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Romney v. Romney

Romney debates himself:

It is going to be a very interesting presidential election.

UPDATE: CNN, CNBC, and others have forced the removal of this video from YouTube, despite the fact that it is clearly fair use. This really pisses me off.


Now we know who ‘stupid’ is

© Clay Bennett

As expected, Mitt Romney won the Republican primary in Florida by 14 percentage points. Gingrich did not offer any congratulations to Romney, and vowed to fight on.

At this point, I’m officially losing interest.


Late Night Political Humor

“A new website just came out that’s designed to calculate how long it takes Mitt Romney to earn your salary. So from now on, whenever Mitt Romney is running late, he can call there and say, ‘I’ll be there in five teachers.'” – Conan O’Brien

“What’s interesting is in the time it took you to think about that joke, Mitt Romney made $65 million.” – Conan O’Brien

“House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says she has dirt on Newt Gingrich, but so far she’s keeping her lips sealed — because that’s how the last surgeon left them.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama told the nation ‘The state of our union is strong,’ while Newt Gingrich told his wife, ‘The state of our union is open.'” – Conan O’Brien

“His State of the Union speech was written so 8th graders could understand it. Which explains the part where Obama said, ‘I wasted bin Laden, LMAO!'” – Conan O’Brien


Show me the Romney

© Adam Zyglis

Will 2012 be convincing evidence that the Citizen’s United decision by the Supreme Court now means that it is now possible to simply buy an election?

UPDATE: Romney claims that he was “vastly outspent” by Gingrich in South Carolina, which is why he lost there. But independent analyses show that Romney’s campaign and associated super PAC spent almost twice the amount of pro-Gingrich groups in South Carolina. And now in Florida, Romney is outspending Gingrich five to one.


Who Needs Pesky Product Safety Regulations?

So, how’s deregulation working out for ya?

A few days ago, Scotts Miracle-Gro (whose brands include Ortho, Scotts, Miracle-Gro, Roundup, Earthgro, Black Magic, Hyponex, Osmocote, Morning Song, Whitney Farms, Supersoil, Bovung, and Country Pride) agreed to plead guilty and pay $4.5 million in fines, for not one but two product safety incidents.

The first incident involved selling wild birdseed that was coated with a pesticide that is toxic to birds. The company coated their birdseed so that it would not be eaten by insects while in storage, and continued to do so even after multiple warnings — including from their own employees — that it was “extremely toxic”.

The second (and separate) incident involved falsifying EPA pesticide registrations for their lawn and garden products, even going so far as to tell the EPA that they must have lost their files.

And what steps is the company taking to recover from this? They just announced that they are increasing spending on advertising 28% to $141 million total (31 times the amount of the fine). This includes a deal with Major League Baseball to hang “Scotts is Used Here” banners in ballparks to “give homeowners the illusion that they can have Fenway Park in their back yard just by dumping on some Weed ‘N Feed”. Even worse, Scotts just announced a “partnership” with the National Wildlife Federation, which sounds like a blatant attempt to greenwash their bad reputation.

Meanwhile, Scotts is leading a battle in Florida to overturn bans on the use of nitrogen fertilizer on lawns during the summer. These fertilizers wash off during the rainy summer season and cause massive (and toxic) blooms of red-tide and green slime, hurting not just wildlife but also tourism, but the bans are bad for Scott’s profits.

Oh, and Jim Hagedorn, the CEO who was ultimately responsible for all this? Still at the helm of the company, despite comments like this:

Hagedorn is the sole reason for this issue. He has created a toxic culture (literally) based purely on profit and greed and his warped business sense. I know quite a few former Scotts employees that are highly talented and very ethical people that were pushed out by Hagedorn in his effort to create high turnover in order to “keep ideas fresh”.

Hagedorn makes Mr. Burns look angelic. He is the poster child for what’s wrong with corporate america.

You know, some politicians say that we don’t need regulations, that consumers should just stop buying products from companies they don’t like. As for the former, we would never have known about this company selling deadly birdseed if not for the federal government. But as for the latter, it sounds like a consumer boycott would be a very good idea.

UPDATE: Apparently the National Wildlife Federation has changed their mind and will now “end the partnership”.


Wrong Street Candidate

Mitt Romney may be financed by Wall Street, but it could be worse. The Las Vegas casino owner who has almost singlehandedly financed Newt Gingrich’s surge in South Carolina by donating $10 million (and promising even more) to Newt Gingrich’s super PAC “Winning our Future” is being investigated by the Department of Justice and the SEC for violating federal bribery laws and for ties to Chinese organized crime. Sheldon Adelson is the founder and CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corp, which also owns casinos in China. Adelson is the 8th richest man in America.

Super PACs, of course, were made possible by the Supreme Court decision in Citizen’s United.

© Matt Wuerker


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama gave his annual State of the Union address. And the State of the Union for 2012 is Kentucky. Congratulations.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There’s a State of the Union drinking game. Let me just say this, if you really are playing the State of the Union drinking game, you’re probably an alcoholic.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Obama focused on four areas he believes are the keys to restoring economic security. Energy, manufacturing, education, and TV shows about cupcakes, which we love.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“We were ready for Romney to win the Republican nomination, so we had our puns ready: ‘Bright Lights, Big Mitty,’ ‘Mittizen Bain,’ and “Mormon-y, Less Problems.” But then … ‘The Gingrich Who Stole South Carolina.'” – Jon Stewart

“After Iowa and New Hampshire, Newt’s campaign looked terminally ill, which is when he generally moves on to something better.” – Stephen Colbert

“Mitt Romney released his tax records and they showed that he earned $42 million over the last two years. So now the other candidates aren’t running for president. They’re running to be Mitt Romney.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rick Santorum (is taking) fire from the left. He may want to get a Kevlar sweater vest.” – Stephen Colbert

“Last night folks, Republicans held their eighteenth debate. The question on everyone’s mind: Who cares?” – Stephen Colbert

“People who saw Steven Tyler sing the National Anthem at the Patriots game yesterday said, ‘Nancy Reagan really looks good for her age.” But Steven Tyler got some of the lyrics wrong, so now everyone thinks the song goes, ‘Flag looks like a lady.'” – Conan O’Brien


Wall Street Candidate

I’m a great believer in following the money, so I often wonder where Mitt Romney gets most of his campaign money? It doesn’t seem to be from the Republican base, unless if you consider Wall Street to be the (real) Republican base.

Romney has raised millions from Wall Street. In fact, Romney has received more campaign money from the financial sector than all other presidential candidates combined (yes, that includes Barack Obama).

Of course, Wall Street will be getting their money’s worth. Romney has promised to repeal the Wall Street reform bill passed in 2010, designed to prevent another financial crisis.


Race to the Finished

© Tom Toles

Even Rudy Giuliani — somewhat of a loose cannon himself — asks of Newt Gingrich “What The Hell Are You Doing?”

I also want to point out the irony of Gingrich accusing Obama of being like Saul Alinsky, when it is Gingrich himself who seems to be channeling the radical community organizer.



© Ben Sargent

Obama is a socialist! Obama is a fascist!

He enacted a government takeover of health care. He’s cutting Medicare.

He’s a big spender. And he wants to destroy our military by reducing its budget.

He’s in the pocket of Wall Street. He’s anti-business.

Plus he destroyed our economy and jobs before he even got elected president.

[feel free to submit other contradictory prognostications on the president in the comments. Extra points if they were said by the same person.]



[reprinted from Margaret and Helen. I don’t mean to pick on Newt, but this was just too much fun. Helen writes:]

The Passion of the Newt

Margaret, let me see if I get this right. The political party that brought us Family Values now gives us Newt Gingrich? South Carolina likes to say that they elect presidents. They also elected to keep the Confederate battle flag above their statehouse until this millennium so I kind of question their judgment… or lack thereof.

Let me tell you a little bit about the man who won the hearts and votes of South Carolina’s predominately born-again-evangelical-Republican-family-value voters:

Leroy Newton Gingrich was a Lutheran when he married his high school teacher at the age of 19. He was a Southern Baptist when he divorced her 18 years later while she was in the hospital recovering from surgery. A former staff member said that Newt felt she was a political liability because “she’s not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer.” Very good reasons I am sure, but I bet the affair he was having with Marianne Ginther had something to do with it as well. Newt “married” Marianne in 1981. I used quotes around that word because according to Marianne, Newt wanted an “open marriage” which is to say his divorces were getting kind of expensive. Instead of 7 years, Newt’s itch comes around every 18 years because that’s how long he was married to his high school teacher before he had the affair with Marianne, and that’s also how long he was married to Marianne before he began his affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek. I assume she asked him to become Catholic because they don’t believe in divorce.

Now she’s a pretty one that Callista. She is 23 years younger than Newt and so pasty white you can almost see through her, which makes her the perfect wife for a Republican president. They married in 2000 so Callista probably needs to find a lawyer in about 6 years. That means if Newt gets elected he’ll be well into his next affair and his next religion in time for his re-election campaign.

Of course all this really is Newt’s private life and I am probably “despicable” for even bringing it up. But Margaret, I find it odd that Newt takes offense to being asked about his private life when the Republican Party spends so much time worrying about my uterus and your nephew’s gay marriage. Maybe they should care a little more about what’s going on with all the uteruses (or is it uteri) in Newt’s bedroom and leave the rest of us alone.

To be honest, Newt recently took a pledge to “uphold personal fidelity to [his] spouse”. He explained that his earlier infidelities were – and I quote – “partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country…” Margaret, I ask you: Is that some good bullshit or isn’t it? Makes you wonder about Herman Cain’s claim that it was the color of his skin and not where he hid his pepperoni that knocked him out.

But we don’t have to stick to Newt’s private life to find the bullshit. The man who screwed women because he was passionate about his country, also screwed his country while acting as Speaker of the House. Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Gingrich during his term as speaker. After extensive investigation and negotiation by the House Ethics Committee, Gingrich was penalized $300,000 by a 395–28 House vote. Talk about bipartisanship. It was the first time in history a speaker was disciplined for ethical wrongdoing.

So here’s how it all stacks up, Margaret. Herman Cain goes out because he played Newt Gingrich in blackface. Then Michele Bachmann dropped out because Jesus told her he missed their quiet moments together. Jon Huntsman dropped out because we already had one Mormon in the race. Rick Perry didn’t mean to run in the first place. Ooops. Ron Paul might still have a pulse – somebody check. But Rick Man on Animal Santorum won Iowa. And Mitt Today Pro-Choice Tomorrow Pro-Life Romney won New Hampshire. And now Newt Does This Tie Go With My Religion? Gingrich won South Carolina.

Three states and three winners so on we go to the land of the hanging chad. This year’s Republican Primary has a very good chance of winning next year’s Golden Globe for Best Comedy. I mean it. Really.

[Margaret responds:]

Helen, dear, the only thing I know for sure is Newt Gingrich will be one challenging role for that Meryl Streep to play.


Late Night Political Humor

“Newt Gingrich crushed Mitt Romney on Saturday (in South Carolina). … Gingrich sealed his victory in last week’s debates by going after America’s most dangerous enemy: debate moderators.” – Stephen Colbert

“‘Newt triumphed with 40% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 28% — a gap so wide, you could fit Newt’s head in it.” – Stephen Colbert

“Mitt Romney lost in South Carolina. He’s getting desperate. With the Florida primaries coming up, today Mitt Romney’s campaign staff said the gloves are off. Or to use Romney’s exact words, “Jeeves, be a good chap and remove my opera gloves.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney is going to release 2010 and 2011 tax returns. Not to be outdone, Newt Gingrich is going to release his 1988, 1994, and 2005 wedding vows.” – Conan O’Brien

‎”After disappointing showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, Newt’s campaign looked terminally ill – which is generally when he moves on to something better.” – Stephen Colbert

“You’re not a Washington insider? You, the former Speaker of the House and Freddie Mac consulting millionaire, are THE Washington insider. When Washington gets its prostate checked, it tickles you!” – Jon Stewart (on Newt Gingrich campaigning as a Washington outsider)

“Today, the Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins visited the White House. President Obama told them he loves hockey as much as any black guy who grew up in Indonesia.” – Conan O’Brien



© Jim Morin

In the last quarter of 2011, the economy grew at an annual rate of 2.8% (up from 1.8% in the prior quarter), and much of this growth was fueled by growth in the sales of automobiles and other durable goods. Over 3 million private-sector jobs have been created in the last 22 months. And he gave a very good, upbeat but challenging State of the Union address.

I guess the only thing for the Republicans to do is to try to convince you that things are worse now than the last time they held the presidency. Good luck with that.

UPDATE: The New Yorker magazine has a long, but rewarding article about Obama, based on hundreds of pages of internal White House memos. It is an interesting and insightful look at how our government works (or doesn’t work), the challenges that face any president, and how Obama has responded to those challenges. A few quotes:

Obama made important mistakes in the first half of his term. He underestimated the severity of the recession and therefore the scale of the response it required, and he clung too long to his vision of post-partisanship, even in the face of a radicalized opposition whose stated goal was his defeat.

He is frustrated with the irrational side of Washington, but he also leans on the wisdom of his political advisers when they make a strong case that a good policy is bad politics. The private Obama is close to what many people suspect: a President trying to pass his agenda while remaining popular enough to win re-election.

Obama didn’t remake Washington. But his first two years stand as one of the most successful legislative periods in modern history. Among other achievements, he has saved the economy from depression, passed universal health care, and reformed Wall Street. Along the way, Obama may have changed his mind about his 2008 critique of Hillary Clinton. “Working the system, not changing it” and being “consumed with beating” Republicans “rather than unifying the country and building consensus to get things done” do not seem like such bad strategies for success after all.


The Socialists Amongst Us

Mark Fiore has a great animation on his website that finally solves the riddle of which politicians in this country are actually unabashed socialists.

Here are the quotes from the animation, along with who said them:

Abraham Lincoln:

I am glad to know that there is a system of labor where the laborer can strike if he wants to. I wish to God that such a system prevailed all over the world.

Theodore Roosevelt:

There can be no effective control of corporations while their political activity remains.

There can be no greater issue than that of conservation in this country.

The welfare of each of us is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us.

Dwight Eisenhower:

All who work to produce should share equitably in the fruits of their labor.

Government must have a heart as well as a head.

…we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

Richard Nixon:

We will establish a new system that makes high-quality health care available to every American in a dignified manner and at a price he can afford.

The price tag on pollution control is high. The program I shall propose to Congress will be the most comprehensive and costly program in this field in America’s history.

This requires comprehensive new regulations.

Ronald Reagan:

Vanishing loopholes and a minimum tax will mean that everybody and every corporation pay their fair share.

Let us begin in unity, with justice, and love.

George W Bush:

We have pledged to help our citizens find affordable medical care in the later years of life.

These reforms are the act of a vibrant and compassionate government.


Late Night Political Humor

“Rick Perry dropped out. He said while it’s sad he won’t be president, he can always run again next year.” – Bill Maher

“Actually, Rick Perry pulled out of the presidential race yesterday – which is bad news for the guys on death row in Texas. He’s coming home and he’s not in a good mood.” – Jay Leno

“Gingrich is lining up impressive endorsements. Todd Palin, Gary Busey, and now, Chuck Norris. I’ll tell you, his endorsements could beat up Mitt Romney’s endorsements.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Yesterday Rick Perry endorsed Newt Gingrich, saying Newt isn’t perfect, but who is? To which Donald Trump said, ‘I am!'” – Jay Leno

“I thought the race was over; I thought Mitt Romney had closed it. You know for a guy that is supposed to be a great business man, he sure can’t close the deal. And now it looks like Mitt vs. Newt; Alien vs. Predator.” – Bill Maher

“I have not seen anything this surreal since they cancelled ‘Twin Peaks.’ What else can you say about a Republican debate when the rich guy, who’s avoiding taxes – which they like, gets booed and the fat creep into threesomes gets a standing ovation?” – Bill Maher

“Last night… anybody watch the debates? Newt was pretty good, I have to admit. He lashed out and said the attacks from the media make it harder to attract decent people to run for office, and he’s right. That’s why we have people like Newt Gingrich running for office.” – Jay Leno

“Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife went on nightline and said that he wanted to have an open marriage. This is the second wife, talking about him when he was fooling around with what became the third wife. Newt wanted apparently to have his wife and his marriage and also women on the side giving him oral sex. This way he could be nice and relaxed when he went to work and accused blacks of feeling entitled.” – Bill Maher

“Newt Gingrich was cheating on his second wife while he was prosecuting Bill Clinton for the Monica Lewinsky thing. In other words, Newt puts the ‘hippo’ in ‘hypocrite.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Newt was mad. He said ‘I am not a philanderer; I am a blow job creator.'” – Bill Maher

“Newt said this is despicable to ask these questions. Why are we dwelling on the past? We should be concentrating on the future and putting America’s children back to work.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: The NAACP must take Newt Gingrich up on his offer to stand in front of the their convention and tell them why black people should want jobs instead of food stamps. This way I can finally answer a question that’s been bugging me for years: can Newt Gingrich run?” – Bill Maher

“Meanwhile, at the debate, Mitt Romney’s got a look on his face like, ‘Three women at once? Who’s the Mormon in this race?'” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney won’t release his taxes, but on the other hand, turns out Newt Gingrich wrote off two of his marriages as a total loss.” – Jay Leno

“Scientists announced that they have detected a brand new subatomic particle. This particle is so tiny, it’s actually smaller than the income tax rate paid by Mitt Romney.” – Jay Leno

“During a debate, Mitt Romney said he grew up in the real streets of America. Yes, the real streets, where people pull up next to you and ask if you have any Grey Poupon.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“New Rule: Someone has to tell Francesco Schettino that embracing a callous policy of “every man for himself” doesn’t make you a sea captain. It makes you the Republican nominee.” – Bill Maher

“President Obama was in Disney World to introduce a new plan to boost tourism in the United States. And also because the Mickey Mouse ears fit perfectly over his real ones.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama was addressing some dignitaries at Disney World. They even put the pants on Donald Duck.” – David Letterman

“President Obama was in Disney World yesterday. Someone asked if he was going to take a picture with Grumpy and Obama said, ‘Ron Paul is here? Where is he?'” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday in Florida, President Obama kissed a woman on the cheek after she told him he looks good. Which explains why last night, Michelle made him sleep on Air Mattress One.” – Jimmy Fallon
