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At Least Eric Holder Dances Better Than Gonzales

©Mike Lester


From Mud To Duds: where did Newt’s first 2012 campaign staff go?

Now that Newt Gingrich’s poll numbers are surging, I was wondering what happened to the members of his staff that jumped ship in June.

Dave Carney, Rob Johnson and Katon Dawson all went to Rick Perry. They must be having second thoughts now after switching from the morally muddy but excellent debater Gingrich to the dud Perry. Craig Schoenfeld left Gingrich for Perry’s exploratory committee but, perhaps wisely, did not join the Perry campaign. At this time, Shoenfeld doesn’t count the well funded Perry out but he believes Gingrich’s poll numbers will continue growing “because folks tuning in have seen he’s about ideas and substance.” It seems more likely that people abandoning Cain just have no where else to go. Now that Gingrich is competitive, the Target Tiffany target on his back will draw way more attention than Newt can handle.

Former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue switched from Gingrich to Pawlenty before Pawlenty switched to Romney. Perdue and Pawlenty may regret those decisions for different reasons. If Pawlenty had hung in there, he might have gotten his turn on the frontrunner shore in the ebb and flow of this campaign.

– Iron Filing


Honor Veterans with a Smile and a Hand



This member of the 90.1% sincerely thanks you.

MSNBC compiled a very nice slideshow of Veteran themed cartoons.

– Iron Filing



Not Mitt Is Not Much

Wednesday, we reviewed 3 of 99 things to know about Mitt. Just to be fairly fair, today we’ll consider the 1 thing worth knowing about each of the other Republican candidates.

– Iron Filing

Want Romney But Not Mitt?

Yes, that's Hugh Romney, aka Wavy Gravy, running for president yet again


The folks at Shakedown News, with tongue firmly in cheek, suggest “The man who ran security at Woodstock in 1969 … may in fact, know what he’s doing” unlike some of the other clowns running.

Wavy Gravy founded the nobody for president meme in '76

If you’ve never met Wavy Gravy, then you may suspect he’s just a 60’s counterculture clown. You’d be mostly wrong. He’s a clown but also a very effective activist for many compassionate causes such as SEVA Foundation which develops sustainable, culturally sensitive solutions for international health and development. He remains  a clown for OUR times.

True, I wouldn’t really promote him for president but the man deserves a lot of credit for living the idealism of the sixties without compromise. For his efforts to help the most needy everywhere, Paul Krassner has called him “the illegitimate son of Harpo Marx and Mother Teresa.” Wavy says “I’m Saint Misbehaving.”

– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor Without Herman Cain

Our last Late Night Political Humor post focused exclusively on Herman Cain. Today we demonstrate we are able to laugh without Cain.

“The people beat Bank of America, who withdrew their $5 debit fee. Instead, the bank is going to replace that with a $60 annual fee.” – Jay Leno

“A new poll taken abroad found that President Obama’s policies are more popular overseas than they are here in America. That’s because he’s created more jobs overseas than here in America.” – Jay Leno

“According to a new poll, 42 percent of Americans say they are uncomfortable with the idea of having a Mormon president. When asked why, the people said, ‘We’re still getting used to having a Muslim president.'” – Conan O’Brien

Don’t blame me for finding only three funny non-Cain jokes from four nights of humor, Cain is demonstrating that he can keep the late night comics employed all by himself.

There is one joke that appears to be about Herman Cain that unfortunately is actually about his accusers. I did not use it before because I find it repugnant. I’ll repeat it here not as humor but as an example of how victims are further humiliated after stepping forward.

It was funny when Jay Leno said, “One of the Herman Cain women was paid $35,000 and another was paid $45,000, so he’s saying it just proves he can create high-paying jobs for women.” Leno should not have added, “I’d like to see the women and find out what the $10,000 difference was.” These two women do not deserve that.

UPDATE: In the comments, DON recommends an excellent column about “the problem we have as a society dealing with victims of sexual abuse and assault.” It addresses both the Cain accusations and the Penn State scandal. Please read the full article but this paragraph especially gripped me: “The creepiest part for me is the air of titillation that surrounds the reports. If a coach had assaulted a child in some other way – knocked him unconscious, say – then the reaction would almost certainly have been straightforward. You can’t beat a kid up. Get out of here, and we’re reporting you. But with a sexual assault, there’s an intolerable level of coyness and prevarication.”

– Iron Filing


God’s Away On Business

Something is obviously wrong in the God department. Cain, Bachmann, Perry and Santorum all believe God has called on them to run. Apparently, God couldn’t make up his mind after eschewing Gingrich and Paul. I don’t think God even knows Huntsman is running and he figures Romney doesn’t need his help since Mitt is already richer than God.

My opinion? I just think that God doesn’t have time for politicians. As Cookie Monster says: “God’s Away On Business“.

For those who can’t decipher Tom Waits here are the lyrics in a separate window.

– Iron Filing


Bark More, Wag Less Occupy Denver

If we want Occupy Wall Street to be the movement our dogs think it is then we should let the dogs hold the leash!

Shelby, more person than B of A, represents Occupy Denver in opposition to the farce of corporate personhood

Occupy Denver Press Release:

“In response to Denver Mayor Michael Hancock’s insistence that Occupy Denver choose leadership to deal with City and State officials, and drawing inspiration from the notion that corporations are people, Occupy Denver’s General Assembly has elected a leader: Shelby, a three year old Border Collie. “Shelby is closer to a person than any corporation: She can bleed, she can breed, and she can show emotion. Either Shelby is a person, or corporations aren’t people,” said a Shelby supporter at the time of her election.

Occupy Denver reserves the right to alter leadership status, but for now, Shelby exhibits heart, warmth, and an appreciation for the group over personal ambition that Occupy Denver members feel are sorely lacking in the leaders some of them have voted for on national, state, and local levels. Accordingly, Occupy Denver looks forward to communication with Mayor Hancock and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper sometime this week to introduce their leadership.

Newly-elected leader Shelby will be leading this Saturday’s Occupy Denver march against Corporate Personhood, and invites all other civic minded dogs (and their leash-holders) to join.”

Break out the kibbles Shelby.

UPDATE: Video of Shelby and the general assembly during the vote. I love the way Shelby turns around and looks at the speaker every time her name is mentioned during the announcement – Good Dog!

– Iron Filing


99 Is TMMI (Too Much Mitt Info)

Here at Political Irony our corps of crack researchers scour the internets tirelessly to harvest only the finest information the web has to offer. We do this so you don’t have to. We recognize that our readers’ time is valuable so our large editorial staff analyzes each offering, deleting any dubious datum.

Sometimes even this is not enough. ThinkProgress has produced way too much information about Mitt Romney. Our array of interns, known as Iron Slavings, have reduced the ThinkProgress 99 to the Political Irony 3.

23. Mitt Romney: “Corporations are people, my friend.” – Mitt channeling the far more charismatic John McCain.

84. A leaked strategic document from Mitt Romney’s 2007 campaign lists “perfect hair” among the candidate’s flaws. – At least his campaign learned the right lesson from John Edwards’ mistakes, unlike Herman Cain.

94. Mitt Romney feels Americans’ pain because he’s “also unemployed.” Romney was worth $250 million in 2008. – give him a break, he too is part of the upper 99%

Next week, the Herman Cain 9 (it takes two to spoon)

– Iron Filing


Late Night With Herman Cain

I have been reluctant to pile on Cain in a jocular manner about the sexual harassment charges. All sexual harassment claims should be taken very seriously. It takes incredible bravery for any sexual assault victim to step forward and endure embarrassment and humiliation as bad or worse than the original offense. Still, although false accusations are rare, they do exist. The Duke Lacrosse players may have been sexist, privileged jerks but they weren’t rapists. They also were violated in a repulsive manner and may never fully heal.

However, with Cain’s erratic defense and now that he has attacked his self-identified accuser with such insensitivity to the complex dynamics of sexual assault reporting, pile on I will. – Iron Filing

“Forget president — this guy could be premier of Italy.” – David Letterman

“I have a lot of Herman Cain jokes but I cannot do them; I am bound by a confidentiality agreement.” – Bill Maher

“Some God father’s Pizza customers said they found it odd that he would tell them to hold the sausage.” – Bill Maher

“There are fourteen more Republican debates and they are running out of formats…next they are going to do one where they are in sleeping bags around the campfire and then one where they are blindfolded and nude and have to figure out who each other is by touching.” – Bill Maher

“One of the Herman Cain women was paid $35,000 and another was paid $45,000, so he’s saying it just proves he can create high-paying jobs for women.” – Jay Leno

“Herman Cain was unaware that China is a nuclear power. And I said to myself, ‘Hey, Herman, how about making an unwanted advance on a history book?'” – David Letterman



Are Your Boxers American Made?

Have you been shopping for underwear lately? If you start checking the labels you’ll find it’s hard to find Made In The USA down there. If you try, you might find made in Canada – OK by me – but most of all it’s made in China and that’s not OK  … and it’s not OH, SC or NC either.

It’s not just our delicates that are imported from China. Jim Hightower reports that even if Obama’s infrastructure proposals were passed, “many of the infrastructure jobs that would be created could end up in China. Holy Uncle Sam! How is this possible?”

– Iron Filing


We Weld America Made In China

I purchased online these “WE WELD AMERICA” gloves made by Tillman Co.

Fully featured welding glove with WE WELD AMERICA logo on cuff

When they arrived, the fine print on the label said, “MADE IN CHINA”.

American products made in China are so ubiquitous that it should be assumed, left unsaid.

– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

President Obama has completed his annual physical, and he is in tip top shape. but it doesn’t look like his insurance company is going to pay for it.” –Jay Leno

“Congratulations to Joe Biden, whose daughter just got engaged to an ear, nose, and throat doctor. She met the doctor through her father. They met in the doctor’s office while he was trying to get the vice president’s foot out of his mouth.” –Jay Leno

“Hookers in Times Square, God bless ’em, are offering a Mitt Romney Special. For an extra $20 they’ll change positions.” –David Letterman

“Cain understands domestic issues because he had experience selling pizza; and he understands international issues because pizza is Italian.” — Stephen Colbert

“People say that Rick Perry may have been drunk at an appearance. Well, take a look at those poll numbers. I’d be drunk too.” –David Letterman

“Congress was hard at work yesterday. They voted 396-9 to reaffirm ‘In God We Trust’ as our national motto. I still don’t know why we would trust God after what he did to Kim Kardashian and Kris.” –Jimmy Kimmel


Protect the Integrity of Local Elections

All elections are important but many voters pay scant attention when national offices are not on the ballot. Tomorrow Nov 8 is a good example.

City council and school board elections traditionally were non-partisan but in recent decades have become ideological battlegrounds that have tremendous influence on our youth and our future. With less publicity and interest, off year elections are much more susceptible to voter suppression and fraud.

Everybody thinks it’s the other side that cheats. In fact, some excuse dirty tricks by claims that they are balancing the cheating from the opposition. Both sides do have their tricks, many of which are legal – such as Rush Limbaugh encouraging Republicans to vote in Democratic primaries – so we all have a stake in discouraging and reporting election irregularities. I have my own opinion as to which side currently cheats the most but historically dirty tricks and fraud are non-partisan.

The atmosphere of your polling site should be neutral and non-threatening for all. If someone is campaigning too close to the polling site or if posters are on site, this and other seemingly innocent abuses should be reported and corrected. If the vote suppressing activity is outside the polling place boundaries and therefore legal, you can offset the intimidation by acting as a welcoming face supporting all who come to vote.

Allthingsdemocrat  has an excellent post on preventing election fraud. Despite the partisan source, the information is nonpartisan. In particular, they recommend:

1)    bring a camera

2)    be observant

3)    document irregularities

4)    notify election officials on site (even if they’re the offender)

5)    report. You can call 1-888-DEM-VOTE and/or follow the US Department of Justice recommendation that you immediately call your local FBI. Look that number up and carry it with you to the polls.

And remember, some voter suppression techniques are legal but that does not mean they should be ignored. We can still act to reduce their impact by our own behavior and by shining light into the darker corners of elections.

– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama had his annual physical. Doctors say he is in excellent health, except his blood pressure. It’s 70 over 14 trillion.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama had his physical today. His cholesterol is down, blood pressure down, approval rating down. He’s fit and eats healthy food, and Fox News says that proves he’s not an American.” – David Letterman

“The White House announced that it has rejected several petitions to legalize marijuana. They say it has nothing to do with politics. It’s just that they can’t accept a petition that was written on a crumpled up Funyuns bag.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama gave candy to trick-or-treaters at the White House. Obama wanted people to like his costume, so he went as himself from 2008.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A lot of kids across the country got the day off from school because of Halloween. I’m pretty sure this is why we’re falling behind China. Not only did their kids not get the day off from school, they made all of our kids’ costumes.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A school in China is being fined because children are too loud on its playground. Yeah, their teachers are like, ‘You kids are way too loud. Now hurry up and finish building this playground.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“When Herman Cain was in charge of the National Restaurant Association, there were allegations of sexual harassment. They have revealed one came from Sara Lee.” – David Letterman

“In Herman Cain’s defense, there is very little in the pizza world that is not sexually suggestive.” – Jon Stewart

“Herman Cain is the first candidate this year to use the word ‘consensual’.” – David Letterman

“If the protesters get to occupy Wall Street, I get to put up condos in Yellowstone.” – Stephen Colbert
