned about the damage he was inflicting on the innocent, the detective answered “It’s almost like you have no emotion with it, that they attach the bodies to it, they’re going to be out of jail tomorrow anyway; nothing is going to happen to them anyway.”

How much money are we taxpayers spending on this farce? The federal government says they spent $15 billion dollars on the war on drugs, and the states are estimated to spend around twice that amount. And a 2008 study by a Harvard economist estimates that legalizing drugs would pump at least $77 billion dollars into the economy.


Late Night Political Humor

“Here’s why Sarah Palin says she won’t be running for president. She says she can be more effective at getting others elected by not running. And I thought, well, that’s true, because in 2008 she got Obama elected.” – David Letterman

“Palin said she could help the country more by not running for president. Today, John McCain said, ‘Why didn’t you tell me that three years ago?'” – Jay Leno

“Sarah Palin is not running for president, but she says she will help other candidates get elected. Yeah, those other candidates are named Barack Obama and Joe Biden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night Sarah Palin released a letter announcing that she will not run for president in 2012. That’s right, Sarah Palin wrote a letter — which explains why her spellcheck had to be given CPR.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Another huge setback for the Obama campaign today. Sarah Palin is not running for President. Couldn’t find her birth certificate.” – Jay Leno

“The economy’s so bad, I was in Central Park today. I saw pigeons feeding old people. To save money we had to fire two writers, so this joke I’m in the middle of right now has no punch line.” – David Letterman

“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a congressional committee that the economic recovery is close to faltering. On the bright side, most Americans won’t be affected because we had no idea there was a recovery.” – Jay Leno

“There’s a bill in Florida to repeal the state ban on dwarf tossing. Is this what Republicans mean when they say they want smaller government?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A new poll shows only 3 percent strongly approve of the job Congress is doing, with a margin of error of 4 percent, so it’s possible that ‘less than no one’ thinks they’re doing a good job.” – Jay Leno


Protest, American Style

© Jen Sorensen

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor expresses his concern about the Occupy Wall Street “mobs”.

Unfortunately, in the wake of Citizen’s United, the free speech of ordinary citizens (even expressed as protests) is dwarfed by the “free speech” of unlimited corporate cash. Not only that, but since it is corporate cash (in the form of advertising) that feeds the mainstream media, you can guess where their sympathies will lie. Maybe if the protestors could get jobs they would have enough cash to buy some of that free speech.


Media Filter

© Tom Tomorrow

The media seems to be slowly waking up to the fact that they can’t just ignore the Wall Street Protestors. So they are making fun of them or insulting them instead.

Ironically, many of the criticisms of the protests are the same ones that were leveled against the Tea Party movement, but they are now coming from the tea partiers! For example, from Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation:

While the left wants to tear down and destroy all that is good in America, and replace it with an ideology if [sic] evil, the Tea Party movement is based on love. Real Americans love their country and their neighbors. The Tea Party is not motivated by hatred as the left is.

I guess he forgot the threats made against Congresspersons, the racial slurs and insults, and the demonstrators who brought guns to political rallies.

UPDATE: A good article on the “willful deafness” of the media to OWS.
