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Late Night Political Humor

“Three wealthy investors who are already worth millions won the $254 million Powerball jackpot. Yeah, in a related story, everyone’s head at Occupy Wall Street just exploded.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama will attend three fundraisers in New York City tomorrow to raise money for his re-election campaign. Seriously? How about holding a fundraiser to raise money for the United States?” – Jimmy Fallon

“I just saw this. Vice President Biden will travel to Turkey to speak at an economic summit. When he heard he was giving a speech to Turkey, Biden was like, ‘I am SO sorry about Thanksgiving.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“You know, I don’t know what the Republicans are crowing about. Losing Barney Frank is the worst thing that could happen to conservatives. He is the perfect avatar of everything they hate: gay, Jewish, Taxachusetts, arrogant, condescending liberal. He’s your everything bagel.” – Jon Stewart

“With Herman Cain we’re up to he said, she said, she said, she said, she said, and she was paid not to say.” – Stephen Colbert

“This new woman says the affair was consensual. I’d say things are looking up.” – Stephen Colbert on Herman Cain

“A thirteen-year affair just proves you can carry on a stable relationship – two, counting your marriage.” – Stephen Colbert

‎”13 years!? That is an admirable commitment to the woman with whom you are violating your spousal commitment with.” – Jon Stewart on Herman Cain

“Herman Cain’s latest accuser, a woman named Ginger White, said the affair with Herman Cain lasted for 13 years. She knew Herman Cain was married. Just as the other four women who accused him of sexual harassment, they knew Herman Cain was married. In fact, the only one who didn’t realize Herman Cain was married was Herman Cain.” – Jay Leno

“Herman Cain is now reassessing his candidacy. Apparently between his marriage, his mistresses and sexually harassing these other women, there’s no time to campaign.” – Jay Leno

“You know what we should do? We should set up Herman Cain with that woman with the pepper spray at Walmart. She’d slow him down.” – Jay Leno


Newt: Last Not-Mitt Standing

©John Deering

It’s amazing. Just a few weeks ago, his presidential campaign was just a show to help Gingrich sell books and videos. Less than 6 months ago his campaign staff abandoned him en masse due to his lack of seriousness.

Gingrich has not risen like a phoenix, however. Everyone else not-Romney has just dropped away.
– Iron Filing


Occupy Mayberry: Where Is Sheriff Taylor When We Need Him

The Independent Weekly, Raleigh NC, has yet another excellent piece on our local Occupy movement. We’re not used to SWAT teams in our village, yet here they are:

Just down the road in liberal, affable Chapel Hill, where I lived for many years without experiencing police brutality or much civil disobedience, a reporter with a camera recorded steroidal officers in full SWAT-team battle gear, pistols and assault rifles at the ready, charging an unarmed encampment of self-described anarchists who had “liberated” a vacant building. A few seconds later the reporter was arrested, handcuffed and forced to lie facedown on the pavement with the unfortunate anarchists, who had neither resisted nor threatened any crime greater than trespassing.

Continuing to read “Otherwise occupied: What price revolution?”, I began to chuckle at this reference to our beloved native son Andy Griffith’s best known character Sheriff Andy Taylor:

This is North Carolina, where we like to believe that our law enforcement officers still emulate Sheriff Andy Taylor of the canonical Andy Griffith Show. What would Andy have done in the same situation, instead of recruiting 15 commandos in riot gear to arrest seven unarmed trespassers? He would, of course, have sent over Aunt Bee with a plate of fresh brownies, and then amiably advised the young people that they could have breakfast tomorrow at home, or with him at the jailhouse—their choice. And he would have kept his excitable deputy Barney Fife, with his one bullet, as far from the crime scene as possible.

How naive … yet the more I think about it, Sheriff Taylor is exactly who we need. I’m sympathetic to the beat officer who faces potential danger during common assignments such as:

Last week in Wake County, a deputy answering a domestic disturbance call took a shotgun blast in the chest and was saved only by his bulletproof vest. In the NRA’s Second Amendment Nation, any gray-haired lady tending her philodendrons may be packing a Glock. But in a temperate zone like Chapel Hill, someone in authority ought to be experienced and prudent enough to realize that college-town demonstrators are a fairly harmless lot compared to wife beaters, or even Tea Party soldiers whose T-shirts say “God, Guns, Babies.”

Given that Occupy groups nationwide have shown no propensity for violence except in rare cases or when under attack, the police are far safer walking through an Occupy site than stopping a drunk driver or an enraged jealous husband. Municipalities across the country need to step back from the brink, take a deep breath and watch a few episodes of The Andy Griffith Show before more citizens get hurt.
– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“In Los Angeles on Black Friday, a woman pepper sprayed Wal-Mart shoppers who tried to cut in line. The police acted fast by immediately hiring her to get rid of peaceful protesters outside banking institutions all across the United States.” – Craig Ferguson

“It’s Cyber Monday, when everyone shops online. As soon as I woke up I pepper sprayed myself.” – Conan O’Brien

“Well, the inside talk is that Sarah Palin is going to endorse Newt Gingrich. If you think Newt is happy, you should see Mitt Romney.” – Jay Leno

“Another woman came forward with allegations about Herman Cain. I think she’s number 9-9-9 now.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Christmas season has officially started. Today I saw Herman Cain wearing his mistletoe belt buckle.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama went shopping and he wandered into a book store. Rick Perry said, ‘When I’m president, that will never happen. There will be no book stores.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Over the weekend, President Obama took his daughters to a bookstore. Barack bought Malia ‘The Phantom Tollbooth,’ while Malia bought Barack ‘Economics for Dummies.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“That’s right, Obama bought eight books for Sasha and Malia. Yeah, I was reading all about it on China’s credit card statement.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I just heard about a woman in Germany who just gave birth to a baby boy named ‘Jihad.’ Or as the TSA put it, ‘Hope you like Amtrak!'” – Jimmy Fallon


Friended by Herman Cain

Our friend (and I mean friend like Cain means ham sandwich) Andy Borowitz is channeling Herman Cain’s political ghost in this satire of a Herman Cain fare well speech:

A Farewell from Herman Cain
[by Andy Borowitz of The Borowitz Report]

Dear Friend,

And when I say “friend,” I mean it in the normal way, not “someone I’ve been sleeping with for 13 years.”  Unless, of course, I have been sleeping with you for 13 years.  In that case, I do mean it that way.

It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to end my inspirational quest for the White House.  After much reassessing and reconsidering, I have decided to spend more time being screamed at by my wife.  And by “more time,” I mean 24 hours a day, stopping only for bathroom breaks.

But before I go, let me share with you my final thoughts on my campaign.  After months of crisscrossing this great land of ours and participating in over three hundred televised debates, I am being disqualified because of an extramarital affair.  And that raises the following question: are you fucking kidding me?

I mean, let’s get real.  I never heard of Libya.  I didn’t know whether that CNN dude’s name was Wolf or Blitz.  And my only training for running the #1 nation in the world was running its #8 pizza chain.  Yet none of that, I repeat, none of that disqualified me.  In fact, I was the front-fucking-runner, as long as I kept my 9-9-9 in my pants.  (I have no idea what I meant by that — I just like saying 9-9-9.)

But here’s the part that really kills me.  You’re kicking me to the curb because I was messing around, and instead you’re going with… Newt Gingrich?  I repeat: are you fucking kidding me?  Oh, I know what you’re saying: you love Newt because he’s an “intellectual.”  Well, Newt Gingrich is the intellectual of the Republican field the way Moe was the intellectual of the Stooges.

And that leads me to my final point: you disgust me, America.  Right now if I had my way, I’d up and move to another country.  I really, truly would.  Only I don’t know where any of them are, and my wife won’t let me leave the house.

Goodbye forever,


I just want to clarify – there’s that big word Clair-E-Fie again – the farewell statement above is a SATIRE written by Andy Borowitz!
– Iron Filing

Highlighted Comment (for those of you who don’t read the comments in Political Irony, you’re missing half the content sometimes – IF):
IL-08 wrote:

Here’s what really makes me question our society. Herman Cain had MULTIPLE SUBSTANTIATED accusations of sexual misconduct and his campaign donations went UP. One accusation of consensual sex between adults and he is forced to quit. Something is very wrong here.


Good Point Bad Point: Class Warfare

I’ve always liked the idea of a forum for dialectic discussion but the implementation usually devolves into a forum for polemics resembling a cage fight more than a meeting of minds. Rather than disappoint by promising balance, I present Good Point Bad Point. Two points of view are presented but you’ll have to decide for yourself which is the good point and which is the bad.
– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“When are these Republican debates going to stop? I mean, this would be the very reason to call for a dictatorship, just to put an end to these.” – David Letterman

“This is the 14th Republican debate and there are still 12 more to go. The plan, I think, is to keep debating until somebody recognizes Rick Santorum on the street.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The star of the debate was Herman Cain. He didn’t talk much because the debate was about national defense and his area of expertise is pizza.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Herman Cain is the first Republican presidential candidate to get secret service protection. The level of protection a candidate gets depends on how well-known they are. For example, Jon Huntsman gets a 10-minute judo lesson and a plastic whistle.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney admitted in an interview, ‘I tasted a beer and tried a cigarette once as a wayward teenager and never did it again. This has the makings of the lamest ‘Behind the Music’ special yet.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If you think that’s bad, Jon Huntsman is now admitting that in college he experimented with parting his hair to the left.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Newt Gingrich wants to repeal child labor laws. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the man that we need to lead us into the 18th century.” – David Letterman

“Tonight was the 14th republican presidential debate, or as Barack Obama has started calling them, campaign ads.” – Jimmy Fallon


Better Decisions

© Tom Tomorrow

I agree with the sentiment that they should have made better decisions. Like deciding to vote for someone who doesn’t blame the victims for their misfortunes.


America’s Political Spectrum: Left, Empty space, Far Right Outliers

©John Sherffius

This Sherffius cartoon is pretty accurate. It’s not so much that the middle is missing, it is the Center Right and merely Right that have disappeared from our political system.

I’m not enamored by Americans Elect or any third party effort at this moment because splitting the vote could elect someone who makes George Bush look like a scholarly statesman.

Nevertheless, I hope that groups like Third Way and politicians like Jon Huntsman and Rocky Anderson will lead us to deep political introspection after 2012.
– Iron Filing


University of the 1%

©Ed Stein

Commentary by Ed Stein

Education Secretary Arne Duncan called for colleges and universities to begin addressing the escalating cost of higher education. It’s about time. The cost of a college degree, even at state-supported universities, has for decades grown faster than inflation, and is becoming unaffordable to the student of average means. States strapped for cash in this downturn keep cutting higher education budgets, placing an ever-greater burden on students, many of whom now graduate with the crushing burden of huge student loans. If something is not done to slow down the rate of tuition growth, a college degree will become another luxury enjoyed only by the wealthy.

This chart illustrates Stein’s point:

I was struck by this chart because it illustrates the severity of college costs inflation by comparison to health care cost increases. Even if not currently affected by college costs, any one can see the impact of rising health costs. Now multiple by two and imagine having to pay tuition. College costs are rising twice as fast relative to inflation… Wow!
– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“If you think about it in certain terms, Obama has had a good year. First bin Laden, then Moammar Gadhafi. Next, Robert Wagner.” – David Letterman

“It looks like the supercommittee chosen by President Obama to come up with a plan to solve the deficit has failed. The best idea they came up with? A bake sale.” – Jay Leno

“Don’t worry, President Obama has announced a new plan. Next week, he’s appointing a super duper committee.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama came home after a 9-day trip to Asia. Well, he got to see some stuff he never sees at home, like jobs.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Newt Gingrich says he wants to get rid of Social Security. Who is more qualified to give this country financial advice than a guy who ran up a half-million dollar bill at Tiffany?” – David Letterman

“I’m not sure Rick Perry understands Thanksgiving. When they asked him if he was going to deep-fry a turkey, he said, ‘Well, if he’s found guilty.'” – Jay Leno

“Last week in New Hampshire, Herman Cain said that presidents don’t need to know every detail of every country in the world and he said he’s going to take that message across America to all 30 states.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Cain said that we should focus on our neighbor to the south, Mexico, and our neighbor to the north, Cold Mexico.” – Jimmy Fallon


The Mother of All TARPs

I wanted to call this “Son of TARP” but as Jon Stewart points out, this was 11 times bigger than TARP. Plus the government lied about it. Is there any doubt at all that we have government of the banks, by the banks, and for the banks?


Money Is Speech. Little Money Is Little Speech.

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Buckley v. Valeo (1976) that spending money to influence elections is a form of constitutionally protected free speech, the speech of wealthy citizens and Corporations have increasingly dominated public debate. Even worse, money is nearly the only form of speech behind closed doors in the halls of Congress.

Changing Thomas Jefferson’s words only slightly, if speech is the currency of democracy and money is speech then Barry Deutsch’s cartoon below shows the inevitable result:
– Iron Filing

©Barry Deutsch

Barry Deutsch commentary quoting a paper by Martin Gilens (pdf link):

Using an original data set of almost 2,000 survey questions on proposed policy changes between 1981 and 2002, I find a moderately strong relationship between what the public wants and what the government does, albeit with a strong bias toward the status quo. But I also find that when Americans with different income levels differ in their policy preferences, actual policy outcomes strongly reflect the preferences of the most affluent but bear little relationship to the preferences of poor or middle income Americans.

In the table above, the dark line represents the opinions of the highest-earning 10% of Americans. The further to the right the dark line goes, the more that top 10% wants a policy change to happen. And the further towards the top the dark line goes, the more likely it is that politicians will make the desired policy change happen. As you can see, the more the top 10% want a change, the more likely it is to happen.

The gray line represents the opinions of the lowest-earning 10% of Americans. As you can see, it’s completely irrelevant what they (er, we?) think. Politicians couldn’t care less. Gilens also has a similar graph showing that politicians barely listen any more to middle-class Americans than they do to poor Americans.


Huntsman’s Back?

Don’t you have to have been ‘here and gone’ rather than just ‘not here’ in order to come back?

Jon Huntsman’s daughters have followed up on their hilarious parody ad with a new take on Justin Timberlake’s “Sexy Back”:

His daughters may be Huntsman’s greatest asset. Ironically it is his intelligence and rational thinking assets which prevent him from gaining traction in the Republican field.
– Iron Filing


Late Night Political Humor

“Rick Perry announced today to satisfy environmentalists he is now using solar power. And this is brilliant thinking, using solar power to run the Texas electric chair.” – David Letterman

“I read that Texas Gov. Rick Perry has challenged Nancy Pelosi to a debate. Yeah, Perry got the idea when he was like, ‘I can’t remember. Am I good or bad at debates?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Rick Perry attacked President Obama for thinking that he’s the smartest guy in the room. He attacked him for being smart. One thing’s for sure, nobody’s ever going to accuse Rick Perry of that.” – Jay Leno

“Happy Birthday to Vice President Biden, who turns 69 this weekend! When they saw him coming, White House staffers turned off the lights, hid behind the couch, and then waited for him to leave.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A Fox News reporter asked Herman Cain what he thought of President Obama’s easing of travel restrictions to Cuba, and Cain accused him of asking a ‘gotcha’ question. That’s when you know things are bad: When you’re attacking Fox News for being part of the liberal media.” – Jay Leno

“The Republican candidates were asked to name their favorite movies. Ron Paul picked ‘No Country for Old Men.’ Rick Perry chose ‘Clueless.’ Michele Bachmann chose ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ and Herman Cain chose ‘Snatch.'” – Jay Leno

“There are 249 millionaires in Congress. Remember a couple of years ago when this new Congress told us they had the solution to the recession? Apparently, they didn’t share it with the rest of us.” – Jay Leno

“Thank you, the TSA. For celebrating your 10th birthday this month, I got you a very special package, mine.” – Jimmy Fallon
