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Late Night Political Humor

“The Supreme Court has decided not to fine broadcast networks for fleeting expletives or momentary nudity. It looks like ‘Wheel of Fortune’ is about to get a lot more interesting.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today the Supreme Court ruled that TV networks can show momentary nudity. So, by popular demand, ‘The View’ is now a radio show.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney has accused President Obama of pandering to the Latino community. The president said he’s too busy to comment because he’s watching Telemundo and eating chalupas.” – Conan O’Brien

“A new survey found that only 31 percent of Americans would want to sit next to Mitt Romney on a flight. Romney was so upset, he was like, ‘I don’t understand. How would they get on my private jet?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Just 31 percent of Americans said they would sit next to Romney on an airplane and 57 percent would rather sit next to president Obama — while 100 percent would want to watch them have to sit next to each other, just have them go at it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new report found that President Obama’s campaign spent $6 million more than it raised last month. Which explains why his latest campaign ad ended with the phrase, ‘I’m Barack Obama and I’m selling some old CDs on Craigslist.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to federal reports filed yesterday, the Obama campaign spent more money than they raised in the month of May. They spent more money than they raised? Well, that’s called being a Democrat” – Jay Leno

“It was 100 degrees in New York City. It was so hot, you know Solyndra, the solar company? They actually made money.” –Jay Leno

“It was so hot, Attorney General Eric Holder was selling water guns to Mexican drug gangs.” –Jay Leno

“A House committee is now recommending that Attorney General Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress. Now, don’t confuse that for what you and I have. That’s contempt FOR Congress.” – Jay Leno

“There was a big Twitter outage in the U.S. today. Or as people at work put it “Well, I guess I better get back to Facebook.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This weekend begins Gay Pride Week. Their big parade begins on 12th Street and ends in Sarah Jessica Parker’s shoe closet.” – David Letterman


The Unspeakable

© Tom Tomorrow

Why is it that it is ok to say the words “penis”, “erection”, “erectile dysfunction”, but not the word “vagina”? A study of the use of the words “penis” and “vagina” on network television (counting scripted shows only) found that the word “penis” was used 116 times in the 2010-2011 season, but “vagina” only 35 times (and 12 of those were on a single show — “2 Broke Girls” on CBS). A decade earlier, “penis” was used 30 times, and “vagina” only 4 times.

Ironically, during the recent debate over laws that would have forced women to have an ultrasound of the fetus before having an abortion, the term “vaginal probe” was used frequently, but not the word “vagina”.

One possible explanation is that the word “vagina” does something that men can’t stand — in an age where women are constantly over-sexualized, the clinical-sounding word “vagina” takes the sex out of it. Men prefer other words for that body part.


Giving Us Gas

What the Republicans said three months ago when gas prices rose above $4/gallon:

Mitt Romney, March 18, 2012: “He gets full credit or blame for what’s happened in this economy, and what’s happened to gasoline prices under his watch, and what’s happened to our schools, and what’s happened to our military forces. All these things are his responsibility while he’s president.”

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), April 6, 2012: “The president holds the key to addressing the pain Ohioans are feeling at the gas pump and moving our nation away from its reliance on foreign energy. My question for the president is: what are you waiting for?”

Boehner, April 6, 2012: “The president’s own policies to date have made matters worse and driven up gas prices.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Feb. 28 2012: “This President will go to any length to drive up gas prices and pave the way for his ideological agenda.”

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), March 13, 2012: Obama is “fully responsible for what the American public is paying for gasoline.”

What the Republicans are saying now that gas prices are falling (and are predicted to continue falling, likely below $3/gallon):



Late Night Political Humor

“There is a record heat wave back east, close to 100 degrees in New York City. The temperatures are higher than President Obama was in high school.” – Jay Leno

“Obama campaign unveils new ad to target Hispanics. It’s basically the president saying, ‘Yo soy el hombre who killed Osama bin Laden’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today President Obama used his executive privilege to withhold documents about a weapons operation called ‘Fast and Furious.’ I don’t know what’s scarier: that we can’t see those documents or that the government is naming operations after Vin Diesel movies.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In Chicago some anti-Mitt Romney protesters told reporters they’re being paid to protest. They said they’re being paid by Democrats to stand outside and chant anti-Romney slogans. Well, who says President Obama isn’t creating any new jobs?” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney’s picking up a head of steam. He’s roaring and ready to go. He says if he’s elected president he will also consider hunting vampires.” – David Letterman

“With the presidential debates right around the corner, John Kerry is going to play Mitt Romney to help the President prepare for the debates. That’s kind of a stretch; a rich white guy from Massachusetts playing a rich white guy from Massachusetts.” – Jay Leno

“How does that make John Kerry feel? Hey John, we need a guy who is kind of stiff, out of touch, and a flip-flopper. You’d be perfect. Just be yourself.” – Jay Leno

“Last night on the premiere of a new reality show, Bristol Palin confronted a man in a bar and demanded to know why he hates her mother. In response, John McCain said ‘Leave me alone, I’m having a drink.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Bristol Palin’s new show premiered on the Lifetime network. It’s funny how many of Lifetime’s shows are targeted to people who have no lives at all.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to Rielle Hunter, John Edwards lied to her when they first met, saying he was seeing three other woman so she wouldn’t get attached to him. He lied about that. That’s got to be tough to keep straight for Edwards; lying to your wife that you’re not seeing another woman, while lying to the other woman that you are seeing three other women. Guys, don’t try this; John Edwards is a former trial lawyer and a senator. He is a trained professional liar! You will never, ever be able to keep up with him.” – Jay Leno

“For the first time in history, the number of Asian immigrants coming into America is larger than the number of Hispanic immigrants. Now even our immigrants are being made in China.” – Jimmy Kimmel


The Solution to Citizens United? Citizens United

[reprinted from The Onion.]

Americans Pool Together $945.23 To Counteract Corporate Money’s Influence In Politics

WASHINGTON — Spurred into action by the surge of Super PAC donations ahead of November’s general election, the American people this week collectively managed to raise $945.23 to offset the influence of corporate spending on politics. “Today we take a stand against big money’s stranglehold on the U.S. electoral system and give a voice back to the voters,” said spokesman Danny Bader, an unemployed carpenter who scraped together $1.10 as part of the effort to counteract the unlimited number of undisclosed independent expenditures corporations are legally allowed to make. “With these funds, we will print some pamphlets and hopefully get a website up, and we will send a clear message that billions in shadowy spending will not buy this election.” At press time, the American people were struggling to raise an additional $65 for another dozen T-shirts.


Waging Class Warfare

© Garry Trudeau

To me, the big question is: does Mitt Romney realize the difference between running Bain Capital and running the country? He got bored even running the State of Massachusetts, or maybe it just didn’t make him enough money.


Mitt Romney Lies a Lot for a Politician

[reprinted from the Booman Tribune]

I think Mitt Romney broke his own recored for telling the most lies this week. I don’t think Steve Benen even had to try that hard to find 30 enormous whoppers. Most of them have to do with statistics and the budget. Some just grossly mischaracterize what the president has said or done. Any way you look at it, though, Mitt Romney routinely lies and gets away with it. I know it’s difficult to maintain a claim of objectivity if you’re constantly forced to point out that Mitt Romney just told a gigantic falsehood, but it’s not objective to just ignore it.

Now, I just watched most of a speech that the president made today in Orlando at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference. I didn’t notice him tell one lie or make one gross distortion. I’m not saying he never embellishes anything. I’m just saying that he basically tells the truth about his own record and about what Romney has proposed. I’m sure a dutiful fact-checker could find some stuff to quibble with, but it would all be very minor. Maybe the OMB and CBO disagree about a figure and the president chooses the more favorable one. We’re talking strictly minor-league distortion here. But it’s nothing like Romney saying that his proposals will cut the budget deficit when they will add $5 trillion to the deficit, or Romney saying that eliminating ObamaCare will save a hundred billions dollars when it will actually cost at least that much. Did the president sign free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama this year? Yes? Then why does Romney say that the president hasn’t passed any free trade agreements with Latin America?

Maybe Obama should start a rumor that Romney was born in Mexico and is a former member of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Then we can see if the press calls him a liar.

Steve Benen is compiling a weekly list of lies told by Mitt Romney. Here is his 23rd installment.

Also, be sure to read this article from the Guardian “Mendacious Mitt: Romney’s bid to become liar-in-chief“:

In general, those of us in the pundit class are really not supposed to accuse politicians of lying – they mislead, they embellish, they mischaracterize, etc. Indeed, there is natural tendency for nominally objective reporters, in particular, to stay away from loaded terms such as lying. Which is precisely why Romney’s repeated lies are so effective. In fact, lying is really the only appropriate word to use here, because, well, Romney lies a lot.

Or as Steve Benen put it:

Romney gets away with it because he and his team realize contemporary political journalism isn’t equipped to deal with a candidate who lies this much, about so many topics, so often.

Romney is demonstrating the power of “the Big Lie“. If you tell the same lie often enough and without shame, and it is a big enough lie that it is almost impossible to refute it, then it becomes the truth. Or at least indistinguishable. As Joseph Goebbels put it “when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it.” And you must keep up your lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.


What Would Happen If We Threw Corrupt Bankers in Jail, Rather Than Throwing Billions of Dollars At Them?

(did I say billions? I meant trillions)

Dubya threw money at the banksters. Obama threw even more money at the banksters. We were told we “had to do it” or our economy would collapse. And that all that money we threw at the banks would trickle down to us. Hah! We fell for that one again.

But Iceland balked and said “no” to the banksters. They arrested the former chief executives of the largest three banks. One of them even ended up in solitary confinement (like what we did to Bradley Manning).

So what happened to their economy? Young Turk Cenk Uygur has the surprising answer:

UPDATE: After I posted this, I found a new episode of Bill Moyers’ show with guests Matt Taibbi (one of my heroes) and Yves Smith, which spells out how the US banks are operating just like the mafia. It is a bit longer than Cenk Uygur’s rant, but if you want to understand what is going on, you really have to watch this:

[via Common Dreams]


Where For Art Thou Mitt Romney?

Michael Tomasky has an interesting article about the biography of Mitt Romney, and the ironic fact that the life of the man who might end up our next president is almost completely a liability — his childhood, his career, his faith, even his mostly undistinguished stint as governor. It seems like the only thing that is going for Romney is the fact that he is extremely rich, and is willing to say whatever it takes in order to get elected. Is this what politics has come to?

As Tomasky sums up:

Every aspect of his life story is in some way compromised. It’s not that he’s led a dishonorable life. But he’s led a remote and rarefied life, a life lived behind heavy doors and conducted in “quiet rooms,” as he famously said of the place where inequality is best discussed. It’s precisely in those quiet rooms where most Americans are ritually screwed, where decisions were made up through September 2008 that nearly destroyed the economy. That’s his America, and as he has shown with his unintended but brusque insults of working people, the folks in those quiet rooms don’t want to know the rest of us, and most of us don’t want to know them. It’s very striking that his Bain compatriots all testify to what a great guy he is, while Massachusetts state legislators, for example, found him on the whole aloof and obnoxious.

© Matt Davies

© Mike Luckovich


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama just played his 100th round of golf since taking office. You could tell it was Obama, because he finished about 14 trillion over par.” – Jimmy Fallon

“They say President Obama played golf a hundred times in his first administration, a four-year period. So he played on Father’s Day. Donald Trump – always looking to make trouble, always looking to rain on somebody’s parade – Donald Trump demanded to see Obama’s scorecard.” – David Letterman

“President Obama spent about four hours on Father’s Day playing golf at a country club in Chicago. It was his 100th round of golf since taking office. He’s played more golf than Tiger Woods in the last four years.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, Obama’s staff is a little concerned. They’re concerned all this golf is cutting into his fund-raising.” – Jay Leno

“Over the weekend President Obama issued an order that allows some illegal immigrants to stay in the country. Or as Fox News reported it, ‘Obama issues order allowing himself to stay in the country.'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is going to let certain illegal immigrants stay in this country. But there is an age requirement. You have to be old enough to vote by November.” – Jay Leno

“It’s a great day for our president. He’s down in Mexico for the G-20 Summit. Today he met with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. He said ‘I think your communist policies are a danger to the world.’ There’s no word on how Obama responded.” – Craig Ferguson


Have Your Burrito and Eat it Too

© David Horsey

I love it when cartoonists include commentary with their comics. I was sad when Ed Stein stopped drawing editorial cartoons with commentary, but now it looks like David Horsey is taking up the slack.

Horsey has an interesting take on Obama’s thrust on immigration, and how the Republicans are being a bit weak on the parry. They have to have some reason to oppose everything Obama does, but so far they are using the fairly lame excuse that they don’t like the way Obama did an end run around Congress. Even though doing an end run around a Congress that has done absolutely nothing about immigration surprised nobody. So why is the GOP having problems with this? Horsey says:

But it may be that the real reason the Romney campaign and Republican congressional leaders are bugged by Obama’s switcheroo on immigration enforcement is that it is an ingenious political move for which they lack a coherent response.

The big problem is that the GOP base is violently anti-immigrant (at least against Latino immigrants). During the Republican primary, Romney had to promise that he would veto the DREAM act, and take a far-right hard line against illegal immigration.

On the other hand, most independent voters — the ones Romney now has to court in order to get elected — overwhelmingly approve of Obama’s move. So Romney has a difficult choice: piss off the base, or piss off the people he needs to get elected. If Romney follows his inner Etch-A-Sketch, my guess is that he will choose to do a full flip-flop and embrace immigration reform. He just has to figure out a way to do this and piss off the base as little as possible.

And I think he can pull it off. All he needs to do is to pick Marco Rubio as his VP. Rubio already made the first move. Now it is up to Romney.

What do you think?

© Marshall Ramsey


Late Night Political Humor

“Regular guy Mitt Romney is on a bus tour…he’s on a bus through the Midwest called ‘Believe in America’ because ‘Mormon Thunder’ was taken.” – Bill Maher

“Do you know the difference between a Mitt Romney bus and Mitt Romney car? The bus has a greyhound on the side.” – Bill Maher

“Republicans Yesterday launched a new Spanish-language website to attract Latino voters, featuring smiling, happy Latino children — except it turned out they weren’t Latino children, they were Asian. Even worse, when you go to the button to click onto the home page, it says, ‘Enter around back.'” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney said Obama is ignoring the real issues with illegals, which is that they keep blowing the grass clippings into his pool.” – Bill Maher

“Both Romney and Obama were in Ohio giving dueling speeches on the economy. Before Obama’s speech, Romney’s bus starts circling the Obama site honking their horns in the parking lot. They would have actually stayed and done it longer, but Mitt had to get back to his site to give his speech about how we need to put the grownups back in charge.” – Bill Maher

“This really was the campaign in a nutshell. Talk about two divergent messages. They were doing this on the same day in the same state. Obama said, ‘The Republicans drove the economy into the ditch and now I’m trying to drive it out.’ And Romney said, ‘Look, a black guy’s stealing our car!” – Bill Maher

“Obama went to Ground Zero. He went up in the new skyscraper being built in the shadow of the World Trade Center, and he inscribed one of the steel beams. He wrote, ‘We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger.’ Which was very poignant, especially since Bush had written on it, ‘We got hit, I sat in a chair, I peed my pants.’ And he misspelled chair.” – Bill Maher

“Obama has been to more fundraisers already than the last six presidents combined. He had one in New York the other day at Sarah Jessica Parker’s apartment, and the Republicans of course say, ‘This proves that Obama is an elitist who hangs out with the Hollywood types. What about the real Americans, like Donald Trump?'” – Bill Maher

“There’s a rumor going around that suggests President Obama may legalize marijuana as an October surprise to win the election. And if he doesn’t win, at least he’ll have a way to mellow out later.” – Jay Leno


Which Is It?

For a while, I’ve been noticing the irony of Republicans at the state level taking credit for improving economic conditions, while at the same time GOP candidates at the federal level condemning Obama for the bad economy. Apparently I’m not the only one who noticed this.

Mitt Romney’s campaign has asked Republican Governor Rick Scott to tone down his statements bragging about economic improvements in his state of Florida. Instead, Scott is being asked to say that the unemployment rate would improve faster under a Romney presidency.

Republican governors in other states, including swing states like Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, and Wisconsin have also highlighted improvements to their economies. Indeed, at a combined campaign event at Otterbein University in Ohio in April, Romney complained about a difficult job market for graduating seniors, while GOP governor John Kasich touted the falling unemployment rate and boasted about the state’s unfilled jobs.


Will the Real Karl Rove Please Shut Up?

Today on Fox News, Karl Rove complained about Obama’s use of executive privilege over a set of Department of Justice internal documents, calling it an “overreach” and saying “I’m not certain that that’s what the Founders thought about when they talked about executive privilege.”

Rove conveniently forgot that the very first time Bush invoked executive privilege, it was over a set of Department of Justice internal documents.

Not only that, but executive privilege is routinely used for “documents generated anywhere in the executive branch”, including the Department of Justice.

Oh, and during the same appearance, Rove suggested that Obama’s assertion of executive privilege indicates that he was involved in “Fast and Furious”. This is patently false, since the documents covered by Obama’s assertion of executive privilege were all created after the failed operation was ended.

© Adam Zyglis


Tsunami Up Economics

© Keef Knight

As someone recently pointed out, at some point how much money you have becomes meaningless, except to compare yourself to other people (mainly other people richer than you are).

Or to give yourself bragging rights.

UPDATE: What has “trickle-down economics” given us? Corporate profits just hit an all-time high, while at the same time wages as a percent of the economy hit an all-time low. In addition, fewer Americans are working than at any time in the last three decades.
