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Jumping the Gun

Mitt Romney is already selling exclusive presidential access, for only $50,000. This despite the fact that he hasn’t even been nominated yet, let alone elected.

Don’t have $50,000? For only $10,000 you can get a photo taken with Romney.

© Jim Morin


Three-Way Race

© Kevin Siers

Will Mitt Romney need two positions at the upcoming presidential debates?


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s popularity is starting to dwindle among well-known liberals like Matt Damon and Gene Simmons. In fact, you know the number one liberal to turn against President Obama? Mitt Romney.” – Jay Leno

“Because Mitt Romney is a Mormon he can actually have several vice presidents. Did you know that?” – David Letterman

“Today in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum officially dropped out of the Republican race. Gettysburg was a great choice because he should’ve dropped out four score and seven years ago.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It is a tough day for Rick Santorum, who suspended his presidential campaign. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he dropped out the day hot dog pizza was announced. Seeing this abomination, Rick realized that humanity has veered just too far off the path of moral righteousness.” – David Letterman

“Hot dogs and pizza don’t go together. It’s like Rush Limbaugh and skinny jeans — it just shouldn’t happen.” – Craig Ferguson

“Miami Marlins’ manager Ozzie Guillen has been suspended for five games because of his comments praising Fidel Castro. Now he’s apologizing after talking it over with his good friend Hugo Chavez.” – Jay Leno


Republican Grassroots?

This is how it works. SuperPACs are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns and other political activities, but they are required to disclose their donors. To avoid this, you just set up a non-profit organization, which is not required to disclose donors, to “launder” the money so you can’t tell where it came from, and then use it to fund other political organizations, like (you guessed it) SuperPACs.

For example, Karl Rove has a SuperPAC called American Crossroads. But he also has a 501(c)(4) non-profit called Crossroads GPS. Between them, they will spend around $300 million dollars on political activities in the upcoming election. In fact, they have already spent $11 million just on ads attacking Obama.

In case you were wondering, the GPS in Crossroads GPS stands for “Grassroots Policy Strategies”, yet 90% of their donations came from just two dozen donors. Two of those donors have given more than $10 million each. But there is no way to know who they are (the two could even be the same person). How’s that for grassroots?

Not only that, but IRS rules say that 501(c)(4) organizations are supposed to be “social welfare” groups, not political groups. But since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, all organizations, even non-profits, are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on political speech. How that qualifies as “social welfare” is beyond me.

This is the frightening new face of American politics. Expect that billions of dollars will be spent on the upcoming election, and there is no way to know where the money came from, or what favors the donors are expecting from the politicians who benefit from their money.



© Jack Ohman

So, who do you think Romney will pick for his Veep?


Late Night Political Humor

“Today was the annual White House Easter Egg Roll – or, as the Republicans call it, ‘President Obama’s Socialist Egg Redistribution Program.’” – Jay Leno

“Thirty thousand kids and their parents participated in the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, which has been going on for years. At this point there has to be thousands of undiscovered Easter eggs on the lawn of the White House. Future civilizations will think we were ruled by chickens.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Thirty thousand kids and their parents participated in the annual White House Easter egg roll… The only problem was, First lady Michelle Obama was put in charge of the snacks. That’s like putting Rick Santorum in charge of a rave.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bad news for the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. While celebrating Easter they rushed him to the hospital with an impacted Peep.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney had an Easter egg hunt at his house as well. Although he does it a little bit differently; he hides money offshore and then the kids hunt for the nest of eggs. They go to Caymans, they go to Switzerland… they travel all over.” – Jay Leno

“Over the weekend, Mitt Romney was actually spotted body-boarding in California. Romney would’ve gone surfing, but you know, he hates standing for something.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Over the weekend Mitt Romney went body surfing. He has not body surfed since the ‘90s when he starred on ‘Baywatch.’” – David Letterman

“Actually, it turned out there weren’t enough waves that day, so Romney asked Newt Gingrich to do a cannonball.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Newt Gingrich admitted to The Washington Post that he knows he probably won’t be the Republican nominee for president, but he’s not bowing out of the race because he’s $5 million in debt. So he needs to keep raising money. How do you continue to raise money when you’ve already admitted you probably won’t win?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Newt Gingrich says he still has a chance. He say people walk up to him all the time and beg him to stay in the presidential race. It’s a group of people known as Democrats.” – Conan O’Brien

“Joe Biden launched a new Twitter account to give supporters updates from the campaign trail. Like his most recent update: ‘They still won’t let me go on the campaign trail.’” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama has signed into law a bill that bans members of Congress from insider trading. However, they are still allowed to mishandle campaign funds, cheat on their wives, and kill the occasional drifter.” – Jay Leno

“Keith Olbermann is suing his former employer, Current TV, for $70 million. That comes out to $10 million per viewer.” – Jay Leno

“The FBI is reporting that American universities are being infiltrated by foreign spies. They say everyone should be on the lookout for any student who’s paying attention and taking notes.” – Conan O’Brien


Trickle-down Economics

© Ruben Bolling

Actually, I wish it worked more like this.



If you don’t know who Kirk Cameron is, see this, or this.


Late Night Political Humor

“Happy Holiday weekend! This, of course, is both Passover and Easter. In fact, did you see what Romney did tonight? I think he’s trying too hard to get votes; he went to a Seder dressed as the Easter bunny.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney has spent $53 million on ads, and Rick Santorum has spent $9 million. Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich drew a poster with his name on it and showed up in the background of the ‘Today’ show.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Tomorrow night, President Obama is hosting a special showing of the film ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ on the USA Network. And Mitt Romney will be hosting a showing of the film ‘Wall Street.’” – Jay Leno

“According to a recent study, most people think that they are thinner than they really are. Which explains why the other day I saw Newt Gingrich buying a Speedo at Forever 21.” –Jimmy Fallon

“You know what’s funny? Both President Obama and Mitt Romney are calling each other ‘out of touch.’ See, being considered ‘out of touch’ is bad for a candidate. On the other hand, as Herman Cain and John Edwards have showed us, touching too much is also bad… there’s a fine line. A very fine line.” – Jay Leno

“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says he wants airport security workers to be nicer to foreigners. Could we be any nicer? They cross our borders whenever they want, they get jobs, they get bargain college tuition, we give them driver’s licenses, we never ask them to leave. How much nicer can we be?” – Jay Leno


Sue Thyself?

In the aftermath of the crash of the housing bubble, banks went on a foreclosure spree, even foreclosing on houses on which they didn’t hold a mortgage. But supposedly they cleaned up their act. Or did they?

According to publicly available records, one Bank, the Bank of America, in a single county alone, has sued itself for foreclosure 11 times in the last few weeks. If things are such a mess that banks are even suing themselves, you can only imagine how many mistakes they are making on other foreclosures.

How many people have been kicked out of their homes wrongly? And what is anyone going to do about it?


Why are we training terrorists?

According to a story by Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker, between 2005 and 2007, US was secretly training members of a known terrorist group. So if someone (like you or me) donated some money to the group, they could be jailed for supporting terrorism, but the US government provided training in the use of weapons, cryptography, and small-unit tactics, at a secret site in Nevada right here in the USA.


Life Begins at Masturbation

This is not only ironic on so many different levels, it is hilarious and yet serious at the same time.


Cleaning up after Santorum

Ranker has a funny round-up of Rick Santorum jokes.

Here are a few they collected from Twitter:

Breaking: Rick Santorum to “suspend” his presidential campaign. But he won’t terminate it without forcing it to get an ultrasound first.

“For a few short months back in 2012 ‘Santorum’ meant shitty banal rube, not shitty anal lube. Weird, right?” – The Future

Just wiped my ass with a sweater vest.

I really don’t want to read “Santorum, pulling out” again.

These are from just one of their top 20 Santorum jokes. Go read the rest.

UPDATE: Daniel Kurtzman has also collected the best Rick Santorum jokes, comics, and quotes. Here are a few he collected from Andy Borowitz:

It took Romney millions of dollars and months of attacks to narrowly defeat a mental patient in a sweater vest.

I don’t blame Santorum for not believing in evolution. It’s really let him down.

Santorum made his very first sweater vest when he tore the arms off his straitjacket.


The Upcoming Campaign

© Clay Bennett

I’m almost afraid of posting comics like this one, since it might give the Republicans an idea.


Late Night Political Humor

“The earth’s population is now well past 7 billion people. And still, the Republicans can’t find one candidate they really like.” – Jay Leno

“Rick Santorum’s campaign is now formally calling on Newt Gingrich to drop out of the race. But you know Newt. He has vowed to stay in. And believe me, when Newt Gingrich takes a vow, he keeps it — unless, of course, you know, marriage.” – Jay Leno

“Did you hear about this? According to a new book coming out, Governor Rick Perry of Texas used painkillers to help him get through the Republican debates. Hey pal, join the club!” – Jay Leno

“According to this new book, Perry had back surgery, and he’s now saying that his campaign was derailed by pain pills. Now don’t confuse that with Herman Cain’s campaign, which was derailed by Viagra pills. That was a totally different deal.” – Jay Leno

“Google announced they are making glasses that have embedded technology that projects data on the lenses in front of your eyes. Some people formed a group online to stop the new technology. An online group to stop new technology — does anybody see the irony here?” – Craig Ferguson

“The protesters say Google is underestimating the dangers of merging man with machine. Well, they’re a little late to stop that half-man, half-cyborg thing. They’re already here. One of them just captured the Republican nomination.” – Craig Ferguson

“A new picture was just released of President Obama giving the Star Trek Vulcan salute at the White House. Even Spock was like, ‘Whoa — look at that guy’s ears!’” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama signed a bill preventing members of Congress from profiting from insider trading. Didn’t you think that was already illegal?” – Jay Leno

“So they were profiting from insider information. Why didn’t they use inside information to pay off the $15 trillion debt?” – Jay Leno
