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Valuing Liberal Values, Shout-out to

Ron Chusid’s blog Liberal Values is the first blog I check every day. Chusid is not prolific, about a post per day, but if he finds something interesting, it’s worth considering. I often find that he writes with a clarity that helps me focus my own thoughts whether I agree with him or not. His Dec 1 post, Ross Douthout Shows Rejection of Science Is Necessary To Succeed In GOP, is a typically concise analysis:

Ross Douthat has unintentionally demonstrated that one cannot be a successful Republican candidate without rejecting science (or at least hiding their beliefs) in a post on why Jon Huntsman’s campaign for the Republican nomination has been unsuccessful. Douthat says that Huntsman has failed because, “He picked high-profile fights on two hot-button issues — evolution and global warming…” He considers this to be “political malpractice at its worst.”

In other words, it is now political suicide in the Republican Party to openly acknowledge acceptance of science. Evolution is firmly established as a factual explanation for the development of complex organisms from simple organisms and is the foundation of modern biology. The science behind global warming is accepted by well over ninety percent of scientists in the field. Despite this, conservatives reject both fields of science. The typical conservative not only rejects, but is totally ignorant of the evidence for evolution, and considers creationism to be a valid alternative. Conservatives see climate change as a conspiracy and a hoax while creating their own hoax with the bogus claims surrounding “Climategate” which have been debunked by five separate investigations.

I couldn’t have said it better myself, so I didn’t.
– Iron Filing


Military Betwixt and Between Oil and Clean Energy

©Matt Wuerker

And around and around we go...

Ironically – in a good way – it is the military that is taking serious steps to reduce it’s own reliance on oil. From an article in National Journal:

The Pentagon on Tuesday unveiled its first “Operational Energy Strategy,” a plan to fundamentally transform the way fuel is used in the theater of war.

Clean-energy advocates have heaped praise on the plan, saying it could also drive major energy innovations in the commercial sector.

The strategy is a formal step forward in a broad effort by senior Defense officials to cut the military’s dependence on oil and expand its use of alternative energy, as troops lose their lives protecting fuel convoys trucked through Afghanistan and soaring oil prices drive up the Pentagon’s energy bills. The U.S. military is the single largest industrial consumer of oil in the world. In 2010, it spent $13 billion on fuel; in 2008, when oil prices reached a record of $147 a barrel, the military spent nearly $20 billion.

The forward thinking Rocky Mountain Institute is one organization that believes we can still avoid the worst case climate change scenarios and is working with industry and the military on that goal. Amory Lovins, chairman the Rocky Mountain Institute, advises military officials on the Pentagon’s transformation of its energy strategy which will have profound effects on the nation’s broader energy economy:

Now that the Pentagon is starting to value saved energy, that will drive extraordinary innovation in vehicles, buildings, generators, and onsite renewables. That value is one or two times more valuable than commercial market. Those products and technology will find themselves back into market – it will greatly accelerate the energy revolution.

See Aberdeen Proving Ground to unveil alternative energy source.

also see The Marines Go Renewable.

and To The Military, Renewable Energy is a Matter of National Security.

The Military is serious. Green energy advances it’s mission so ideology is set aside (as much as possible at least). Hopefully this effort will do for alternative energy what NASA did for engineering in the 1970s and early 80s.
– Iron Filing


Fighting Climate Change One Couch at a Time

Jessie and Albott

©Joe Weil

Cartoonist Joe Weil is a high school student from New York. I just happened to be thinking about whether Political Irony had a youth demographic when I received a couple of unsolicited cartoon submissions from Joe. Bingo, we have at least one! I liked the witty sarcasm of his submissions but they didn’t quite fit PI. I emailed him back with some criticisms and told him what I was looking for and I like his response – this cartoon.

With the enormous immediate impact of the economy on those just entering or about to enter the workforce, it is heartening to see activist youth who have not lost sight of the even bigger picture. The economy is immediate and dire but Climate Change is an existential threat that must be addressed. There are a lot of couches out there but many young people are getting off the couch and getting involved, see youth climate.

As a geezer, born and bred Southern, I would have drawn Joe’s cartoon differently. It would have shown two old farts sitting on the porch in decrepit Barco-loungers that hadn’t quite made it to the curb. The same discussion would occur except instead of tomorrow, action would follow the next nap.

We need to skip that Climate Change nap even as we continue to fight for a better economy too.
– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“The Occupy Wall Street people are so angry at Mayor Bloomberg and it’s starting to look really bad for his seventh term.” – David Letterman

“In New York the Occupy Wall Street people blocked 3 subway stations today. Take that, all you fat cats who ride the subway all day. You’re next, people who use the internet at the public library.” – Craig Ferguson

“Herman Cain is being criticized for his lack of knowledge on foreign affairs, but he denies that he lacks expertise in that area. In fact, today, Cain said when he becomes president, first thing he’s going to do is go to Iraq, meet with Saddam Hussein personally, and get this whole thing worked out.” – Jay Leno

“At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire yesterday, Rick Perry said that no illegal immigrants would be allowed to attend. In fact, the event was held in an overgrown backyard with nobody to park the cars, and nobody to watch the kids.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney has moved up to 40 percent in New Hampshire for two reasons: Herman Cain and Rick Perry.” – Jay Leno

“The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon from one state to another. In other words, my trip back to Boston for Thanksgiving just got a lot more interesting.” – Conan O’Brien

“The late November holiday season is a perfect time to quit smoking. What could be more stress-free than spending the holidays with your family?” – Craig Ferguson

“President Obama quit smoking this year. It wasn’t easy. He had to ask the Republicans for permission first.” – Craig Ferguson

“The government took action and introduced a bill to classify pizza as a vegetable in schools. Mark this down: November 17, 2011: The day America gave up. I guess they figure, ‘Our approval rating is 7 percent. What the heck, let’s go down to 2 percent.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The food industry says the new rules give schools the flexibility to increase nutrition. The same way elastic waistbands give us the flexibility to keep in shape.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In a world where Kardashians are celebrities, maybe pizzas can be vegetables. And Twizzlers are a fruit.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There are 249 millionaires in Congress. See, crime does pay.” – Jay Leno


No Papers Kasich: That Explains A Lot

Ohio Governor John Kasich admits, “I don’t read newspapers in the state of Ohio. Very rarely do I read a newspaper.”

There are many levels of stupid but so stupid you think you’re too smart to need newspapers has to be near the bottom. I am struck dumb myself!
– Iron Filing


One Man Wrestling: Newt vs Gingrich Edition Round 1 (Libya)

Yes, you’ve seen clips of Newt lips flapping about Libya before but it is worth watching again and again because without repeated viewing, it is hard to grasp that even a politician as base as Gingrich can spin 180 degrees this fast with such appearance of sincerity and no hint of embarrassment. The two opposing clips are longer than you may have seen, about 1 minute each, to make clear the context and the fact that neither was a slip.

Frankly, I am dumbfounded that Gingrich is a serious candidate. You’d think that his history of financial scams alone would disqualify him.

Like all hypocrites, Newt holds others to a far higher standard than himself. Like many other politicians, Newt’s criticisms of opponents usually offer greater insight into his own identity than that of his opponent. For example, in 2004 Gingrich said of John Kerry:

I think Kerry’s problem is one of identity… He can’t quite decide, you know — and so I think what you’re going to see more likely with him is a kind of schizophrenia. And if the moderator’s at all serious with Kerry, and puts Kerry on the spot as saying, now, you said a, and you said b. Which is it? I think Kerry’s got a big problem.

John Kerry was a relative amateur flip flopper whose experience and views were grossly and dishonestly distorted by opponents. Gingrich is the real thing flip flopper. In 2004, Gingrich also said, “You can’t flip-flop and be commander-in-chief.” I hope he was right.
– Iron Filing


Siriously! Siri Is Unaware of Reproductive Health Services?

How ironic to use a woman’s voice as the interface to a digital assistant that avoids even the hint of reproductive controversy. RH Reality Check reports:

After experimenting with a few easy reproductive health questions, it was discovered that Siri appears to have a blind spot when it comes to women’s health.

Via the Abortioneers:

Q: I am pregnant and do not want to be. Where can I go to get an abortion?

“I’m really sorry about this, but I can’t take any requests right now. Please try again in a little while.”

“Sorry, [my name], I can’t look for places in Tanzania.”

“I don’t see any abortion clinics. Sorry about that.”

Q: I had unprotected sex. Where can I go for emergency contraception?

“Sorry, I couldn’t find any adult retail stores.” This was repeated every time.

Q: I need birth control. Where can I go for birth control?

“I didn’t find any birth control clinics.” [This was repeated every time I asked about birth control, all three times. This is also the answer given when I asked, “What is birth control?”]

Interestingly, Siri has no problem with certain male health issues:

Q: Siri, where can I get Viagra? A: [Siri lists 15 stores nearby]
Q: Siri, I’ve had an erection for more than five hours. A: I found 6 hospitals not far from you: [lists hospitals]
and even better
Q: Siri, why won’t anyone have sex with me? A: I found 2 escorts not far from you: [lists two escort services in area]

I’m sure that’s merely a coincidinkle that Siri is so understanding of male issues.

However Siri has it’s uses, even for those of us without iPhones:

©Jason Pultz

This technique will be great once abortion rights protestors get iPhones.
– Iron Filing

UPDATE: From Think Progress

APPLE RESPONDS TO SIRI CONTROVERSY, INSISTS MISLEADING ABORTION ANSWERS NOT INTENTIONAL | Apple has finally responded to the controversy surrounding Siri, the voice-activated assistant of the iPhone 4s, and its misleading answers to pressing women’s health questions. According to the New York Times, the company said the inability of the program to provide information about abortion clinics was not intentional or deliberate, and “attributed the problem to kinks in the product that were still being ironed out.” But Apple did not address some of the most disturbing complaints that Siri guided women seeking abortions to anti-choice “crisis pregnancy centers,” and routinely offered no information about rape centers or emergency contraception. Nor did they offer an explanation for the discrepancy between this lack of information and the readiness with which the program helped people seeking escort services, Viagra, or guns.


Happy Birthyesterday Stewart! Keep Keeping Them Honest

Yesterday was Jon Stewart’s birthday. Shouldn’t this be a national holiday or something, say National Day After Jon Stewarts Birthday Day? Maybe not. If we formalized it, O’Reilly would probably declare war on NDAJSB-Day and spoil it for everyone.

For now we celebrate under the Fox radar with some of the best Jon Stewart quotes:

“I know the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are people, but what I didn’t realize is that those people are a**holes.” — Jon Stewart

“We have got to pay those bailed out firm CEOs top dollar. Otherwise those companies could end up being run by a couple of jackasses who f**k things up so royally, it torpedoes the entire global economy.” — Jon Stewart

“Republicans are no longer allowed to say that people are rich. You have to refer to them as ‘job creator’. You can’t even use the word ‘rich’. You have to say, ‘This chocolate cake is so moist and job creator.'” — Jon Stewart

“It would be really nice if the ramblings of crazy people didn’t in any way resemble how we actually talk to each other on TV. Let’s at least make troubled individuals easier to spot.” — Jon Stewart, reflecting on vitriolic political rhetoric in the wake of the Arizona shootings

“What?! The congressman had a sex scandal and had to apologize to Bill Clinton? For what?! Copyright infringement?” — Jon Stewart on Anthony Weiner calling to apologize to Bill Clinton, who officiated at his wedding

“It’s like your ideal candidate is a rare super-heavy element that could only exist in a particular particle accelerator. And even then, only for a fraction of a second, before you all remembered how much you hate science. You guys need to take a long hard look in the mirror, and not come away thinking, ‘You know, there’s something wrong with this mirror.'” — Jon Stewart to the GOP base

“Have you learned nothing from Fox? You pick your narrative and you stick with it — and if the news doesn’t fit your narrative, change your f**king news.” — Jon Stewart, explaining journalism to MSNBC

“If you don’t stick to your values when they’re being tested, they’re not values — they’re hobbies. You know, one of the genius moves of The Founders was not writing The Bill of Rights on the back window of a dusty van.” — Jon Stewart, reacting to clip of Bill O’Reilly disagreeing with Barack Obama’s inaugural speech statement that America does not need to compromise its values in order to protect itself

“Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality.” — Jon Stewart

“Religion. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion. If America leads a blessed life, then why did God put all of our oil under people who hate us?” — Jon Stewart

“They always throw around this term ‘the liberal elite.’ And I kept thinking to myself about the Christian right. What’s more elite than believing that only you will go to heaven?” — Jon Stewart

“The season wouldn’t feel the same without people going out of their way to be offended by nothing.” — Jon Stewart on the ‘War on Christmas’

“I view America like this: 70 to 80 percent [are] pretty reasonable people that truthfully, if they sat down, even on contentious issues, would get along. And the other 20 percent of the country run it.” — Jon Stewart

“This is like the Boston tea party for people that decided, let’s say, I don’t know, two and a half months ago, that they didn’t want to pay taxes anymore. The tea party is just a metaphor [on screen: a Fox News reporter pointing to boxes at one of the tea parties containing a million tea bags]. Let me get this straight. To protest wasteful spending, you bought a million tea bags. Are you protesting taxes or irony?” — Jon Stewart, on the tea party protests

This list could go on forever yet it’s still growing. If you need more now, Daniel Kurtzman has an app that provides one classic Stewart quip at a time until Carpal Tunnel Syndrome stops you.
– Iron Filing


One Man Wrestling: Mitt v Romney Edition, Round 1

For some time now, I’ve planned to launch a series of posts called “One Man Wrestling”. Today was to be the first but to my horror the Democratic National Committee released their version called Mitt vs Mitt yesterday afternoon. Even worse they used many of the same clips and did a far better job than I. Now I know how professor D. M. Widdie of Podunk U felt when scooped by an international coalition of scholars from Harvard and Cambridge. Widdie pitifully cried out, “there be I except for a lack of resources, skill and talent!”

Naturally, Mitt Romney campaign surrogate Tim Pawlenty struck back immediately:

Before the first vote in the Republican primary is even cast, the Democrats are blasting Mitt Romney and trying to tear him down, and I think the reason for that is they don’t want to focus on their own failure.

Well Duh, who does want to focus on their own failure! Hey wait a second, Pawlenty’s trying to change the subject. Romney can run but he can’t hide from the Romney who ran.
– Iron Filing


999 Days To 2016 Republican Primary Campaign

©Walt Handelsman

It feels like campaigns now run on forever. Incumbents are fundraising for the next campaign as soon as the last ends. Maybe elections should be held every 36 years. Candidates for president would choose multiple 4-year terms to run for. Likewise Senators would run for all possible 6-year terms at once. Then they could exclusively work on government business for the terms they won without having to campaign again. It would be like a felon being tried concurrently for several crimes and serving terms consecutively just for convictions. The House should be decided by lots since that couldn’t be any less selective than the current arrangement.

Herman Cain could run for 999 terms and serve none, none, none. Perry could run for and win three terms, serve two then forget the third. Romney could run simultaneously as a conservative for 2012 and a moderate for 2016 and a liberal for 2020 and see which works. Without the pressure from re-confronting Values Voters, President Gingrich wouldn’t be stuck with the same First Lady for two terms. Sarah Palin could serve four half terms over sixteen years.

I know this sounds complex, but thats not necessarily a bad thing. Bachman and Santorum probably couldn’t figure out whether they won or not and, with all that confusion, John Huntsman might actually have a shot.
– Iron Filing


Endless War: Hurrah, Wii Won! Let’s Keep Fighting!

Glenn Greenwald published an outstanding rebuke of our apparent policy of endless war Nov 23rd in Salon. I think that a certain Nobel Peace Prize winner would benefit from reading more Greenwald:

Anonymous U.S. officials this morning are announcing in The Washington Post that they have effectively defeated what they call “the organization that brought us 9/11″ — Al Qaeda — by rendering it “operationally ineffective”.
… You might think this means that the vastly expanded National Security and Surveillance States justified in the name of 9/11, as well as the slew of wars and other aggressive deployments which it spawned, can now be reversed and wound down. After all, the stated purpose of the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) which provided legal cover to all of this was expressed in the very first line: “To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.” The purpose of this authorized force was equally clear and limited: “to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons [the President] determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons.”

yet the administration and Congress seem to have little stomach for returning to a peacetime footing with their mentality of Endless War:

Enemies are never defeated; even when they are “operationally ineffective,” they “will remain a major security threat for years.” If their capacity to frighten fades, they just get seamlessly replaced by new Villains (“U.S. counterterrorism officials now assess al-Qaeda’s offshoot in Yemen as a significantly greater threat”). When that doesn’t work, you just manufacture the Terrorists yourself: by converting, directing and funding them and/or doing exactly that which you know will ensure they continue to emerge. And when all else fails, you just find a brand new war that ensures the process repeats itself in an endless loop: the establishment bellwether Washington Post today expressly demanded “regime change” in Iran (“by now it should be obvious that only regime change will stop the Iranian nuclear program”).

This misguided mentality reminds me less of statesmanship and more of children in front of their Wii endlessly restarting yet another mindnumbingly senseless war game.
– Iron Filing


Rahm Emanual: Standout Standup at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

I’m not a big fan of Rahm Emanuel but he gave a rousing and eloquent defense of the Obama administration at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner November 19. I recommend reading the more serious parts in the full transcript here but he began with a top notch blast of standup:

While we meet here tonight, the Republicans are having a debate across town.

I’ve watched a number of them, and I’ve got to be honest, I never thought I’d say this, (pause) I’m beginning to miss Sarah Palin’s insights.

Their debate was called the Thanksgiving Family Forum — which is fitting because I have never seen such a collection of turkeys.

Look at their top candidates: Take Mitt Romney. He said he would be in Iowa tonight. (pause) We should have known he would change his mind.

Newt was at the debate. I heard he had to leave early to spend the holiday with his loved ones … the salespeople at Tiffanys.

And Herman Cain? I was actually hoping Herman would stop by today and see me before the debate, but he was at his tutorial on Libya. The scary part, his tutor was Rick Perry.

In truth, the Republicans do have an impressive field…

Governor Mitch Daniels, Governor Haley Barbour and former Governor Jeb Bush …

The only problem, they’re not on the field.

Rahm made some pretty telling comparisons between the current GOP field and the 2008 Democratic primary contenders as well:

I just want you to think about this for a second. Think of our field in 2008. At our debates in Iowa, we had Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Senator Chris Dodd, and President Obama.

Now think about their field: Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum …

I’m beginning to feel sorry for Republican primary voters.

I suppose it’s not an entirely fair comparison since the Democrats are from 2008. However, the current GOP crop doesn’t fair well compared to the 2008 GOP field either. Heck, the 2008 Romney would kick 2011 Romney’s butt.
– Iron Filing


Middle Class: Meet Wile E Coyote

©Walt Handelsman

Handelsman’s cartoon looks like a history lesson illustration portraying the position of the middle class in 1970. It makes current sense as a variant on Roadrunner cartoons where the coyote spins his wheels over the chasm for 10 years before the 30 year drop to the bottom of the canyon. Humor is never that slow but economies are. What worries me is the anvil that hasn’t hit yet.

Anybody have suggestions for transforming the still from a roadrunner cartoon with a Political Irony quip? I’m thinking the anvil is the looming payroll tax increase or the next debt limit deadline.

I always sympathized more with the coyote than the roadrunner.
– Iron Filing


Econ4: Economists Encouraging Economic Empathy

Econ4 is an association of economists who have joined to advance this mission:

The economic crisis we face today is not only a crisis of the economy. It is also a crisis of economics. The free-market fundamentalism that attained ideological dominance in the final decades of the 20th century has been discredited by financial collapse, global imbalances, mass unemployment, and environmental degradation. To confront these challenges, we need an economics for the 21st century.

We need an economics for open minds that breaks free of the closed-minded economic dogmas of the past. We need an economics that aims to secure long-run human well-being, not an economics preoccupied with maximizing short-run output and profits. We need an economics that recognizes that we need to safeguard the Earth for our children and generations to come. We need an economics for people, the planet, and the future.

This video introduction to Econ4: 4 the people, 4 the planet, 4 the future is teeth-grindingly cheesy but the story is great and well worth listening to:

The Econ4 video feels like a commercial but not one targeted to the sophisticated Political Irony demographic (you know – smart, well read, politically active, self-referentially ironic 🙂 ). Considering the lack of economic and civics education in secondary schools today, this might be what is needed to advance the public discussion. Still, I fear Econ4’s message may be way over the heads of Blue Dog Democrats, much less the Tea Party Republicans.
– Iron Filing


China Threatens Vegemite Shipping Lanes!

©Tom Toles

I like the quizzical look on the kangaroo’s face, “Where the heck did he come from?” Come to think of it, why do we need a military base in Australia?
– Iron Filing
