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How can you have a market for something that is virtually infinite?

[rant by Mike Stanfill, reprinted from The Far Left Side]

Let’s play a game. Suppose you were a carbon-based energy company and you’re starting to feel the pinch in the old pocketbook, even a very minor one, from renewable energy resources. What would you do?

Well, you could glut the market with natural gas. This would cause electric rates to fall below those that renewable enegry could deliver, resulting in the failure of both producer and manufacturers of green equipment, thus leaving the energy field once again in your control.

That, unfortunately, is pretty much what’s happening now. The energy companies are sucking massive bonanzas of natural gas from the ground using their nifty little “fracking” technique. Sounds too good to be true, and it is, as it also poisons the local water supply with any number of noxious chemicals.

As a bonus, China is happily swooping in to take up the slack in solar panel and wind turbine production as domestic manufacturers shut down.

As usual the American consumer, the American worker, and the environment all take it up the keister for the benefit of our pals down at Big Oil.

It’s clear that a healthy renewable energy industry would benefit us all but it will never happen in America, and the reason is you can’t speculate on the wind or the sun. Prices for finite energy resources, like coal and oil, vary at the whim of the Market. The reason the cost of gasoline, in particular, fluctuates like it does has nothing to do with demand and supply. It’s the result of Wall Street tossing petroleum futures back and forth like a hot potato, and while they’re raking in millions in manufactured profits with each catch their media arms give us the old “trouble in the Middle East” song and dance.

Wind and sun are not subject to such speculation and Wall Street HATES that. The Simpsons episode in which Mr. Burns blocks the sun is their wet fever dream.

It’s a race now to see which gives out faster; oil or the environment. But where I live it’s 75 degrees in January so I think that question is being answered.

(The above also explains why we don’t have thorium reactors yet.)


That was too easy…

© Matt Bors

Way too easy. If you thought SOPA and PIPA were bad, meet ACTA.

The fundamental problem is that the movie, recording, drug, and other industries have way more money and political influence than the people who benefit from legitimate fair use. I hope that technology companies, who have been reluctant to exercise political power, come to their senses in the future, especially after this first success.


Late Night Political Humor

“Rick Perry dropped out of the presidential race. When asked what went wrong, Perry said, I guess America is not ready to elect a dumb guy from Texas. But in time.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rick Perry has dropped out of the presidential race. Apparently, America did not want a conservative, gun happy, intellectually challenged governor of Texas for president. At least not again.” – Jay Leno

“Texas Governor Rick Perry officially dropped out of the race for president. Yeah, he just couldn’t get over that one campaign hurdle — you know, talking.” – Jimmy Fallon

At the debate the other night, Mitt Romney said he is not an avid hunter, but he is happy to go along if someone invites him to go hunting. To which Newt Gingrich said, “Hey, maybe you can tag along with Dick Cheney.” – Jay Leno

“Everybody thought that Mitt Romney was the big Iowa caucus winner, but it turns out after the recount that Rick Santorum won the Iowa caucuses. You folks know what this means? Neither do I.” – David Letterman

“Tonight was the CNN primary debate with the four remaining candidates. It was kind of a change for Newt Gingrich. Usually when he’s arguing with three people at once, it’s his wife, his ex-wife, and his mistress.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama aired his first campaign ad of 2012, which promotes his record on clean energy. Obama’s a big environmentalist. In fact, for the election he plans to recycle the same promises he made four years ago.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A hiker who was lost in a blizzard said he stayed alive by digging a snow tunnel and burning dollar bills for warmth. Today he was offered a job as President Obama’s economic adviser.” – Jay Leno

“Next week Obama will visit Iowa, Arizona, Las Vegas, Denver, and Detroit. Not because he’s campaigning, just because all he could afford was a Southwest flight with a bunch of layovers.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama was in Disney World today where he unveiled his new plan to create jobs. He was joined by Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse but not Goofy. He had to stay behind to tend to his vice presidential duties.” – Jay Leno

“You know why President Obama chose Disney World? It was the only place with longer lines than the unemployment office, so it looks better.” – Jay Leno


The Gingrich Who Stole South Carolina

Jon Stewart is definitely on a roll:

I think Newt Gingrich has actually invented a new propaganda technique. I guess the Republicans were using the “Big Lie” too much, so now we have the “Humongous Hypocrisy” technique.

Seriously, is there anything Gingrich stands for that is not hypocritical? Serial philanderer Gingrich is now the family values candidate who lectures the media for doing the same thing Gingrich himself did to Bill Clinton? Former Speaker of the freakin’ House and then high-paid influence peddling consultant claims the mantle of Washington outsider? Attack dog Gingrich is now the Reagan Republican who scolds others for their legitimate questions? My brain is reeling!


The Irony of Copying

© Daryl Cagle

I just couldn’t resist posting (and “stealing”) this ironic comic. But Cagle does have a good point — there are lots of people who depend on licensing intellectual property for their livelihood and they should be protected. The question is what is the best way to do that, and balance their rights with fair use and the public interest.

I do have one quibble with Cagle’s comic, in that he makes the common mistake of equating copyright infringement with theft. As I have pointed out previously, the US Supreme Court has ruled that copyright infringement is not the same thing as stealing.


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney is coming under fire because even though he is a multimillionaire, he only paid 15 percent in taxes. That’s not a tax, that’s barely a tip.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney is quite a guy. At one point he and his wife bought a zoo and fired all the animals.” – David Letterman

“According to a Washington Post poll, 84 percent of Americans do not approve of the way Congress is doing its job. Sixteen percent weren’t even aware Congress is doing a job.” –Jay Leno

“President Obama took Michelle out to a steak restaurant for her birthday, marking the first time in months the words ‘Obama’ and ‘well done’ appeared in the same sentence.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Wikipedia and a number of websites blocked themselves out to protest a piece of legislation that’s making its way through Congress right now. I’ll look it up in Wikipedia if it ever comes back.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“An intelligence officer with the Canadian armed forces has been arrested for passing Canadian military secrets to a terrorist group. I don’t know what’s more shocking, the fact that he did that or that Canada has military secrets.” – Jay Leno

“Today, the TSA has admitted that it was wrong to let its screeners strip search two elderly women last month. However, the screeners won’t be punished because living with the memory of what they saw is punishment enough.” – Conan O’Brien


How to fix SOPA/PIPA

© Brian McFadden

The real joke is probably going to be on us. At the same time the Internet was protesting SOPA and PIPA, Hollywood was already pivoting to support ACTA, the Anti-Conterfeiting Trade Agreement. The entertainment industry has the money, time, and political power to keep pushing these bills until they get what they want.


How Gingrich Won in SC

© August J Pollak

I had an interesting conversation the other day with someone who is fairly conservative. We were both trying to figure out how Republicans in South Carolina could have voted for Newt Gingrich, someone who is a serial philanderer, lobbyist, Washington insider, ethically challenged, and can’t even run a presidential campaign without pissing off his own campaign staff. Plus he seems to not have any actual ideas or plans he is promoting. And he seems to be unable to stop lying about things that are public record, like his $300,000 fine for ethics violations.

Regardless, the Obama campaign must be enjoying watching the Republican candidates trash and burn each other.

UPDATE: The Republican establishment has entered total panic mode over Gingrich’s win.



© Matt Wuerker

Despite his staggering loss in South Carolina, most pundits still expect him to win the Republican nomination. I guess the old maxim “follow the money” still applies.

Thank goodness we still have Stephen Colbert pointing out the corruption funding our elections.



Yes, this really is from Rick Santorum‘s website. Come on, can anyone be this clueless? Or is it a Freudian slip?


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney, whose father was born in Mexico, is now talking up his Mexican heritage. Not to be outdone today, Newt Gingrich said he once cheated on one of his wives with a woman named Juanita.” – Jay Leno

“And so it was that on Martin Luther King Day, Newt Gingrich shared his vision of an America where people will be judged not by the color of their skin but by him, Newt Gingrich. And he finds them lazy.” – Jon Stewart (after showing Newt Gingrich’s debate comments that he would help poor African Americans get and keep a job instead of receive food stamps.)

“At the last Republican debate, Mitt Romney talked about his love of hunting. In fact, Romney said on his last hunting trip, he shot three deer and fired two elk.” – Conan O’Brien

“At the first Republican debate, they were standing behind podiums, then they had them at a round table, and then one night they had them in bunk beds.” – David Letterman

“Newt Gingrich has released a new ad attacking Mitt Romney because he knows how to speak French. Well Mitt Romney is not the only one. Jon Huntsman speaks Chinese and Rick Perry speaks gibberish.” – Jay Leno

“Jon Huntsman has dropped out of the race for president to return to his former job as the guy in the picture that comes with the frame.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The South Carolina GOP primary campaign is in full swing. Candidates are shaking hands, kissing babies and strategically ignoring Confederate flags.” – Stephen Colbert

“South Carolina is at war with this federal government and with this administration.” – Rick Perry from Monday’s debate.
“War against the government led by South Carolina! That always has good ending, right?” – Jon Stewart

“If we coordinate (with a super PAC) in any way whatsoever, we go to the big house.” – Mitt Romney
“Which one of your big houses do you go to: the beach house or the ski chalet?” – Jon Stewart

“(It’s) basically a money placenta. I give him nothing and Jon nourishes me in a warm embryonic bath of strategy and cash until I slide out all wet and electable.” – Stephen Colbert on his relationship with Jon Stewart, who now runs his super PAC

“President Obama is visiting Disney World on Thursday to promote a new plan to boost tourism. Of course, it’s going to be awkward when he walks into the ‘Hall of Presidents’ and sees them making room for Mitt Romney.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama will be going to Disney World where he’ll unveil his new plan to create jobs. And what better place for the president to talk about his jobs plan than Fantasyland?” – Jay Leno

“Obama doesn’t pay admission to Disney World. He just charges it to the China section of Epcot.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sen. John McCain told Sean Hannity that choosing Sarah Palin was still the best decision he ever made. Well, today the Arizona DMV took away his driver’s license.” – Jay Leno

“A cardiologist now says that former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards’ trial has to be delayed because Edwards has a life-threatening condition. Hey, don’t all husbands who cheat have a life-threatening condition?” – Jay Leno

“This SOPA bill is aimed at going after Internet pirates. Not old-school pirates, but the modern pirates, who use hard drives.” – Craig Ferguson

“On one hand, this bill threatens free speech, the bedrock on which this country is founded. On the other hand, it’s supported by Viacom, which owns CBS.” – Craig Ferguson

“The bill was cooked up by big studios who want larger fines for websites connected to piracy. People wonder why Hollywood makes such crappy movies and TV shows. It’s because they spend all their time preventing people from stealing the crap they’ve already made.” – Craig Ferguson

“Because of a protest, starting at midnight, Wikipedia is going to shut down for 24 hours. In fact, it’s 11:05, so you have less than one hour to get most of your facts wrong.” – Conan O’Brien

“Wikipedia is going dark to protest a bill that’s before Congress. I know what you’re thinking: ‘If Wikipedia is dark, who’ll supply America with bogus facts?'” – Craig Ferguson

“King Jung Nam, the brother of North Korean leader Kim Jung Un, said that as a leader his younger brother will fail. When he heard this, Kim Jung Un was so upset at his older brother, he yelled, ‘I’m telling Kim Jung Mom.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The State Department issued a new travel warning yesterday, urging U.S. citizens to avoid Syria. Yeah, it was part of a new set of warnings called, ‘Things you were probably doing already.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Kill Hollywood

The battle between old media and new media is becoming interesting. Y Combinator, the famous firm that invests in early stage companies, has issued an RFS (Request for Startup) that they are looking to fund companies that can help (in their words) kill Hollywood:

Hollywood appears to have peaked. If it were an ordinary industry (film cameras, say, or typewriters), it could look forward to a couple decades of peaceful decline. But this is not an ordinary industry. The people who run it are so mean and so politically connected that they could do a lot of damage to civil liberties and the world economy on the way down. It would therefore be a good thing if competitors hastened their demise.

That’s one reason we want to fund startups that will compete with movies and TV, but not the main reason. The main reason we want to fund such startups is not to protect the world from more SOPAs, but because SOPA brought it to our attention that Hollywood is dying. They must be dying if they’re resorting to such tactics. If movies and TV were growing rapidly, that growth would take up all their attention. When a striker is fouled in the penalty area, he doesn’t stop as long as he still has control of the ball; it’s only when he’s beaten that he turns to appeal to the ref. SOPA shows Hollywood is beaten. And yet the audiences to be captured from movies and TV are still huge. There is a lot of potential energy to be liberated there.

Successful entrepreneur Marco Arment wrote a similar post on his blog, calling for people to fight back against Hollywood’s influence in Congress. As he puts it “the real problem [is] MPAA’s buying power in Congress. This is a campaign finance problem.” If Hollywood studios are swept away by some new thing, Arment won’t shed any tears:

The MPAA is a hate-sink, a front to protect its members from negative PR. … The MPAA studios hate us. They hate us with region locks and unskippable screens and encryption and criminalization of fair use. They see us as stupid eyeballs with wallets, and they are entitled to a constant stream of our money.

A few years back I was the CEO of a company that worked with the entertainment industry. If anything, saying “The people who run it are so mean” is a massive understatement. In addition to “mean” I would add “vindictive”, “spiteful”, “petty”, and for some of them “congenital liars”. I saw people do things that cost their own company millions of dollars just because it allowed them to bully some other company, and the other company was one that was helping them, not a competitor. I will never work with the entertainment industry again — it has become the opposite of free enterprise.


Political Pipeline

© Adam Zyglis

In December, Congress tucked a provision into the bill extending payroll tax reductions that required Obama to make a decision within two months on the Keystone XL project — an oil pipeline from Canada all the way across the US to the Gulf of Mexico. But they weren’t actually expecting the Obama administration to make a decision that fast. After all, the State department has not even finished their review of the project. What they really wanted was a talking point for the upcoming election. And they got it.

The real problem is not the pipeline, but the politicization of decisions like this. Where is the calm and reasoned discussion of the merits and disadvantages of this pipeline? Or a comparison with alternatives? The fact that the pipeline has become a political football means we may never have that discussion.


Late Night Political Humor

“When Mitt Romney heard a story about people getting pissed on, he launched into his defense of venture capitalism.” – Bill Maher (regarding the video of American soldiers urinating on Afghan bodies)

“During a campaign event on Saturday, Mitt Romney reached into his pocket and gave cash to a woman who said she was broke. Which got awkward, when she was like, ‘I’m also lonely!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“When Mitt Romney says ‘the buck stops here,’ he means literally, ‘I have your money. Fuck you.'” – Bill Maher

“Is Mitt Romney a serial killer? I don’t know, but that question’s out there now.” – Stephen Colbert (on his super PAC attack ad accusing Romney of being a serial killer)

“Rick Santorum told an audience in South Carolina Mitt Romney was just a ‘paler shade of what we have in the White House now.’ And the guy in the back of the room stood up and said, ‘I thought that was the whole point.” – Bill Maher

“I’m sensing Mitt Romney isn’t that popular with Republicans. On the New Hampshire ballot he was listed as ‘Mitt Romney, I guess.'” – Seth Meyers

“According to the exit polls, Mitt Romney won in every category of voter in New Hampshire, from rich to poor, from young to old, from white to really white. He won across the board.” – Jay Leno

“Beating Newt Gingrich in a popularity contest is like beating Stephen Hawking in ‘Dancing with the Stars.'” – Bill Maher

“Newt Gingrich says that on Thursday he will be releasing his tax returns. You can feel the excitement, right?” – David Letterman

“Newt got an important endorsement this week – Todd Palin. I’m not kidding. Sarah Palin’s formerly mute husband, Todd, endorsed Newt Gingrich. We don’t know why, but today Todd received a beautiful pair of Tiffany earrings.” – Bill Maher

“The third Monday in January is the most depressing day of the year. Especially, if you’re a Broncos fan supporting Jon Huntsman.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Jon Huntsman has officially dropped out of the 2012 presidential race. Wow, not having Jon Huntsman on the campaign trail is going to be like … Well, it’s going be like HAVING Jon Huntsman on the campaign trail. It’s going to have no effect really.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s been a tough week for Jon Huntsman. In addition to dropping out of the race, earlier this week he found out he was not really a Kardashian.” – David Letterman

‎”The mere possibility that I might run for president blew Jon Huntsman all the way back to the ‘Land’s End’ catalog he came from.” – Stephen Colbert


Obama Girl Returns

Now it’s the Obama Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

This is pretty silly, but who can resist:
