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Would you like some Fruitcake with your Tea Party?

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio today revealed the results of his six month investigation into the validity of Obama’s birth certificate.

I’ll give you one guess what they decided. The investigation was headed by Jerry Corsi, who works for a website that encourages readers to pray for Obama’s defeat and replacement with a “godly candidate”. Corsi has also written an anti-Obama book, and a 2004 swift-boating book questioning John Kerry’s leadership in Vietnam. Of course, Corsi claimed “this is not a politically motivated inquiry”.

Coincidentally, Arpaio is being investigated for abuse of power and for widespread discrimination.

Is it my imagination, or has the Republican party gone completely mad?


Is it Satire, or is it News?

Yesterday’s headline in satire rag The Onion is closer to reality than most of what passes for news in this country now.

Romney Thanks State He Was Born And Raised In For Just Barely Giving Him Enough Votes To Beat Total Maniac

© Lee Judge


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney has been the front-runner from day one but nobody likes Mitt Romney because he’s not kooky enough.” – David Letterman

“They’re looking for somebody kookier so Rick Santorum is a pretty good choice. He does not believe in birth control. Does not believe in global warming. Does not believe in long-sleeve sweaters.” – David Letterman

“There are rumors that Mitt Romney will ask Ron Paul to be his running mate. He was originally going to reach out to Rick Santorum. But Rick’s not crazy about other dudes reaching out for him.” – Craig Ferguson

“The latest polls show Romney and Rick Santorum neck and neck. Not to be confused with Newt Gingrich, who is shown in the polls as chin to chin.” – David Letterman

“It was a tough game for the New York Knicks last night. Jeremy Lin went just 1-for-11 in their loss to Miami. Only 1 success out of 11 attempts — or as Newt Gingrich calls that, ‘primary season.’” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week an Occupy Wall Street protester gave birth in the back of a taxi. The baby loves breast milk – as long as it’s not the 1 percent.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is trying to come up with a new campaign slogan that would replace ‘Hope and Change.’ He’s thinking of going with ‘I am not Mitt Romney.’” – Craig Ferguson

“President Obama talked about rising gas prices today. He focused on the positive things his administration has done when it comes to energy prices. So, in other words, it was the shortest speech he’s ever given.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama is starting to get a little overconfident. In an interview with Univision radio, he said, ‘My presidency isn’t over yet, and I’ve still got five more years.’ Even his predictions are over budget.” – Jay Leno

“During Vice President Biden’s speech in North Carolina today, a man onstage kept falling asleep. The worst part: It was actually Joe Biden.” – Jimmy Fallon


Hammering Home

© Tom Toles

Mitt Romney squeaked a win in Michigan, where his father was a popular governor. But …

Call me crazy in a race that has made fools of just about every political pundit, but I’m still convinced that Romney will be the Republican candidate for president. My main question is at what cost, both to himself and to the Republican party.

My other question is whether Romney’s win shows that money can buy elections, or does the fact that even with all his money Romney is still barely scraping by show that money can’t buy elections.

UPDATE: Romney spent $10.40 for every vote he got in Michigan, while Santorum spent $6.


Everything Immoderation

The Republicans have sadly lost another moderate, Olympia Snowe of Maine.

The loss is particularly stinging for the GOP, as Republicans are trying hard to take over the Senate in the upcoming election. Snowe is very popular and was considered pretty much a shoo-in for a fourth term. But what must really hurt is why she is quitting — she doesn’t like the increasing polarization in Washington:

Unfortunately, I do not realistically expect the partisanship of recent years in the Senate to change over the short term.

With the most moderate Democrat in the Senate (Ben Nelson of Nebraska) also retiring, one has to wonder if there is any place for moderates in national politics. I find it sad.


Late Night Political Humor

“I saw the worst reality show last night. Have you seen this one? It’s called “the Republican Debate.’” – Jay Leno

“All these GOP debates. They had debates with podiums, debates with chairs, a table, bunk beds. Now the next one is going to be in black and white and silent.” – David Letterman

“The debate was on CNN. You know who the big winner was? “American Idol” on Fox.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum is claiming that Mitt Romney and Ron Paul have teamed up against him. Which is kind of ironic — that Santorum can be brought down by two men forming a civil union.” – Jay Leno

“I believe that corporations should be afforded all the rights of human beings: right to free speech, the right to bear arms, right to get married — I mean, not gay married — heterosexual.” –Stephen Colbert

“President Obama said he understands that rising prices are making people worried and fearful. Especially in his re-election campaign. They’re really fearful.” – Jay Leno

“As bad as gas prices are here, the situation is worse in Europe. I’ll tell you why. Because every time Europeans fill up their tank, they expose their unshaven armpits, releasing deadly toxic gases.” – Craig Ferguson

“I think we’re going to be seeing more hybrid cars. The Prius is known as a hybrid because it can run on either electricity or the smugness of the owner.” – Craig Ferguson

“The North Korean news agency reports that birds and pandas are sobbing and moaning over beloved leader Kim Jong Il’s death. Wait! Is it possible they’re sobbing and moaning because they live in North Korea?” – David Letterman


The Issue

© Derf

GOP strategist Alex Castellanos admits “Republicans being against sex is not good. Sex is popular.”


Operation Hilarity

Is turnabout fair play?

In February 2008, Rush Limbaugh announced “Operation Chaos“, where he encouraged Republicans to vote in Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton, in order to prolong the primary fight between Clinton and Barack Obama. In some states, notably Ohio and Indiana, this might even have been a felony. Nevertheless, there is strong evidence that Operation Chaos significantly prolonged the Democratic primary fight.

So a few weeks ago, Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos launched “Operation Hilarity“, urging Democrats to vote for Rick Santorum in the Republican primaries in open primary states, including Michigan, which is voting today. Some people have said that a loss for Romney in Michigan, where Mitt’s father George was a popular governor, would be disastrous for his campaign.

In many ways, Operation Hilarity could be much more damaging to the Republicans than Operation Chaos was for the Democrats. The lengthened fight in 2008 increased Democratic voter turnout and helped Obama establish a strong national organization going into the election. In contrast, the prolonged fight of Romney versus the flavor-of-the-month is not getting anyone excited, with Republican turnout plummeting.

It isn’t just Progressives that are promoting “Operation Hilarity”. Rick Santorum has even been running a robocall in Michigan that says:

Michigan Democrats can vote in the Republican primary on Tuesday. Why is it so important? Romney supported the bailout for his Wall Street billionaire buddies, but opposed the auto bailout. That was a slap in the face to every Michigan worker. And we’re not going to let Romney get away with it. On Tuesday, join Democrats who are going to send a loud message to Massachusetts Mitt Romney by voting for Rick Santorum for president. This call is supported by hard working Democratic men and women, and paid for by Rick Santorum for president.

Hypocritically, Santorum doesn’t mention that he also opposed the auto bailout.

Romney’s campaign responded:

It is outrageous that Rick Santorum is inviting Democrats into the Republican primary to vote against Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum has moved beyond just ‘taking one for the team,’ he is now willing to wear the other team’s jersey if he thinks it will get him more votes.

Romney himself called it “deceptive and a dirty trick” and a “new low in this campaign”.

But that just makes Romney hypocritical. In 1992, Romney personally voted in a Democratic presidential primary for Paul Tsongas. When Romney was running for president in 2008, Romney claimed that his vote was a tactical maneuver aimed at finding the weakest opponent to face incumbent George H W Bush. Romney registered as an independent in Massachusetts so that “When there was no real contest in the Republican primary, I’d vote in the Democrat primary, vote for the person who I thought would be the weakest opponent for the Republican.” He subsequently admitted to voting in Democratic primaries against Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Tip O’Neill.

So Santorum is just encouraging voters to do the same thing that Romney has already done. For added hilarity, read the National Review Online try to claim that encouraging crossover voting is far worse when Democrats do it.

Admittedly, Santorum seems to have taken this to the next level by actively encouraging crossover voting for himself. It would have been like Hillary Clinton telling Republicans to vote for her to damage Obama’s chances in the presidential election.

I also can’t help but wonder if this might backfire for Santorum. Certainly it is going to piss off establishment Republicans who believe in Reagan’s 11th commandment (although almost all the Republican candidates including Romney, broke that commandment a long time ago). It also gives Romney an excuse to explain away a loss in Michigan, where polling has been neck-and-neck.

UPDATE: Well, I don’t know if it backfired, but it didn’t work. Romney won in Michigan.


Late Night Political Humor

“Analysts say a key voting bloc this election year will be women called ‘Birth Control Moms.’ They’re moms who use birth control, but apparently not correctly.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rick Santorum said today that during his 16 years in Congress, he was an outsider the whole time. You know what? After 16 years, you’re not an outsider. You’re just unpopular.” – Jay Leno

“Santorum says that Satan has his sights set on the United States of America. And today Satan said he tries to avoid politics because it makes him feel dirty.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum said he believes that Satan has his sights on America. Apparently Satan is still upset about the time he went down to Georgia and lost that fiddle. – Jimmy Kimmel

“This guy Santorum is very conservative. Rick Santorum is so conservative he won’t watch a baseball game because there’s a pitcher and a catcher.” – Jay Leno

“He is so conservative. When he goes to the market, he skips the household aisle, just to avoid making eye contact with Mr. Clean.” – Jay Leno

“He is so conservative that he won’t masturbate because it involves sex with a guy.” – Jay Leno

“Today Newt Gingrich said we should use covert operations to assassinate Iran’s nuclear scientists. Gingrich also said the key to covert operations is announcing them on the campaign trail.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today is Ash Wednesday, and all over the country people are giving things up for Lent. In my opinion, Rick Santorum should give up chocolate while Newt Gingrich should give up, stop — that’s it, he should just give up.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today Mitt Romney had some ashes on his head. He’s not Catholic. It was soot from his campaign blowing up in his face.” – Jay Leno

“A known white supremacist has been working with a known black gang leader to make and distribute crystal meth. A white supremacist works side by side with a black gang member, and the Republicans still can’t agree on Mitt Romney. That doesn’t make any sense.” – Jay Leno

“It’s National Pancake Week. Of course Mitt Romney was in a debate tonight, so it’s also National Waffle Week.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This artificial hamburger technology is not perfected. To make a complete patty, scientists say it will cost $400,000 per hamburger. The first 10 have already been ordered by Mitt Romney.” – Craig Ferguson

“During a concert at the White House yesterday, President Obama got on stage and performed with Mick Jagger. Apparently, Obama wanted to prove to Republicans that he could work with a rich old white guy.” – Conan O’Brien

“At the White House they’re recovering after last night’s big concert. Mick Jagger played. President Obama said it was refreshing to see an old white guy who wasn’t running against him.” – Craig Ferguson

“Congressman Barney Frank is getting married soon — to another guy. Usually congressmen only do that sort of thing in secret.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sunday is the Academy Awards. I talked to a friend of mine at the academy, and the odds-on favorite is ‘The Help.’ It’s all about housekeepers being pursued by Arnold Schwarzenegger.” – David Letterman


Holy Orgasms!

© Tom Tomorrow

This comic totally cracks me up. Tom Tomorrow is brilliant.


How the World Works

© August J Pollak

As Mitt Romney recently put it, “Corporations are people, my friend.” Indeed they are. Large organizations, whether they are corporations, government, religions, unions, etc. are all made up of people. And these individual people are all trying to get ahead — to make more money, or get more power or influence. Capitalism is based on the idea that when individuals push their own agenda, the invisible hand of the market will channel this competition into socially desirable ends.

I agree, but only if the market provides equal opportunity to all through a set of rules that enforces fairness. Just as freedom requires that nobody is above the law, economic progress requires that everyone obeys the laws of the market. That is why we have laws against monopolies (and used to enforce them), and why allowing speculators to gain control of a market is a very bad idea.

As this comic points out, corruption also distorts markets, when an organization whose goal is to report the news is in bed (literally or figuratively) with an organization that would benefit from suppressing the same news. The same thing is true when politicians (or even Supreme Court justices) are in bed with those who benefit from their official decisions.


Exercise Some Control!

Republicans can’t seem to stop talking about birth control:

I love it when Rick Santorum claims that he is against birth control because of “the increasing number of children being born out of wedlock in America”. Duh, that’s what birth control will prevent, if it is available to women.


© Jim Morin


What’s All This I Hear About Youth In Asia?

Earlier this month, presidential candidate Rick Santorum went into a church and publicly lied through his teeth. This wasn’t some momentary hyperbole during a campaign speech, or while arguing with another candidate. The event was a forum at the Grace Bible Church moderated by Dr. James Dobson, the founder of the conservative group Focus on the Family (who has endorsed Santorum).

I had heard about this, but until I saw the video I didn’t realize how calmly and deliberately he had lied:

The conservative Annenberg Public Policy Center fact checked Santorum’s statements, and found them to be completely false.

Needless to say, the Dutch are pretty upset about this, one article saying that Santorum’s comments “would be a laughing matter, if he weren’t in the race for the Republican nomination to take on Barack Obama in the race for the presidency of the most powerful country in the world.”

Santorum has so far refused to clarify his statements, but instead is doubling down by attacking education. After all, who needs facts when a crazy lie will do just as well?

© Joel Pett


Late Night Political Humor

“Tomorrow night is the 20th Republican debate, which explains that new campaign slogan, ‘Vote Mitt Romney — or else we’ll keep doing this.’” – Jimmy Fallon

“Everyone throws beads on Mardi Gras. The beads are paid for by local businessmen who ride on elaborate floats and toss little trinkets to the desperate masses in the streets. Which is also Mitt Romney’s economic plan.” – Craig Ferguson

“It’s been reported that Mitt Romney’s campaign is spending cash twice as fast as they’re earning it. Hey, it turns out he is just like us after all.” – Conan O’Brien

“Santorum says that if he’s elected, he’s going to leave the interns alone and just screw the American people directly.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum also said that global warming is politics, not science. And he said he’ll defend that position to the edge of the earth. “If I have to fall off…” – Jay Leno

“This guy is really conservative. In fact, Rick Santorum is so conservative he won’t even go down on an escalator.” – Jay Leno

“He’s so conservative he wants ballpark franks to stop plumping when you cook ’em. That’s how conservative.” – Jay Leno

“In fact, Santorum is so conservative he won’t even let the UPS guy handle his package. That’s how conservative.” – Jay Leno

“Bob Morris, a state lawmaker from Fort Wayne, Ind., has decided not to support a proposal to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts. He believes the Girl Scouts is a, quote, radicalized organization that supports homosexuality and abortion. I’m all for freedom of speech, but that kind of talk might get you picked as Rick Santorum’s running mate.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Girl Scouts sell cookies. They don’t promote homosexuality. They promote obesity.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has outlawed gay marriage with one exception. He said Ben and Jerry, they’re OK. They can go ahead and get married. Usually the only thing Chris Christie vetoes is a salad.” – David Letterman

“Newt Gingrich called President Obama ‘the most dangerous president in U.S. history.’ But then he said ‘on the dance floor.’” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night PBS began airing a four-hour documentary about Bill Clinton and his presidency, and tonight they spent 40 minutes just on Monica Lewinsky. Forty minutes! That’s 38 more minutes than Bill spent on her.” – Jay Leno

“Political analysts say the key voting bloc could be birth control moms. Birth control moms are women who use birth control but apparently not correctly.” – Conan O’Brien


I know you are, but what am I?

In Barack Obama’s energy speech this week, he promoted the idea of new biofuels: “We’re making new investments in the development of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel that’s actually made from a plant-like substance known as algae. Believe it or not, we could replace up to 17% of the oil we import for transportation with this fuel that we can grow right here in America.”

Newt Gingrich thinks this is hilarious, saying that it is funny enough to be on Saturday Night Live (SNL).

What makes this ironic is that Gingrich’s idea for a permanent space colony on the moon, which he detailed in a speech in January, actually was parodied on SNL in February.

I guess he is just jealous.

Personally, I’m all for biofuels (as long as they use the right kind of bio). After all, oil, coal, and natural gas are all biofuels — they just take millions of years to convert the “bio” into the “fuel”. Speeding this process up makes them non-fossil fuels, so they are sustainable. Plus, since the “bio” in biofuels takes carbon out of the atmosphere, they can be carbon neutral. If you twist your mind a bit, because plants use the energy of the sun, biofuels are almost a form of solar energy.

UPDATE: Congressman accidentally reveals true GOP energy agenda.

UPDATE 2: Biofuels like this one, which takes grass and turns it into gasoline (not ethanol), and is carbon negative (better than carbon neutral).
