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Real Issues of the Future

© Ruben Bolling

I said it already, but you really do need to read the article about Climate Change in Rolling Stone. There is absolutely no excuse for us not having the political will to do something about this.


Late Night Political Humor

“During a fundraiser a country club in Mississippi, Mitt Romney said the GOP is a party focused on helping the poor. See, his wife Ann is right, he is funny. He can make jokes.” – Jay Leno

“In his new campaign ad, President Obama asks, ‘What is Mitt Romney hiding?’ My guess: a personality.” – Jay Leno

“The Obama administration has reportedly told Syrian rebels they can’t help them until after the election. So at least they’re consistent. That’s the same thing they’re telling us. ‘Can’t help you until after the election.” – Jay Leno

“Romney’s surrogate, John Sununu, he’s in hot water for saying that, ‘I wish president Obama would learn how to be an American.’ Well, that’s kind of insulting, isn’t it? Don’t you think? President Obama spends money he doesn’t have. He loves to skip work and play golf. He sneaks away from his wife to eat fatty foods. What is more American than that?” – Jay Leno

“Well, President Obama and first lady Michelle went to see the U.S. Olympic basketball team play Brazil the other day. And during the game, they were put on the kiss cam. At first, they didn’t kiss and the crowd booed them. Then the camera went back to them. And they finally did kiss. Isn’t that amazing? A politician in Washington caught on camera kissing a woman he’s actually married to?” – Jay Leno

“President Obama said 1992’s dream team was better than this year’s Olympic basketball team. Which is interesting because a lot of people think 1992’s president is better than this year’s president.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Every American athlete who wears the Chinese made uniforms will get a free bootleg copy of the new Batman movie.” – Jay Leno

“Batman is a billionaire who doesn’t trust the system to get the job done. He has a butler and an awesome car that gets like two miles to the gallon. He is the most Republican superhero of all time! Batman is a Republican.” – Craig Ferguson

“North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has been awarded the highest rank in the country’s military. The decision was praised by everyone from Parliamentary leader Kim Jong Un to opposition leader Kim Jong Un.” – Conan O’Brien

“We’re learning more and more about this guy Kim Jong-Un. New vicious, evil dictator of North Korea. Quite a … Apparently quite a ladies’ man. For a long time he was known as Kim Jong Clooney.” – David Letterman

“The boy Scouts of American has announced that they will continue to enforce their policy of banning openly gay boys from being scouts and openly gay adults from taking leadership positions in the organization. Between this and same sex marriage, people really don’t want gay people tying knots.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Stumbler in Chief

Despite my opinion of Mitt Romney, I always thought that at least he is more intelligent than our last Republican president. But now I’m not quite sure about that.

Romney is in the middle of a trip to England, which is supposed to show him acting like a statesman. It also helps that the Olympics are starting on Friday, because it gives Romney a chance to remind people that he ran the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics.

Until now, the Olympics seemed to be the only part of his career that Romney was willing to talk about. If fact, he is so proud of his Olympics that he wrote a book about it called “Turnaround: Crisis, Leadership, And The Olympic Games“. His role in the Olympics was a major factor in his winning the governorship of Massachusetts (something that he doesn’t like to talk about).

But it turns out that Romney saved his Olympics on the back of the taxpayers. He lobbied for so much money from the federal government that he had to be registered as a lobbyist. Which is hypocritical since Romney attacked both Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum during the primary for their work as lobbyists.

So how much money did Romney get from the government? How about $1.3 billion from the feds, plus more from the state of Utah. That’s more taxpayer money spent than all the previous Olympics put together. Even Republicans called the Salt Lake games “an incredible pork-barrel project”, “a ripoff of the taxpayers”, and “a national disgrace”, and called for a federal investigation into corruption.

So what does Romney do when he arrives in London for their Olympics? On Wednesday, Romney was interviewed by NBC, and in an easy warm-up question was asked about his wife’s horse, Rafalca, which is competing in the Olympics dressage event, and whether Britain is ready to host the Olympics. Easy questions. But Romney blows both of them.

First, he insults the Brits by saying about the preparations for the Olympics “There are a few things that were disconcerting. The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials – that obviously is not something which is encouraging.”

Prime minster David Cameron, whom Romney was scheduled to meet on Thursday, shot back:

We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. Of course it’s easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.


And the mayor of London also strikes back in a speech at the Olympic torch ceremony:

There are some people who are coming from around the world who don’t yet know about all the preparations we’ve done to get London ready in the last seven years. I hear there’s a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know whether we’re ready. Are we ready? Are we ready? Yes, we are!

Note that Cameron and the Mayor are both conservatives. Imagine if it was someone who didn’t like him.

Oh, and about that question about his wife’s horse? Romney replied:

I have to tell you. This is Ann’s sport. I’m not even sure which day the sport goes on. She will get the chance to see it, I will not be watching the event. I hope her horse does well.

As conservative Andrew Sullivan put it:

WTF? If your spouse’s horse were in an Olympic contest, would you not even watch? This is either a fib, designed to insulate him from whatever minimal fallout there is from owning a dressage horse; or it’s true and he’s just unlike other human beings. I mean, Obama makes sure he sees his daughters’ high school sports games. But Romney won’t even watch his wife’s horse at the Olympics?

One British newspaper tweeted “Can this get any worse for Romney?” Indeed it could. Another British newspaper even made a list of all the “boobs, blunders, clangers” that Romney has already dropped in just the first two days of his trip.

The worst gaffe? Romney commented to the press about his meeting with the head of the MI6, the international arm of the British secret service. But the MI6 schedule is supposed to be secret and it is a serious breach of protocol for Romney to mention it. Oops. So much for burnishing his foreign policy credentials.

Time magazine sums it up this way:

Romney’s blunders have undercut the entire purpose of the trip, which was to prove he could adequately represent U.S. interests with international leaders despite his scant foreign policy experience. He hasn’t met that standard so far. Even Drudge has turned against him.

UPDATE: Carl Lewis, one of our greatest Olympic champions of all time, said of Romney’s visit to England: “Some Americans shouldn’t leave the country.”

And even Karl Rove, who is spending millions of dollars to get Romney elected, is shaking his head at Romney blowing what should have been a perfect photo-op.


Tightwad Obama

Republicans have repeated the lie that Obama is a big spender so often, that even some democrats believe it. But the fact is that federal spending under Obama has increased at the lowest rate since Eisenhower wound down the Korean war. Adjusted for inflation, federal spending under Obama has gone down. Even not adjusted for inflation, in Obama’s first budget (for fiscal year 2010), spending in raw numbers went down 1.8%. And in his budget for 2013 spending is scheduled to fall 1.3%. How does this compare to other presidents?

It goes back even further. Indeed, the poster boy for cutting government spending is Herbert Hoover, but even Hoover increased spending by 12.3% a year.

So how have Republicans convinced people that Obama is a big spender? Part of it is by repeating it so often that people start to believe it. As Mitt Romney recently put it “I will lead us out of this debt and spending inferno.” The other part is from blaming the 2009 budget on Obama. Forbes magazine explains:

So, how have the Republicans managed to persuade Americans to buy into the whole “Obama as big spender” narrative?

It might have something to do with the first year of the Obama presidency where the federal budget increased a whopping 17.9% — going from $2.98 trillion to $3.52 trillion. I’ll bet you think that this is the result of the Obama sponsored stimulus plan that is so frequently vilified by the conservatives… but you would be wrong.

The first year of any incoming president term is saddled — for better or for worse — with the budget set by the president whom immediately precedes the new occupant of the White House. Indeed, not only was the 2009 budget the property of George W. Bush — and passed by the 2008 Congress — it was in effect four months before Barack Obama took the oath of office.

Even if you attribute the stimulus spending in 2009 to Obama, along with spending for the children’s health care program and other bills passed in 2009, spending under Obama still increased only 1.4% a year.

Making this even more ironic, the Heritage Foundation fights back by blaming the entire 2009 budget on Obama, and then hypocritically use as an example of big spending by Obama the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), which was not only their idea in the first place, but which the CBO says will reduce the deficit. Also, they continue to condemn any efforts to rein in our out-of-control military spending. And where were they when Cheney was claiming that deficits don’t matter, and Dubya was spending like a drunken sailor with a pocket full of credit cards?


Gun Control Thought Control

While I believe in the second amendment right to bear arms, even I am amazed that we can’t seem to have a reasonable conversation in this country about guns. Isn’t there anything we can do to reduce the insane amount of gun violence we have in this country, without infringing on people’s right to own guns? After all, we also have the right to free speech, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to slander or libel people, or yell “fire” in a crowded theater. Why is even talking about guns off limits?

© Joel Pett



DC Douglas makes fun of Romney’s latest attack on Obama:

As usual the Romney campaign edited Obama’s words (splicing out “roads and bridges”) to make it sound like Obama was dissing entrepreneurs and claiming that they didn’t build their own businesses (when he was actually saying that they didn’t build the roads and bridges they depend on). Like, how incredibly stupid would Obama have to be to say something like that?

In addition, Jack Gilchrist, the star of their attack ad who claims that he didn’t have any help from the government to build his business actually has taken quite a bit of money from the government. Not only that, but afterward Gilchrist went on Fox News and agreed with Obama that he had plenty of help from the government.

Oh, and the Obama campaign released a video showing Romney agreeing with Obama that businesses depend on the government — you know, things like education, roads, bridges, and other minor stuff like the Internet.

But for the best take on this whole thing, watch our favorite curmudgeon Lewis Black on the Daily Show:

UPDATE: PolitiFact rates Romney’s attack on Obama as False, as do and the Washington Post Fact Checker.


Changing the Climate of the Debate about Climate

Just a quick note about a really good article in Rolling Stone about the math of climate change. Don’t let the word “math” in the title scare you — this is a really easy to understand explanation of what is happening. And what we need to do about it — before it is too late.

I like their suggestion, which is similar to how pressure was applied to South Africa to end Apartheid. It just could work. Go read the article now.

Ironically, a freaking music magazine has turned into one of the best sources of clear information about politics and the important issues of the day.


Revenge of the Internet

As someone who has been working with the Internet since close to the beginning, I almost blew a gasket yesterday when I read an article in the Wall Street Journal by Gordon Crovitz claiming that “Contrary to legend, it wasn’t the federal government” who invented the Internet. The article was meant as a slap against Obama, who in a speech said “The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all companies could make money off the Internet.”

It isn’t just that the premise of the article is wrong. It is so full of misinformation, ignorance, and baldfaced lies, it doesn’t make any sense at all. The article even gets simple facts wrong, like the location of the headquarters of Xerox. Or it claims that the Internet was born when Xerox PARC developed the Ethernet protocol to link different computer networks. Idiots! Ethernet is a computer network, not a way to link networks. Or that Apple took this technology because Xerox “had no idea what they had”. Indeed, Apple did borrow technology from Xerox PARC, but that technology was the graphical user interface, not anything related to networking or the Internet.

Luckily, the response from the tech community was swift. For example, Crovitz quotes Michael Hiltzik’s book about Xerox PARC, but Hiltzik shot back:

And while I’m gratified in a sense that he cites my book about Xerox PARC, “Dealers of Lightning,” to support his case, it’s my duty to point out that he’s wrong. My book bolsters, not contradicts, the argument that the Internet had its roots in the ARPANet, a government project.

Hiltzik flatly says that without the government, the Internet “could not have come into existence”:

Private enterprise had no interest in something so visionary and complex, with questionable commercial opportunities. Indeed, the private corporation that then owned monopoly control over America’s communications network, AT&T, fought tooth and nail against the ARPANet. Luckily for us, a far-sighted government agency prevailed.

Other tech media was even more damning. According to an article in Salon:

The accepted wisdom is correct. The government created the Internet. But because the Wall Street Journal is devoted to printing plausible-sounding lies designed to appeal to its anti-government readership, they printed a column by Gordon Crovitz this week claiming that the government did not invent the Internet, because governments can’t invent anything useful, ever, and it was the wonderful private sector that did all the work.

An article in Slate agrees:

Crovitz’s entire yarn is almost hysterically false. He gets basic history wrong, he gets the Internet’s defining technologies wrong, and, most importantly, he misses the important interplay between public and private funds that has been necessary for all great modern technological advances.

Slate also points out that Crovitz is lying:

Other times, Crovitz strays into what seems like intentional intellectual dishonesty. He mentions offhandedly that “Vinton Cerf developed the TCP/IP protocol,” but he skips over both the gravity of this development and the government’s role in it. TCP/IP is the Internet’s defining language, the only reason that any two computers, anywhere, can send a message to one another. In this way, TCP/IP is the Internet. What’s more, Crovitz neglects to mention that when Cerf created TCP/IP, he did so with Robert Kahn, who was an employee of the Defense Department, and that both of them were working under funding from the government.

Even the normally staid Scientific American says “Crovitz’s story is based on a profound misunderstanding of not only history, but technology.”

But as we now know, facts don’t seem to matter any more. Fox News is repeating the lie made by their sister publication (Murdoch’s News Corp owns both the Wall Street Journal and Fox News). I’m sure the lie that the private sector invented the Internet will be repeated ad nauseam by conservative outlets, just like they repeated the lie that Al Gore said he invented the Internet, until people believed he said it.


Boxed In

© Tom Tomorrow

I guess I need to add one more category of people who like Mitt Romney — cartoonists. He’s like Dubya on steroids for them.


GOP Jobs bill more likely to kill people than create jobs

After promising to concentrate on creating jobs after the 2010 election, Republicans are finally tearing their attention away from abortion, gays, and other social issues and are pushing a bill that they claim will create jobs.

There’s just one problem. In fact, economists say that the bill won’t create any jobs in the next three years, and if any jobs are created after that it is more of an afterthought. One economist even said the bill was more likely to cause people to get sick or die than to give them new jobs.

The bill is actually about eliminating regulations and gutting environmental laws — more government handouts to large multinational corporations — and pleasing special interests. Didn’t we try this under Dubya? It failed miserably then, and there is no evidence that it would work any better now.

Although I do have to admit that there is one kind of job that Republican politicians are trying to save with this bill — their own jobs.

But it gets worse. Not only are the Republicans claiming that they are trying to create jobs, but they also claim that Senate Democrats are holding up their “job creation” bills. The spokesperson for Speaker John Boehner even said “The House has passed more than 30 jobs bills that are awaiting action in the Democrat-controlled United States Senate.”

But that is a lie. The Senate has actually passed a dozen of the GOP job creation bills he claims have been held up.


Read My Lips, No New Taxes?

The vast majority of Republicans have signed a pledge to not raise taxes, and have repeatedly claimed that letting a tax cut expire is the same thing as raising taxes. That’s why they are insisting that Congress extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, even though those cuts were intended to be temporary.

However, under their new plan, written by Orrin Hatch of Utah, Republicans would allow tax cuts for the working poor and middle class families to expire, raising taxes for an estimated 13 million families, while simultaneously extending tax breaks for 2.7 million affluent families. Their excuse? The tax breaks for lower-income families that were part of the 2009 economic stimulus law were always intended to be temporary.

So, when is a pledge not a pledge? When it is really class warfare.


Late Night Political Humor

“At a basketball game, the President and Michelle Obama got caught off-guard on a kiss cam. Meanwhile, Mitt Romney was caught off-guard by the show us your tax returns cam.” – Conan O’Brien

“During last night’s USA-Brazil basketball game, President Obama gave Michelle a kiss when they were shown on the kiss cam. That’s cute. It explains why everyone was like, ‘quick, put him on the fix the economy cam!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday in Cincinnati, President Barack Obama had a meeting with Jerry Springer. He is trying to win the vote of husbands who cheat on their wives with men. That’s a big demographic.” – Craig Ferguson

“Yesterday in Cincinnati, Jerry Springer announced that he is endorsing Obama. Don’t get too excited. Obama still has to win over Judge Judy and Maury.” – Jimmy Fallon

“After years of criticism for his poor record on boosting employment, President Barack Obama is pleased to announce today he created a job. Congratulations to Amelio Markham from Smithsburg, Maryland, on his new job, making charts illustrating President Obama’s downward spiraling approval ratings.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney is close to announcing his running mate. Apparently Romney wants a female with a strong stage presence and the free time to campaign. So I’m guessing Steven Tyler.” – Craig Ferguson

“Sarah Palin hasn’t yet received an invitation to the Republican Convention… I don’t think she should feel bad. A lot of Republicans aren’t excited that Mitt Romney is going.” – Jay Leno

“Have you seen the Olympic uniforms? It’s for the American Olympic team and it’s berets. To me, nothing says America like a guy in a beret. Look at our founding fathers, they all wore berets.” – David Letterman

“Well, Harry Reid and other members of congress, they’re just furious over this Olympic uniform deal. He says we should burn the uniforms, and it’s an embarrassment and a disgrace. Not as embarrassing as Congress constantly borrowing money from the Chinese, but still embarrassing.” – Jay Leno

“You know anything about North Korea? The evil North Koreans? They have a new evil dictator. But the kid is like 18 years old and he has a beautiful girlfriend. I mean a stunning, lovely girlfriend and they met through the North Korean dating service match.commie.” – David Letterman


Extremist Conspiracy

[by Andy Borowitz. Reprinted from The Borowitz Report.]

Bachmann Claims White House Has Links to Extremist Group Called Democrats

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) — Representative Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.) stirred controversy today by claiming that several key members of the Obama Administration had links to a shadowy extremist group called the Democratic Party.

While Representative Bachmann produced no evidence to back up her charges, she said she had proof that “members of this sinister cabal have infested the highest echelons of our government to take away our guns and replace them with gay health care.”

Representative Bachmann said that the member of the Administration with the closest ties to the organization is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: “I have it on good authority that she is related to a former leader of the group.”

The Minnesota Congressperson’s shocking accusations drew widespread calls for her to back down, from such disparate quarters as Senator John McCain (R., Ariz.) and the National Institute of Mental Health.

“Congresswoman Bachmann’s comments are baseless, irresponsible, and beneath contempt,” said Senator McCain. “Having said that, I think I would have chosen her as my running mate over Mitt Romney.”

Speaker of the House John Boehner said that he now regretted making Representative Bachmann a member of the Intelligence Committee, calling that decision “an example of a good-natured prank that went too far.”

Despite the controversy swirling around her, however, Representative Bachmann refused to cave: “I don’t know the meaning of the word surrender. Also, science, math, apple, and cat.”

[Note, the Borowitz Report has moved to The New Yorker, something that would have made Andy’s mom very happy.]


None of the Above?

Stephen Colbert brilliantly notices that there is a better alternative to Republican party candidate Mitt Romney, at least in one state:


You know, after two years and billions of dollars, our presidential election is going to come down to a few undecided voters in key swing states. The fate of our country is now in the hands of the people who don’t think about what they want until they get right up to the register at McDonalds.

And one of those key swing states is Nevada where, since 1978, their presidential election ballot gives voters the option to choose ‘none of the above’. But now folks, the Nevada Republican Party has gone to court to have ‘none of the above’ taken off the ballot because, as the National Journal put it, “In Nevada, ‘none’ is a fearsome foe for the GOP”.

That’s right; Nevada Republicans are scared that none of the above could take votes from Mitt Romney. And folks, I tell ya, I think they’ve got grounds here. Remember, Mitt’s not telling us how he’s going to fix the economy, or what tax-loopholes he’s going to close or what his immigration policy is going to be. The whole message of his campaign is ‘I’m not Barack Obama’ and you can’t get more ‘Not Barack Obama’ than no-one.
“And folks, this guy, this guy right here, he’s got the conservative credentials that Romney lacks. I mean, you wanna talk small government this guy believes in ‘none’ government. And here’s what I think Romney’s gotta do: ‘none of the above’ is so appealing to Republican voters I believe Mitt Romney has gotta choose him as his running mate. I mean, look at who he is considering now: Portman, Pawlenty and Jindal? They wish they had the charisma of ‘none of the above’.

Although of course I can’t say for sure that ‘none of the above’ would even accept the VP slot because despite repeated calls he has not made himself available to the press, which kinda makes you wonder if there’s nothing he’s not hiding.

Conservatives don’t like Romney because he is a liberal (at least he was while governor of Mass., when he believed in gay rights, access to abortion, healthcare for all, and relaxed immigration).

Liberals don’t like Romney because he is a conservative.

The Religious Right doesn’t like Romney because they think he isn’t a Christian.

Independents don’t like Romney because he doesn’t seem to stand for anything (at least not for more than a few minutes) other than that he isn’t Obama.

And the media (and even some Republicans) don’t like Romney because he won’t release his tax returns.

The only people who seem to like Romney are the ultra-rich, and perhaps some Mormons who don’t mind his lying. Will that be enough to get him elected?

[Hat tip to Politicususa.]

© David Horsey



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