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Incestuous Echo Chamber

Follow the money:

Conservative talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage all work for Premier Networks.

Premier Networks is owned by Clear Channel Communications, which is the largest owner and operator of radio stations, and also owns various other media outlets, including billboards.

In 2008, Clear Channel was bought by Bain Capital in a leveraged buyout. Bain Capital has acquired hundreds of companies, including other media companies.

Mitt Romney is the co-founder of Bain Capital and still owns a significant portion of it. He also served as its CEO, although on paper he is no longer involved in management decisions.


The Illusion of Choice


Mediated Justice?

© Matt Bors

The obsession with trying people in the media is truly evil. It rarely leads to true justice, ruins lives, cost millions if not billions of dollars, and distracts us from real issues and problems.

And why do certain cases trigger a sustained media obsession, while thousands of equally compelling cases go completely ignored? There are answers for some of the cases — for example, O.J. Simpson was already a celebrity before his trial. But there must be hundreds of medical stories like that of Terry Schiavo, and hundreds of people like Trayvon Martin killed, every single day, who get nary a peep in the media.

UPDATE: Howard Kurtz talks about how the campaign has been hijacked by trivialities:

I started pondering this when we all got swept up in the spectacle of Hilary Rosen denigrating Ann Romney for not working (though rather than being deeply offended, the candidate’s wife proclaimed this an “early birthday present.”)

That, in turn, followed our collective enthrallment over Romney aide Eric Fehrnstrom describing their Etch a Sketch operation, which in turn followed the uproar over Rush Limbaugh calling a law student a slut, which followed…well, it’s hard to remember at this point.

Each of these episodes, considered separately, contains elements of substance that were soon overwhelmed by the rhetoric emanating from the media echo chamber. Collectively, they suggest that what should be a serious campaign in hard economic times has turned into a spectacle in which we are amusing ourselves to death.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama is gearing up for his presidential campaign. He’s creating a new series of ads. The first ad boasts “just last week my Secret Service created jobs for 11 Colombian women.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Secret Service prostitution scandal has gotten worse because apparently agents were also snorting cocaine. However, in the agents’ defense, the Colombian hotels offer cocaine in the mini bar.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama, in his memoir, talked about his childhood in Indonesia living with his stepfather. He said when he was 8 years old, his stepfather introduced him to a number of unusual meats, including dog. Our president ate dog. Not only that, according to the book, he also ate snake. And his mother was looking for tiger. He was eating through Noah’s Ark.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“But the dog thing — maybe that is where the floppy ears come from.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This is not something that someone dug up on him. This was in a book the president wrote himself. How did we miss this? If Ryan Seacrest wrote a book and said he ate dog, we would know about it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Conservatives are now criticizing President Obama because as a child in Indonesia he sometimes ate dog meat. But on the plus side, Obama is now polling very well among cats.” – Conan O’Brien

“Between Romney and Obama, it is a frightening time to be a dog in this country. But the best time ever to be a cat.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Google, I am shocked. You stole people’s personal information without their permission? That is Facebook’s job!” – Jon Stewart

“The deadline to file your tax returns was last night at midnight. If you forget, don’t worry. The IRS never checks.” – Jimmy Kimmel



Mitt Romney gave a speech at a shuttered Gypsum plant in Ohio yesterday, using it as a backdrop to claim that Obama has failed to create jobs.

There are just a couple of problems. First of all, the plant was closed four years ago, before Obama was elected. And second, when Obama was sworn in, unemployment in Ohio stood at 8.6%. It peaked at 10.6% during the second half of 2009, but it now dropped to 7.6% as of February.

Reality doesn’t seem to matter any more.


Late Night Political Humor

“This year the government will spend a trillion dollars more than it will take in. Experts say 32 percent of our taxes go to defense. And the rest buys hookers for the Secret Service.” – Craig Ferguson

“In case you’re wondering where your tax dollars go, 21 percent goes to Medicare and Medicaid, 20 percent to social security, 20 percent to defense spending, and the other 39 percent they squander.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I don’t mind paying taxes. But what I don’t get: When we send in our return, why do we have to put stamps on the envelope? Can’t they give us a pass on that?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There is a record number of Americans now who owe so much in back taxes that they are renouncing their U.S. citizenship. These Americans were offered a place in Nicholas Cage-istan.” – Conan O’Brien

“The IRS is very into social media now. They have five different Twitter accounts. And while you may not be following them, they are definitely following you.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The IRS also has four Facebook pages and zero friends on all of those.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to his tax return, President Obama made $800,000 last year. In fact, the president made so much money that today he endorsed Mitt Romney for president.” – Craig Ferguson

“Ann Romney…is defending her husband for once strapping the family dog to the roof of their station wagon on a family trip, saying, ‘The dog loved it.’ Unfortunately the dog could not be reached for comment because he ran away to stay with Michael Vick.” – Conan O’Brien

“During a campaign event, Newt Gingrich was bitten by a penguin. It was feeding time and Newt and the penguin were fighting over pieces of squid.” – Conan O’Brien


Nothing to Hide

© Tom Tomorrow

Yes, the Supreme Court really did rule that it was ok for jails to use routine strip searches, even for people arrested for minor traffic violations. Why should we be afraid of body cavity searches if we have nothing to hide?


Late Night Political Humor

“Did you hear how they caught those Secret Service agents with prostitutes in Colombia? Apparently the men were walking around wearing nothing but their sunglasses and those earpieces.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama talked about the Secret Service prostitution scandal, saying he’s reserving judgment until all the facts are in, or at least until he figures out a way to blame this on Mitt Romney.” – Craig Ferguson

“Mitt Romney has already begun the process of choosing a running mate. Romney wants someone with a different ethnicity who appeals to women, so his first choice is President Obama.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Democrats accuse the Republicans of launching a war on women. Then the Republicans accuse the Democrats of the same thing. At this point, who can remember who enacted reproductive health restrictions in 36 states including mandatory transvaginal ultrasounds?” – Stephen Colbert

“At the St. Louis Zoo, Newt Gingrich got too close to one of the animals and was bit on the hand by a penguin. If you’re named after a lizard, you have to assume birds are going to try to eat you.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A British historical society declared that Britain’s greatest foe of all time was George Washington, our George Washington. Coming in second place was Adolf Hitler and third place went to Madonna’s accent.” – Conan O’Brien


Rejected Campaign Slogans

© Brian McFadden

Let the election begin!

It’s going to be the dirtiest campaign you’ve ever seen. I would say: Hide the children and check the plumbing because you’re going to have to shower several times a day.

Charles Krauthammer


Late Night Political Humor

“New Jersey Mayor Corey Booker last night personally rescued a woman from a burning building. Or as Fox News reported it, ‘black man loots house, steals white woman.’” – Bill Maher

“Cory Booker is not the only New Jersey politician who’s done something brave like this. Gov. Chris Crisco – sorry Chris Christie – once ran into a burning restaurant to save 15 pounds of prime rib, but then got stuck in the window going out and burned his ass.” – Bill Maher

“Last night Newark Mayor Cory Booker rescued a woman trapped inside a burning house. Not to be outdone, Governor Chris Christie rescued a Tostito that fell in his artichoke dip.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama released his tax returns. It turns out he made $900,000 less in 2011 then he did in 2010. You know what that means? Even Obama is doing worse under President Obama.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama on Wednesday gave a speech surrounded by a group of millionaires and their secretaries calling for Congress to pass the Buffet Rule and raise taxes on the rich. Confusing many who thought the Buffet Rule was ‘only sing along with chorus.'” – Seth Meyers

“In an interview, President Obama said he prefers Jay-Z to Kanye. Did you know Obama was a fan of hip-hop? In fact, he has his own rap nickname, Biggie Deficit.” – Jay Leno

“It’s that time of year again, April 15, taxes. I know it’s depressing, but just remember, you’re paying for roads, bridges, hospitals, and an army to keep the nation free. Unfortunately that nation is Afghanistan.” – Bill Maher

If you feel about about so much money in this country going to defense, don’t forget, if we didn’t spend more money on weapons than every other country combined, then Iran could not put the bomb they don’t have on the Korean rocket that doesn’t work.” – Bill Maher

“Yesterday, North Korea launched a big long-range missile. It was supposed to scare everybody. It exploded less than a minute after launching. In fact, leader Kim Jong Un was so mad, he went home, kicked his dog, and then ate it.” – Jay Leno

“Now the North Koreans say they are going to test a nuclear weapon. To which I say please do. Talk about a problem taking care of itself.” – Bill Maher

“Speaking of problems taking care of itself, Rick Santorum dropped out of the race. Rick dropped out, but said he was going to keep fighting against liberalism, against secularism, and against the urge to blow Jon Hamm.” – Bill Maher

“Rick Santorum on Tuesday announced that he was suspending his campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination. In his honor, sweater sleeves will be worn at half-mast.” – Seth Meyers

“The pundits say Santorum pulled out at just the right time, which is also his birth control policy.” – Bill Maher

“Newt Gingrich is up to his chins in debt.” – David Letterman

“New Rule: If you order the new Pizza Hut pizza with the hotdog-stuffed crust, you have to pay more for healthcare. And stop acting like this is a new idea. For years, Marcus Bachmann has been telling the delivery guy ‘I’d like a wiener in my rim’.” – Bill Maher


Phony Mommy Wars

It takes three videos from Jon Stewart to contain this much delicious irony and hypocrisy.

And the latest twist to all of this is that even Ann Romney was cynically milking Hillary Rosen’s comment, pretending to be outraged that Rosen was disrespecting stay-at-home moms:

It was my early birthday present for someone to be critical of me as a mother, and that was really a defining moment, and I loved it.

As a side note, Hillary Rosen was clearly not disrespecting Ann Romney for being a stay-at-home mom. Rosen was disrespecting Mitt Romney’s choice of economic advisor for women’s issues.


Terminating your Candidacy?

Rick Santorum should have thought about this earlier, but it is not too late now, before he aborts his campaign.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Obama administration is trying to distance itself from remarks made by long-time Democratic adviser Hilary Rosen. She said that Mitt Romney’s wife, Ann, a stay-at-home mother of five who has cancer, has never worked a day in her life. The ironic part — because of that idiotic statement, she may never work another day in her life.” – Jay Leno

“And now, even vice president Joe Biden is furious. He said, ‘Making stupid comments that hurt the president, that’s my job. She has no right.'” – Jay Leno

“Let me tell you something — if you’re the mother of five boys, you never had a day off in your life, OK?” – Jay Leno

“In an interview, once again President Obama called Kanye West a jackass. In other words, President Obama’s finally found an issue that can bring this country together.” – Conan O’Brien

“I believe that hardcore social conservatives, liberals, and everyone else is together on this one. I think even Kanye agrees.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rick Santorum has suspended his presidential campaign. He dropped out after spending a weekend in prayer, and then realizing he didn’t have one, he dropped out.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday Newt Gingrich gave a campaign speech at a senior center, scheduled between a Jazzercise class and a Bingo game. That’s when you know you’re in trouble – when your campaign speech is the least exciting thing happening at a senior center.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Newt Gingrich gave a speech at a senior center. Or as audience members put it, ‘Unplug me.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Gingrich spoke to seniors, right before the Bingo game — which was awkward, because one of the Bingo players turned out to be Ron Paul.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today Newt Gingrich is blaming the failure of his presidential campaign on Fox News. Newt’s also blaming the failure of his diet on Cinnabon.” – Conan O’Brien

“Arnold Schwarzenegger did something interesting yesterday. On his Facebook page, he asked fans to give him ideas for things to write about in his autobiography. Apparently, he’s unfamiliar with the auto part.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There’s certainly nothing fun about paying taxes, but you have to remember… all the money goes to a good cause, like paying the salaries of the meter maids who give you our parking tickets, and keeping welfare checks going to the Octomom, and important things like that.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Beat This Issue to Death

© Keith Knight

This is one of those issues where emotional arguments get in the way of practical arguments. It doesn’t matter if you think the death penalty is morally wrong. The simple truth is that the death penalty doesn’t work and costs taxpayer money. It is an anachronism that needs to go. We got rid of punishments like flogging long ago.


Late Night Political Humor

“After dropping out of the GOP race, Rick Santorum emailed his supporters to ask for help paying off his campaign debt. So if you believe in his message of responsible spending and no handouts, just give him a handout to cover all his irresponsible spending.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Rick Santorum has dropped out of the race. He wanted to ban gambling and outlaw pornography. And this is a guy who claims Romney is out of touch with America.” – David Letterman

“Now that Santorum is out of the race, that leaves Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul out there vying for the crackpot vote.” – David Letterman

“Newt looks like the guy at your class reunion you don’t recognize.” – David Letterman

“Newt Gingrich’s campaign paid $500 to get his name on the Utah primary ballot, and the check bounced. You know, if Newt is spending money he doesn’t have, maybe he really is qualified to be president.” – Jay Leno

“It turns out that Newt Gingrich’s campaign wrote a $500 check to participate in the Utah primary, but it bounced. Even M.C. Hammer was like, ‘Manage your money, bro.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The average wedding now costs $27,000. Well, no wonder Newt Gingrich is broke. He’s constantly shelling out all that money.” – Jay Leno

“Gingrich is $5 million in debt. And he’s the guy who was going to fix our economy.” – David Letterman

“Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced that he is supporting Mitt Romney for president. Jindal said he couldn’t think of a better way to show his support than waiting until Romney was the only guy left.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Another strange story from Arizona. A bill signed by the governor would declare a woman to be pregnant two weeks before conception. So congratulations, ladies, you are all Arizona pregnant.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I wonder if they realize in Arizona that they will not be able to report any female illegal immigrants because they are all pregnant with babies who will be citizens.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Florida congressman Allen West made an interesting statement yesterday. He believes there are about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party who are members of the Communist Party. Really? I think it’s time for someone to lay off the Tom Clancy novels.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“West is a guy that some think should be Mitt Romney’s running mate. I would like that. We haven’t had a truly crazy vice president . . . well, until now.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Harvard Law School will soon offer a class called ‘Understanding Obama’ — while Barnum & Bailey Clown College will offer a class called ‘Understanding Biden.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The price of gasoline has now doubled under President Obama’s administration. He and Jimmy Carter are the only presidents ever to have had that happen. But in fairness, at least under President Obama we don’t have to listen to disco.” – Jay Leno

“George W. Bush said he wishes people would stop referring to his tax policy as the Bush tax cuts. He also wishes people would stop referring to his presidency as the eight-year oopsy.” – Conan O’Brien

“The teenage birth rate… is now the lowest it’s been in 70 years, and people are wondering why. Is it due to a resurgence of sexual abstinence? Is it due to teens acting more responsibly? Or is due to the fact that ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’ is so awesome that boys don’t care about girls anymore?” – Jay Leno
