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Identity Politics

© Tom Tomorrow

I’m really glad Tom Tomorrow did this strip. I was a bit perplexed when PolitiFact gave Harry Reid a “Pants On Fire” lie rating because they said he didn’t have any hard evidence that Mitt Romney didn’t pay any taxes for ten years. Especially since Reid explicitly said he didn’t have any hard evidence, and even said he wasn’t certain if it was true. That hardly seems worthy of pants on fire.

But I just chalked it up to the media’s continued defensiveness at being accused by the right of having a liberal bias.


Evolution in Action

© Derf

I’ve pretty much stopped posting stories about conservative anti-gay crusaders who are outed, since it really isn’t that ironic any more. Besides, you aren’t hearing that much anti-gay rhetoric from the right this election cycle because they realized that it wasn’t mobilizing their base and was even making them unpopular with everyone else. I guess their strongly held religious beliefs were really just a craven ploy to get votes.

But I love the third panel of this strip and a possible beneficial side effect to the wing-nuts reacting to Chick-Fil-A’s public opposition to same-sex marriage by eating lots of their food. While they are at it, they can stuff themselves with Papa John’s pizza too. Or even douse themselves in pesticides from Scotts Miracle-Gro. That will show the rest of us the stuff they’re made of!


Figures Never Lie, But Liars Always Figure

Mitt Romney is running a TV ad in Florida, blaming Florida’s dismal 8.6% unemployment levels on Obama and complaining about “105,000 Florida jobs lost”.

But if you look on Republican governor Rick Scott’s website, you see a slightly different message. The governor is taking credit for the same 8.6% unemployment level, saying that it is a sign of rapid improvement and bragging that the job growth rate “has been positive for 23 consecutive months” and the unemployment rate is “the lowest it’s been since December 2008!”

A senior Romney campaign advisor in Florida acknowledges the problem, but explains it this way: “The economy is doing better because of Gov. Scott, but it’s not where it should be because of President Obama”.



A Screw by Any Other Name

© Mike Luckovich

The Obama campaign has created an interesting website — — which allows you to type in your income and see what would happy to your taxes under Obama’s and Romney’s tax plans. Of course, the website makes lots of assumptions, but the basic point is still true. Obama has already cut taxes for the poor and middle class, and contrary to what many people believe, their taxes have gone down under Obama. While under Romney’s tax plan, unless you are rich your taxes would go up.

There is also more accurate (and slightly more complicated) tax calculators created by the Citizen’s for Tax Justice.


An Interesting Vice

Under the tax plan promoted by Paul Ryan — Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate — Romney would pay almost nothing in federal taxes. How do we know this? Because Romney himself told us!

In Ryan’s plan, he wants to eliminate income taxes on capital gains, interest, and dividends entirely. That means that the vast majority of Romney’s earnings would not be taxed at all.

If we look at Romney’s earnings in 2010 (the only year for which we have a full tax return for Romney), he earned more than $21 million. But almost all of that was capital gains and interest. Romney did earn $593,996 in author and speaking fees that year, and since he actually worked to earn that income, it would still be taxed under Ryan’s plan. But Ryan also would reduce the top marginal tax rate from 35% to 25% and would eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax.

Bottom line? Romney’s tax rate for 2010 would have been 0.82 percent. And Romney’s earnings wouldn’t pay any corporate taxes either. And no inheritance taxes.

If Romney stopped earning speaking fees, he could easily drive his tax rate to zero. Not only that, but lots of super-rich people would also end up paying nothing in federal taxes, as long as they don’t actually work for any of their income.

The loss of revenue would essentially destroy our government, since there would be no money for anything other than Social Security and defense. Nothing. No FBI. No highway funds. No FAA. No Veteran’s benefits. No NASA. No unemployment insurance. No weather service. Nothing to protect our borders at all. No Medicare or Medicaid. No federal education funds. And just to pay for Social Security and defense, Ryan’s plan would raise taxes on the poorest Americans.

© Keith Tucker


Why Romney Won’t Show Us His Tax Return

© Ruben Bolling

I love Tom the Dancing Bug. In fact, I just joined his Inner Hive (less than $10 — cheap!). You can too.

UPDATE: Good article on how the rich avoid paying taxes. “Our tax code has a number of flaws, one of which is that it doesn’t do a very good job of discriminating based on income. It is progressive over all, but very high-income people can pay very little tax. How they avoid tax is an important and legitimate issue we should be talking about.”


Well, at least he didn’t pick someone boring

By selecting Paul Ryan as his running mate, is Romney giving in to the most strident conservatives and giving up on moderates and independent voters?

UPDATE: This person definitely thinks so:

After a blasting in the polls and a haranguing by right-wing pundits, Mitt Romney decided that he should use the biggest statement of his primary campaign to try to win over a group of voters that never wanted him: right-wing Republicans. It’s exactly what John McCain tried to do. And I’m trying to remember: How did that work out for him?

UPDATE 2: Ezra Klein has an excellent article on what picking Paul Ryan means:

Ryan has told the Congressional Budget Office that his budget will bring all federal spending outside Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security to 3.75 percent of GDP by 2050. That means defense, infrastructure, education, food safety, basic research, and food stamps — to name just a few — will be less than four percent of GDP in 2050. To get a sense for how unrealistic that is, Congress has never permitted defense spending to fall below three percent of GDP, and Romney has pledged that he’ll never let defense spending fall beneath four percent of GDP. It will be interesting to hear him explain away the difference.

But Klein’s most interesting point is that Romney seems to have picked the VP that Obama was steering him toward:

This election increasingly resembles the Obama campaign’s strategy rather than the Romney campaign’s strategy. … While Republicans were trying to keep Ryan quiet, the Obama administration was trying to make him famous. They saw his plans as the clearest distillation of the GOP’s governing philosophy — and they thought it would drive voters towards the Democrats. We’ll know in November whether that was a genius strategy or an epic miscalculation.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tough Olympic news for the Romneys. Ann Romney’s horse Rafalka did not advance to the Olympic finals. Apparently it was beat by a smooth-talking socialist horse from Kenya.” – Conan O’Brien

“I think the scores for Olympic gymnastics are affected by what countries the judge and the gymnast are from. That’s wrong. That type of political pandering isn’t meant for gymnastic Olympic events. It’s meant for the Supreme Court.” – Craig Ferguson

“Big story at the Olympics regarding Michael Phelps. He stepped out with his girlfriend for the first time. She is a 25-year-old model from Los Angeles. Like every other model in L.A., She’s dating an older retired guy. What’s going on?” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s now come out just before his record-breaking 100-meter dash, gold medalist Usain Bolt ate at McDonald’s. Apparently he timed his meal so when the race started he would have exactly 9.63 seconds to get to a toilet.” – Conan O’Brien

“Olympic officials have disqualified a champion race walker after determining that he was doping. They disqualified him. The man said getting caught doping is almost as embarrassing as getting caught being a champion race walker.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mayor Bloomberg is saying now that he has banned large sodas in New York City, his next target is going to be alcohol. Once that’s out of the way he’ll start his crusade against the laughter of children.” – Conan O’Brien



So, why is it that Romney is so adamant about not releasing his tax returns? He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who is embarrassed about being rich. So it seems safe to assume that he is deliberately hiding something.

One theory concerns the fact that back in 2009, the IRS did a massive crackdown on the use of overseas bank accounts as tax havens and offered amnesty to anyone who disclosed those accounts. This happened when Switzerland’s largest bank was forced to reveal the names of its US account holders. The theory is that Romney took advantage of that amnesty, which means that if he revealed his tax returns, they would reveal that Romney was — at the time — illegally avoiding taxes. Even though the IRS granted amnesty, the US taxpaying voters might not be so kind.

Indeed, even though Romney claims to have released his 2010 tax returns, even then he didn’t include all of his tax forms. Specifically, he didn’t include the forms documenting his Swiss bank account (and his financial activities in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands).

So we really have no idea why Romney had a Swiss bank account. Was it to avoid paying taxes? Was it to avoid disclosing investments that would embarrass him? Unless he shows us this form, we may never know.

For their part, the Romney campaign has explicitly said that the Swiss account that we do know about was not part of the IRS amnesty program, but that doesn’t mean much, since there could have been other Swiss accounts that we don’t yet know about.

For a good summary, The Atlantic has a fun article that goes through the various theories as to why Romney will not release his tax returns, offering evidence both for and against each theory. Not surprisingly, all of them are good reasons for Romney to want to avoid releasing further tax information.

I’m surprised that nobody has speculated that the Romney campaign is deliberately laying a trap. Get the Democrats to focus on Romney’s tax returns until speculation goes completely overboard. For example, by having someone tell Harry Reid that Romney paid no taxes for 10 years. Then, when Romney is finally “forced” to reveal his returns, there is nothing in them that is even half as damaging as what Democrats claimed, and the whole thing blows over. Maybe some of the stuff in the tax returns is damaging, but a good way to mitigate that damage would be to entice the Democrats to overplay their hand.

© Clay Bennett

UPDATE: More clues as to what might be in Romney’s Returns.


Is that Fertilizer or just Shit?

Scotts Miracle-Gro is making headlines because they publicly donated $200,000 to Romney’s SuperPAC “Restore Our Future”.

Yes, that is the same Scotts Miracle-Gro that pleaded guilty to selling birdseed that was coated with a pesticide toxic to birds, even after their own scientists warned them of the problem. And in a separate case, falsified documents submitted to the EPA about their pesticides. And the same company that is fighting to overturn bans on the use of fertilizers during the rainy season in some cities in Florida (the fertilizers aren’t needed and cause massive and toxic blooms of red-tide and green slime, but they make a lot of money for Scotts). And is fighting regulations on pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

My only question is, in their accounting books, what is Scotts hoping to buy with this donation?


Leash Laws for Unicorns

Fox News has a “voter fraud unit”? Have they no shame?


Vaulting Ambition

© Jim Morin

Considering that Mitt Romney’s father said politicians running for president should release 12 years of tax returns, and that Mitt himself, when he was running for the Senate against Edward Kennedy, called for Kennedy to release his tax returns, that there must be some really embarrassing reason why Romney won’t release his.

UPDATE: The blog-o-sphere (including Markos of the Daily Kos and others) is speculating on the identity of the person who told Harry Reid that Romney hadn’t paid any taxes. The fingers are pointing at the father of former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman.

UPDATE 2: Jon Huntsman Sr. denies that he is Harry Reid’s source, or that he even knows anything about Romney’s tax returns. Nevertheless, he feels that Romney should release more tax returns, saying “I feel very badly that Mitt won’t release his taxes and won’t be fair with the American people.”


Late Night Political Humor

“Why don’t they allow professional wrestling at the Olympics? They allow pro basketball players and hockey players. Olympic pro wrestling would be awesome. The team from Mexico could wear those Mr. X masks. The French wrestler could hit his opponent with a baguette. Or perhaps just surrender.” – Craig Ferguson

“An American judo fighter was expelled from the Olympics after testing positive for marijuana. Officials became suspicious when he kept stopping the match and saying, ‘What are we fighting for, man?'” – Conan O’Brien

“A former U.S. Olympic swimmer in an interview said that nearly all elite competitive swimmers pee in the pool regularly. So apparently I am an elite competitive swimmer.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Romneys have a horse competing in the Olympics. Ann Romney’s horse failed to win a medal in the dressage event today, which is a shame because if there’s one thing that family needs, it’s more gold.” – Conan O’Brien

“Romney’s Olympic horse is named Rafalco. She said I needed a silly name that no one’s ever heard of before and Mitt was taken.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney is claiming he’s going to create 12 million jobs in his first term. But he hasn’t said yet if he’ll create them in China or India.” – Conan O’Brien

“This week is international clown week. That’s something more terrifying than sharks. There’s a lot of famous clowns. Bozo the Clown, Krusty the Clown, Joe Biden. There’s three right there.” – Craig Ferguson

“I would like to congratulate the team at NASA’s jet propulsion lab. You deserve every missed high five of your celebration.” – Stephen Colbert

“This crisis has pitted brother against lower cholesterol brother. It’s like the Civil War, if you replace slavery with waffle fries.” – Stephen Colbert (on the Chick-Fil-A controversy)


I know you are, but what am I?

Today we have a Jon Stewart double header!

When I started watching this video, I was worried that it was another example of where liberals bemoan it when Democratic politicians won’t play hardball like the Republicans do, but then attack those same Democratic politicians when they do play hardball.

But then Jon Stewart pulls it off brilliantly at the very end.

I’m curious what other people think. Did Harry Reid step over the line with this one? Or is it about time someone threw back at the Republicans the kind of crap they have been dishing out for a long time (e.g., birth certificate, death panels, swift boating, ad nauseum).

I also note that Romney’s responses seem to be very carefully phrased. Reid was talking about Romney paying federal income taxes, but Romney responded that he has always paid taxes. Well, yes, if you live in most states, you pay sales taxes, property taxes, etc. Has Romney said whether he always paid federal income taxes?


Miller Time

After the whole Valerie Plame mess, I’m surprised that anyone would give a job to Judith Miller (or even listen to anything she has to say). But I’m not surprised that it was Fox News.
