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Voting Against your own Self Interest

© Chris Rock

I don’t see it as “voting for the lesser of two evils”. I see it as voting for the person who is trying to fight evil and not always winning, but is willing to keep trying.

Yes, I can (and do) fault Obama for not ending the war in Afghanistan sooner, but he wasn’t the person who started that war (or the war in Iraq, which Obama did end). I can fault him for not closing Gitmo, but he didn’t open it and fill it with people, some of whom we now know were innocent but we have held them so long that we can’t release them because we tortured them and gave them a good reason to hate us. I can fault Obama because the economy is not recovering as fast as I would like, but how can anyone think we aren’t better off now than we were in 2008, when the economy was in free-fall, people were losing their homes at a record rate, and Wall Street was imploding?

And while I would not equate the Republican party with cancer, I think a cancer is taking over the Republican party, fueled by carcinogenic amounts of special interest money and influence peddling.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republican convention was worried that it was going to be postponed or maybe completely canceled because of Hurricane Isaac. This is serious stuff. CNN is on full Blitzer.” – David Letterman

“It looks like Hurricane Isaac has delayed the Republican convention for one day. See, I think the Republicans should use these 60-mile an-hour winds to their advantage. Mitt Romney should walk about there and go, here are my tax returns for the last 10 years… Oh my gosh, what happened?'” – Jay Leno

“The winds in Tampa are so strong today, they blew the dog off the top of Romney’s car.” – David Letterman

“This is a big storm. In fact, Isaac has scared more senior citizens than Paul Ryan.” – Jay Leno

“It seems the GOP has placed 13,000 umbrellas in bins outside the hall for people to use. Delegates can’t bring them inside for security reasons, so after you use the umbrella, you drop it off for the next person to use. That sounds like creeping socialism.” – Jay Leno

“Some of the Republicans, I think, are over-reacting to Hurricane Isaac — like today Rick Santorum was seen gathering up two of every animal.” – Jay Leno

“Herman Cain was in Tampa. When a reporter asked him if Isaac reminded him of Katrina, he said, ‘I never even met the woman.'” – Jay Leno

“This year the theme of the Republican convention is ’50 Shades of White’.” – David Letterman

“This is my favorite statistic so far. According to a new poll, Mitt Romney is at zero percent among African American voters. And I don’t think the GOP slogan at convention is helping any: ‘See what white can do for you’.” – Jay Leno

“Last week President Obama met with the White House press corps for only the second time this year. He said he would have met with them more, but he’s been so busy campaigning, he didn’t have time to write their questions.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama brews his own beer in the White House. In honor of Joe Biden, they put it in a special big mouth bottle.” – Jay Leno

“NASA has actually landed a car on Mars. It’s called the Curiosity. That vehicle, now on Mars, cost two and a half million dollars. But when you drive that thing off the lot, instantly it’s worth less than half that.” – David Letterman

“Tomorrow the Mars rover is going to premier the new Black Eyed Peas song by beaming it back to Earth. In other words, the rover has turned against us. The machines have risen.” – Conan O’Brien

“They test drove the Curiosity over the weekend and it was digging a hole. It got bigger and bigger, digging a huge deep hole. It’s like Todd Akin.” – David Letterman


The Hardening Truth

© Adam Zyglis

The Republicans say that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will tell us the “hard truths” we need to hear.

And they they turn around and say they are going to cut taxes, balance the budget, save Medicare, and increase spending (especially for the military). It is like a fairy tale with an impossibly happy ending.

From where I stand, the only thing “hard” about the “truths” coming out of the Republicans is that they are hard to believe. Like, how is Romney going to cut spending while increasing the military budget?


Late Night Political Humor

“A hurricane is scheduled to hit Tampa during the Republican Convention. These winds are so strong they could actually blow some of Mitt Romney’s money back in the United States.” – Jay Leno

“They’re all going down to Tampa where an Evangelical party is going to nominate a Mormon and a Catholic and then get wiped out by a hurricane… leaving Florida to the Jews as God intended.” – Bill Maher

“Everyone is making contingency plans. Paul Ryan went to Florida early, Mitt battened down his hair, and Newt Gingrich says he likes hurricanes and said he looks forward to getting blown behind a dumpster.” – Bill Maher

“Actually Mitt Romney is worried sick about this hurricane. It could ruin everything. Not because of the convention. Because it’s headed straight for the island where he keeps his money.” – Bill Maher

“There was an awkward moment for Mitt Romney today. He was practicing his speech and he took a pregnant pause and they made him carry it to term.” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan had a campaign event at an apple orchard… There was one awkward moment when they told the granny smiths they were considering cutting their Medicare.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to a new poll, Mitt Romney is at zero percent among African Americans. Here’s the sad part: That’s up 5 percent from last week.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney went birther today. He was in Michigan, where he was born, and he said, ‘No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate.’ Right, because you weren’t born. You have a warranty card.” – Bill Maher

“Todd Akin is running for Senate in Missouri and he said if it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways of shutting the whole thing down. And then he made it worse by saying the medical term for this is Pussy Riot.” – Bill Maher

“But wait. The female body has ways of shutting this down? Not only is it absurd but it is the worst super power ever.” – Bill Maher

“Todd Akin is getting death threats. They have narrowed it down the list to all women, everywhere.” – Bill Maher

“I’m not surprised there are people in America who believe things like this. But usually they don’t own shoes and they live in an abandoned school bus and they smell like urine. But this guy Akin, he went to college. He can tie a necktie, he doesn’t smell like urine. That’s the problem with America, we have a bunch of crazy people who clean up good.” – Bill Maher

“As much as the Republican establishment wants to denounce Akin and to make him quit, there’s very little difference between what he says and what is in his platform. Their platform says no abortion, no exceptions – not for rape, not for incest, not even for Snooki.” – Bill Maher


12 Million Jobs?

Mitt Romney declared in his acceptance speech “And unlike the president, I have a plan to create 12 million new jobs.”

Sounds great! Especially from someone who claims that government doesn’t create jobs. And hasn’t actually, you know, told us what he would do.

So how can Romney claim he will do it? Easy!

Moody’s Analytics just this month predicted that 12 million new jobs would be created in the next four years, no matter who is president. And back in April, Macroeconomic Advisors predicted a gain of 12.3 million jobs.

Ironically, while Romney claims that Obama has no plan, Obama has already executed his plan to create 12 million jobs.

If elected, the best plan for Romney would be to just sit back and take advantage of Obama’s turnaround of the economy. But I doubt that he could do that, since Republicans are hell bent on cutting even more taxes for the rich, increasing military spending, increasing taxes for the middle class, and otherwise driving us off the fiscal cliff into a new recession.


The American Taliban


Late Night Political Humor

“Beginning Monday is the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Do you know what the theme is this year? Room Service and Hookers.” – David Letterman

“Tropical Storm Isaac is expected to develop into a hurricane in the next few days. Unfortunately, the Republican National Convention starts in Florida on Monday. The National Weather Service says the storm could reach category 5, which is strong enough to move Mitt Romney’s part to the other side of his head.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Rest assured, no matter how high those winds get, not a single hair on Romney’s or Paul Ryan’s head will move. They have guaranteed that.” – Jay Leno

“Tampa could be hit by Hurricane Isaac, and they might have to cancel or postpone the Republican National Convention. A hurricane headed directly for the Republicans – and more proof that God is a woman.” – David Letterman

“They’re now worried that Tropical Storm Isaac could hit Florida during next week’s Republican convention. But Florida is ready for it. Thanks to President Obama’s economic policies, many businesses down there are already boarded up.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, Mitt Romney and Hurricane Isaac have something in common. They can both change directions at any moment.” – Jay Leno

“CNN plans to air a 90-minute documentary on Mitt Romney before the Republican National Convention. Yeah, 90 minutes of Mitt Romney. Even Red Bull is like, ‘This is outta my league, bro.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“You know who else is going to be at Tampa for the Republican Convention? Gov. Chris Christie from New Jersey. On his way down there the last they heard from him he was on I-95 at the truck scales.” – David Letterman

“Today Todd Akin was named Democratic Party Employee of the Month.” – David Letterman

“It’s now being reported that Joe Biden will go to the Republican convention to try to cause problems for Mitt Romney. Then after that, he will go to the Democratic convention where he will definitely cause problems for President Obama.” – Jay Leno

“The Obama campaign announced that theirs will be the first political campaign to accept donations via text message. The president is hoping it’s a way to engage grass-roots supporters to give money. A friend of mine tried to donate money and ended up voting for Sanjaya.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama’s supporters can now text the word ‘GIVE’ to donate up to $50 dollars to his campaign, although it’s frustrating when autocorrect keeps changing it to ‘Fix the economy.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“New research found that people who wake up early are more productive than people who sleep in. Or as Congress put it, ‘Whoa — is it noon already?'” – Jimmy Fallon



While the Republican National Convention is busy trying to promote their narrative that Obama has been a disappointment of a president, there are two things that you should remember:

First of all, that it is a lie. Despite relentless opposition from the Republicans — who even opposed their own ideas (like Romneycare/Obamacare) when Obama adopted them — and despite inheriting an economy in free-fall, this administration has actually succeeded in turning the country around and gotten it moving in the right direction again.

The “Please Cut The Crap” blog has put together a comprehensive list, with comprehensive citations, of 200 accomplishments of Obama. Whether it is tracking down Osama bin Laden, saving the American automobile industry, reforming America’s reputation abroad, putting new emphasis on education, pushing less polluting forms of energy, or even cutting taxes, there is a lot to like.

Second, notice that there is one person who will be noticeably absent from the Republican convention, and that is George W. Bush. Even Republicans realize that the last Republican president was one disaster after another. Sadly, the main reminder of the Bush administration today will be Hurricane Isaac dumping rain on New Orleans on the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Well, that, and having to live with the legacy of Bush appointments to the Supreme Court, like the Citizens United decision that has opened the floodgates of special interest money in elections.

So when someone like Reince Priebus declares that Obama has “never run a company“, remember that Bush was our first CEO president.

And it isn’t just Bush. What have the rest of the Republicans been doing the last four years? Opposing Wall Street reforms. Opposing health care reform. Opposing gay marriage and trying to outlaw abortion. Trying to shut down Planned Parenthood. Promoting tax cuts for the rich and giveaways to large multinational corporations.

And what are the GOP priorities for the future? It is telling that the first item on the Republican platform is “Preserving and protecting traditional marriage” (against gays). While the first item on the Democratic platform is the economy.

It is instructive to read the rest of the Republican platform. Their vision of the future says “The Internet must be made safe for children” by going after “all forms of pornography and obscenity”. But they don’t say how they will do that while protecting freedom of speech.

Ironically, their “Prescription for American Healthcare” says:

We believe that taking care of one’s health is an individual responsibility. Chronic diseases, many of them related to lifestyle, drive healthcare costs, accounting for more than 75 percent of the nation’s medical spending. To reduce demand, and thereby lower costs, we must foster personal responsibility while increasing preventive services to promote healthy lifestyles.

And yet, when Michelle Obama promotes healthy eating for children in order to fight obesity, she is mocked as promoting a nanny state.

The Republican Platform also promotes education reform, which they call “A Chance for Every Child”. Wasn’t that what Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” was supposed to do? And under “Improving our Nation’s Classrooms” they complain that “Ideological bias is deeply entrenched within the current university system” and call on “State officials to ensure that our public colleges and universities be places of learning and the exchange of ideas, not zones of intellectual intolerance favoring the Left.” You know, those liberal ideas like evolution or climate change.


Are You Feeling Alienated?

© Tom Tomorrow

Naw, can’t be true. If they were really advanced aliens, they would have figured out how to control the weather.


Out come the Crazies

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that with the start of the Republican National Convention the nut cases are coming out.

Donald Trump just had to wade into birther conspiracies once again. What I can’t understand is why anyone listens to anything he says any more.

But wait, it gets better. Rush Limbaugh is trying to start a new conspiracy theory. He thinks Obama personally tampered with the Hurricane Center’s prediction for Isaac hoping that it would get the Republicans to delay or cancel the convention.

If you see or hear any more craziness, please leave a comment (along with a link!).


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama met with the White House Press corps for only the second time this year… It was only twenty minutes long. Makes you miss President Bush. He would spend twenty minutes answering the first question.” – Jay Leno

“In a new interview, first lady Michelle Obama said she doesn’t have time to read ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’. Then it got weird when she added, ‘Again’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It was just announced that most of the speakers at this year’s Democratic National Convention will be women. But it’s going to be annoying when they stop speaking, but won’t tell you why.” – Jimmy Fallon

“At a campaign stop in Virginia, Joe Biden said he is such a NASCAR fan, he said, ‘I’d trade being vice president in a heartbeat for winning Daytona.’ To which President Obama said, ‘Deal!'” – Jay Leno

“Happy birthday to gold medalist sprinter Usain Bolt. He turned 26 this week. You know the sad thing? His world record time has already been broken by Republicans running away from Missouri Congressman Todd Akin.” – Jay Leno

“Missouri Congressman Todd Akin has some interesting views on health. I think he’s in a little hot water. Penn State took down his statue today.” – David Letterman

“Akin apologized on Rachel Ray’s show and then they made veal mea culpa.” – David Letterman

“According to a new report by the Tax Policy Center, the gap between the rich and the super rich is growing wider. This could split the Republican Party in two. The haves fighting the really haves.” – Jay Leno

“We found out early that Kelly Ripa, after five years of searching for a new co-host to replace Regis Philbin, has finally found the guy that’s going to take his job, the man who’s going to fill his shoes – New York Giants defensive end Michael Strahan. They were going to announce it at the Republican convention but we found out.” – David Letterman

“Finding a co-host for Kelly Ripa has been harder than finding Mitt Romney’s tax returns.” – David Letterman

“Nude photos popped up on the Internet today of what appears to be Prince Harry having a big naked party in Las Vegas. This has caused quite a commotion in London. But I’d be disappointed if my prince wasn’t having naked parties in Vegas.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“What’s the point of being a prince if you can’t round girls up in Vegas and get naked with them? In the olden days, it probably went on every night and if you told anybody about it, they cut your head off.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Maybe those poor girls lost their clothes in an accident and the prince graciously gave them his. It’s called chivalry. Look it up.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I just think it’s refreshing to see a famous redhead drunk and stripping that isn’t Lindsay Lohan for a change.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Supremely Unclear

In an interview with CBS, Mitt Romney tries to deflect the blowback that the Republican Party is receiving due to their hardline stance on abortion. The Republican Party platform calls for a constitutional amendment banning abortion. After all, if you believe that an embryo is a person, then any abortion — even in the case of rape or incest — would be murder. Statements from prominent Republicans about “legitimate” or “forced” rape are just making things worse.

Which has led Romney to distance himself from his own party’s platform.

But here’s where it gets really ironic. Romney tried to downplay the whole thing and paint it as a political distraction:

Recognize this is the decision that will be made by the Supreme Court. The Democrats try and make this a political issue every four years, but this is a matter in the courts. It’s been settled for some time in the courts.

Just who does he think appoints the members of the Supreme Court? And who ratifies those appointments?

Does he really think that we are too stupid to realize that the really crazy and damaging decisions (like Citizens United) made by the conservative members of the Supreme Court have nothing to do with the Republican Party that put them there?

UPDATE: Readers have made comments pointing out additional hypocrisy in what Romney says. When he says “this is the decision that will be made by the Supreme Court” he has it backwards — Roe v. Wade was already decided by the Supreme Court. Yes, as he says “it’s been settled for some time by the courts” — just not the way Republicans would like. Indeed, it is the Republicans who keep bringing this issue up — nobody forced them to put a call for a constitutional amendment into their party platform. Alternatively, they will continue to stack the Supreme Court with social conservatives who will overturn Roe v. Wade. It is also important to point out that if they do get a constitutional amendment passed, then saying that this would be decided by the courts is just nonsense. A constitutional amendment trumps the courts.

And finally, as I’ve said before, Republicans have had multiple chances to push for such a constitutional amendment, most recently during the last Bush administration when they also controlled Congress. But they didn’t do squat about it. They just keep cravenly bringing it up during elections to fire up the base.


I am what I am

© Tom Toles

Mitt Romney defends his personality and likability in an interview with Politico by repeating the Popeye line “I am who I am” three times. Well, he does point out that “I was voted the president of my fraternity. … you don’t get voted to be head of your group if you don’t get along with people, if you don’t connect with people.” Is Romney contesting Dubya’s title as the frat boy president?

Romney also reveals that his speech at the Republican convention will be all about attacking Obama. No surprise there. He even blames Obama for his own lack of likability, complaining “What has been the focus of the Obama ads? Do they talk about my record in Massachusetts?” That’s hilarious, since Romney himself is very careful not to talk about his record in Massachusetts — his Romneycare, pro-choice, lackluster jobs record.


Late Night Political Humor

“Todd Akin, the Republican Senate candidate from Missouri, is under fire for his controversial comments that women who are ‘legitimately raped are less likely to get pregnant.’ The good news? Candidates who are legitimately that stupid are less likely to get elected.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney has asked Todd Akin to step down. That’s too bad. Todd Akin was the guy to lead the Republican Party into the 16th century.” – David Letterman

“Fellow Republicans are calling for Todd Akin to step down. But Democrats are going ‘Stay in! Don’t be a quitter. Hang in there.'” – Jay Leno

“Akin announced that he is staying in the race. Is that a surprise? A guy who knows so little about a woman’s body doesn’t know when it’s time to pull out.” – Jay Leno

“A hurricane could threaten next week’s Republican National Convention in Tampa. It could really hurt Republicans — which explains its name, ‘Hurricane Todd Akin.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mitt looks like a guy who would be the closer at Beverly Hills Mercedes.” – David Letterman

“And Mitt’s running mate Paul Ryan — who has dropped out of nowhere and has energized the Republican ticket — he looks like the guy you see on packages of underwear.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney says if he is elected he will create 12 million new jobs in his first year in office – and that’s just for people to do his taxes.” – Jay Leno

“Finding a co-host for Kelly Ripa has been harder than finding Mitt Romney’s tax returns.” – David Letterman

“It’s National Senior Citizen’s Day, which is not to be confused with National Senior Citizen’s Week — the Republican Convention in Florida.” – Jimmy Fallon

“At a campaign stop in Ohio, a group of senior citizens greeted Republican Vice President nominee Paul Ryan and yelled ‘Good luck!’ It’s good to see the cast of ‘The Expendables 2’ is everywhere this week.” – Jay Leno

“Senior Citizens Day was made official by President Reagan in 1988 to recognize the contributions the elderly do for this country. It’s a special holiday to remind them they are indeed old.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Charlie Crist Endorses Obama

On the eve of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, the former Republican governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, has endorsed Barack Obama for president:

As America prepares to pick our president for the next four years — and as Florida prepares once again to play a decisive role — I’m confident that President Barack Obama is the right leader for our state and the nation. I applaud and share his vision of a future built by a strong and confident middle class in an economy that gives us the opportunity to reap prosperity through hard work and personal responsibility. It is a vision of the future proven right by our history.

Crist also decries the Republican Party’s move to the far right:

As Republicans gather in Tampa to nominate Mitt Romney, Americans can expect to hear tales of how President Obama has failed to work with their party or turn the economy around.

But an element of their party has pitched so far to the extreme right on issues important to women, immigrants, seniors and students that they’ve proven incapable of governing for the people. Look no further than the inclusion of the Akin amendment in the Republican Party platform, which bans abortion, even for rape victims.

The truth is that the party has failed to demonstrate the kind of leadership or seriousness voters deserve.

I keep hoping that the Republican party comes to their senses. People like Crist and Jon Huntsman give me hope that it might still be possible.
