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Late Night Political Humor

“Tonight on the show we have the president of the United States, Barack Obama. Unfortunately, though, a lot of people weren’t able to get tickets. That includes students, professors, Joe Biden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama said he’s not going to pander to the UNC students and tell them what they want to hear. I thought it was weird when they changed his slogan from ‘Yes, we can” to ‘Duke sucks’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Even though the president just got here today, I’ve been here at the University of North Carolina for two days now, and I’ve been having the best time hanging out with the Secret Service. They just know how to party.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It now appears that as many as a dozen members of the Secret Service were involved in that Colombian prostitution scandal. Now six of the agents have been reassigned. The other six are now party planners for the GSA.” – Jay Leno

“Political analysts are saying that President Obama doesn’t want to be too critical of the Secret Service because their agents protect him every day — which explains why today President Obama said it was fiscally responsible to refuse to pay the prostitute.” – Conan O’Brien

“Time magazine has come out with their 100 most influential people issue, and Newt Gingrich is not on the list. In fact, he’s not even on the list of the 100 most influential Newts.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee. They’ve already broken out the non-alcoholic champagne.” – David Letterman

“For the first time in 40 years, more Mexicans are leaving the United States than are coming to it. Not because of our economy. Because they’re sick and tired of explaining that Taco Bell isn’t real Mexican food.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s Earth Week. So we’re doing tonight’s show with very little energy. We’re using our solar-powered applause sign. Not only that — my hairpiece is 100 percent hemp.” – David Letterman


Thinking with the wrong brain

© Mike Lester

So that’s why they wear those wires.



At a British judicial inquiry Thursday, Rupert Murdoch talked about being “mobbed by journalists and paparazzi” and said he was being harassed.

Ironically, the inquiry is over illegal harassment done by Murdoch’s News Corp, which broke into people’s voicemail boxes. Murdoch’s reporters are notorious for harassing not just celebrities, but even ordinary members of the public.

UPDATE: Stewart on Murdock:


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday was Earth Day, and apparently today is Find Out Yesterday Was Earth Day Day.” – Conan O’Brien

“They estimate that a billion people participated in Earth Day activities. Then they all went back to driving their SUVs to the gym.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In conjunction with Earth Day, the Dutch electronics company Philips released a revolutionary new light bulb designed to last 20 years. Do you think when the guy thought of this, a light bulb went off over his head?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I’m enjoying this Secret Service scandal. It turned out to be a frisking that got out of control.” – David Letterman

“Congress is expanding its probe into the Secret Service scandal. Congressmen want to know how this could happen, who was responsible, and do those ladies take Discover cards.” – Conan O’Brien

“One of the Secret Service agents had this woman, and the deal was $300 and he gave her $30. I’m thinking, now wait a minute. I’ve got no problem with a guy trying to save taxpayer dollars.” – David Letterman

“These are jobs that should’ve gone to American hookers.” – David Letterman

“President Obama is proposing to keep student loans cheap as a way to appeal to college students. And if that doesn’t work, Obama’s going to resort to his second proposal, ‘free pizza in my room.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney has launched a new drive to appeal to Hispanic voters. Unfortunately, his new slogan is ‘Mitt Romney — I probably employ one of your cousins.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Newt Gingrich’s campaign is something like $5 million in debt. He is now so broke he’s no longer attacking the poor because he is one.” – Jay Leno


Obama on our Future

© Scott Bateman


Late Night Political Humor

“The Secret Service agent thought he was paying $30, and it turned out the prostitute wanted $800, which sounds like a lot, but in her defense, she said she is paying a higher tax rate than Mitt Romney.” – Bill Maher (on the Secret Service prostitution scandal)

“One of the agents involved in the scandal was on Sarah Palin’s detail in 2008 when she was running for vice president. And he posted a picture on his Facebook – apparently he had a little crush on her – of him standing behind her kind of smirking and saying, ‘I’m checking her out.’ Which is more than you can say for the McCain campaign.” – Bill Maher

“Of course Sarah Palin has to answer this. Today she said, you know what, people are always checking me out. She said, ‘I can’t count the number of times when I’m walking away, and I hear someone say, ‘What an ass.'” – Bill Maher

“Yesterday the Secret Service said they’re interviewing rock star Ted Nugent because of remarks that he made that made them think he might be threatening the President’s life. Now look, I don’t agree with Ted Nugent on almost anything. But to call him a threat is ridiculous. Not as ridiculous as to call him a rock star, but ridiculous nevertheless.” – Bill Maher

“Newt Gingrich still receiving Secret Service protection. What are they protecting him from? Reality?” – Bill Maher

“Newt Gingrich was campaigning at a zoo this week and he was bitten by a penguin. Newt Gingrich is always campaigning at zoos. Mitt Romney once did a photo op at a zoo. That was a big mistake, because he stood next to the chameleon, and he changed colors.” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney is unbelievable. There is no level to which he will not stoop. Famously Mitt Romney strapped the dog to the roof of the car. So this week the Romney campaign put out that Obama, when he was six years old living in Indonesia, he ate dog meat and grasshoppers. You know, the number 12. He was six years old! The White House released a statement today saying the president was so sickened by this charge that he ate some grass and threw up.” – Bill Maher

“I think the Republican Party is at war with common sense. I think if the Democrats came out against eating yellow snow, Rick Perry would eat yellow snow.” – Bill Maher (regarding Rick Perry and other Republican governors eating hamburgers with “pink slime“)

“I think Republicans live in a world now where whatever a liberal says, no matter how sensible, is automatically evil, wrong, and needs to be fought with the fervor of a starving raccoon on crystal meth.” – Bill Maher

“Today is 4/20. This is like national pot day. And people celebrate all over the world. Although, I must say, the Senate did not celebrate this by smoking joints, for two reasons. One, it would be against protocol. And two, it would mean passing something.” – Bill Maher


Give Someone Enough Rope

Stephen Colbert is brilliant. I can’t imagine anyone else who could make someone look so wrong just by agreeing with them:


Slow Jam The News

Jimmy Fallon has a special musical guest on his show, live from the University of North Carolina:


The Least Popular Job in the World?

Nobody wants to be Mitt Romney’s running mate.


It Ain’t Over Until…

It looks like the Republican nominating process is even more of a mess than we already knew it was. In fact, there is a chance that it isn’t actually over yet.

For example, first Romney was declared the winner in Iowa, then Santorum, and now it looks like Ron Paul actually won.

In 1920, Warren G. Harding had the fewest delegates of any candidate going into the Republican National Convention, but ten ballots later he was nominated and went on to win the presidency in a 60% to 34% landslide. Could Ron Paul do the same thing?


Role Reversal

© Adam Zyglis

Once upon a time, the word “conservative” came from the same root as “conservation”. But today, the only thing conservatives are trying to conserve is their bank accounts.

For thirty years prior to 2000, earthquakes in the central US averaged 21 a year. But after oil and gas drilling operations started using “fracking“, where water, sand, and chemicals are injected into deep shale formations, earthquakes jumped to 50 in 2009, 87 in 2010, and 134 in 2011. There is also concern that fracking taints drinking water.


Rushing Back

In March, Rush Limbaugh lost most of his national advertisers because of his sexist remarks about Sandra Fluke after her Congressional testimony. But now at least one national advertiser has resumed advertising on his show.

Ironically, that advertiser is Angie’s List. I wonder what Angie Hicks would have to say about that.

And doubly ironically, Limbaugh calling Fluke a “prostitute” and a “slut” were a blatant attempt to attack people who spoke out on women’s issues. But back in 2007, a contractor sued two Angie’s List members for libel after he received a negative review on the site, in a similar attempt to keep people from speaking out.


Late Night Political Humor

“That Secret Service sex scandal keeps growing. Here’s the latest: Three of the Secret Service agents involved in the sex and cocaine scandal are now leaving the agency. On the bright side, they’re going to have one hell of a going-away party.” – Conan O’Brien

“Reporters are in Colombia digging up anything on the Secret Service prostitution scandal. There was a dispute in the hotel. The escort said they made an agreement the night before to pay her $800, which is a lot for an escort. For that, you could get a Ford Escort.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“After they promised $800, they only gave her $30. That’s what you call a trade deficit.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The escort claims the agents said they did not remember agreeing to pay $800 because they were drunk the night before and she refused to leave the room until she got paid. Eventually they settled for $225. These are the guys we should put in charge of negotiating our foreign debt.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Eleven Secret Service agents are being investigated. So far one has been fired, one resigned, one retired, and the rest are thinking about leaving just because the party is over.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Titanic 2012

© Tim Campbell

Is it too late to turn the Republican Party around?


Not Happy with the GOP

In an interview Sunday night, former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman had some things to say about the current state of the Republican Party.

At his first presidential debate, he was struck by the question “Is this the best we could do?”

Apparently it was, since any deviation from party dogma was swiftly punished. When he said he believed in science, people “look at you quizzically as though you’re an oddball”.

He also mildly compared the GOP to the Chinese Communist Party. After he said some things the party didn’t like, he was disinvited from a Florida fundraiser in March. “That is what they do in China on party matters if you talk off script.”

He jokingly blamed his failed candidacy in part on his wife telling him that she would leave him if he abandoned his principles. “She said if you pandered, if you sign any of those damn pledges, I’ll leave you.”

Finally, he commented that Ronald Reagan would “likely not” be able to win the Republican nomination today, given the current political climate.

UPDATE: More commentary from the person who conducted the interview on Sunday night.
