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La Raza

The RNC is attempting to reach out to Hispanics by creating a website Here’s a partial screen shot:

There’s just one problem. US News and World Report recognized the photo of the children as a stock photo from Shutterstock. The tags for the photo include the words asia, asian, japanese, and thailand, but not words like latino or hispanic. Yes that’s right, the RNC used a photo of Asian children for their Latino website.

The RNC quickly removed the photo from the site and replaced it with a banner “Hispanic Latino Strategic Partnerships” (in English). And of course they passed the blame, claiming that an outside ad agency (AV Graffix) was responsible for the mistake.

This reminds me of when Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle had a meeting with Hispanic high school students and told them they looked asian.


Imaginary Voter Fraud

John Oliver hilariously destroys Florida’s new voter registration law:

Is it just my imagination, or does John Fund (the guy being interviewed in favor of the new law) appear to not actually believe what he is saying? I also want to point out one of my pet peeves — that he is confusing voter registration fraud with actual voting fraud.


Unfair and Unbalanced

In the British inquiry into Rupert Murdoch and his newspapers, former conservative prime minister John Major testified under oath that Murdoch demanded that the government change its policy toward becoming part of the European Union or else his papers would oppose Major in the upcoming election. Major declined to change the policy and sure enough, three months later lost the election.

To those people who think Murdoch’s media empire works for the conservatives (e.g., that Fox News works for the Republicans), note that he didn’t hesitate to bring down a conservative government when they didn’t meet his demands.

What I take away from this is that it is completely unacceptable for one media company to have that much power over any government. Such power will always eventually be abused. The size of news organizations should be strictly limited so that one company does not own a controlling interest at any level (national or local).

We used to have laws in this country that limited media ownership, but they have been swept away in recent years.

The British situation is especially ironic, because Murdoch is not even a British citizen. He is a foreign entity who wields enormous political power there, and whose news organizations have repeatedly been found guilty of breaking the law. As Major put it in his testimony:

I think the sheer scale of the influence he is believed to [have] whether he exercises it or not, is an unattractive facet in British national life, and it does seem to me an oddity that in a nation which prides itself on one man, one vote, we should have one man, who can’t vote, with a large collection of newspapers and a large share of the electronic media outlets. … Power without hindrance is bound to be poorly exercised.


One Bad Turn Deserves Another

© Tom Toles

We know what the problem is, and we know how to fix it. Will we have the guts and political will? Or will the car wrecks continue?


Let Them Eat Cake

© David Horsey

This comic is referring to a recent ad from the Romney campaign, which uses an out-of-context quote from Obama saying “The private sector is doing fine.” and using it to claim that Obama is “out of touch”.

But not only was the quote taken out of context (Obama was pointing out that the private sector is doing better than the public sector, which the GOP is openly trying to drown) but even out of context it is essentially true. Corporate profits are at an all-time high and the stock market is doing as well as it was before the Great Recession.

But the bigger issue is that the flood of money in this year’s election is going to exacerbate the trend toward negative campaigning. As the cartoonist David Horsey put it in his commentary accompanying this comic:

We are at the stage in this campaign when both sides are fervently engaged in the task of creating a negative image of the opposing candidate. Whether that image is accurate or false is beside the point. This is how the game is played in 21st century U.S. politics. The odd twist this time is that each campaign has latched onto the same point of attack: “This guy is out of touch!”

The ads from both the Romney and Obama camps are good enough to make the bad image stick, but what if it sticks to both candidates? Do twin images cancel each other out or merely debase even further this shabby exercise in democracy through character assassination?


Ironic School Vouchers

On the last day of their legislative session, Louisiana passed a funding plan for schools that includes school vouchers that can be used to pay tuition at religious schools.

What’s ironic is that the Islamic School of Greater New Orleans has applied to be included in the voucher program. I’m looking forward to seeing religious conservatives try to explain how it is OK for taxpayer money to be used to fund Christian schools, but not schools for other religions.

The mind boggles.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s campaign is spending $12 million on a one-minute commercial hitting Mitt Romney’s business record. Though Obama’s made some bad business moves too — like spending $12 million on a one-minute commercial.” – Jimmy Fallon

“There were some tense moments yesterday during President Obama’s visit to Los Angeles. Three private planes drifted into his restricted air space. And as you know, the president’s restricted air space can be penetrated only by people donating more than $35,000.” – Jay Leno

“Another al-Qaida No. 2 guy was hit by a drone. I’m telling you, these Al Qaeda leaders, they don’t last as long as a Kardashian marriage.” – David Letterman

“There was another drone attack ordered by the White House last night. They sent Joe Biden out to give a speech. He was just droning on.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney’s got to think about picking a vice president pretty soon. And it’s kind of a tough situation because political pundits say he needs to select a running mate that is duller than he is. The only problem is that guy is already vice president.” – Jay Leno

“Mayor Bloomberg has outlawed giant cans of soda. When you outlaw stuff it creates crime. I saw a guy today walking down the street and a cop is arresting him because he’s got a huge can of soda, and he said ‘No, no, this is medicinal Mountain Dew.'” – David Letterman

“Now Mayor Bloomberg wants to make something else illegal. He wants to remove the third layer from a club sandwich.” – David Letterman

“Former GOP candidate Rick Santorum said he’s planning to make a big announcement tomorrow. It’ll probably be something really huge like, ‘Hello shoppers, we’ve got a 2-for-1 sale on Tide in aisle five!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“DC Comics has come out with the news that superhero Green Lantern is gay. In fact, when he heard the news, Batman turned to Superman and said, ‘I told you.'” – Jay Leno

“The founder of USA Today recently referred to Donald Trump as a ‘clown.’ Even clowns were like, ‘Are you kidding? That guy’s hair is ridiculous.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Comedian Bill Maher has purchased a minority share of the New York Mets. He’s going to change the team’s name to the New York Smirking Atheists.” – Conan O’Brien


Dear Supreme Court

Jen Sorensen, the genius behind the Slowpoke comic, recently created a series of comics for Kaiser Health News. You should go view them here, but in case you need some incentive, here’s the first one:

© Jen Sorensen

Her experience mirrors mine (with the exception of the birth control pill part), when I was working on my own and had to buy an individual health insurance plan. Even if you are lucky enough to have health insurance from your employer, you are still liable to go bankrupt if you have some major health problems.


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s being reported that Mitt Romney’s personal Hotmail account has been hacked. Yeah, Hotmail. Even Ron Paul was like, ‘Get with it, you old geezer!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Speaking of Mitt Romney, his campaign is in the news for misspelling several words on his promotional items. Today, Romney issued a press release that said, ‘I’ll get to the bottom of this, or my name isn’t Malt Ramrod.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I had a terrible nightmare last night. I dreamed I was a union member is Wisconsin who loved the Miami Heat. It was a nightmare!” – Jay Leno

“Governor Scott Walker won his recall last night in Wisconsin. Who would have guessed the governor of Wisconsin would have been a better closer than LeBron James?” – Jay Leno

“There’s a rumor that President Obama will stop by today’s L.A. Kings hockey game. He doesn’t want to draw attention to himself. He just wants to blend in with all the other black, Hawaiian hockey fans.” – Conan O’Brien

“CNBC is reporting that America lost 129,000 millionaires last year. Or as Mitt Romney calls them, ‘an endangered species we have to protect.'” – Jay Leno


Corporations are Not People

Elizabeth Warren from her keynote address at Netroots Nation:

No, Mitt, corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they love, they cry, they dance, they live and they die. Learn the difference.


The American People Have Spoken

© John Jonik

This is the first time I’ve seen comics by John Jonik, and this one is so good I started looking around and found his blog. Go give it a look. I’ll try to occasionally post some of them in here in the future.

It is amazingly ironic how politicians are able to get people to vote against their own interests. I guess they learned it from corporations, who have been getting people to buy things they don’t need for a long time. How do they do it? Fear and money.


Fool me once, twice, thrice, …

Some people will believe anything.

I love reading PolitiFact, however, usually not for the humor. But there is a new posting that starts out debunking a birther chain email, but quickly turns hilarious.

It turns out that the email was originally a satire piece, published by a newspaper in Hawaii. The original article is pretty hysterical itself, but that didn’t keep people from taking it seriously:

We ran the piece on April Fools Day, in our comics section, and said in the story that it was satire. We did not expect people to take this seriously. But we still had people calling and emailing us demanding more information about the piece. We are still getting calls today. Most had a good sense of humor about it when we pointed out the April Fools Day note, but not everyone took it so well. We did get some nasty notes. Other than putting the very top in all-caps, ‘THIS IS AN APRIL FOOLS DAY JOKE,’ I am not sure what else we could have done to be more clear.

Apparently, the phenomenon of people believing outrageous satire is pretty common. PolitiFact goes on:

We’ve seen this phenomenon before.

One of the most long-lived chain emails we’ve seen circulating claims that Obama once said, “Nobody made these guys go to war. … Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?” That was originally published by Arizona-based satirist John Semmens. We gave it a Pants on Fire.

We have debunked other chain emails based on satires by Semmens. One claimed that that in a hearing, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., suggested to Gen. David Petraeus that the Army “put more emphasis on less environmentally damaging methods, like stabbing or clubbing enemy forces in order to minimize the carbon output.” Semmens’ work was also turned into chain emails claiming that Obama wants to redesign the American flag “to better offer our enemies hope and love,” and that he thinks the national anthem should be “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing.”

Another satirist who saw his work go viral is Matthew Avitabile, who blogs his spoofs at Jumping in Pools. One satirical Avitabile post claimed that Obama wrote a thesis at Columbia University in which he criticized “plutocratic thugs” and said the Constitution gave Americans “the shackles of hypocrisy.” Another was that the Obama administration “wants to have soldiers and officers pledge a loyalty oath directly to the office of the President, and no longer to the Constitution.”

Anyone who believes one of these chain emails and forwards it on should be instantly disqualified from voting.


Vice-Presidential Material

[Received this from reader Mike Lee. I love it.]

From: The Office of Michael Lee, Chocowinity, NC

To: Mr. Mitt Romney, Presidential Election Trail 2012

Dear Mitt,

I understand that you are looking to fill the position of Vice-President and I would like to take this opportunity to throw my hat into the ring. I expect you will find I am the perfect candidate for this position. The following are my qualifications and a sample of what I will bring to the table in a Romney success story.

Beltway, Shmeltway

Americans are tired of “Politics as usual” and “Inside the Beltway Mentality”. I am eminently qualified to help. I have absolutely no political experience whatsoever. I have zero experience at the Federal, State, or Local level. I’ve never even been to a PTA meeting.

And, as for the beltway, I can’t even find my way inside of it. I mean, come on: I-95, 195, 295, 395, 495,… I end up in Maryland… or sometimes West Virginia. Once in Idaho but that was a whole other thing.

While my inexperience could be seen as a weakness, I think you’ll find it a strength. Whenever you screw up, you can blame it on me. No one will be expecting me to know what the hell I’m doing.

My inexperience is also security for you since no one is going to want me to ascend to the Presidency. This is a Romney win-win.

No Upstaging

You don’t want someone who will want to be in the forefront or who the media will find interesting. We want “Front Row Mitt”.

I’m a white guy with really bad hair and rosacea. The cameras will want to be on you. I hate having my picture taken so there’s no competition here.

You need someone who has been under the radar. I’m so under the radar that I have next-door neighbors who don’t know my name. Seriously, there’s been talk.

Politics and Background

I don’t know that I agree with you on every single topic but I’m sure I will if you hire me.

While I am not technically a Republican, I do live in a State which has recently made same sex marriage a crime while preserving the right of first cousins to marry. If that doesn’t scream Republican, I don’t know what does.

And, bringing a closet-republican onto the ticket shows that you are serious about ending partisan politics (wink, wink, nod, nod) and that you are willing to let “Republicans to be” come across the aisle without fear. You are magnanimous in the face of ineptitude. Kingly in a way…

So, by now, you’re asking yourself… “Just who is this incredible applicant?”. Well, I’ll tell you.

I am the founder and CEO of Lee Software Development. We have been developing software and systems solutions for the last twenty years. My company, according to the North Carolina Labor Department, is the second largest software developer in the state. Paired together, we can claim high power and high tech. And, since I am the only employee of Lee Software Development, we can also court the small business vote. Nailed it; don’t you think?

I have a BS degree in Computer Science from DeSales University (formerly Allentown College of Saint Francis DeSales which sounds more religiousy so we should probably go with that).

I have an MS degree in distribution and logistics from East Carolina University which is kind of like a state school so we can use the blue collar, everyman thing with me and the Ivy League, smart guy thing with you.

Convictions and Ideology

I am very flexible in this area.

You name the subject, pro or con, up or down, yea or nay, I’m with you:
Environment: A precious gem or a resource for profit
Education: The golden bullet or a waste of cheap labor
God: A lot of votes or the reason Democrats are going to hell

Whatever you want, Mitt. You’re the boss.

Setting the Table

So, now that I have piqued your interest, it’s time to get into the reasons that I can and will help you become the leader of the free world.

  1. I can bring you votes: I can claim six States as my home state. Most of them are blue. If we add that to your two States, we have eight. The opposition has, at most, three and one of them is Hawaii. I’m not sure Hawaii even has their Birth Certificate to prove they are a State. When you bring me onto the ticket I am willing to go there to look around and check it out.
  2. I can help you prove that you are the conservative candidate, willing to cut excessive government expenses, and ready to cut the deficit. Saying you’re willing to cut spending is one thing….doing it is another. Consider the following:

    1. As Vice-President, I will not require expensive office space “inside the beltway”. I am willing to work from home. I intend to set precedence and be the first VP to show serious fiscal responsibility.
    2. I will not require a staff. My wife will probably help. I have checked with her and she is willing to go to Hawaii with me to check out this bogus statehood thing. Our dog is willing to go too and he will sit on my lap to help out on the national debt so we’ll only need two tickets. This is a whole family commitment.
    3. And I will not require a Secret Service detail since my wife doesn’t allow me to have prostitutes. That’s right: No Prostitutes. This is dual savings that can be passed on directly to the tax payers.
    4. To sum up: I will work from home, no staff and No Prostitutes.
  3. I am also an “Idea man”, Mitt. For example, the government already owns “Little White House” in Key West. Let me run this past you: First, my wife, my dog and I would be willing to live there (at least in the winter… it gets a little hot in the summer… but we’re flexible). Now, Mitt, you ask “What does that do?”. Let me tell you.
    1. We already own the joint so it’s not costing anything.
    2. Cuba, who we are still at war with (I keep up), is only 90 miles away. We keep a huge Navy and Coast Guard presence in Key West. We could move those military resources to other places and save money doing so. Instead, my wife and I will keep an eye out. Let’s face it, the VP doesn’t have that much to do so watching Cuba from there isn’t going to be that big of a deal. If we are out, I’m sure our dog will bark if he sees someone coming.
    3. There is a big Navy office building they put up between the house and the water and we’ll need to knock some or all of if down but I don’t think anything very important is there anyway. That way, we can watch from the porch.
    4. We could still have the house tours but the money would go to us instead of some bogus historic society. And we could have pictures with the VP for a fee. We could split it or something.
    5. We’ll need to get Truman’s crap out of the way. We could put it on eBay or we could have a Little White House Yard Sale. Even though a lot of it is pretty old, we could probably get some bucks and all of it could go directly to the deficit. This is just one more example of the serious fiscal responsibility of a Romney Presidency. Or we could split it or something.


I take the position of VP very seriously and am prepared to fulfill its duties to my best abilities. I want you to rest assured that I understand these duties and we see eye to eye on them. I am prepared to:

  1. Break all ties in the Senate: In those rare cases when the Senate vote ends in a tie, all you need to do is call me and tell me which way to vote. I will immediately call the Senate and cast the tie-breaking vote. If I am out (probably stopping an illegal’s raft coming in from Cuba), leave a voice-mail and I’ll return your call. Also, please leave the number of the Senate.
  2. Periodically, say ridiculously stupid things: I believe I have proven these abilities in this letter.


In addition to my other attributes, I am a singer/songwriter. I understand you have had some problems with a campaign theme and song. From what I understand, some “successful” and “accomplished” songwriters didn’t like you using their songs for your campaign. Being neither successful nor accomplished, I am ready to step in. Consider the following ideas… just off the top:

Campaign Slogan:

Mitt n’ Mike 2012
A New Day’s Comin’

It’s folksy and appeals to the poor people. And it’s probably true. And, if not, who cares?

Sample Campaign Lyrics:

Mitt n’ Mike, Mitt n’ Mike
You’re Gonna like Mitt n’ Mike

A New Day’s Comin’
That’s right, we’re runnin’

Mitt n’ Mike, Mitt n’ Mike
You’re Gonna like Mitt n’ Mike

My cousin Fred can make stickers and tells me we can get a pretty good discount if we move on this quickly so let me know ASAP. He can do T-Shirts too.


Thanks to Obama, I’m not really doing much of anything so I’m ready to hit the ground running. Or strolling or just sitting still quietly… whatever you want, Mitt; you’re the boss.

By now, I’m sure you’re thinking of a word. I know it’s the same word I’m thinking of. I believe that word is “synergy”. We are synergistic. My wife says it’s jackass but I don’t think jackasseristic is a word. She also tossed out “fargenhorsenassin” but I’m not Swedish so I don’t know what that means. Maybe it means synergistic in Sweden but, based on the look on her face, I don’t think so.

Anyway, call me. I’m Romnistic… or Mittastic. Just trying some things out… I’m an idea man.


Mike Lee



© Jim Morin

If the Citizens United decision means that money is speech and corporations are people, then maybe we should make corporations (including SuperPACs) spending money on political ads subject to libel and slander laws. When the Koch brothers run ads like this, which PolitiFact determines to contain “Pants-On-Fire” lies, they should be liable. Not only that, but future ads by the same organization should be required to contain a disclaimer that says that this organization has been found guilty of lying — similar to health warnings on cigarette packs.


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney has been giving his volunteers a free sweatshirt for making phone calls on his behalf. The sweatshirts are just like Romney, 100 percent reversible.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Presidential primaries were held in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota today. Both candidates for president — Obama and Romney — have already clinched their nominations. So today’s primaries were mostly for people who really like stickers.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hey, guess who’s gay? The Green Lantern from the comic books. Today Mitt Romney knocked him down and shaved his head.” – David Letterman

“A new survey found that Mitt Romney is ahead of Obama among those who make $36,000-$90,000. Or as Romney put it, ‘And they said I can’t connect with the poor.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The No. 2 guy in al-Qaida has been killed. Who says Obama isn’t creating job openings?” – Jay Leno

“Obama gave Bon Jovi a ride to New York City on Air Force One. Makes sense – Bon Jovi’s living on a prayer, while Obama’s campaigning on one.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to life in prison. You know, it’s too bad we couldn’t get the John Edwards trial moved to Egypt.” – Jay Leno

“According to People magazine, Rielle Hunter, the mother of John Edwards’ love child, is releasing a new tell-all book this month. Haven’t we heard enough? How about a shut-up book?” – Jay Leno

“It’s a memoir about their relationship. She didn’t write it herself. She used a ghost skank.” – Jay Leno

“New York is considering a law that would keep people out of jail if they were caught with small amounts of marijuana – which explains why stoners are like, ‘It’s a cop. Hide most of the weed.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Forget the Mayans. According to NASA, the world will not come to an end for another 4 billion years – or about the same time your 401(k) comes back.” – Jay Leno

“Facebook may change its accounts policy and allow kids under 13 to join. Under 13. Yeah, when they heard this, Chinese officials said, ‘Great. Now our workers will never get anything done.'” – Conan O’Brien
