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Tough Choice Since None of the Above Isn’t Running

©Tom Toles

It’s a stretch and maybe a tad ‘lowbrow’ for PI but the Toles cartoon reminded me of this charming introduction to the complex logic of Mortimer Snerd

As I see it, this clip from 1939 foretold recent Republican debates. Edgar Bergen is the host facilitator and Mortimer Snerd represents the candidates who cannot provide rational responses to the host’s questions. The analogy breaks down a bit because Snerd has a much more active curiosity about the world around him and has a sharper more inquisitive mind than many of the candidates and is not pretending ideologically driven ignorance like the rest. Ron Paul, of course, doesn’t fit and Charlie McCarthy may be speaking for John Huntsman when he moans, “oooh will you cut it out Mortimer.”
– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“Rick Perry forgets his own talking points, Herman Cain forgets every woman he ever groped, Mitt Romney forgets he used to be for everything he is now against; they don’t need debates, they need ginkgo biloba.” – Bill Maher

“More bad news for Rick Perry. Tomorrow there’s another debate.” – Jay Leno

“Someone told Rick Perry today that Obama, as he did, laid a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And Rick Perry said ‘See, he blanks on names too.'” – Bill Maher

“Rick Perry also said the other night he wants to get rid of the Department of Education. Well, that’s the problem with kids in America today. They’re just too educated.” – Jay Leno

“A new poll shows 45 percent of Republicans believe that Mitt Romney will be the nominee, and that rises to 46 percent if you count Rick Perry, who also believes Mitt Romney will be the nominee.” –Jay Leno

“It has gotten so bad in the party that Newt Gingrich is now starting to surge, which is never good news for Mrs. Gingrich.” – Bill Maher

“The Italian prime minister announced he is stepping down. He’s looking forward to spending more time with his wife and five hookers.” –Craig Ferguson

“Mitt Romney said this week if he’s elected, he won’t let Iran get nuclear weapons. Other Republicans were quick to respond. Newt Gingrich said it would be impossible to enforce. Ron Paul said it’s none of our business. And Rick Perry said, “ . . . “–Craig Ferguson

“Today’s date is 11/11/11! Or as Joe Biden calls that, “A great email password!'” –Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, a group of Occupy Wall Street protesters interrupted Michele Bachmann’s speech in South Carolina. In response, Bachmann’s supporters were like, ‘Man, if we existed, we’d be so angry right now!'” –Jimmy Fallon

“A guy named Reggie Love leaving the White House to get a degree at the Wharton School of Business. I guess he realized you can’t learn anything about economics in the Obama White House.” –Jay Leno

“President Obama attended the first college basketball game ever played on an aircraft carrier. Don’t confuse that with the NBA. That’s a bunch of guys not playing basketball on a sinking ship.” –Jay Leno


Is Bachmann Promoting Chinese Exceptionalism Now?

The audio is real: Michele Bachmann Looks To China for Economic Inspiration

Along with our jobs, China apparently acquired our exceptionalism, except without religious freedom, collective bargaining, effective work safety regulations, environmental protections and reproductive freedom. No wonder Bachmann looks up to them.

UPDATE: Scott Galupo, in a story, goes into great detail on just how headspiningly wrong and confused Bachmann’s response is.
– Iron Filing


Why Do So Many People Vote Against Self Interest?

©Joel Pett

Really? Why do so many ordinary people support policies that primarily benefit corporations and financiers? How do proponents of Ayn Rand‘s philosophy of rational selfishness convince middle class people that the virtue of selfishness does not apply to their self interest in health care, taxes and job security? Isn’t good governance a matter of self interest for us all?

And, who is the lady in the cartoon?
– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor: Cain’t Stop

“Herman Cain is going to be on David Letterman next week. Cain and Letterman on the same show. Has there ever been a worse time to be an intern?” – Jay Leno

“It was so quiet in the theater last night. I’m telling you it was quieter here than dinner at Herman Cain’s house.” – David Letterman

“As if Cain’s troubles couldn’t get worse, today, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie accused Herman Cain of skimping on the pepperoni.” – David Letterman

“Herman Cain said he would beat Obama by ‘beating him with a Cain.’ Obama said, ‘I’m just glad I’m not running against Anthony Weiner.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“There was an awkward moment when Herman Cain turned to Michele Bachmann and asked her what she was willing to do to get the job.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today it’s 61 and foggy, like Rick Perry. But it’s nice to see a guy running for President who’s only groping for words.” – David Letterman

I was able to include almost all of the new Cain jokes this time. Perhaps the late night writers are over their juvenile titillating first response characterized by jokes too focused on the victims. This is probably the last time I’ll isolate Cain from his equally un-able siblings. – Iron Filing


Wouldn’t a One Party System Be Simpler?


©Tom Toles

Now that we've simplified voting, can we simplify the tax code too?


Gun Rights? Absolutely! Voting Rights? Meh

Many conservatives seem very selective about which Constitutionally guaranteed rights they recognize. Life at conception supported over living after birth. Freedom of some religions is valued but freedom from religion should not be an option. Happiness and the benefits of marriage for heterosexual couples is sanctioned but no love for others.Money is protected speech, protestors are sent to designated protest areas.

The right to vote should be our most cherished freedom but apparently, gun rights are more important than voting rights. From the New York Times:

Under federal law, people with felony convictions forfeit their right to bear arms. Yet every year, thousands of felons across the country have those rights reinstated, often with little or no review. In several states, they include people convicted of violent crimes, including first-degree murder and manslaughter, an examination by The New York Times has found.

While previously a small number of felons were able to reclaim their gun rights, the process became commonplace in many states in the late 1980s, after Congress started allowing state laws to dictate these reinstatements — part of an overhaul of federal gun laws orchestrated by the National Rifle Association. The restoration movement has gathered force in recent years, as gun rights advocates have sought to capitalize on the 2008 Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to bear arms.

Ironically, or perhaps hypocritically, many of the same gun proponents are equally opposed to allowing ex-cons to vote. Even worse, Republican controlled legislatures are passing bills limiting polling access and requiring photo IDs in ways that suppress voting in many communities. What’s next … firing a gun is free speech?

– Iron Filing



Second Thoughts Left and Right

©Kevin Siers

… or Gingrich (the first time, regret will happen again) or Bachmann or Trump or Cain. Seems like everybody is having second thoughts about nominations, including the guy who nominated Obama for the Peace Prize. – Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

Thank you Rick Perry for becoming the shiny bauble that distracted the late night comedy writers away from Herman Cain! – Iron Filing

“I’m worried about Rick Perry. For one, I’m worried that maybe he’s too conservative. Two, I worry a little bit about his debating skills. And three, I — Oh, what was three?” – David Letterman

“When you have a little trouble recalling, they call that a senior moment. More like Bush, junior moment.” – David Letterman

“Tomorrow is 11-11-11! Or as Rick Perry calls it: ’11-11-Wait don’t tell me, I will get this. I know there is a third one.'” – Conan O’Brien

“I think there’s one more thing Perry can forget, too: Being president.” – Jay Leno

After 30 seconds of stuttering, Rick Perry said, ‘Oops.’ Incidentally, saying ‘Oops’ after 30 seconds is why Justin Bieber has to take a paternity test. ‘Oops’ is the same thing being said by everyone who donated to Rick Perry.” – Jimmy Fallon

“That was more than a brain fart. That was brain explosive diarrhea.” – Daily Show correspondent John Oliver

“Look, I know these Rick Perry jokes are a little mean, but tomorrow, he won’t even remember them.” – Jimmy Fallon

Big news from last night’s Republican debate, you guys. It turns out George Bush was actually the smart Texas governor.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s not a good week for Republican memories. Rick Perry forgot the name of the agency he wanted to cut. Herman Cain forgot there was a harassment settlement. And Ron Paul forgot he has no chance of winning.” – Craig Ferguson

“Most analysts agree the big debate winner last night was Mitt Romney, who stuck closely to his strategy of not being any of the other candidates.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Michele Bachmann says she won’t rest until Obamacare is repealed. Or until she kidnaps all 101 Dalmatians.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“You know what you call a Democrat who makes as many verbal gaffes as Rick Perry? Vice president.” – Jay Leno

I’m not sure that the one about Romney’s “strategy of not being any of the other candidates” is actually a joke. Ironically, all the other candidates are counting on not being Mitt Romney as a successful strategy. – Iron Filing


America’s Joyous Future


Occupy Oakland Vs. the One-Percenters


©Justin DeFreitas


How to not Win Friends and not Influence People

The greatest challenge to the 99% movement is not the disproportionate power of the 1%, rather it’s the power of a self-indulgent minority within our own ranks. A ‘fuck-it-all-where-can-I-throw-this-rock?’ element plagues Occupy sites from Oakland to Chapel Hill. The unfortunate and stupid chant of “Kill the cops, Burn the prisons” recorded yesterday in Chapel Hill, NC will be attributed to the peaceful Occupy Chapel Hill rather than a splinter group leaving the Carrboro Anarchist Bookfair on Sunday.

Activist friends from across the country have expressed frustration with the chaos of Occupy sites. As I reported from Boston, it was witnessing the empathy of Occupy Boston for the plight of the lost and dysfunctional that sparked my appreciation. The homeless and mentally ill are a challenge but those who promote violent confrontation are a threat. How the Occupy movement deals with those who promote chaos may determine the limits of their success.

UPDATE: After much discussion, Monday night’s Occupy Chapel Hill General Assembly generated a press release clarifying this event including this statement:

Seeing police pointing machine guns at unarmed protestors, next to a public bus ready to carry them away, and plastered with a Wells Fargo billboard was really ironic. It really makes you think about the kind of democracy we have,” said Carrboro Alderman Sammy Slade.

The General Assembly thanks the occupants of the Yates building for their clear statements explaining that this was not an action of the Occupy Chapel Hill General Assembly at Peace and Justice Plaza. We also want to express appreciation to the various local media for their accuracy in reporting this important fact.

Frankly, I was very impressed with the way participants worked their way through this minefield of emotions and were able to achieve consensus on key points despite dramatically different perspectives on the prior day’s events. Occupy Chapel Hill has handled this quite well while providing a counterexample to this post’s title.

Read the entire press release here.

– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor: Raising Cain Again

Over the last week I have found it increasingly difficult to post Political Irony’s only regular feature, “Late Night Political Humor” because of the preponderance of Herman Cain sexual harassment jokes.

Today, and until I come up with better criteria, I’ll not publish jokes that seem to put too much attention on the accusers as individuals. A lot did not make the cut. – Iron Filing

Herman Cain says he will not quit. He is going to stay in the race. You know what that means? He’ll be gone in a week.” –David Letterman

“Mitt Romney said he created thousands of jobs as governor of Massachusetts. Rick Perry said he created thousands as governor of Texas. Herman Cain said he tried to create a number of jobs for women but now he’s getting attacked for it all of a sudden.” –Jimmy Kimmel

“Herman Cain said he would be willing to take a lie detector test. But that’s kind of a double-edged sword. If he fails, his career is over. And if he passes and it turns out he’s not a liar, he’s obviously not cut out for politics.” –Jay Leno

“If the earth was visited by aliens, this could be a huge problem for the Republican party. I mean, Michele Bachmann would want to deport them, Rick Perry would want to execute them, Mitt Romney would be undecided about what to do, and Herman Cain would try to take them up to his room.” –Jay Leno

“There’s a fifth woman that claims to have had a problem with Herman Cain. If this keeps up, it seems very unlikely he will be president, although it seems more and more likely he will become governor of California.” –Jimmy Kimmel

“Earlier today Herman Cain rejected calls that he should withdraw from the race. He said, ‘It ain’t gonna happen!’ That’s what he said. Ironically, that’s what women say to him when he’d put his hand up their skirt.” –Jay Leno

‎”The harassment allegations keep coming at Herman Cain — like an uninvited hand up a pleated skirt.” –Stephen Colbert


Consumer Protection Also Protects Our Troops

I’ve heard the conservative/libertarian ideological opposition to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau but, like most libertarian/utopian rhetoric, the problem is reality not vision.

Charles Pierce writes, “One office in the CFPB is the Office of Servicemember Affairs, which is dedicated to keeping veterans from being bilked in a hundred different ways, from loan-sharking, to predatory lending practices, to for-profit ‘college’ scams.”

There is often an element of hypocrisy in the manners in which we do and do not support our troops. With Veterans Day just passed, shouldn’t we appreciate those who protect us with a little protection for them.

Read more:

– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republican presidential candidates held a debate in Michigan. Just what Michigan needs: 12 more people looking for a job.” – Conan O’Brien

“There’s another Republican presidential debate tonight. This one is focused on why there were so many Republican debates.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If I were Mitt Romney, I wouldn’t show up anymore. I would just go to Hawaii and wait it out until the election, drink some caffeine free Diet Coke and watch Herman Cain and Rick Perry self-destruct.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Herman Cain says he will not quit. He is going to stay in the race. You know what that means? He’ll be gone in a week.” – David Letterman

“Jon Huntsman, who is running for president, has 0 percent support. That means he’s not even voting for himself.” – Jay Leno

“The stock market plunged over 389 points because of financial news in Italy. They’re calling this the worst Italian disaster since Olive Garden introduced that fettuccini alfredo.” – Jay Leno

“After losing a lawsuit with the TSA, former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura says he’s going to renounce his U.S. citizenship and move to Mexico. Hey, if he changes his mind, he can always sneak back in.” – Jay Leno
