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More Party of NO

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision upholding ObamaCare, several Republican governors — including Rick Perry (TX), Rick Scott (FL), Nikki Haley (SC) and Bobby Jindal (LA) — have vowed to resist the law by refusing to set up a health insurance exchange in their state.

Ironically, doing this will give the federal government even more control over their states, since if a state doesn’t set up an exchange, the federal government will step in and do it for them.

But what makes this really ironic is an editorial from Bill Frist, the Republican who was the Senate Majority leader. Frist (who is a doctor) points out that Health Exchanges were originally a Republican idea, and that they are a good idea that everyone should be able to agree on.

Originally a Republican idea, the state insurance exchanges mandated under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will offer a menu of private insurance plans to pick and choose from, all with a required set of minimum benefits, to those without employer-sponsored health insurance. These exchanges are expected to bring health insurance to an additional 16 million Americans. Unlike the Medicaid expansion, these Americans will gain private insurance, and can choose the plan that’s right for them. … Helping more Americans find and compare the private insurance they need and can afford should be an easy principle both political parties agree on. … Simply put, state exchanges represent a distinctly American opportunity to improve our local communities and at the same time help our nation avert a major crisis. Let’s take the plunge.


Late Night Political Humor

“In 2012 I realized the company I was CEO of in 1999 did things that would hurt my presidential run in the present, so I retroactively wasn’t there.” – Jon Stewart (mocking Mitt Romney’s “retroactive retirement” from Bain Capital)

“I was just the guy with the smoke screenish, yet still legal title of CEO and Managing Director who was paid at least $100,000 a year to do what, according to me, Mitt Romney, was nothing. That’s the kind of common sense business experience I hope to bring to the White House.” – Jon Stewart

“On Friday Oprah Winfrey interviewed Mitt Romney. They talked about politics, foreign policy, and what it’s like to lose a million dollars in the couch cushions.” – Conan O’Brien

“Nobody cares that Mitt Romney is rich. It’s Romney’s inability to understand the institutional advantage that he gains from the government’s tax code largesse, that’s a little offensive to people, especially considering Romney’s view on anyone else who looks to the government for things like, I don’t know, food and medicine.” – Jon Stewart

“Sarah Palin is saying she still hasn’t been invited to the Republican National Convention next month. The RNC says it’s all a misunderstanding — as in, Palin misunderstands the meaning of the phrase, ‘You’re not invited.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night I went out for Chinese. I picked up a Team USA Olympic uniform.” – Jay Leno

“Critics are saying these Chinese uniforms are un-American. Have you looked around America lately? Cheap crap made in China. That’s what we’re wearing. Does it get any more American than that? ” – Jay Leno

“We have American athletes in uniforms made in China, wearing French berets. I don’t know if we’re supposed to compete, ask for a loan or surrender.” – Jay Leno

“A new poll found that 54 percent of Florida voters think the country is on the wrong track under President Obama. While the rest of Florida’s voters still think Teddy Roosevelt is president.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The big news in Washington now is the disappearance of Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Nobody can find him. He’s completely disappeared. People think he’s either in rehab or he might have been given his own show on CNN.” – Jay Leno


GOP says NO to JOBS

This week, Senate Republicans filibustered a bill that would create American jobs. Currently, companies that outsource jobs to other countries receive tax breaks, which makes no sense at all. The bill would not only eliminate those tax deductions, but it would introduce new tax breaks for companies that “insource” jobs from other countries.

Ironically, Republicans claim to not be against this bill, but they wanted to amend it by tacking on amendments that would repeal Obamacare and extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich. When they didn’t get their way, they scuttled the whole bill. To be fair, four Republican senators — Scott Brown (MA), Dean Heller (NV), Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe (ME) voted in favor of the bill, but it was short of the 60 votes needed to move just about every bill past ceaseless GOP filibusters.

Maybe the GOP decided it was more important to have high unemployment in the US, which they will try to blame on Obama.


Late Night Political Humor

“Have you heard this? They’re saying Condoleezza Rice is on the top of the vice presidential list for Mitt Romney. Many Republicans think they compliment each other: Romney has experience with American jobs, Condi has experience with foreign countries, and since all American jobs are in foreign countries, they would be the perfect team.” – Jay Leno

“Happy Friday the 13th – and to prove he’s not superstitious, Mitt Romney drove around with a black cat on the roof of his car.” – Jay Leno

“The Sarasota Republican party has named Donald Trump its statesman of the year. If there’s one word I’d think of to describe Trump, it’s ‘statesman-like.’ And if there were four words, they would be ‘not at all statesman-like.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In an interview with CBS, President Obama said the biggest mistake of his first term was not telling a story to give Americans a sense of unity. In response, Americans were like, ‘Yeah, fixing the economy would’ve been cool too.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I guess you heard about this; the U.S. Olympic Committee is coming under fire after it was revealed that the uniforms for Team USA to be worn in the opening ceremony were made in China. Turns out they were made by some of the same kids who could beat us in gymnastics. That’s the worst part.” – Jay Leno


Just Release the Documents!

Jon Stewart on Romney’s excuses for not releasing his tax returns. Brilliant!

© Jim Benton


Climate Debate Heating Up

Ironically, this year’s record breaking heat wave and drought has done what scientists were unable to do — convince the public that climate change is real. According to a recent poll, now fully 70% of Americans say they believe that climate change is taking place (compared to 15% who say it is not).

The temperatures in June helped make the preceding 12 months the warmest since we started keeping records in 1895. In addition, over half the the states in the continental US are experiencing moderate to severe drought.

Unsurprisingly, political party affiliation is the best predictor of whether someone believes that climate change is taking place. But even so, a majority (53%) of Republicans believe, compared to 87% of Democrats and 72% of independent voters.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we are ready to do something about it.

© Chan Lowe


Qualified Answer

© Jim Morin

And even if you believe he had no involvement in managing the company, he founded it and picked the people to run it for him.

So what kind of president would Romney be?

© Kevin Siers


Michele Bachmann, Islamist Terrorist Supporter?

I’ve been trying to avoid writing about Michele Bachmann under the theory that doing so just feeds her sick need for attention, but this is just too funny.

Bachmann has been getting headlines recently because of her crazy charges that the federal government has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. It is bad enough that her main evidence is Huma Abedin, an aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the wife of former Congressman Anthony Weiner. Sounding particularly McCarthy-like, Bachmann writes:

I am particularly interested in exactly how, given what we know from the international media about Ms. Abedin’s documented family connections with the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, she was able to avoid being disqualified for a security clearance.

Of course, Bachmann ignores the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is not a terrorist organization. Here’s Andersen Cooper debunking Bachmann’s accusations:

But what makes this both hilarious and hypocritical is that Juan Cole presents strong evidence that it is Bachmann herself who has stronger ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and real Islamic terrorists than Abedin:

  1. Bachmann is a major supporter of the MEK, a terrorist Islamic group that participated in the infamous Iranian Hostage crisis (taking US diplomats hostage) in 1979. But Bachmann wants them removed from the US terrorist list, calling them “one of the bravest Iranian dissident groups” and “freedom seeking”.
  2. Bachmann has repeatedly called for Obama to intervene in Syria to overthrow the current secular government. The main opposition, which Bachmann supports, is the Muslim Brotherhood, which would likely come to power (just like they are doing in Egypt).
  3. Bachmann supports the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, and even tried to meet with them. One of the major groups making up the Alliance is the Afghanistan branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

I am particularly interested in exactly how, given what we know about her many ties with the extremist Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups, Michele Bachmann was able to infiltrate the US government at the highest levels.

UPDATE: Good for John McCain. Watch him defend Huma Abedin and destroy the attacks against her:

UPDATE 2: Jon Stewart puts an even finer point on the issue, hilariously:

Special Bonus UPDATE: Ed Rollins, who was Michele Bachmann’s campaign manager in her recent bid for the presidency, had this to say about Bachmann’s attack on Huma Abedin:

Having worked for Congressman Bachman’s campaign for president, I am fully aware that she sometimes has difficulty with her facts, but this is downright vicious and reaches the late Sen. Joe McCarthy level. … As a member of Congress, with a seat on the House Intelligence Committee, Mrs. Bachmann you know better. Shame on you, Michele! You should stand on the floor of the House and apologize to Huma Abedin and to Secretary Clinton and to the millions of hard-working, loyal Muslim Americans for your wild and unsubstantiated charges. As a devoted Christian, you need to ask forgiveness for this grievous lack of judgment and reckless behavior.


Republicans Lie and People Die

The New York Times has an interesting read – “Five Obamacare Myths“. But they’re being generous, it really should be titled “Five Republican Lies About Obamacare”.

For example, when the House Republican majority recently voted (for the 33rd time) to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare, or the ACA), their main claim was that it was a “job killer”. I guess they got tired of their previous lies (like “death panels”).

Calling Obamacare a job killer is a particularly interesting lie. It comes from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report on the impact of the ACA, where they estimated the law would “reduce the amount of labor used in the economy” by about 800,000 jobs. Republicans seized on this to claim that the ACA is a job killer. But according to the CBO, the main driver of this is that many people — no longer dependent on their current job for health insurance — will probably decide to retire earlier or switch to a part-time job. The best part is that this would open up those jobs for other people who need them, so it would actually reduce unemployment, even though technically some people would stop working — but these are people who want to stop working.

The job killer claim has been repeatedly exposed as a lie by fact checking organizations. has debunked it so many times that when they did it again in February they used the headline “GOP’s ‘Job-Killing’ Whopper, Again — Republican attack ads peddle a shopworn, overblown claim about the health care law’s effects“. They also listed it as one of the “Whoppers of 2011”.

Indeed, the Republican’s own Romneycare in Massachusetts was the model for Obamacare, and there is no evidence that it was a job killer. And there is plenty of evidence that health care reform could be a job creator, fueling the economy by reducing out-of-control health care costs and increasing the health of American workers.

Related to the “job killing” lie is the lie that the ACA is a “Federal takeover of health care”. This would be laughably funny if it weren’t so sad. The ACA “delivers millions of new customers to the private insurance industry.” Calling it a federal takeover is a joke. Again, the model for Obamacare and Romneycare was cooked up by the very conservative Heritage Foundation as a conservative solution in order to avoid what they called a government takeover of health care in the form of Hillarycare. It was their own idea in order to prevent a government takeover, but that doesn’t stop them from calling it a government takeover now.

But what is truly sad is that if the Republican do manage to win the presidency and Congress in the upcoming election and repeal the ACA as they have repeatedly promised to do, people will die as a result. Lots of people. Far more people than have died from terrorist attacks. As many as 30 million people will lose the health insurance they would get from Obamacare.

And yet, the Republican propaganda barrage has managed to make the general population mostly apathetic to Obamacare. Some of this is because Congress added excessive delays to the implementation of Obamacare. When Romneycare was signed into law in 2006, it became effective almost immediately and was instantly popular in the state and remains so (the only person who seems to not like it is the person who created it and signed it into law, Romney himself).

Given the public apathy to Obamacare, Democrats seem to be afraid to defend it, which is a shame:

There’s no reason except cowardice for failing to mount a full-throated defense of the law. It is not perfect, but it is humane, it is (thanks to the Supreme Court) fiscally viable, and it comes with some reasonable hopes of reforming the cockeyed way we pay health care providers.

I can easily imagine a campaign ad defending Obamacare and using the biting one-liner from David Cutler (Harvard professor and formerly on Bill Clinton’s Council of economic advisors and health care advisor to Obama’s first presidential campaign): “Never before in history has a candidate run for president with the idea that too many people have insurance coverage.”

© Lee Judge


Retroactive Retirement?

Getting paid $100,000 a year for doing nothing? We definitely need more of that in our government!

Nice to have the Daily Show back.


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney is worth $250 million, and reporters said, “Mitt, honestly, how did you get so rich?’ And he said, ‘Well, I’ve always been good with my money and I do smart things. I always make sure my tires are properly inflated. And I save 15 percent on my car insurance by switching to Geico.'” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney announced that he’s going to the Olympics in London next month. No word yet on whether he will be rooting for Switzerland, Bermuda, Luxemburg or the Cayman Islands. I’m not quite sure.” – Jay Leno

“Wall Street says they prefer Mitt Romney for president. And by God, who could question Wall Street’s judgment?” – David Letterman

“An Indiana man has pleaded guilty to strapping four kids to the hood of his car and then driving them around. So it looks like Mitt Romney may have found his running mate. I think this could be the guy. Put the dogs on one car, the kids on the other… ” – Jay Leno

“Good news coming out of North Korea. You know they had Kim Jong Il and he passed away so his son Kim Jong Un is now the leader. He has a new girlfriend — Kim Jong Kardashi-un.” – David Letterman

“John Boehner, who is speaker of the House of Representatives, is super tan, he cries, and he drinks. He should be speaker of the ‘Jersey Shore’ house.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There’s talk that if Jennifer Lopez leaves “American Idol” they’re going to bring back Paula Abdul. Insiders say Paula was chosen over Chief Justice John Roberts, who producers felt was too unpredictable.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, House Republicans held their 33rd vote to repeal Obama’s healthcare law. It was mostly a symbolic vote that accomplished nothing — or as Congress calls that, a vote.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new survey indicates that Obama supporters love iPhones. So if you have an iPhone, chances are you are going to be supporting President Obama. In a related story, if you support Governor Chris Christie from New Jersey, chances are you love IHOP.” – David Letterman

“Vice President Joe Biden made a sex joke during his speech yesterday, referring to the house he grew up in. They didn’t have much and Biden said, ‘The walls were very thin and I wondered how my parents ever did it.’ Do you get the feeling every time Joe Biden speaks, President Obama wishes Biden’s parents never really did do it?” – Jay Leno


An Indecent Proposal

Warning: Not safe for work. Or for Republicans.

Sarah Silverman has an indecent proposal for casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. That’s right, the man who has pledged at least $100 million to defeat Obama (John McCain claims that it is foreign money).

For more information, see

UPDATE: Also, you might be wondering why Sheldon Adelson has already thrown more money into the presidential election than anyone else, and has even said that the amount of money he will dump on the election is “unlimited”. It is because he is being investigated for gross violations of the law. Even according to memos written by his own lawyers, it is likely that he is guilty. So, simply put, it looks like Sheldon Adelson is simply buying himself a new justice department and a get out of jail free card.

This is what American politics has come to, as the direct result of the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court. Our presidential election is being bought, using foreign money largely gained by violating the law. A deluge of money that is being spent to elect Mitt Romney and other Republicans.


The Bain of His Existence

© Kevin Siers

It seems to be a common GOP tactic, to accuse your opponent of things of which you yourself are guilty. But in this case, I’m not sure that strategy will work. Romney is already too much like Obama for conservatives.

© Tom Tomorrow


Trolling Shell for Oil

Greenpeace, the Yes Lab, and members of the Occupy movement are trolling Shell Oil, creating fake websites that look like they are from Shell, throwing lavish parties, and issuing press releases in Shell’s name.

The best part is this fake social networking site, that invites people to create ads about “Arctic Energy”.

The “Yes Lab” seems to be the same people as the “Yes Men“, who have been spoofing corporations for years and made a hilarious must-see movie.


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney gave a speech at the annual NAACP conference in Houston. Why, I don’t know. Maybe he confused NAACP with NASCAR.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The event got off to a bad start when Romney pulled up in front of the convention center and he instinctively locked the doors to his limo.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mitt Romney told the crowd at an NAACP conference that if he were elected president he would fight for all millionaires, black or white.” – Jay Leno

“Romney isn’t very popular among African-American voters. In fact, diabetes is more popular among African-American voters than Mitt Romney.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In Mexico, the loser of their presidential election is accusing the winner of election fraud. He says the winner bought millions of votes. To which Mitt Romney said, ‘You can do that?'” – Jay Leno

“The American League was defeated 8-0. The American League also lost the 2011 All-Star Game as well as the 2010 All-Star Game. Under President Obama, America’s own league is on a losing streak. Mitt Romney will fix the American League and make it competitive again.” – David Letterman

“At a Democratic fundraiser in Seattle earlier this week, Vice President Biden said that Romney’s economic policies were ‘George Bush on steroids’ – as opposed to Obama’s policies, which are ‘Jimmy Carter on Ambien.'” – Jay Leno

“The White House is now urging Americans not to ‘read too much’ into last week’s jobs report. In fact, they said it would be best if you didn’t read it at all.” – Jay Leno
