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Late Night Political Humor

“The conventions were so different. The Democrats finally look like a real political party; the Republicans look like a seminar for how to flip real estate for Jesus.” – Bill Maher

“The Democratic convention looked like the America I see when I walk down the street. The Republican convention looked like ‘Antiques Roadshow’.” – Bill Maher

“When you look at the two conventions, the speeches at the Democratic convention were just better. Go back and watch Mitt Romney. After seeing Michele Obama speak, and Bill Clinton speak, and the president speak, it’s like watching an armless guy paint with his ass.” – Bill Maher

“Did you see that Bill Clinton speech? One by one he picked apart and destroyed every claim of the Romney-Ryan campaign. In fact, today Todd Akin said it qualified as a legitimate rape.” – Bill Maher

“Of course, it made the Republicans furious. They said, ‘No fair. Not everyone has an ex-president who can speak.'” – Bill Maher

“Clinton was just devastating in his simplicity. He said, ‘I came from a place where people still thought 2 and 2 was four.’ And over at Fox News they said, ‘Get the fact checkers on that.'” – Bill Maher

“It really was a dream night for Bill Clinton – Democrats in love with him, hanging on his every word, Hillary was in China 10,000 miles away. We don’t even know if she saw the speech. In fact, someone said to her today, ‘Did you catch Bill in Charlotte?’ And she said, ‘Who’s Charlotte?'” – Bill Maher

“Clinton killed them with one word: arithmetic. He said Republicans lack skills in arithmetic, which by the way, is not fair to Sarah Palin because if there’s one thing her family has proved it can do is multiply.” – Bill Maher

“Last night in his speech President Obama invoked FDR. Then he saw the unemployment numbers and invoked WTF.” – Jay Leno

“It seems only 96,000 jobs were added last month. And half of those were strippers working the conventions.” – Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, I saw Mitt Romney at the supermarket buying Lobster Helper.” – Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, Clint Eastwood talked to a chair while going through the cushions looking for spare change.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama spoke last night. The speech must have been pretty good because today Clint Eastwood said he was voting for the chair.” – Bill Maher

“There was a big shakeup on ‘American Idol.’ There is still a vacant judge’s seat. The producers are in a great hurry to fill the empty seat before Clint Eastwood shows up and starts yelling at it.” – Craig Ferguson

“When it came to ‘hope’ and ‘change’ President Obama told the crowd, ‘You were the change.’ And then the crowd said, ‘Hey don’t blame us. You were supposed to be the change! I just voted. Why is it my fault?'” – Jay Leno

“Did you all hear Al Gore speak at the Democratic convention? He said, ‘Hot dogs, peanuts, cold drinks!'” – Jay Leno


Fact Checkers

© Tom Toles

I love this image of Republicans playing a shell game with the media. While it does seem to have become particularly easy to confuse the mainstream media, the barrage of lies coming from the Republican party is un-Mitt-igated.

Even more ironic is that even when confronted with their lies, the Republicans keep repeating them, or deny that they ever said the lie in the first place (even though there is video of them clearly lying). For example, Paul Ryan trying to blame Obama for the defense cuts the Republicans forced the administration to accept (and for which Ryan voted), and then denying that he voted for them.

Or they dismiss the media who dare to expose their lies. Romney’s pollster famously said “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.” This was in response to a Romney ad claiming that Obama had removed the work requirement from the welfare law. That claim was completely false, yet they were going to keep running the ad because polling showed it was effective in getting votes for Romney.

And the conservative website RedState has proposed that if you quote a fact checker in a post, they will ban you from the site. I guess they can’t have any reality intrude into their comfortable bubble.


The Will to Win

Apparently Paul Ryan is so confident of becoming the next vice president that he has decided to start running ads tomorrow for his re-election to Congress.

He’s not alone in his doubts. Other Republicans are starting to give pointed advice to Romney, fearing that he is on the road to losing the election. The biggest criticism? “Stop being so vague.” Rupert Murdoch advised “Stop fearing far right, which has nowhere else to go.” William Kristol even compared Romney’s campaign to that of Michael Dukakis, pointing out that “Mike Dukakis lost.” Jonah Goldberg called Romney the “No Ideas” candidate.

Meanwhile, Michael Cohen provides plenty of evidence that “Mitt Romney is the worst national politician I’ve ever seen” and talks about his “epic incompetence”.


9/11 Negligence

Today is the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and here’s something to remember.

Kurt Eichenwald gained access to some of the daily security briefings that were given to the White House in the weeks before the attack, and other classified documents, and has “come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed.”

The Bush administration ignored clear warnings about 9/11. Why? Because “the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon were warning the White House that the C.I.A. had been fooled; according to this theory, Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat.”

The CIA was insistent, pleading that the White House accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real, but the Bush administration ignored them. Officials at the Counterterrorism Center of the CIA grew “apoplectic”.

In a separate interview with CBS, Eichenwald said:

What I’ve been able to see are the presidential daily briefs before August 6 of 2001. And they’re horrific, and they are – our reports are “an attack is coming”, “there are going to be mass casualties”. The worst of them, the Pentagon, the neo-conservatives at the Pentagon, as the CIA was coming in saying, “al-Qaeda’s going to attack”, said, “Oh, this is just a false flag operation. Bin laden is trying to take our attention off of the real threat, Iraq.” And so there are presidential daily briefs that are literally saying, ‘No they’re wrong, this isn’t fake, it’s real.”

You should read the whole article, but it makes one thing perfectly clear — we had ample evidence warning us about the 9/11 attacks but the Bush administration was negligent and incompetent.

Ironically, one of the few times that George W. Bush was mentioned at the recent Republican convention was when his brother Jeb Bush said “He is a man of integrity, courage, and honor, and during incredibly challenging times, he kept us safe.”

UPDATE: Even more hypocrisy! Dick Cheney lashes out at Obama for not paying enough attention to the same daily briefings that warned the Bush administration that Osama bin Laden was “determined to strike in the US”. Sheesh.


Return on Investment!

The Center for American Progress gives a good example of why people like casino magnate Sheldon Adelson are willing to throw so much money at Republican candidates.

Adelson says he plans to spend $100 million to get Mitt Romney elected. That’s on top of the money he spent on Newt Gingrich, and doesn’t count the $36 million he has contributed to various Republican Super PACs. That’s an astounding amount of money. It was just a few years ago when the maximum you could contribute to a political candidate was under $2500.

So what will Adelson get in return for his “investment”? If Romney does the things he says he will do, Adelson stands to reap more than $2 billion dollars in reduced taxes over the next four years alone. That’s a 20 times return on investment!

In addition, Romney says he will eliminate the estate tax, which would provide a staggering $8.9 billion windfall to his heirs when he dies.

Who would pay for this? The 95% of Americans who would get hit with a tax increase from the Romney tax plan. Not to mention all of us, since a dramatic cut would be required in government services to pay for Romney’s tax cuts for the wealthy.


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt, you just keep demanding that Americans answer the question: are you better off than you were four years ago? But just don’t answer it yourself, cause that would mean releasing more than two years of tax returns.” – Stephen Colbert

“Computer hackers claim to have stolen Mitt Romney’s tax returns and are willing to leak them publicly unless the Romney campaign agrees to pay them $1 million. This is such an unethical money-making scheme that Mitt Romney said he was quite impressed. ‘I could use these guys at Bain Capital.'” – Jay Leno

“The signature question of this presidential campaign is, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” As a comedian, I have to say no. I miss Bush and Cheney; they were the golden age. I wish they were here. I am not better off.” – Jay Leno

“We got some bad economic news. The United States has slipped further down the global ranking of the world’s most competitive economies. We’re now #7. Switzerland is number one. Romney said, ‘See, that’s why I keep my money there.'” – Jay Leno

“Everyone is still talking about Bill Clinton’s speech last night in Charlotte. It was a remarkable speech, 45 minutes long and 6,000 words. Like the political version of the guitar solo from ‘Freebird.'” – Craig Ferguson

“Both conventions are over, and if you watched, I think it’s pretty clear who should be the next president of the United States – Bill Clinton. He was unbelievable. According to Democrats, he won the election for Obama, he helped the cowboys beat the Giants, and he even had time to go to Hooters afterward.” – Jay Leno

“Bill Clinton said that President Obama inherited a deeply damaged economy. And if he’s re-elected he’ll inherit an even more deeply damaged economy.” – Jay Leno

“You know who’s a big supporter of President Obama? Scarlett Johansson. I think I’ll wait until I hear what Katherine Heigl has to say.” – David Letterman

“Today Scarlett Johansson, Kerry Washington, and Eva Longoria all spoke at the Democratic convention. This means that Obama has all about clinched the crucial 13-year-old boy vote.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama’s speech was moved from the Bank of America stadium to the Time Warner Cable Arena. They had to move out of the big venue into a smaller place. Like a lot of homeowners in the past four years.” – Jay Leno

“In a related story, Vice President Joe Biden’s speech also was moved to a smaller venue – the back room at Denny’s, the booth in the corner.” – Jay Leno

“This morning Tom Brokaw had to be taken to the hospital after accidentally taking an Ambien sleeping pill. And tonight he was taken to the hospital again after accidentally listening to a speech by Joe Biden.” – Conan O’Brien

“Happy birthday to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is 50 years old. They had a cake for him. He blew out the candles and then he wished for another cake.” – David Letterman


We Obstructed This!

© Jim Morin

In repeated polls taken over the last year, a plurality of voters agree with the statement that Republicans are deliberately “stalling efforts to jumpstart the economy to ensure that President Obama does not win re-election“.


Alternate Reality

Buried in the crosstabs of a recent poll in Ohio is the interesting tidbit that when asked the question “Who do you think deserves more credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden: Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?” only 38% of Republicans responded “Barack Obama”. Almost half — 47% — were not sure, and unbelievably 15% said “Mitt Romney”.

Republicans think we should protect democracy with onerous voter ID laws (and other rules designed to suppress the vote from groups that traditionally vote Democratic), even though there are extremely few documented cases of actual voter fraud. This poll provides direct evidence that there is a sizable group that shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a voting booth. Don’t you think it would be only fair to pass a law that requires voters to answer this question before they are allowed to vote?

UPDATE: I guess this shouldn’t be surprising, since conservatives have been trying to give George W Bush credit for killing Osama bin Laden for a long time.



Today, Scotts Miracle-Gro was sentenced to pay a $4 million file and perform community service for “illegally applying insecticides to its wild bird food products that are toxic to birds, falsifying pesticide registration documents, distributing pesticides with misleading and unapproved labels, and distributing unregistered pesticides. This is the largest criminal penalty under FIFRA (the law that governs the manufacture and sale of pesticides) to date.”

In a separate civil agreement with the EPA this week, Scotts also agreed to pay more than $6 million in penalties and spend $2 million on environmental projects for other violations.

This blog has been reporting on the problems at Scotts for a while. But I still have one question — how much money did the company make selling the pesticide-laced birdseed even after it knew about the problem? “According to EPA, by the time it voluntarily recalled these products in March 2008, Scotts had sold more than 70 million units of bird food illegally treated with pesticide that is toxic to birds.” Is a $4 million fine merely a slap on the wrist for a company that donated $200,000 to Romney’s SuperPAC?


Secretary of Explaining Stuff?

While out campaigning this week, Obama made repeated references to the outstanding speech given by Bill Clinton at the Democratic convention. My favorite thing Obama said about Clinton:

Somebody e-mailed me after his speech — they said, you need to appoint him secretary of explaining stuff … That was pretty good. I like that … the secretary of explaining stuff.

Has anyone else wondered if there is any good reason (legal or otherwise) why a former president couldn’t go on to become a vice president? That would be even better than “secretary of explaining stuff”.

There is plenty of precedent for a president changing vice presidents (Franklin Roosevelt switched vice presidents twice!). Don’t get me wrong, I actually like Joe Biden a lot, I’m just wondering.

Alternatively, I often think it would be cool if Hillary Clinton became Obama’s VP. Of course it is too late now, but I still wonder. Would it energize the Democratic base? Would it make the Republicans so rabid they couldn’t see straight?

Of course, there are down sides to having a Clinton on the ticket:

© Nick Anderson


It Could Have Been Worse!

Larry David argues that even if you aren’t better off than you were four years ago, at least you weren’t hit by an asteroid!

It is interesting to see how people react to this video. Is Stewart trying to be balanced? Is he making fun of people’s attitudes toward Obama? Are people afraid of criticism of Obama, since the alternative would be (much much) worse?

At least we can all agree that McCain and Palin would have almost certainly brought on a zombie apocalypse!


Late Night Political Humor

“There’s a lot going on tonight. The first NFL game tonight, the Democratic National Convention, a new episode of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.” Everything that we are as a nation is all rolled up into one tonight.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It is day two of the Democratic convention, and apparently they had a huge lighting problem in the convention hall today. They worked all day on it. They still couldn’t get President Obama out of Bill Clinton’s shadow.” – Jay Leno

“Bill Clinton will be at the Democratic convention. Say what you will, but Clinton is still polling very well. I tell you, sometimes these jokes just write themselves.” – David Letterman

“At the Democratic National Convention, two of the speakers were identical twin brothers, Joaquin and Julian Castro. Apparently promising identical twins was the only way to get Bill Clinton to show up. Man, was he disappointed.” – Conan O’Brien

“In his speech last night, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro said that Mitt Romney has no idea how good he’s had it. I don’t think that’s true. I think Mitt Romney knows how good he’s had it. He just doesn’t want us to know how good he’s had it.” – Jay Leno

“First lady Michelle Obama is receiving praise for the speech she gave last night at the Democratic National Convention. Everyone was impressed. Even Fox News called it ‘not the worst’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Did you watch the speech by Michelle Obama at the Convention Tuesday night? It was powerful, it was exhilarating, it was thrilling, it was motivating. At the end of the speech I thought, ‘Whoa, she can do much better than him.'” – David Letterman

“Michelle Obama said the first car Barack picked her up in was so old, you could see ground below them. Today, Ann Romney said the same thing about Mitt’s first helicopter.” – Conan O’Brien

“In her speech, First Lady Michelle Obama said her husband has dinner with his girls where they strategize about middle school relationship. Which explains why today the Pentagon ordered a drone strike on that lying bitch Ashley.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today, the Democrats added the word ‘God’ to the official party platform. It’s in the part that reads, ‘Did you see Michelle Obama’s biceps. Oh, my God!'” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s been reported that one of the surprise speakers at the Democratic convention is going to be Scarlett Johansson. For her speech , she’ll be talking to an empty chair and telling it, ‘Hey, my eyes are up here!” – Conan O’Brien

“They announced today that they are moving President Obama’s speech tomorrow night indoors, from the 74,000-seat stadium to a smaller venue due to the possibility of severe weather. See, apparently the campaign is concerned about this well-known weather phenomenon known as empty seats.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, President Obama’s speech at the DNC has been moved inside to the Time Warner Arena. You can tell it’s Time Warner because Obama will give the speech two weeks from Friday, between the hours of 12 and 4.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A fun fact: At this year’s Democratic convention, eight percent of the delegates are gay, a historic record. This will be the first time a presidential candidate will be nominated by a show of jazz hands.” – Conan O’Brien

“The stoner comedy duo Harold and Kumar are starring in a new promo for the Democratic convention alongside President Obama, which is pretty impressive. The only other person to go from smoking pot with buddies to the White House is President Obama.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama’s re-election campaign said that this year they’ll knock on 150 percent more doors than they did in 2008. Well, of course they will. They have to. There’s so many foreclosures it’s tough to tell where people live.” – Jay Leno

“The Republican Convention ended on Thursday. The Democratic Convention began last night. In between was a travel day for hookers.” – David Letterman

“Apparently last week the Republicans had originally planned to have a Ronald Reagan three-dimensional hologram speak at the Republican convention. They decided against it. I guess they were concerned that Reagan would come across as more life-like that Mitt Romney.” – Jay Leno

“Last week at the Republican convention, no one mentioned the Tea Party. And listen to this, if it wasn’t for Ann Romney, no one at the Republican convention would have mentioned Mitt.” – David Letterman

“If Mitt Romney looks familiar it’s because for 18 years on All My Children he played Palmer Courtland.” – David Letterman

“Mitt looks like every model in the Sky Mall catalogue.” – David Letterman


Will Cutting Corporate Taxes Increase Employment?

The Republicans often claim that we have to cut the corporate tax rate in order to create jobs and get the economy recovering.

Well, let’s test this theory out. Let’s put a conservative party in charge of a country that is similar to the US, and have them cut their corporate tax rate from 21% to 16.5%. If the economy doesn’t get better within a year, we’ll cut the corporate tax rate again to 15%. Their economy should be going gangbusters, right?

I have bad news for you. Canada has done just that — the conservative government cut corporate taxes first in January 2011, and then cut them again in January 2012. It is now two-thirds of a year later, and their economy is still plodding along in an anemic recovery, like ours. In fact, their unemployment rate is going down slower than ours is.

In the last three years, the Canadian economy has failed to produce new jobs faster than the US, even though their corporate taxes are now among the lowest of the G7 countries.

Want another experiment? How about one right here in the US. Let’s take a large corporation and reduce their taxes so much that according to the New York Times, instead of them paying corporate income taxes to the US government, the IRS writes them a check for $3.2 billion. So their taxes are negative. Well, we did that for General Electric, and what happened? They are laying off workers.

Note that GE claims that they did pay US taxes, but they will not release the actual numbers and they have often admitted that they are using very aggressive tax strategies to reduce their corporate tax burden. So it is safe to assume that their federal tax rate is very low, and yet they are still shedding jobs.

How many times will we have to learn that trickle down economics does not work?


Not Constrained to the Truth

© Ruben Bolling

The truth may set you free, but spreading lies still costs lots of money.


Late Night Political Humor

“I’m very excited; we have Ron Paul on the show tonight. Unlike the Republicans, we’re actually going to let him speak.” – Jay Leno

“That had to be rough for Ron Paul. You run for president, you win a bunch of delegates, and not only is he not allowed to speak but he couldn’t even sit down because they gave his chair to Clint Eastwood.” – Jay Leno

“Outside it’s like 82 and cloudy – like Clint Eastwood.” – David Letterman

“Chuck Norris said that if President Obama is re-elected it will lead ‘to a thousand years of darkness.’ Then he said if Mitt Romney wins, it will lead to four years of extreme whiteness.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Republicans are really going after Obama. They asked, ‘Are you better off now than you were four years ago?’ Americans said ‘No, we’re worse off because we never heard of Honey Boo Boo.'” – Conan O’Brien

“But Paul [Ryan], my man, be smart about this. You keep stretching the truth about things that anyone can look up on the internet … check yourself before you wreck yourself.” – Stephen Colbert

“Over the weekend, a chef in Minnesota created the world’s largest bacon cheeseburger, weighing in at over 2,000 pounds. And if you want to hear what it tasted like, you’ll just have to wait until I interview Chris Christie.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Democratic Convention began tonight. What a difference four years makes. Last time the theme was ‘Hope and change.’ This year the theme is ‘Hope you don’t make a change.'” – Jay Leno

“The Democratic National Convention is under way. For three days in Charlotte, N.C., everything the Democrats do is good. And everything Republicans do is evil. It doesn’t bother me. I live in Hollywood. It is like that here every day.” – Craig Ferguson

“Today was the start of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. They’re going all out to make sure it tops last week’s Republican convention. In fact, I heard at this one they’re going to have Clint Eastwood yell at a couch.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I hope they go easy on Clint Eastwood. It wasn’t his best performance last week at the Republican convention, but he’s given us decades of great films. So Democrats, if you’re looking to mock Mitt Romney by dragging an inanimate object out onto the stage, why not just use Mitt Romney?” – Craig Ferguson

“Much like the Republicans, the Democrats are also going to have a mystery speaker. I believe it’s Mitt Romney’s dog.” – Jay Leno

“Former Democratic nominee John Kerry is going to give a speech about foreign policy. It will be like Clint Eastwood’s speech except this time the empty chairs will be in the audience.” – Craig Ferguson

“Former President Bill Clinton will be in Charlotte tomorrow night. And he’ll also be at the convention.” – David Letterman

“The first two nights of the Democratic convention are at the Time Warner Cable Arena and the big speech by President Obama will be at the Bank of America Stadium. That’s good thinking, the two things Americans love most: cable companies and banks.” – Jay Leno

“There are reports that nine of the hotels being used for politicians at the Democratic National Convention have bedbugs. When asked what it’s like to have to deal with thousands of ruthless bloodsuckers, the bedbugs were like, ‘Eh, it’s OK’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Two California Democratic delegates have already been kicked out of convention for getting completely drunk. One passed out, the other was accused of impersonating a member of Congress. They knew he wasn’t a real member of Congress because he was buying his drinks with his own money.” – Jay Leno

“If you’re a donor to President Obama’s campaign, you were promised exclusive access to Joe Biden – and for an extra $10,000 absolutely no access to Joe Biden.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is spending his free time in the White House making beer, and apparently the beer is so good that the White House is now releasing the recipe. Not to be outdone, Mitt Romney will be releasing his own recipe for root beer.” – David Letterman

“On Saturday the White House released President Obama’s personal recipe for a home-brewed beer. That’s how bad the economy is. Not only is our president drinking, he’s drinking beer he made in his bathtub.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I wish somebody would release the recipe for fixing the economy. – David Letterman

“Did you have a nice Labor Day? It’s the day we honor the American worker. When I say an American worker, I mean an 8-year-old kid in China.” – David Letterman
