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SNL is back!

And just in time. Here’s the cold open from last night. It starts out a little rough but has a good finish.


Fear of Monsters

As someone who really misses the comic “Calvin and Hobbes”, I take solace in Ruben Bolling’s occasional “Donald and John” strip:

© Ruben Bolling


Trump Knew!

Yes, Donald Trump knew that Hope Hicks had Covid-19 and that he had been exposed to her many times. And yet he still attended a fundraising event on Thursday with 30-50 donors (who paid as much as $250,000 to get a great bit more than they bargained for). Not only that, but he met privately with around 19 people at the event. The donors who attended “are panicking“.

According to Chris Wallace, the moderator of the debate, the Trump campaign’s entourage (which included Hope Hicks) arrived too late on Tuesday to receive a Covid-19 test, which the venue had required. Instead, they were allowed in on the “honor system”.

An honor system with the Trump administration. Seriously?

Trump’s people were wearing masks as they arrived, because they would not otherwise have been allowed into the auditorium, but they took them off shortly after sitting down and refused to put them back on. And as icing on the cake, Trump mocked Biden during the debate for wearing a mask.

It gets worse. Even though Chris Christie spent 4 days with Trump and Hicks preparing for the debate, the campaign did not inform him that Hicks had tested positive (he learned about it from the media). And (no surprise) the Trump campaign didn’t notify Biden’s campaign either (again, they learned it from the media).

Here is Heather Cox Richardson’s summary of this situation:

This crisis shows how the administration’s refusal to share information and its insistence on its own version of reality creates confusion that leaves Americans vulnerable and anxious. Its history of secrecy and lies means that few people actually trust anything its spokespeople say. It was striking how many people did not believe the Trumps were actually sick when the news broke; we are so accustomed to Trump’s lies that many people thought he was simply looking for a way out of future debates.

The constant lies—about coronavirus and virtually everything else—destabilize the nation because we cannot know what the truth really is. And if we don’t know what is actually happening, we cannot make good decisions. Today the editorial board of the Washington Post warned that the White House simply must let us know the truth about the president’s health so that we know who is actually running national security, the economy, and the election on our behalf.

That plea did not appear to make much of an impression on the White House: it did not bother to tell Pelosi, who is third in line for the presidency, that Trump was being helicoptered to Walter Reed Hospital. 


Presidential Covid Humor

Yes, I know that this is in bad taste, but this has been an election that has broken all existing rules of taste and decorum. So why not make some jokes to have some fun?

Just remember that even Trump is somebody’s child.
My thoughts are with Satan at this time.

As President, Trump should get the best medical care …
… that $750 can buy.

With the possibility he may have to take over Trump’s activities this weekend, White House aides are frantically teaching Mike Pence how to play golf.

Obama: President Trump has the coronavirus. We should send him a card.
Biden: Can I write in it, “Stay Positive?”

[if readers see other jokes, please post them in the comments]


Trump is a SuperSpreader

I hope everyone notes that Hope Hicks was showing symptoms of Covid-19 and was diagnosed Wednesday night. She had been in frequent close contact with Donald Trump. But did Trump quarantine himself?

I’ll give you one guess. According to WaPo, on Thursday “Trump and his entourage flew to New Jersey, where he attended a fundraiser and delivered a speech. Trump was in close contact with dozens of other people, including campaign supporters at a roundtable event.”

Trump knew he was strongly exposed to someone who is definitely contagious. And yet he still went around exposing dozens of other people at campaign events. Trump must be extremely desperate to raise money for his campaign.

The people who I don’t understand at all are those Trump supporters who attended his events today even after the news broke that he was exposed.

Just call it evolution in action.

And why did it take from Wednesday night until Friday morning for Trump to announce test results that showed that both he and his wife were infected? I know people who got test results back much faster than that.

UPDATE: Doesn’t that sound suspicious? Either he knew earlier and didn’t care if he spread disease and death to his followers, or else he doesn’t actually have Covid-19 (OMG he lied! Who would think he would do that?). Maybe he realized that he totally screwed up the debate and needed an excuse to avoid doing additional ones.

Or maybe this is just one more example of Trump doing a crazy thing to get attention, so he can push the bad news about the debate, the Supreme Court (he surely hated that two women — RBG and then Amy Coney Barrett — were getting more attention than him), plus (and most important) the release of his taxes.

Did it work? Had you already forgotten about his taxes?



It seems clear that only fanatics or people who are desperate for a job will work for Donald Trump.

© Jen Sorensen

Here is documentation that all four of the people in this comic are unhinged religious fanatics:



Donald Trump agreed to a set of rules for a debate, but then just ignored them. He not only lies, he breaks his promises.

The debates don’t need a moderator, they need a referee. The only thing missing from this comic is a penalty box for Trump that is both soundproof and blocks the internet so he can’t tweet. But the shock collar is a nice touch.

© Joe Heller


Vote… Him… Out…

Yet another killer ad from the Lincoln Project, featuring Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger.

UPDATE: Extra bonus Lincoln Project ad, based on last night’s shit-storm of a debate. Trump interrupted Biden, saying “Don’t ever use the word ‘smart” with me.” Well, ok.


Lockdowns for Liberty

I’ve said this before, and many times, but it bears repeating. Especially with new direct evidence.

Strict lockdowns are the best (if not the only) way to beat Covid-19. Especially if done early.

The earlier it is done, and the more severe the lockdown, the easier it is on people. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but it is just simple math, the math of exponential growth.

China proved this by instituting severe lockdowns, which reduced Covid-19 so much that they can now have large events without concern of outbreaks. Ironically, this means that China now has more personal freedom than the US. You may argue that China is a dictatorship, and a strict lockdown would be difficult to do in a western-style democracy. But you would be wrong.

The new evidence is that Australia — certainly as much of a model of rugged individualism as any country in the world — has beaten its second wave of the coronavirus, and is now on a path toward returning to normal life again. They did this by instituting a severe lockdown. Yes, people there complained, but it worked and the politician who instituted the lockdown is now very popular. The same thing is happening in New Zealand. While here in the US, our case numbers and deaths are some of the worst in the world, and are still continuing to increase.

This is not a fluke. The simple math is that in order to reduce exponential growth of Covid-19, you have to reduce transmission (called R0) below 1. If you can do this, then cases and deaths go down. If you don’t, they go up, exponentially. It really is that simple. And the earlier you institute a strict lockdown, the shorter it has to last to be effective.

But no, we in the US wait until Covid-19 is out of control, our hospitals are overloaded, and people lose their jobs (and their healthcare), before we institute even half-assed measures that too many people then ignore (claiming that the measures impinge on their freedom). As a result, we suffer almost all the problems and inconvenience of a lockdown, but we don’t actually get the benefits.

Instead, our response to the pandemic is a truly bad joke. Just last week, Attorney General William Barr said a nationwide shutdown would be the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties” in history “other than slavery.” He should be impeached. And our president continues to hold in-person rallies that turn into super-spreader events, discourages the wearing of masks, and encourages in-person voting. He’s already been impeached, but the Republican Senate refused to convict him.

There is a cure for that. All I will say is that you should vote like your life depends on it, because for many of us, this is literally true.



I’ve waded through the entire (very long) NY Times article about Trump’s taxes, but I have to say that Heather Cox Richardson has a much better summary of it.

Here’s one paragraph from it:

This, of course, means that Trump is a huge national security risk. He owes money—to whom we don’t know—and he does not have it to pay his debts. It is no wonder that a bipartisan group of nearly 500 national security officials, past and present, last week endorsed Biden for president. According to Defense News, the list included “five former secretaries of the Navy, two former Army secretaries, four former Air Force secretaries, two retired governors, and 106 ambassadors.” Retired General Paul Selva, who served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the first two and a half years of Trump’s term, signed the letter.


Trump Supporters

I post this solely for its humor.


Good News for Travel

A little over a week ago I read about a new Covid-19 test that can provide good results in as little as 15 minutes. It is also less expensive because it does not require being sent to a lab, although it does require someone with training to administer (it is not expected that people can test themselves). Even better, the cost of the test is estimated to be around $5.

That by itself is good news. I had a test done two months ago, and it took 15 days to get a result back, and I had to self-quarantine that whole time. But there is an even bigger reason why this is good news.

United Airlines already announced that they will offer this test on flights from San Francisco to Hawaii. The benefit will be that the State of Hawaii will let passengers skip the two-week quarantine when they arrive, if they pass the test. The downside is that if the test says you have Covid-19, you won’t be allowed to fly at all. And if this works well on their flights to Hawaii, they plan to offer a similar deal to international destinations.

But it didn’t surprise me that United really screwed up everything else about this test. First, they will be charging $250 to give you a test that costs $5 or so. Even worse, taking the test will not be mandatory, so every flight will contain both people who have been tested (and passed) and people who have not been tested at all.

If they want the public to feel safe flying, they need to make this test mandatory at least on select flights. After all, even Dr. Anthony Fauci said he would not fly because it is too dangerous. If airlines want to jumpstart travel, they need to make flying safe. If they want other countries to allow planes from America to land on their soil, they need evidence that planes don’t have any people with Covid-19 on them.

It would be even better if it is airports that do the testing instead of airlines so you don’t get sick standing in line for security or jostling for your luggage.

And this doesn’t apply just to flying. Canada has closed its land borders to Americans, which has severely damaged their tourism industry. But they could set things up so that you could get tested at the border and allowed to enter if you pass.

Or even flee to Canada if Trump wins steals a second term.

UPDATE: Readers seem to be concerned about the accuracy of this test. Compared to the PCR test (considered the “gold standard”), the new test is 97.1% accurate for positive results (the diagnosis is that you do have Covid-19) and 98.5% accurate for negative results (you’re clean). Remember that no test is completely accurate, and that any reasonably accurate test, if administered widely, will significantly limit the spread of the disease, which is the main goal. So this is considered to be a very good test, and the fact that you get your results back in minutes will more than make up for the slightly lower accuracy. And of course if you get a positive result, it is common practice to then administer the PCR test for verification.


On the Other Hand

Today’s edition of Electoral-Vote starts off by talking about Donald Trump’s attempts to steal the election (as talked about in my post yesterday). But then they ask “But will it work?“. And EV thinks that there are good reasons why Trump’s plans will fail. I sure hope so, but I’m not as sure as they are.

The question everyone is asking is whether Trump will be able to steal the election. Perhaps Trump will fail, whether that is because of his (and his campaign’s) incompetence, or just because Joe Biden will win in a landslide (I hope, I hope!) that will make a theft too difficult to pull off.

I want to present another alternative ending to this that I have not seen anyone discuss, and which I think might be the most likely. I think Trump will lose, but he is setting himself up so that he can spend the next four years questioning the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s presidency (the same way he did against Obama, questioning his birth certificate, etc.) and giving himself a soapbox where he can get the attention he so craves, along with a source of income, and a large number of followers who will probably turn violent.

You may respond, what about all the crimes Donald Trump has committed, won’t he end up in jail? Well, maybe he will, or maybe he won’t, but either way he will still be in a position to continue tweeting and causing chaos in this country.

The only thing I know for sure is that no matter what happens, Trump will claim that the election was fraudulent. If he loses, he will claim that it was stolen. And of course, if he wins, he will still claim that the election was fraudulent, saying millions of illegal votes were cast, or some other reason that is bereft of evidence.

Even if Joe Biden wins by a clear margin, we will still have a big fight on our hands to save our democracy.

UPDATE: Heather Cox Richardson points out that Trump is attempting to distract the voters from reality and establish a fiction that he has the authority to remain in office because of (nonexistent) voter fraud, (peaceful) protests, and because Democrats are socialists bent on destroying our country. He does not.

It is up to us to reject Trump’s fictions and reclaim the national conversation from the anger and hatred and fear Trump is stoking.


Stealing an Election

Here are parts of last night’s post from Heather Cox Richardson. You should read the whole thing. This is important news that is being overshadowed by the fight over nominating and confirming a replacement for RBG.

Today Americans were roiled by an article in The Atlantic, detailing the method by which the Trump campaign is planning to steal the 2020 election. The article was slated for The Atlantic’s November issue, but the editor decided to release it early because of its importance.

The article’s author, Barton Gellman, explains that Trump will not accept losing the 2020 election. If he cannot win it, he plans to steal it. We already know he is trying to suppress voting and his hand-picked Postmaster General is working to hinder the delivery of mail-in ballots. Now Trump’s teams are recruiting 50,000 volunteers in 15 states to challenge voters at polling places; this will, of course, intimidate Democrats and likely keep them from showing up.

But if those plans don’t manage to depress the Democratic vote enough to let him declare victory, he intends to insist on calling a winner in the election on November 3. His legal teams will challenge later mail-in ballots, which tend to swing Democratic, on the grounds that they are fraudulent, and they will try to silence local election officials by attacking them as agents of antifa or George Soros. The president and his team will continue to insist that the Democrats are refusing to honor the results of the election.

Gellman warns that the Trump team is already exploring a way to work around the vote counts in battleground states. Rather than appointing Democratic electors chosen by voters, a state legislature could conclude that the vote was tainted and appoint a Republican slate instead. A Trump legal advisor who spoke to Trump explained they would insist they were protecting the will of the people from those who were trying to rig an election. “The state legislatures will say, ‘All right, we’ve been given this constitutional power. We don’t think the results of our own state are accurate, so here’s our slate of electors that we think properly reflect the results of our state,’ ” the adviser explained. The election would then go to Congress, where there would be two sets of electoral votes to fight over… and things would devolve from there.

They would likely end up at the Supreme Court, to which Trump this morning said he was in a hurry to confirm a new justice so there would be a solid majority to rule in his favor on the election results. “I think this will end up in the Supreme Court and I think it’s very important that we have nine justices, and I think the system’s going to go very quickly,” he said. “Having a 4-4 situation is not a good situation.”

Amidst the flurry of concern over The Atlantic piece, a reporter this afternoon asked Trump if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election. “Well, we’re going to have to see what happens,” Trump said. “You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster.” He went on to say: “Get rid of the ballots and you’ll have a very — we’ll have a very peaceful — there won’t be a transfer frankly, there’ll be a continuation.”

Trump is proposing that we should “get rid of the ballots”. This is the end of democracy.

Veteran journalist Dan Rather wrote […] “This is a moment of reckoning unlike any I have seen in my lifetime…. What Donald Trump said today are the words of a dictator. To telegraph that he would consider becoming the first president in American history not to accept the peaceful transfer of power is not a throw-away line. It’s not a joke. He doesn’t joke. And it is not prospective. The words are already seeding a threat of violence and illegitimacy into our electoral process.”

Two polls were just released from top-tier firms showing Joe Biden with a 10-point lead over Donald Trump. Destroying democracy is Trump’s only chance to stay in power after this election. It is imperative that this not happen. It is up to us to make sure this does not happen.

The widespread, peaceful protests against racism give me hope that people will not tolerate an election being stolen.


Don’t Mess with Mother Nature

This video is an oldie but goodie, and bears repeating.
