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Maybe we can harness the energy of anger?

© Ed Stein

Predictably, Republicans are blaming Obama for high gas prices, while Democrats are saying there is little Obama can do. I’m of two minds on this. On one hand, high prices for gasoline seems to be the only thing that can get Americans to shake our dependence on foreign oil. On the other hand, there is no actual shortage of oil (yet) and demand is actually down. So it looks like rising prices are due to our old nemesis speculation.

And there is something our government could do about that — limit the amount of oil for which a single trader can hold contracts to 5%, instead of the current 25%. Allowing a single speculator to hold contracts on 25% of the total supply of oil is ridiculous. Senator Bill Nelson predicted last year that such a limit “is so high that it would encourage speculation and make markets more volatile.” Well, duh.

One way to harness the energy of anger over oil prices is to let our representatives know that we want to put limits on speculative trading, which currently makes up half of all oil trades. Research has shown that a quarter of the price of oil is due to speculation. But with politicians dependent on super PACs who are funded by large donations from Wall Street, it is no surprise that oil prices are going up. Unless we make our voices heard over the din of corporate money, they will only continue to go up.


Late Night Political Humor

“Rick Santorum is so anti-gay, he doesn’t even want pirates touching their own booty.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum is so conservative that when he goes to KFC, he only orders the right wings.” – Jay Leno

“This guy is so anti-gay, he won’t even eat a Hershey bar if it has nuts.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum is so conservative, he thinks a Labradoodle is a result of interracial marriage.” – Jay Leno

“How conservative is he? This guy won’t even take soda in the can.” – Jay Leno

“CNN announced that instead of using podiums at Wednesday’s debate, the GOP candidates will be sitting at a table — which could get awkward when Newt Gingrich asks to see a menu.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Happy Presidents Day. We have a lot of Presidents Day sales. Mitt Romney got a little confused. He thought the presidency was for sale.” – Jay Leno

“Here in New York City we celebrate Presidents Day by allowing people to park on both sides of the street.” – David Letterman

“You can tell gas prices are going up in California. Prius owners are getting that smug look again.” – Jay Leno

“The North Korea news agency is saying that the birds and the pandas and all the wildlife are moaning because they’re so depressed over the death of Kim Jong Il. Wait a minute. Is it possible they are moaning because they live in North Korea?” – David Letterman

“Microsoft founder Bill Gates attended a fundraiser for President Obama on Friday. He wasn’t invited, but in typical Microsoft fashion he crashed it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The tallest president was Abraham Lincoln, 6’4″. I think four of those feet were hat.” – Craig Ferguson

“People should stop believing bizarre stories about U.S. presidents. George Washington did not have wooden teeth. Abe Lincoln did not write the Gettysburg address on an envelope. And President Obama wasn’t born in Kenya. It was Tanzania.” – Craig Ferguson

“He was going to be born in Kenya but it wasn’t socialist enough.” – Craig Ferguson


The Penultimate Debate

It was the last Republican presidential debate before Super Tuesday. What? You didn’t watch it? No matter. It is much more fun to watch Jon Stewart make fun of it:

If that isn’t interesting enough, read Matt Taibbi explain why he enjoyed watching the Republican candidates stick long knives into each other’s backs at the debate:

This is justice. What we have here are chickens coming home to roost. It’s as if all of the American public’s bad habits and perverse obsessions are all coming back to haunt Republican voters in this race: The lack of attention span, the constant demand for instant gratification, the abject hunger for negativity, the utter lack of backbone or constancy (we change our loyalties at the drop of a hat, all it takes is a clever TV ad): these things are all major factors in the spiraling Republican disaster.

Most importantly, though, the conservative passion for divisive, partisan, bomb-tossing politics is threatening to permanently cripple the Republican party. They long ago became more about pointing fingers than about ideology, and it’s finally ruining them.

Go read the whole article, it is excellent.


Get over it

I keep hearing progressives complain because they say Barack Obama is not liberal enough. For example, they say he gave up on single-payer health insurance too easily (I guess he should have wasted all his political capital on single payer like the Clintons did). Or that he should have closed Guantanamo immediately. Or pushed other progressive causes harder.

All I can say is get over it. A new Gallup Poll shows that a slim majority of Americans say that Obama is “too liberal”. In fact, far more Americans think that Obama is too liberal (51%) than think Mitt Romney (33%) or even Rick Santorum (38%) is “too conservative”. Seriously, Santorum wants to outlaw birth control even for married couples and compares gay sex to bestiality and pedophilia, but more Americans think his political views are “about right” (37%) than think the same about Obama’s views (35%).

The fact is, Americans are twice as likely to self-identify as conservative than as liberal. Since Obama was elected, more Americans identify as conservatives than as moderates. And the conservative base is stronger — 20% of Republicans call themselves “very conservative”, while only 10% of Democrats say they are “very liberal”.

One only has to look at the results of the 2010 mid-term election to see that this is true.

Am I upset that we didn’t get single-payer health insurance, or that the Patriot Act got renewed, or that recreational drugs like marijuana are still illegal? You bet I am.

If we want those things to become reality, we can’t just self-righteously blame Obama. We have to fight for those causes. We have to work hard (like conservatives groups have done) to change the opinions of Americans on these issues. Otherwise, we will face more conservative backlashes (like we recently got with birth control).


Media Fail

Lewis Black has a good rant about the media coverage of the death of Whitney Houston.


Do Deficits Matter?

Given all the screaming going on that Obama is increasing the national debt, it is enlightening to see that the independent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget released a study today that estimates that the economic plans proposed by Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney would increase the debt by between $250 billion and $7 trillion over the next nine years.

Newt Gingrich’s plan would increase the debt by a staggering $7 trillion, taking it to 114% of GDP (it is 70% today and historically averages 40%). And that’s after cutting funding for Medicaid by half. But Gingrich claims that his plan would balance the budget in his first term, because cutting taxes would create jobs. Yeah, we’ve heard that one before.

Rick Santorum’s plan would increase the debt by $4.5 trillion, to 104% of GDP.

The least awful plan is Mitt Romney’s, which only adds $250 billion to they debt, mainly by lowering corporate taxes. But not included in the current analysis is Romney’s new plan, released yesterday, which cuts marginal tax rates for individuals by 20%. This new plan is estimated to raise the debt by $2.6 trillion.

The only Republican proposal that would reduce the debt is the one from Ron Paul. But he does this by eliminating five federal departments, including education, commerce, and energy.


Late Night Political Humor

“Rick Santorum released his tax returns this week, and under withholding he wrote ‘oral sex’.” – Bill Maher

“Rick Santorum’s tax returns show that last year, he paid doubled the tax rate that Mitt Romney paid. Romney is much more clever with the deductions. He writes off poor people.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum doesn’t like sex. He doesn’t like the pill. He really doesn’t like condoms. He said if men are going to pull something on to prevent procreation, nothing works better that a sweater vest.” – Bill Maher

“Rick Santorum is conservative; he’s so conservative he won’t even use weed whacker. That’s how conservative.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum is so conservative that after his last colonoscopy he went to confession. That’s how bad.” – Jay Leno

“He is so conservative he thinks male bankers should only screw over female customers. That’s how bad.” – Jay Leno

“He’s so conservative he won’t even go to Home Depot to get wood. That’s how bad.” – Jay Leno

“He is so conservative he won’t even acknowledge the planet Uranus. That’s how bad…” – Jay Leno

“Here’s the good news for liberals. A new poll shows that Santorum and Romney are beating each other up so bad that Obama is now ahead of both of them – another tragic result of white-on-white crime.” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney could lose his home state of Michigan. He keeps shooting himself in the foot. He wrote an Op-Ed in the Detroit newspaper reminding them that he opposed the automobile bailout. And then he kicked off his Wisconsin ‘fuck cheese’ tour.” – Bill Maher

“The FDA came out with a study. They discovered lead in 400 different types of lipstick. And that’s just from samples taken from Newt Gingrich’s penis.” – Bill Maher


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse

© Tom Toles

And not just Palin; The Donald has said he would consider running if Rick Santorum gets the Republican nomination.


The Other InnerTubes

© Matt Bors

Wow, this makes more sense than most of what Santorum actually says.

Or if you want to see more silly quotes from the candidates, try this political quote generator.


Management by Fiat

© Chip Bok

Maybe the Fiat company knows something that we haven’t figured out yet — that American workers are just fine, it is just American top management that sucks. But it is ironic that Clint Eastwood first got famous by starring in Italian spaghetti westerns, and now he is creating a stir by doing an ad for Chrysler, which is owned by an Italian company.



© Jim Morin

Can anyone explain why Rick Santorum is so obsessed with other people’s sex lives?


Obama Wages a Very Dumb War

In 2002, then Illinois state senator Barack Obama gave a stirring speech where he said these (now-famous) words:

I don’t oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

And when Obama was running for president in 2008, talking about the war on drugs, he insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. “I’m not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue.” He promised to end the Bush administration raids on suppliers of medical marijuana, which is legal in 16 states.

So why is it that in the past year, the Obama administration has reversed its position and is again cracking down on medical marijuana providers — including those who obey all state and local laws — beyond anything done by Bush? Obama even renominated Michele Leonhart to head the DEA, even though she was a holdover drug warrior from the Bush administration who (counterintuitively and shockingly) claimed that the slaughter of close to 1000 Mexican children by the drug cartels was a “sign of success in the fight against drugs”.

According to the executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project “There’s no question that Obama’s the worst president on medical marijuana. He’s gone from first to worst.”

By any measure, the War on Drugs is a dumb war. And the war on marijuana is the dumbest of all, shoving an “ideological agenda down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.” The Obama administration has ignored a plea from two sitting governors to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug, which includes drugs like cocaine and meth as having a recognized medicinal value but with high potential for abuse. Instead, marijuana remains a Schedule I drug, which says it has no medicinal value at all, despite studies to the contrary.

Rolling Stone magazine (how apropos!) has an excellent article listing Obama administration raids on even the most law abiding medical marijuana dispensaries, and even targeting patients with severe illnesses who depend on the drug for relief.

Some people theorize that the Obama administration is cracking down on marijuana in an election year strategy to outflank the Republicans on their red-meat issues (not just on drugs, but on things like free trade and offshore drilling). If so, then Obama’s war on drugs is not only dumb, it is cynical.

It is time for the Obama administration to keep its promises and stop playing politics with people’s lives and health.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s approval rating is up to 50 percent. Only half the country dislikes him. Apparently his strategy of not being any of the Republican candidates is paying off.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Here’s how he stacks up against others. Obama is at 50 percent positive. Mitt Romney is at 42 percent positive. Ice cream is ahead of both of them at 97 percent.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Rick Santorum’s approval rating is 33 percent. His sweater vest comes in at 17 percent.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The band Megadeth has endorsed Rick Santorum. I think I’m going to wait and see who Metallica likes.” – David Letterman

“There are 8 million dead people who are still registered to vote. As a matter of fact, they’re the group that’s most passionate about Mitt Romney.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney is sinking in the polls. That is the magic of a Donald Trump endorsement right there.” – David Letterman

“Candidates must have a slogan. Ron Paul’s slogan is ‘Fear the Poligrip.’” – David Letterman

“CNN is letting viewers ask the candidates questions at its next Republican debate. It’ll be awkward when they’re like, ‘This question’s from Mark in Texas.’ Mark asks: ‘What else is on?’” – Jimmy Fallon

“China’s vice president was in Los Angeles today. When he got off the plane, he apologized for his problem with the language. Apparently, his interpreter doesn’t speak Spanish.” – Jay Leno

“Kim Jong Il would have been 70 years old today if he hadn’t died a couple of months ago. But don’t worry. Osama bin Laden threw him a surprise party in hell.” – David Letterman

“Iran and its nukes. They’ve got the rods all ready to go into the reactor. They’re waiting on the installer. He’s supposed to come out Friday between 10 and 2.” – David Letterman


Moving Past Yesterday

© Joel Pett

This is exactly how I feel every time I hear someone who wants to restrict access to birth control. Didn’t we move past this a long time ago?

The same politicians who tell you that if you don’t like something a company does you have the choice to not buy things from them should use the same philosophy and apply it to social issues. If you are against birth control, don’t use it. If you are against abortion, don’t have one. If you don’t like gay people, don’t sleep with one or marry one. That’s fine. But don’t tell me what I can and cannot do. That is not the true conservative way.


Added Arizona Hypocrisy

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu is a rising star in the Republican party, largely because of his strong stance against illegal immigrants. His first moment of fame was in 2010 when he appeared in a television ad with John McCain calling for the US government to “complete the danged fence” along the southern border. He’s also been a frequent guest on Fox News talking about immigration issues, was named the co-chair of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in Arizona, and is running for Congress.

But his star has taken a sudden stumble, as his lover of over five years has outed Babeu as gay. Conservative Republicans being exposed as gay is so common it is hardly worth mentioning, and I especially wouldn’t bother in this case since Babeu has not been a particularly outspoken opponent of gay rights. His private life (as Babeu himself responded) “is exactly that”.

The twist that makes this worth mentioning is that his ex-lover is a Mexican immigrant named Jose. The two met on an online gay dating site in 2006.

But the really hypocritical part is that when their relationship ended badly, Babeu sent a lawyer after Jose. The lawyer falsely claimed that Jose’s immigration visa was expired and that he could be deported if he ever went public with the relationship. The lawyer tried to get Jose to sign an agreement that he would never breathe a word about the affair. Jose’s attorney, who also spoke directly to Babeu’s lawyer, confirmed her client’s account.

So which is it? Did Babeu have a long relationship with an illegal immigrant with an expired visa? Or did he take advantage of the hostile anti-immigrant atmosphere in Arizona to threaten a legal immigrant with deportation?
