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© Clay Bennett

I find this comic extremely ironic. It compares deregulation to someone removing traffic signs. When you look at it, your reaction is probably “OMG, deregulation is bad!”. Anarchy and chaos would result! Injury, death, and mayhem in the streets!

The irony is that an increasing number of cities in Europe are doing exactly that — removing all traffic signs. Some are even removing road markings. So far, the result has been that motorists are forced to become more careful, reducing accidents and other problems. Even more ironically, traffic congestion is often lowered.

I’m not against regulations, and I’m not against deregulation. I’m for regulations that make sense, and against regulations that don’t work.

A case in point is the city where I live. A few years back, the city rewrote the health laws that apply to restaurants, removing outdated regulations (that didn’t make sense any more), and removing regulations that mainly served to reduce competition, such as simplifying regulations on small and unconventional restaurants like food stands at farmer’s markets and food carts. At the same time, they made it easier to enforce the regulations that do protect the health of the restaurant-going public.

As a result, the food scene went from boring to bountiful. A major travel magazine rated us one of the top places in the world for street food. Food at conventional sit-down restaurants has gotten much better as well. Why? When regulations make it more expensive to start and operate a restaurant, you tend to be much more cautious and serve foods you know will sell. But with a lower barrier to entry, you can try more adventurous menus. Some of these innovative restaurants will fail because their food doesn’t catch on. But at least they will fail quickly and waste less money failing, so their owners can try again. In just a few short years, we went from a monotonous food scene to one where I can get just about any kind of crazy delicious food from anywhere in the world. That’s deregulation that makes sense!


The Campaign of NOT

© Lalo Alcaraz

Mitt Romney is spending $1.3 million to run an ad in key swing states, explaining what he would do on “day one” as president:

President Romney immediately approves the Keystone pipeline, creating thousands of jobs that Obama blocked. President Romney introduces tax cuts and reforms that reward job creators, not punish them. President Romney issues order to begin replacing Obamacare with commonsense health care reform.

Let’s ignore for a moment that most of these would require Congressional action, so it is highly doubtful they could be accomplished by Romney at all, let alone in one day. And let’s also ignore that there is no mention of cutting the deficit (while his promised tax cuts would almost certainly add to the deficit). And ignore that Obama’s block on the pipeline is only temporary while they find a route through Nebraska that complies with existing environmental laws.

I guess I should be happy that Romney is actually listing some concrete things he would do that are different from Obama. But opposing Obama is all he is doing. Does he have any actual ideas of his own?


The Republican Argument Against PACs

Obama is on record against PACs and SuperPACs, which can funnel unlimited amounts of money into protected political speech. So of course, when he accepts money from them, he is attacked for being hypocritical.

And yet, it seems that the only way this country will get any restrictions against PACs and SuperPACs, is by them getting used against Republicans.

Exhibit A is Brad Daw, a GOP state legislator in Utah. Jason Powers, a local political operative, created the “Proper Role of Government Defense Fund” PAC and started sending out mailers attacking Daw. After the first attack, angry state legislators immediately changed the law, requiring PACs to disclose their donors every 30 days.

But that didn’t work. All of the donations to the “Proper Role of Government Defense Fund” come from one organization, the “Proper Role of Government Education Association”, a 501(c)(4) non-profit that Powers had already created through the IRS. By law, non-profits are not required to disclose their donors.

Of course, this is exactly what the SuperPACs associated with presidential campaigns do — they have an affiliated non-profit to launder the donations money so nobody can tell where it comes from. For all we know, these organizations could be taking money from foreign governments, or even terrorists. There is no way to tell.

Representative Daw is rightly upset. “If somebody wants to attack my record or come after me, that’s fine, but let’s be clear about who it is. The whole point about disclosure is to not have this shell game going on.”


And about the money being funneled through a non-profit? Daw says “It’s legal, but it’s very, very unethical.”


Of course, Powers points out that Daw has happily accepted donations from corporations and other associations that don’t disclose donors. I guess that’s different.

Now that Republicans are getting a taste of their own medicine, will they help improve transparency by requiring (at the very least) full disclosure of all money being used for political speech? I hope so, but I’m not holding my breath.


Late Night Political Humor

“There was a huge fundraiser for President Obama at George Clooney’s house last Thursday night. They raised over $15 million. Actually, one awkward moment: When they were handing President Obama the check… the Chinese ambassador stepped in and said, ‘I believe that belongs to us.'” – Jay Leno

“JPMorgan announced they lost $2 billion last quarter. That’s 133 Obama-Clooney fundraisers.” – Jay Leno

“JP Morgan lost $2 billion in bad trades. They made bad investments — for example, those gay wedding chapels in North Carolina. What were they thinking?” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney once lost $2 billion. Then he found it in another pair of pants.” – David Letterman

“President Obama and Mitt Romney both gave commencement speeches over the last few days. Obama was like, ‘You can be whatever you want to be,’ while Romney was like, ‘I can be whatever you want me to be.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“During his commencement speech at Liberty University, Mitt Romney revealed that his campaign staff loves Chick-fil-A. The other thing he revealed? – that he doesn’t know what to say in a commencement speech.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Now they are starting to dig up stuff on Mitt Romney. One time he was arrested for disorderly conduct and being a public nuisance. It was when he was a kid. He had one of his hairs out of place.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney has jumped to a seven-point lead over President Obama in a national poll. I think Romney’s starting to get cocky. Today he threatened to pin down Joe Biden and pull out all of his hair plugs.” – Jay Leno

“On Saturday President Obama and Joe Biden spent more than four hours playing golf together. Joe Biden’s handicap is 20, while Obama’s handicap . . . is Joe Biden.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Over the weekend Betty White endorsed Barack Obama. I think I’m going to wait and here what Angela Lansbury has to say.” – David Letterman

“President Obama was in Nevada this weekend. Finally some good news for the Secret Service – a place in America where prostitution is legal.” – Jay Leno

“The Pentagon, concerned that it was spending too much money on studies, issued a study to study the studies. Unfortunately they ran out of money before the study could be completed, which, I guess, answers the question.” – Jay Leno

“This week investors will be able to buy shares of Facebook stock for the first time ever. It’s great – now you can lose all your money in the same place you lost all your time.” – Jimmy Fallon


GOP Gives Defense Bill a Wedgie

When Obama came out in favor of same-sex marriage, Republicans accused him of using it as a wedge issue. But it seems that the GOP just can’t help themselves with their gay hating ways. The Republican-led House just attached a provision into the defense authorization bill banning military chapels from performing same-sex marriages. The bill says that military bases “may not be used to officiate, solemnize, a marriage, or marriage like ceremony” that is not between a man and a woman.

That’s not the only irony here. The GOP keeps accusing Democrats of being big spenders, but Republicans increased defense spending in the bill $8 billion beyond the agreed upon limit, breaking the budget agreement that Congress made last summer. So the next time the GOP complains about deficit spending, we should just laugh at them.

Of course, this is probably all political posturing. Republicans seem to be purposely trying to get Obama to veto the bill so they can use it as a political tool.

Oh, and other fun facts about the defense authorization bill — it contains a provision striking the ban on the military using propaganda against the American people that has been in place since at least 1948. In a stunning display of doublespeak, Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-TX) claimed that the current law “ties the hands of America’s diplomatic officials, military, and others by inhibiting our ability to effectively communicate in a credible way.”


Hawaiian Election Humor

Two months ago, Arizona’s Secretary of State Ken Bennett sent a request to Hawaii to verify that Barack Obama was born there, so that Obama could be placed on the presidential ballot. This despite the fact that Hawaii has already stated over and over again that Obama was born there in 1961 and that they will no longer respond to any more inquiries about Obama’s birth.

In an interview, Bennet even tried to deny that he is a birther:

I’m not a birther; I believe the president was born in Hawaii — or at least I hope he was.

Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!

I ignored this story when it first broke, but now it looks like someone in Hawaii has a wicked sense of humor. They responded to Bennett’s request by sending back their own requests — they want Bennett to send them copies of the Arizona laws that prove the secretary of state is the person who is in charge of handling the election ballots, and to provide proof that Bennett is who he says he is.

Good for them!

Of course, Bennett is probably just trying to get free publicity before he makes a run for governor of Arizona. I hope this blows up in his face.


Let the SuperPACs Begin!

Karl Rove’s SuperPAC American Crossroads releases an anti-Obama ad. It is actually pretty funny, both intentionally and unintentionally:


Financial Animals

Even after the great recession, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon was considered the best and brightest of the bankers. He argued that new regulations were not needed and that his company shouldn’t be penalized because other bankers were stupid. So now that his company did something really stupid, will he change his tune?

© Kevin Siers

As other people have pointed out, the problem is that there is too much incentive for bankers to take stupid (albeit potentially rewarding) risks. The rewards are just too great, and the risks to the person doing something stupid are minimal, since at worst they will just get fired and they can then go get a job at a hedge fund making even more money. The risk to their company is also less than it should be, since the government is all too willing to bail them out if they get into real trouble. Indeed, the message to the bankers is that if you are going to take a risk, make it a really big risk!

© Jim Morin


Mitt Romney in a Nutshell, in his own Words

Mitt Romney, when asked if he stood by comments he made on Sean Hannity’s radio show saying that President Obama wanted to make the U.S. a “less Christian nation”. Romney replies “I’m not familiar, precisely, with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was.” Watch him say it:

I guess somebody shook Romney’s Etch-A-Sketch too soon.

Wil Wheaton diagrams this for you:

from Wil Wheaton


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama said he was evolving and then he came out for gay marriage. Conservatives, of course, are furious – not about the gay thing, about evolution.” – Bill Maher

“In an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, President Obama said, ‘It is important for me to affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.’ OK buddy, we get it, you’re not a Muslim.” – Seth Meyers

“This week President Obama was finally outed as a Democrat.” – Seth Meyers

“Rush Limbaugh criticized President Obama’s support of gay marriage, accusing the president of leading a war on traditional marriage. And Limbaugh wants it to mean something if he ever gets traditional-married for the fifth time.” – Seth Meyers

“Bristol Palin accused Obama of pandering to teenagers who watch one too many episodes of ‘Glee.’ Says the girl who got knocked up after watching one too many episodes of ‘Teen Mom.'” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney said marriage should be between one man and one woman, the way it has always been – with the exception of all of my relatives in Utah, my dad who was born in Mexico, my great-grandfather who left the damn country to get away from one-man, one-woman marriage. Other than that I’m a strict conservative on the subject.” – Bill Maher

“When Mitt was in prep school he led a pack of his friends to forcibly hold down this sensitive gay kid as he screamed and cried, and then cut off his hair, because he had too long hair for Mitt’s tastes. And today Mitt’s dog said, ‘I thought I had it bad.” – Bill Maher

“Today Mitt Romney apologized for holding down Michele Bachmann’s husband and cutting his hair.” – Jay Leno

“I don’t know what it’s like at your salon, but at mine, isn’t the guy cutting the hair the gay one?” – Bill Maher

“This has become quite a story; the Washington Post reported that Mitt Romney, while in high school, bullied a gay classmate. Did you hear about this story? In his defense, Romney said that he didn’t know the kid was gay; he just thought he was poor.” – Jay Leno

“There is something indicative about his character because it seems like Mitt Romney was kind of a bully. This was not the only bullying thing he did. He also took poor kids’ lunch money – oh, I’m sorry, that’s his present-day economic policy.” – Bill Maher

“North Carolina has outlawed gay marriages, and today San Francisco outlawed straight marriages. What’s going on?” – David Letterman

“Antediluvian bigot Billy Graham took out full-page ads supporting (the gay marriage ban) in 14 North Carolina newspapers. I was shocked. North Carolina has 14 newspaper?” – Bill Maher

“President Obama was in town last night for a big fundraiser at George Clooney’s house. I had a hunch that the President was in town because on my way to work last night on Sunset Boulevard, I saw a Secret Service agent arguing with a hooker.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama was in town last night for a big fundraiser at George Clooney’s house. They want to have a fundraiser with lots of celebrities so the choice is pretty much George Clooney’s house or Promises rehab center in Malibu.” – Jay Leno

“The head of the RNC Reince Priebus attacked Democrats today for worshipping Hollywood movie stars. And then he went outside and turned on the lights on the big 50-foot statue of Ronald Reagan.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: The columnist for the right-wing Washington Times who suggested this week that Obama is a racist for not mentioning the death of one of the Beastie Boys because he was white, must be promoted to Fox News. That is such a spectacular piece of hackery I can’t believe Sean Hannity didn’t think of it first. It should win a reverse Pulitzer. You, sir, deserve the right-wing trifecta: a gig on Fox, an AM radio show, and a deal for a shitty book called ‘Scum: How Liberals Something, Something, Ruined America, Blah, Blah, Flag, Kickass, Jesus.'” – Bill Maher


James O’Keefe Lies Again

Who keeps funding these stupid propaganda videos made by James O’Keefe? The guy isn’t even very good at lying, and he certainly is a very sorry excuse for a journalist.

His latest video, which you can watch here (if you can stand to), he harasses two men claiming that they voted in North Carolina elections even though they are not US Citizens.

The problem? Both of them are indeed US citizens, which was easily verified (O’Keefe didn’t bother to even try to check that). For example, O’Keefe points to court records showing that one man was excused from jury duty in 2010 because he was not a US citizen. Therefore, his voter registration in December 2011 must be fraudulent. It doesn’t occur to O’Keefe that the man was naturalized as a US citizen in early 2011. And it doesn’t stop O’Keefe from calling the man’s home repeatedly and showing up at the his house and harassing him.

The second man O’Keefe accuses of voting despite not being a US citizen? He’s been a citizen for decades. There’s even an article in a major newspaper identifying the man and his wife as naturalized citizens, but did O’Keefe even do a simple Nexis search? Of course not.

One or both of these men smeared by O’Keefe needs to sue him into oblivion.

O’Keefe also falls back on one of his stupid tricks, having actors dress up in silly costumes and go to a polling station and falsely claim to be other registered voters. So it appears that the only actual voter fraud in the video was done by O’Keefe and his associates. They should be arrested for fraud.

Of course, the video had comments disabled when it was posted, so anyone watching it has no way to know that it is slanderous and misleading.


Don’t Worry, I Got This

At least bipartisanship humor isn’t dead. New Jersey Gov Chris Christie (R) and Newark Mayor Cory Booker (D) did a very funny video for last night’s state Press Association Legislative Correspondents Club dinner.


Late Night Political Humor

“The White House admitted that Vice President Biden’s endorsement of gay marriage forced him to come out in favor of it. So in a related story millions of Americans are trying to get Biden hooked on pot.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama says he supports same-sex marriage. Not only that but he’s going to turn his birth certificate into a musical.” – David Letterman

“President Obama came out in favor of gay marriage because his position has evolved. Then today he flew to George Clooney’s house. So things are evolving a lot faster than we expected.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama has come out in support of gay marriage. He said his position has been evolving for years. Miraculously, he saw the light just in time for tonight’s big Hollywood fundraiser. What are the odds?” – Jay Leno

“President Obama’s in town for a fundraiser. Forty grand a plate — because nothing says ‘man of the people’ like demanding 40 grand for some rubbery chicken.” – Craig Ferguson

“The guests included Leonardo DiCaprio and Barbra Streisand. It must have been awkward though. Everybody in Hollywood thinks they’re the world’s most important person. So it must be kind of weird when in walks the world’s actual most important person.” – Craig Ferguson

“Insiders say Obama’s pretty comfortable around actors. He should be. He has been ‘acting’ like he was born in Hawaii for a long time.” – Craig Ferguson

“I’m a little surprised how much everyone in show business wants a second term for Obama. An over-hyped sequel with a bloated budget — that’s not the Hollywood I know.” – Craig Ferguson

“After President Obama announced his support for gay marriage, his campaign raised a million dollars in 90 minutes. That explains why today Mitt Romney actually supported gay marriage from noon to 1:30.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mitt Romney has issued an apology for some of his high school pranks that went a little too far. Probably the meanest prank was the time he bought his high school and fired everyone in it.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today Newt Gingrich didn’t agree or disagree on the gay marriage thing. However, he did say there should be a term limit on all marriages.” – Jay Leno

“My question with the same-sex couples is: Who drives, who nags? Who says let’s order dessert and who says I’ll just have a bite?” – David Letterman

“Can you be in a heterosexual marriage and also have a gay marriage? Can you have one of each?” – David Letterman


Marriage according to the Bible

from Unicorn Booty

Personally, I believe that Jesus wouldn’t care one way or another about same-sex marriage, and that some people are just using the Bible to support their own homophobia and sexism. Which is pretty darn unchristian-like.


Traditional Marriage

via bartcop

I can’t think of anything to add to this that I haven’t already said.

UPDATE: I guess I do have something to add. While the Newsweek cover (sensationally) calls Obama “the first gay president”, an excellent article in Salon points out that James Buchanan, who was president just before Abraham Lincoln, was our first gay president.

I also want to say that the issue here is not that Romney’s ancestors were polygamists. After all, Obama’s ancestors in Kenya also practiced polygamy. The issue here is the hypocrisy of Romney declaring that marriage has always been between one man and one woman.
